- 3,425
Yep Saddams a great fella, cant wait till he puts on the new neck tie we got him.
ledhedYep Saddams a great fella, cant wait till he puts on the new neck tie we got him.
ledhedHere's the resolution that counts in the US;
In your dreams YOU may believe the US supported Saddam in the way you describe...nightmares maybe, but still how can you expect anyone else to believe it ?
ledhedShow me some resolutions claiming the US is in Iraq fighting an illegal war...
Viper ZeroAccording to Pistachio, every war was illegal.
I checked out this Chomsky guy. He's a cranky old professor at MIT. He doesn't seem very interesting, as his views aren't anything I haven't heard before.
Do you think these Iraqi children think the war was 'illegal'. What if the US had listened to a couple of socialist countries that were secretly making a profit off of these children and never liberated these young soccer players?
PistachioEven Iraqs neighbours expressed there deep disagreement with the US and it's views of the supposed Iraqi threat.
Well, duh. You're surprised that Iran and Syria are biased towards anything America does?
Doesn't matter. We need to rid terrorists permanently.Pistachio97 sais : "if sufficiently desperate" perhaps being taken to war would bring about desperation?
Secret oil contracts with France, Germany, and Russia.PistachioNo one is making more profit from this then the US, i would like to see where this claim of "socialist countries that were secretly making a profit of these kids" comes from also.
Viper ZeroDoesn't matter. We need to rid terrorists permanently.
Looks like Pistachio is an Anti-American right down to his core. He'll throw out anything that will make America look like the great satan of the world. Sounds a little like Osama.
Viper ZeroSecret oil contracts with France, Germany, and Russia.
Viper ZeroIraq's government has the oil contracts.
"The Irish firm Petrel has bid on all three contracts, but bigger oil companies including Royal Dutch/Shell and British Petroleum, haven't put in bids because the deals are so small and because of Iraq's ongoing security problems, sources told the BBC."
Viper ZeroAnd that's the only reason why the vetoed, to save their precious oil, not because the war was 'illegal'.
Viper ZeroNo, they vetoed because they wanted their oil. They did not veto because they thought it was 'illegal'.
I don't see the problem with American companies getting bigger oil contracts. We buy oil, Iraq gets the profits to rebuild. American companies are willing to pay up the most money for the bigger contracts.
Viper ZeroWhy do I keep fighting with an Anti-American, not one thing I say will change his polluted mind?
ArwinFirst of all, the war against Iraq has cost the U.S. an enormous amount of money that they can never ever hope to earn back by any profits they can gain from it. In total, the costs could end up being as much as 300 billion U.S. dollars or more, and create a deficit that comes close to the times of Reagan. So don't go claiming the U.S. benefitted greatly from the war against Iraq.
If, on the other hand, you were to say that specific parties in the U.S. greatly benefit from the war against Iraq, such as the Military industry and the Oil companies, you would be a lot closer to the truth. But in general, the number of Wars in the world in history that actually brought profit to more than just a small number of powerful people, is very, very close to zero. In this case, the situation is very, very clear.
The other point is that you're talking about genocide against the Kurds in Turkey. While it is absolutely true that Turkey isn't particularly friendly to the Kurds, and do everything they can to prevent a Kurd state to be formed in the North of Iraq (the major reason why they didn't want to allow the U.S. to bring troops into Iraq over Turkey), they also really, really want to become a member of the European Union. For this reason, large scale repression and warfare has been slowing down considerably, as the EU is watching Turkey's every move in this respect. Turkey knows there are enough (mostly Christian) parties in the EU who don't want Turkey into the EU in the firstplace, and so they are a lot more careful now. They have even desisted from condemning the greatest leader of the Kurds to death, something they would have done in a heartbeat some 10 years ago. So the situation you are talking about here may have been true during the first Gulf war, but for the second it doesn't quite.
They must exist, because under Clinton there seemed to be many.
Viper ZeroWhy do I keep fighting with an Anti-American, not one thing I say will change his polluted mind?
ledhedNow YOU say its not neccessary for a UN security council resolution saying the war in Iraq is unjust. And I suggest YOU read the UN charter and also all of the resolutions reguarding Iraq fropm 1990 to date , I have , many times. I have posted a link in fact in this thread if you care to use it . Its VERY much neccessary for a UN security council resolution for any action to be taken by the UN to do anything at all about a war. you should look it up, its never too late to learn something new.
ledhedAnd Cracker dude if you can't see evidence of anti American bias you must have been on the OJ jury, or you are blind , or both.