Am I the only person who hates the rallying?

Rallying... I didn't like it in GT3, and I like it even less in GT4... here are a few of the reasons...

1. Half the cars don't handle worth a damn, and they're all pretty much the same power untuned or tuned (300hp/550hp)

2. There are dedicated rally games out there (Colin McRaes spring to mind) that do the handling a hell of a lot better...

3. Why the hell are Pd insisting on making us doing 2/3/5 laps of a lousy track circuit when in the majority of cases RALLYING IS POINT TO POINT! No laps... no going round and round and round in a car that refuses to go around a corner faster than 12 mph (whilst your opponent in an untuned car goes round every corner flawlessly at 3 times the speed, of course). Ye Gods, if Sega GT 2002 could do it, why not PD?!

4. ESCUDO - a car that doesn't go around corners, in a a rallying game where cornering is essential. I rest my case.

And to truly make a joke out of the rallying... half of the tracks weren't even rally tracks... just normal road tracks or race tracks... tsukuba wet anyone?

One last thought - yes I have completed the rallying on every setting, including hard... won every car, and hated every minute. Particularly the ice track which is about as much fun to drive as your average motorway/freeway at rush hour during holiday season...

PD, either do it properly, or don't bother. Currently your rallying is as much fun as having your sinuses scraped with a rusty rake. Do something about it... PLEASE.

Nope, you aren't the only one.

I was thinking of making a thread similar to this but you beat me to it, and made it look better.

I hate ice racing, and the rallying on GT4. I would love it if GT5 would have no Ice/Rally, and have way more sounds or other features :)
Yep, ralllying in the game is terribly hard and boring. I didn't mind doing 2, even 3 laps of the tracks, but 5? That was the most boring part of my life! And then you win the rallies, get some rally cars as prizes, but you cant use them anywhere else because you've finished the rallies...

I agree (on getting rid of the rally mode). I buy Gran Turismo for circuit racing. If I want rallying, I'll buy Colin McRae. I would be happy if there was no rallying in GT5, they could put in more race circuits instead and make The Real Driving Simulator even better.

I've only done some of the tarmac rallies, and have been putting of the dirt and snow ones off for as long as possible, I'm not looking forward to them. By the way, does anyone else hate the stupid 5 second penalty as much as I do? Even if the other car hits you, it's still you who gets the penalty!

I've never liked Gran Turismo's rally mode. It's unrealistic (racing on a circuit rather than on a point to point stage, and against another car, rather than another car's time.)
*smiling* Well I'm glad to hear it's not just me! :)

I was hoping with the new physics engine and everything PD was boasting about that the rally cars would now actually handle... Guess again... it's a sad statement when I find myself driving around in a 206 road car on easy, because it handled better than the rally cars did!

Another thing; why the hell are so many roads cars allowed to go on the rally tracks, and yet others aren't... including totally useless cars that have say 30bhp... or cars you can tune up to 900bhp - a RUF say - and then watch as it gets hammered by a road going version of an toyota celica!

Yep, realism. Driving simulator...


BTW thanks for the positive feedback - much appreciated! :)

No Problem, yeah it was kinda funny when I buy some Honda's that allow Dirt/Snow tires.

Definately more Circuit Tracks and Little to NO Ice/dirt courses, aka Crap.
Oh do not mention that infuriating 5 second penalty system!!! It's bad enough the cars don't handle, without getting penalised every time the stupid heap goes sideways into a wall... (ice track anyone???)

I hated the penality/damage in Sega GT 2002 because the cars would hit you as you got into a corner first, you'd take damage, slow down, and that was the last you ever saw of them... and PD go and make exactly the same mistake!!!

The greatest if the rallying were done properly, I could live with it. I'm not a rally fan, (if I want a rally game I'll go buy colin McRae or something similar) but if you're gonna make me do rallies, at least do it right, with cars that handle, and point to point... and no stupid penalty system!

For that matter it's not even called rallying anymore is it?

It's called "special conditions".

Yeah, whatever. It's a poor mans rally game. Fix or remove, PD!
The Greatest
i could agree with you... but there's still so much room for improvement..

PD in my opinion have taken a giant leap BACKWARD. GT3 - I quite liked the rally. I could drift a Lancer Evo Rally car around the hairpins of the Taihiti Maze with no problem. You need to be some sort of deity to manage such a feat in GT4. When Im driving on dirt, I feel like PD just took away any semblance of grip. Yet dirt tyres are designed to give at least some grip on those kind of surfaces - wtf?? I am NOT looking forward to having to do the ice races :scared: :scared:

I have colin mcrae's 2, 4 & 5 - and they all have better rally physics than GT could ever hope for. GT3 was the best in terms of GT rally - but if you can't do it right, don't do it. I thought that was why PD took so long - but nope, they wasted time on something else instead.

