All my GT5 videos /latest: SLS - SSR5, F430 - Suzuka Rain, Pit Stop, Data Logger/

  • Thread starter tekken90
Could you try to stay on the track too? :P ..would make these vids much more nice to watch. (I mean without crashing on purpose)
I think it just took away power and appiled brakes if needed, but I never used it so I may be wrong.

Maybe "skid recovery" does do some steering for the driver...
Skid recovery gives extra grip to wheels when they slide, that's what the caption said when you hover over it.
Yeah, you're right. You can export photos from Photo travel in Photo gallery. Sorry for that mistake.

That's OK, we knew there must be a way to get them off. 👍

Standard cars do look really good, just a little less than forza levels I would say (but don't worry, there are 800 of them ;) ). I like the little tyre graphic, red for over heating and a little bar to show the life of them 👍.

And I'm sure damage and pro physics will be unlocked once you graduate from class C, or maybe later. Perhaps even with completion of license tests.
Come on....there MUST be some way to export them directly to XMB photo album and use them as 1980x1080 wallpapers.

EDIT: alright! 👍
Yeah, you're right. You can export photos from Photo travel in Photo gallery. Sorry for that mistake.
so the physic is the gt accademy physic (professional) plus aids that can be turned off. They deleted the standard physic right?

it wuold be a beautiful thing byt, please...tekken...COULD YOU SAY HOW IS THE PHYSICS?we are worried and you are the only one that could answer!is it like TT demo?
I don't think there are seperate physics anymore. As we have been told that there is no option, even in GT Mode.

It just adds more aids for people who need help.
so the physic is the gt accademy physic (professional) plus aids that can be turned off. They deleted the standard physic right?
Yea I know, but I meant more like an official test like in previous GT games where you have the top speeds recorded in a list.

And 0-400m (1/4 mile) and 0-1000m is important too, maybe more so

I would love to know so, too... So Tekken90, have you seen any way to test the car top speed, and acceleration (400m and 1000m test)? Maybe in "Practice" window in the main GT Mode Screen there is something...

Thank you very much! :)
Thanks for the vids, can you tell us about the physics, does a slow car like that civic feel heavy. Like GTA4 (I know it's arcade but it had some damn good physics!) you try and floor it and it is like you feel the weight of the car and you trying to make it go. Is it like that?
Hello tekken90 can you please post all mitsubishi's premium cars its because i think there is a mistake in the offical car list
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