All my GT5 videos /latest: SLS - SSR5, F430 - Suzuka Rain, Pit Stop, Data Logger/

  • Thread starter tekken90
yeah,stiggy! :cheers:
they say-"this is where the top gear's tame racing driver 'the stig' pushes the world's greatest cars to the limit",but the fastest cars from the show are not in the bloody game.instead we gonna push vw samba to the limit :banghead:

Actually, two of the top ten fastest cars ever tested on Top Gear are in GT5 if im not mistaken.
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Stop stop stop stop posting this. It is not a god damn unlock setting. The next person who says this, I am seriously going to find you in real life and punch you in the throat. It is beyond annoying at this point. Stop it.

I'm sorry if I upset you. I'll stick to my theories though thanks, they have been right in the past :)
Because I've seen more than enough footage to know that. Those wheel settings have been there since GT4 and have never effected the physics engine.

Even in GT5 prologue there was one physics engine. You could choose between simulation and arcade and all the arcade did was give you more grip and traction control. Instead of doing that, PD has taken that option out and replaced it with tire grip. So now you can choose how arcady you want your physics to be.

So 0 would be professional and 10 would full arcade.

Stop being blind dude

Wrong it was standard physics and professorial physics just as it was in the GT5 demo get your facts right.
Would this be a valid theory guys?

Maybe it's changed, so when you choose simulation options for your wheel the game automatically set's itself up to "pro/sim" physics. I mean, what's the point of making that choice twice? If you choose simulation settings for your wheel, you wouldn't choose arcade physics in the race menu right? And then, you say, what about people driving with pad, aren't they going to be able to drive with pro physics?

Remember the TT demo? Pad users were forced to have AIDS on, now it wouldn't be very strange if they're now forced to play arcade physics instead (kind of the same thing right), since almost all pad users are casual gamers.

My theory, wishful thinking I know but it makes sense.

So all the users with pads that posted some incredible times in the TT demo are now suddenly casuals and you dare call this wishfull thinking!!! Users with pads(including myself) have every right to enjoy the professional physics and they are just as hardcore(in their own way) as those that have a wheel. Your theory makes no sense and after all PD wouldn't do that
If "skid recovery" adds grip that isn't there, I'd consider that pretty arcade-ish.
Now, we need to know if the settings can be mixed between cars in the same race. If so public lobbies are out of the question.

So all the users with pads that posted some incredible times in the TT demo are now suddenly casuals and you dare call this wishfull thinking!!! Users with pads(including myself) have every right to enjoy the professional physics and they are just as hardcore(in their own way) as those that have a wheel. Your theory makes no sense and after all PD wouldn't do that
As you see, there are not many controllers near the top.
So all the users with pads that posted some incredible times in the TT demo are now suddenly casuals and you dare call this wishfull thinking!!! Users with pads(including myself) have every right to enjoy the professional physics and they are just as hardcore(in their own way) as those that have a wheel. Your theory makes no sense and after all PD wouldn't do that

+1 How dare he call us pad users casuals! :lol:
So all the users with pads that posted some incredible imes in the TT demo are now suddenly casuals and you dare call this wishfull thinking!!! Users with pads(including myself) have every right to enjoy the professional physics and they are just as hardcore(in their own way) as those that have a wheel.
PD wouldn't do that

Well they kind of did in the TT demo, you couldn't turn off traction control remember? Why not aswell giving pad racers arcade physics (more traction), kinda the same thing imo... Go buy yourself a wheel mate, I can really recommend the DFGT, pretty cheap, and cheerfull!

But allright, if they still have a simulation mode for your steering wheel then the physics must be like the TT demo, assuming you've turned all aids and turned that new grip-assist-meter-thingy down to zero.

It wouldn't make sense to have simulation settings for your wheel and then be driving on arcade/"standard" physics. That did put an end to my worries.
Actually, two of the top ten fastest cars ever tested on Top Gear are in GT5 if im not mistaken.
Here is top ten.Tell me if I'm wrong...;)

1. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
2. Gumpert Apollo Sport
3. Ascari A10
4. Koenigsegg CCX
5. Noble M600
6. Pagani Zonda Roadster F Clubsport
7. Caterham Seven R500
8. Bugatti Veyron
9. Pagani Zonda F
10. Maserati MC12
There is no visual and mechanical damage in those videos.

He must have bought the GT5 MOVE version for casuals
the physic is the gt accademy phyisc or better? is professional, they deleted the standard and just put the professional + aids and its the same from the very beginning?

As I wrote.. I think its a little bit more better... but it is only my opinion! ;)
GT AUTO is even more weird now , you cant change the wheels on a standard car !??!?!? what the hell is going on with that ! You cant select High damage ? Rolling the car looks rubbish, The paint service is a very good idea and the damage did look alright. The wings look tacky and boy racer there arnt enough tracks and the ones on there are OK at least but no GT4 city tracks!? The menu music was GT which was good. The garage system is random so you cant look at the cars at once like GTPSP , WHAT'S THE POINT IN THAT ! And the load times when loading a race are dreadful. I'm looking forward to GT5 but it aint looking as good as many previous instalments.

I hope i like GT5 because its been so long but right now im :indiff:disappointed
Could you please rec a video of the Mustang Mach 1?

I'm dying to hear if Poly managed to make throaty American V8's sound as good as the rest of the cars you've posted. I'd love to know if supercharger belt whine is audible when you add a blower as well.

Thanks for posting all if this! And ignore the haters!
For those concerned about the standard/professional physics settings. If you pause the civic at laguna seca video at the first, you can see it says under skid recovery force: "Toggle on/off the function for beginners that stops skidding by increasing grip when the wheels start to slip."

That seems simple enough to me.
Please please please PLEASE buy a Premium and go to GT Auto and check out the options!

Thanks for all the vids so far tho :) 👍
You are mistaken with the steering wheel settings on simulation, pro and amateur. That was in GT5P, and it`s the same here in GT5, it has nothing to do becuse that settings are just for wheels older tha the DFP, the Ex and the other two. In prologue settings you could see that when you entered in that menu the DFP and DFGT got in shadow, and the older wheels lighten up.

Regarding the physics, I am not a harcore gamer, I play prologue on standar phisycs and all the aids off. That is the way I enjoy GT, not all the people can master the pro physics, and it is very frustating to drive for some of us. I prefer use standar physics with no aids, than pro with aids. I don not think PD made the game so selective. In the demos we could see a setting where you could choose between pro and std.

Thank you very much for all those videos Tekken90.
I'm pretty satisfied with the game now that it will be finally out. I'm not too big about putting ridiculous rims or wings or bodykits into cars, I leave that to arcade racers like NFS and Forza. And who knows, maybe there will be updates that will fix these issues if there's enough loud cry babies out there..
So the only aero parts for standard cars are those gaudy wings... just as expected.
tekken what do you think? Is it really true or maybe you just have to unlock them? In the menu it doesn't say you can't put front,rear/extension body parts, like the wheels option. They're just not listed.

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I wish people would just stop crying about damage. If anybody saw the video he ran hes car straight into the wall and it did not no way affect his car driving performance in any way. the official site says all cars will have mechanical damage.
I wish people would just stop crying about damage. If anybody saw the video he ran hes car straight into the wall and it did not no way affect his car driving performance in any way. the official site says all cars will have mechanical damage.

Yep, that's why I think he is playing with dumbed down damage.