All my GT5 videos /latest: SLS - SSR5, F430 - Suzuka Rain, Pit Stop, Data Logger/

  • Thread starter tekken90
Tekken, how would you rate the sound? You're one of the few who can actually hear what's coming from the speakers. I don't know whether you've played forza 2 / 3, but if you have can you compare to them?
If the sound is as crappy as the damage this game is turning out to not meet my expectations and it's name as the real driving simulator.
Anyone noticed hes made his standard car wheels bigger? This is good, but could be bad aswell.

It's good because standard wheels can be editable in terms of dimensions.

The question is, did he just buy some racing tyres to achieve that? I'm hoping not, I want to manually choose wheel dimensions!!
Anyone noticed hes made his standard car wheels bigger? This is good, but could be bad aswell.

It's good because standard wheels can be editable in terms of dimensions.

The question is, did he just buy some racing tyres to achieve that? I'm hoping not, I want to manually choose wheel dimensions!!

When did he make the standard wheel bigger?
He replied that you can't turn HUD off. I really liked this feature in Shift, it's the most ridiculously easy thing to implement so I'm a bit upset PD doesn't give you the option to.

I'm frustrated by PD here. I can already see that I'll find GT5's HUD intrusive, especially at night. We could dim the HUD. We could place different elements where we wanted them. We could turn it red at night like cars' dashboards. It would be so very easy to implement and we could set it up exactly the way we want it.. Can we? No.

PD haven't thought of this, and they're not interested in learning from their peers or interacting with fans, so it may never happen. It's a real shame.
Hi there tekken90 - ex Tekken and VF player here ;) (Lei and Kage ;) )
Thanks a lot for the movies !

I am A BIT worried because there is no separate setting for G27... - will we be able to attach functions to buttons on G27?? do you have any way to check it tekken90?
Awesome vids. I just noticed on the GT Auto video that every time you enter a shop, it installs stuff. This is nice, I think as it means you don't have to sit through an entire 10GB install. It's like a cache on your computer, saving all the animations and track data the first time you visit so the next time, it's faster. And, as seen in the settings menu, you can turn off said install. :) 👍 good to know!

I do love the GT Auto Animations and it's clear that standard cars are going to limited to what they can do there, but it's still pretty cool. I would, however, like to see a premium car get the New Camaro SS or the '70 Challenger.
Thanks for videos tekken90!

In terms of damage I didn't except anything to spectacular so personally I'm not bothered if they don't look so great. At least PD has it in their game engine and improvement will be made in future GT games.
you know what would make up for the lacking damage system...
if we had to pay with our hard earned credits to repair our cars!

Hell, in hard crashes we should have to pay medical costs aswell....
Thanks for videos tekken90!

In terms of damage I didn't except anything to spectacular so personally I'm not bothered if they don't look so great. At least PD has it in their game engine and improvement will be made in future GT games.

don't get me wrong i don't really care that the damage seen has been pretty minimal.. what does irk me is that pd seem to have taken steps back then what was seen in previous builds for some unfathomable reason
Great job on the videos Tekken! :)

Is it possible to try and film some of the Grand Tour special event, or at least say what it's about? I'm really intrigued by it!
I am so disturbed by the fact that you cant adjust the physics, and that at best, you are literally forced to play (not race) with the baby beginner physics.

GT is such a sham at this point. Anybody who calls it a "sim" is kidding themselves. This is a sad, sad deal breaker. I know now I'm not buying this game new. I'm going to wait and get it second hand. [cue fanboy who says SONY doesn't care about me and my purchase]