- 2,767
You have two posts including this one out of 300 posts, and the other one is one line long.rjensen11Well, I read for about 1 minute, then tried looking for somebody that quoted me. Why didn't anyone quote me?
You have two posts including this one out of 300 posts, and the other one is one line long.rjensen11Well, I read for about 1 minute, then tried looking for somebody that quoted me. Why didn't anyone quote me?
so how come that people still give up on sight of the slightest problems with any kind of technology? people want technology to work, they don't want to know how, as long as it works. most people don't even know how the car they drive works or a how their pc works. then they fill their diesel up with ordinary gas or wonder why their printer does not work when they have not installed the drivers for it.
people definatly don't want to know how something works as long as it does work,
and when it once does not work they call someone who they think knows how it works and let him fix it.
and why do you only pic those two sentences out of my post and reply on them instead of trying to answer the questions that i have asked?
furthermore, i want to say something about the drugs, because this is another good example; as a matter of fact, alcohol is far more dangerous than marihuana.
danoff...like I said. We were (and are) willing to do what it takes to preserve freedom.
"Don't see how we cared about Russian oppression?
That was the whole point of the cold war."
People have a thirst for knowledge. That's why the need to make a profit is exactly what drives media to deliver the facts. When another news program shows up with more of the story, people change the channel on the old program.
menglanOk, the US ****ed up. Big deal. Germany has ****ed up, England has ****ed up,Russia has ****ed up, China has ****ed up, practically the whole world has politically ****ed up something in the past. More recently, the UN ****ed up over the oil for food program. While I'm not arrogant about being american, I'm DAMN PROUD OF IT at the same time.
(Mods can edit this post if they wish)
ledhedThe US did not supply chemical or biological weapons to Iraq . What proof do you have to offer ?
Even the small bit of support offered to Iraq during there long war with Iran was limited and mostly consisted of intelligence sharing.
Substantiate with sources, im aware that a minority of arms were soviet, but you make it sound like it was in total.Iraqs army consisted of Soviet block equipment so arms sales even if we wanted to sell them where inconsistent with what was used.
And you say the media is not to be believed, that we are all sheep sucumbing to thier adgenda ....You do not give people credit for using there own judgement. Most people can tell when someone is yanking the crank.
I'd advise anyone interested to look into the so called installation of the Shah of Iran, I do believe the CIA was involved but I'm unshure of the facts , I do not remember the circumstances, but its worth a look. I do not believe the US ever supported a dictator over a freely elected individual , usually they picked the best out of a bad crowd, but again I am not shure and its worth looking into.
is it of any help for democracy and freedom when people are curious ernough to buy a paper but still so stupid not to realize that the tabloid they have bought is lieing* to them every day.danoffI said people were curious about things. I didn't say they were smart or that they tried to understand everything.
sometimes the truth is cynical.Extrodinarily cynical view of the world.
why? i always said there is a minority that wants to know how stuff works and is interested in something.Funny how you defeat your own argument right here.
thanks for telling me.Pick is spelled with a k. I only mention it because I think you spelled it that way intentionally.
sure, but politicians won't even let me try it out because most of them say marihuana was more dangerous. and people believe that even if its not true...so much about curiosity.Who cares how dangerous it is? Isn't it up to the person taking the drug to assume the risk and responsibility? You could make that argument for Tylenol or french fries.
about this and about other questions and arguments, i can repeat them if you like:Were you talking about this?
... and your point is?
danoffIt's only a shame if it doesn't make the US safer.
Can someone get me a barf bag, please? You Anti-Americans need to get your facts straight.TheCrackerQuote:
Its a greater shame that an idiot like Bush let his 'puppeteers' force him into a war that has so far killed as many US service men and women as the 9/11 attacks killed innocent citizens.
Viper ZeroWe use more oil than Japan because we use it in other things besides are vehicles. Power plants, houses, transportation, aircraft, ships, etc. all need oil. Japan is a very small country compared to the US.
The culture in Japan is less dependent on automobiles than America is.
If you read Bush's energy plan (which I doubt you did), you would have known the US is trying to get away from foreign sources of oil, phase in lower emission vehicles, and encourage alternative fuel sources such as hydrogen.
You blame the US for your problems because the US is the 'Big Bad Bully' of the world. You refuse to solve your own problems and are blinded by your Anti-Americanism to see the cold, hard truth.
Viper ZeroIs it America's fault that your economy sucks? We helped you rebuild after Nazi rule, but you blame us because your country can't keep it under control?
Real nice logic, K Speed.
We use more oil than Japan because we use it in other things besides are vehicles. Power plants, houses, transportation, aircraft, ships, etc. all need oil. Japan is a very small country compared to the US. The culture in Japan is less dependent on automobiles than America is.
