All my GT5 videos /latest: SLS - SSR5, F430 - Suzuka Rain, Pit Stop, Data Logger/

  • Thread starter tekken90
Hey tekken, jus curious on how are you enjoying the game? any personal feedback?
At this time... around 80% score... (-20% for damage model!)

Tekken90 i have one question for you. What do you say about framerate? GT5 have 60fps without any frame drops all time?
I think its pretty stable...
Thanks for the vids, can you tell us about the physics, does a slow car like that civic feel heavy. Like GTA4 (I know it's arcade but it had some damn good physics!) you try and floor it and it is like you feel the weight of the car and you trying to make it go. Is it like that?
As you say - slower cars are "heavy feel" cars :)
At leas your GT Auto vids settles the dispute on changing wheels on standard cars, CANNOT BE DONE.

Would be nice to see a GT Auto video with a premium car, specifically where you change the wheels and show whether or not widths, diameters etc. could be changed and how the wheels can be painted (e.g. T/A stripes, painted lips vs centers).

These videos make the wait so much easier :)
.... This is never going to end is it?

Not sure what you mean, it's not absurd to think that the game gets harder once you have completed some of the game, just like the AI does. I think damage will get more intense as well.

I believe the game becomes more of a sim as you progress, which makes perfect sense. So people don't find it too hard to soon and people like us are going to sail through the early races anyway.

P.S. Special surprise next đź‘Ť
Ahaha GT auto is pretty good, BUT the "wheel thing" is such a big disappointment.
Some standard cars will look so rice with OEM plastic caps :banghead:
Not sure what you mean, it's not absurd to think that the game gets harder once you have completed some of the game, just like the AI does. I think damage will get more intense as well.

I believe the game becomes more of a sim as you progress, which makes perfect sense. So people don't find it too hard to soon and people like us are going to sail through the early races anyway.

P.S. Special surprise next đź‘Ť

I was about to go sleep untill i remebered!! Must Stay Awake! :scared:đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť
Not sure what you mean, it's not absurd to think that the game gets harder once you have completed some of the game, just like the AI does. I think damage will get more intense as well.

I believe the game becomes more of a sim as you progress, which makes perfect sense. So people don't find it too hard to soon and people like us are going to sail through the early races anyway.

P.S. Special surprise next đź‘Ť

I'm 100% sure Standard has been replaced as its been pointed out many times in this very thread already..... Its now a slider for "skid recovery". I got that from reading this thread and watching the videos. Thats what he means.

yes please tekken GT auto with premium car.

The racing modification, Wheels, rebuild engine,aerodynamic part
pls pls pls tekken :dopey:

count me in on this one. I'm interested too.
the physic is the gt accademy phyisc or better? is professional, they deleted the standard and just put the professional + aids and its the same from the very beginning?

please i asked you like 10 times tell me yes and i can sleep happy
Could you write some more info? So you notice frame drops sometimes?If im right could you tell us when?

Kaz had said in an interview during TGS 2010, that the frame rate dips slightly during rain with a full 16 car grid. So situations like that, but it shouldn't be noticeable.
8/10 teken?
Thats not good to here, you've nocked 20% off for damage model? thats an awful lot, damage model can't surely make up 20% of your expectations for the game? Care to share what else is wrong with it that you would only give it 80%
How can you tell, from the quality of the footage?

Come on the modelling looks really dull, the only thing that makes them look "nice" to you all are the reflections and I agree that they look good. But on close-up I dont they look good at all. Really disappointed with PD about this.