PS I have no issues with road courses - there are such things as tarmac rallies. In fact, I quite like them, because they are the by far the nicest things in the Special Condition Hall!! My renault 5 turbo is a dream around Citta d'Aria.
Have finished all rally races, but will never return to them again. Just did them to get those crazy 80`s rally cars.

I hate that I get the 5sec penalty even if it is the other car hitting me. Typial scenario. I am in first place with that moron on my bumper. I run a little wide in a corner. The moron hits me in the side, and I get the 5 sec penalty, so I can enjoy see the moron get ha huge lead.

When I want to play rally games i slip the Richard Burns Rally game in my ps2 or pc. Because that i a very god rally game. The GT series has always sucked big time in the rally part. I wish they just left it out, since they can`t get it right anyway.
Whoever thought of the 5 second penalty when hitting a very badly driven AI car on a track barely wide enough for two cars to drive next to each other is a complete and utter idiot. That said, I don't dislike driving the rally tracks. It seems to me that all the old GT3-tracks are quite easy to drive and to slide on, only I can't seem to get the hang of the new GT4 rally tracks. Snow driving is great, when you've figured out how to do it. When I got a Driving Force Pro and realised I have to use both pedals at once to slide normally when rallying the rally part of the game has become a whole lot more fun for me :)
I really hope that PD are reading these forums, and get rid off this rally mode in GT5, and focus on more important stuff, like for instance the cokcpit view for half/all the cars... Now that would be something, seeing hands of the driver, turning the wheel, changing geers, legs moving when braking, etc... to see the speedometer, rpms.. and all other stuff that is in the real car..
I really don't see this Rally in GT, it's just not for this game... This game is Tarmac, and that's all it have to be.. I really hope that they won't be wasting time on this stupid rally.. do it like Richard Burns, that you go off the track, hit the tree, not this wallriding, i hate it!! Do it properly or better don't do rally at all!!
To me the cars feel like they are sliding over the top of a smooth surface with a magnet holding them down. It lacks the sensation of skidding or digging into the dirt / gravel / snow.
I used to hate the rally races, but once you realize that they aren't really "dirt" or "snow" races, they can be as much fun as winning a mario kart race. You just have to drive with the physics and rules that PD has devised. For example, if you are racing on ice, don't try to drive your car like a normal car, but flip the rear-end around so that it hits the track's barrier so you'll bounce off. Hopefully, you'll bounce off headed in the right direction. Do that correctly on the curves and you'll kill the AI.

The thing is you don't have damage, and PD factored that into the races. Just race the courses like PD intended and you won't have a problem. Trying to race them like you would in a real car is what is tripping you guys up. Those aren't real cars, and they aren't driven on real tracks.
Thing is tho, the AI corners on rails on the rally stages, it doesn't slide the cars as you would rally style. I found the rally stages very frustrating to complete. :scared: Just glad I don't have to do them again. :)
I don't mind the rally races they are nice break from normal races, but i just couldn't do them with a DFP had to go back to the controller for rally's :yuck:
glad other people agree that the rally is crap, the cars just dont have the grip, and if i get 1 more penalty after the AI cars hits me the game is going out the window!thank god for the action reply disc
Once again, another legacy of PD's terrible AI :crazy: I too have had penalties thanks to the AI's rally attempt. How do they have so much grip on the ice? :grumpy:
Rally is pretty hard and really entertaining at once. It only has its exact rules to do it right. You can for example mantain only fraction of usual speed when entering corner on snow and this perfectly copies the real life.

Circuits? Never mind. But walls, AI and no damage are the biggest complain to whole GT series, not only rally, and they are pretty badly ruining the game.

Love Impreza on Chamonix, R5 Turbo Rally on Citta di Aria or Ford RS200 in the Grand Canyon.
Fade to Black
Rallying... I didn't like it in GT3, and I like it even less in GT4... here are a few of the reasons...

IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT FIND ANOTHER GAME! Have you ever watched rally races before?All the cars DO handle like the ones in GT4.I'd know i'v rented a rally car for a day and gone on one of the tracks.All you need to know is how to turn!It's not that hard.
Fair enough, I realise That it is a case of learning how to drive, I was only stating how hard it was to do. If only I had some spare cash to rent a rally car. :sly:
It really is a case of learning and understanding the way they adapted the rally-genre.
I for myself am now a major slider in the rally bit of the game. I love my mitsubishi.
I wrap it around major hairpins at Taihiti Maze without touching anything but with one of that slides that you really wanted to see again in the replay. You then sit about half the replay waiting to come at that part for seeing three nice slides that were nicely linking. awesome :drool:

It's all about how you apply throttle and brake, but in a totally different way that you would do on road surface. Don't forget this so important aspect of rallying. Plus a good setup wouldn't be to bad either now would it? Remember gt prologue. The extra disc? Watch it again and watch and listen very good at the end, it helped me alot 💡
I was having a real hard time getting the hang of the special conditions.....I still need to do the HARD races....Im dreading it. :indiff: I was only a second ahead with the NORMAL races, I try a hard race and just cant keep it together. :yuck: