All Japan Roadster Trophy | *Registration OPEN* | Need Pace Car Driver

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

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Hello everyone!

Yes it's me, R1600Turbo, your fellow Roadster enthusiast and creator of the original Spec Miata Series. Back with you now to introduce you to the All Japan Roadster Trophy, something a little different from what our past racers are used to, but certainly just as fun! :dopey:

Please read through each section in this post.
Then, at the bottom, click on the registration button to sign up for this series.










NOTE: Please check completed registrations first (CLICK HERE) so that there are no color duplicates!
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Hey! Some interest. :P

Really hoping this takes off. Don't think the interests forum get's a lot of traffic...
Would the NA roadster series be like your FMSC season 1 and 2? I wasn't racing then and have always wanted you to do another one.

Edit: Just want to say I would prefer to do the series with no ABS(probably will regardless) but if it is going to limit the sign ups I would prefer to just keep it enabled.
Yeah, almost the same as Seasons 1 & 2. That was my thoughts on ABS, and why I put it in the poll. If it's going to scare people away not using it, then we'll just go ahead and use it. These cars are slow enough and light enough that locking up really isn't an issue. Not to mention these cars didn't come with ABS in 1990 anyway. ;)
I was just trying to pull back on my series racing. Now you start this :lol:
I really don't think I can run in this full time, it conflicts with another event. I would be willing to try staggering weekly.
What would the tuning options be? Everything that fits in the HP/weight ratio?
I would love to do this, low PP races with possible no ABS and damage :embarrassed: should be fun, I'm fine with the time as well, and I am going to vote ( no ABS, damage on and NA only)
Yeah no ABS is fine in these cars. I was cruising along in my car, set to 2/0 on the bias, in 3rd gear at like 60mph and slammed on the brakes. Didn't even lock up. :P
I like the specs (I hate transmission tuning). I think I'll get a car and try it with ABS off at that HP. I'm sure it will be perfection.
I don't think a split class would work in this series though...
I like the specs (I hate transmission tuning). I think I'll get a car and try it with ABS off at that HP. I'm sure it will be perfection.
I don't think a split class would work in this series though...

I also hate the transmission tuning, I wish you could limit certain aspects of tuning, not the all or nothing deal they have goin on now. 👎
It might, but depending on the track there's as little as a ~1 second difference, and as much as a ~5 second difference per lap. Thought it might be a fresh idea, but I'm perfectly okay with just doing the NA.
So the shakedown for this series is going to be tomorrow? If it is I won't be able to attend until after 9pm central. I am really excited for this series, hoping the sign ups/interest increase a bit. :scared:
Oh no, it would be this Sunday at the earliest. 👍

Edit: 10/18 is just the date I want to have the full thread up and running.
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Pending schedule added to OP. The rest of the thread will be up by the end of the day on Thursday. This includes the registration link.
Wish I could join, but can't make the time. Hope it takes off though!
Whats this? Epic Mx5 series... :drool:

2am hmmm... Dunno.. :(

Suppose I could try atleast :P.

Btw what happened to the Scion FRS no ABS being your last series.. :sly: (Not that I am complaining :D)
I thought I would give it another try. So far not going how I had hoped. What happened during my JGTS qualifying run last night, and lack of interest here is slowing driving the nail back into the coffin for me with online racing...
I'll give it a go. Not good with full customization, but what the heck, sounds like fun. I'll send you a F.R.
I'm pretty fresh to the world of online racing, but I'd really like to give this series a shot at my first real chance at some competitive racing. I'm definitely interested and would love to join.
Hey have you guys started this yet? I'd like to join if I could please
I thought I would give it another try. So far not going how I had hoped. What happened during my JGTS qualifying run last night, and lack of interest here is slowing driving the nail back into the coffin for me with online racing...
that sucks. Check the link in my signature. If you want to help me try to get that going. I think it would be a great series
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C'mon man, you got a schedule , you have some participation, Oct. 28th, I'll be in, it's my Birthday. Don't let me down, Lets do this!!!
RT will do it, he is too persistent and stubborn not to :D.
I'm in the process of updating the OP. So if something looks like it's missing (like registration) it probably is. I need to step away for a bit, but it will be finished by the end of the day.

Also, is the font too hard to read?
Yes it's fine but painted hood? :( I had one I based off a real one red with white wheels and a black bonnet.. Looked so nice.

Also for Tsukuba are we going Moto or normal.
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