Low technology vehicles? What decade are you living in? Onboard computers control everything from automatic shifting of gears, steering control, anti-lock breaking, GPS guidance, to even how warm you want your seat to be.
If you read Bush's energy plan (which I doubt you did), you would have known the US is trying to get away from foreign sources of oil, phase in lower emission vehicles, and encourage alternative fuel sources such as hydrogen.
You blame the US for your problems because the US is the 'Big Bad Bully' of the world. You refuse to solve your own problems and are blinded by your Anti-Americanism to see the cold, hard truth.
The Japanese are less dependent on automobiles than the US (didn't I already say that?) The Japanese don't have to transport goods and supplies thousands of miles across land, that reason alone will increase are usage of oil.TheCrackerAnd Japan doesn't us oil in the same way? - its got nothing to do with the size of the country - the figures are for Barrels per head of population.
Have you ever seen any of the major cities? - they make L.A. and NewYork look rural! Japanese cities are majorly conjested.
Why don't you read his plan instead of insulting it? Once again, you refuse to see the truth, due to your hatred.TheCrackerGee, you really are suckered by Bush's media mogul friends aren't you!
Viper ZeroCan someone get me a barf bag, please? You Anti-Americans need to get your facts straight.
2,998 people lost their lives on 9/11.
894 American soldiers lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Either you failed math class or you're blind. 2,998 does not equal 894.
I feel safer with dictators like Saddam out of power. I believe the whole world is safer that the madman is finally gone for good. No more charades with the UN, no more Oil for Food scandals, no more genocide, no more illegal weapons (includes WMD), and no more violating laws such as the No-Fly Zone and 17 UN sanctions to disarm.
Daimler Chrysler owns Mercedes-Benz. Looks like you're riding around in an American car now with American technology.K_Speedautomatic shifting of gears. woooooowww duuuddeee, thats amazing!(now plz dont compare german car technology with american, ok, cause I think germany is just a bit better, I mean just a bit.
Last time I checked, you bought the same PS2 that I did. Since I'm American, I automatically waste more energy with my PS2 than you do.K_Speedhow warm you want ure seat to be, thats not what I meant. There are other things like fans, lights, tv's, stereos, washing machines etc etc.
Last time I checked, just about everything sold in the US is now Energy Star compliant. In other words, saves energy. My computer, my refrigerator, washer and dryer, microwave, stove, dishwasher, and my television are all Energy Star compliant.K_SpeedBut there are other things in the household that are just plain stupid to do and that waste alot of energy. (ever seen those "save energy" commercials on tv?)
Don't blame America, blame OPEC.K_SpeedWhen I step out of my door to get gasoline, I have to pay around 100-120$. And I always wonder what I could have bought for that money.
Viper ZeroThe Japanese are less dependent on automobiles than the US (didn't I already say that?) The Japanese don't have to transport goods and supplies thousands of miles across land, that reason alone will increase are usage of oil.
Viper ZeroWhy don't you read his plan instead of insulting it? Once again, you refuse to see the truth, due to your hatred.
Viper ZeroIs it America's fault that your economy sucks? We helped you rebuild after Nazi rule, but you blame us because your country can't keep it under control?
Real nice logic, K Speed.![]()
Haha! Now you're adding more numbers? It still doesn't add up. You run your mouth before you check your facts. You sound just like a Democrat.TheCrackerYes i admit my figures were a little out, but CNN puts the figure at over 1000 now, and since on average there are 80 further deaths a month (a figure on the rise) and since that doesn't include the civilians or other nations allied armies killed the figures don't look too far off.
The US still happily supports other Despotic and oppressive regimes - thinking Saudi Arabia here.
The US still happily supports other Despotic and oppressive regimes - thinking Saudi Arabia here.
Viper ZeroCan someone get me a barf bag, please? You Anti-Americans need to get your facts straight.
I feel safer with dictators like Saddam out of power. I believe the whole world is safer that the madman is finally gone for good.
No more charades with the UN, no more Oil for Food scandals, no more genocide, no more illegal weapons (includes WMD), and no more violating laws such as the No-Fly Zone and 17 UN sanctions to disarm.
Viper ZeroHaha! Now you're adding more numbers? It still doesn't add up. You run your mouth before you check your facts. You sound just like a Democrat.
Viper ZeroSaudi Arabia is over-runned with terrorist. Helping Saudi Arabia may not be in our best interest, but hunting down terrorists is.
Viper ZeroDaimler Chrysler owns Mercedes-Benz. Looks like you're riding around in an American car now with American technology.
TheCrackerIf i was an American i would be a Democrat - and proud!
ArwinI'm just glad we have a 'normal' democracy with coalition governments. That way you actually have a real and meaningful choice.
PistachioYeah, i always say, for a model of good government, look to the Scandinavians (Netherlands is close enoughand Germany has meaningful and extensive workers rights and social reforms aswell).