ledhedI deliberately got info up until 1980's. This was about the Iran Iraq war right ? It started in 1980, so its relevant what arms where available up to and through the war period . The reason it seems that US military aid is not mentioned is because NO US MILITARY AID WAS GIVEN. Iraq did not use US arms to fight a war. Even your links do not say the US sent arms. They say they sent TRUCKS that the US claims they didn't know would be used in war, but the trucks were sent by a US company because Regan removed the enemy status from Iraq . That enabled US COMPANYS to deal with Iraq. The US GOVERNMENT never sent any aid other than intelligence . Iraq was free to TRADE with the US thanks to the government removing barriers put in place when that country went into the Soviet sphere of influence..the removal of trade barriers is the AID that your radical friends pin thier case on. Just like the link to Anthrax and Chemical weapon supplies it holds no water when subject to scrutiny. I read your links every one of them. Again nothing new , all the same claims that the radicals and anti war protesters use along with some crap that the Hisbolla and Iranian government put out as propaganda. And as far as your thinking that material in the library of congress is somehow bogus or tainted, that only shows even more your lack of impartiality and credibility. Before making that remark you would have been wise to at least look up some info on it .
Silvia drifter... You should have read the links instead of the posts, maybe then you would have discovered the mistakes that pistachio made instead of becoming a parrot.
You guys can jump in the hole now.
How can anyone argue that the Iraqi aqrmy used US military equipment insead of Soviet block and French have any credibility what so ever. Thats one fact that cant be twisted. The fact that you misinterpret what you read in your own links is also troubling.
The U.S. provided financial aid, military intelligence, and actual military planning to Iraq at a time when the Reagan administration was well aware that Iraq was using chemical weapons against Iran. One anonymous inside source told the New York Times that the Pentagon wasn't so horrified by Iraq's use of gas. It was just another way of killing people whether with a bullet or phosgene, it didn't make any difference.
The facts surrounding U.S. covert support for Iraq and its awareness that Iraq had been using chemical warfare against the Iranians, and perhaps the Kurds, offers serious implications to the current Bush administration's argument for 'regime change' in Iraq. One of the main premises of the administration's argument is that Saddam Hussein must be removed from power because he is 'evil' - referring of course to the allegation that Saddam Hussein 'gassed his own people.' "
Yeah sounds like the only thing they gave were trucks.
And somehow its ok for a country to allow sale of weaponry to a ruthless dictator. And because the war started in 1980 and went until 1988 that means that if the US supported Saddam inbetween 1980 and 1990 is irrelevant?
I never said the Soviets or French didn't supply Saddam with arms, the French in fact had a large part to do with their nuclear program. What i am saying is that the US supported Saddam, something not long ago you completely denied, now you are saying that they merely "didn't give aid" (which they did, but we already knew that).
"1982. President Reagan ordered the Defense Department and the CIA to supply Iraq's military with intelligence information, advice, and hardware for battle after being advised to do so by CIA Director William Casey. Former Reagan National Security official Howard Teicher said that Casey "personally spearheaded the effort to insure that Iraq had sufficient military weapons, ammunition and vehicles to avoid losing the Iran-Iraq war." The U.S. continued to provide thi type of intelligence to Iraq until 1988."
Not just aid, they went out of their way to help the agressor Iraq attack its neighbout Iran. Sale of weapons to Saddam, at the same time selling weapons to Iran through Israel, the US made a decent profit from the 1million or so casualties.