America: are we too arrogant?

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
Good article about the rest of the world hating America.,2933,125165,00.html
Great accomplishments, there is a lot to be proud of in there, I agree.


Do you know we owe WWII victory in a great part to Staline? Does that makes his hands clean, or everything else he did right?

I've never heard any Canadians say that the americans are "evil". That's plain stupid. Some thoroughly disagree with some US foreign policies, and that is the major objection we have. This article just is picturing us as if we had a good laugh at 9/11.

Yeah, right.

There's an article about how the two countries are viewing each other that is less prone to provoke hatred towards each other.
The article cites facts and examples, can you discount them somehow?

Facts and examples ... yes, well, but only as a defense lawyer would - i.e. as selectively as possible.

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thank you for watching us tonight.

Hating America. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo." According to a new poll, 40 percent of Canadian teenagers think America is an evil country. Among French-Canadian teens, the number jumps to 64 percent. Those numbers can be laid right on the doorstep of the Canadian media and government

As you may know, the FOX News Channel is not allowed in Canada, but CNN is. Fair and balanced? You decide.

According to 'a new poll'. I would suggest a journalist should at least be able to find out who did the poll, how many people were polled, how, etc. I can call three people in Canada and draw conclusions, but are they meaningful?

Also, how obviously can you state you're not intending to be subjective or nuanced? Fair and balanced, indeed. It's like saying, hi, I'm the defense lawyer today and my job is to defend my client, who cares about the overal picture.

The USA takes a relentless pounding from many Canadian news organizations and from the liberal government. So, what can we expect from the kids? They're not getting a full picture. And neither is most of the world.

Not getting the full picture. They get to watch CNN, aren't they? I'm somehow not assuming they would have gotten a fuller picture if they were allowed to watch Fox instead.

Increasingly, the bully America is being portrayed as the devil. And the far left in this country is gleefully piling on. Guys like Michael Moore [are] running around the world telling everybody what a bad place America is. Moore and his enablers should be very proud of themselves

Yes indeed, in some countries self criticism is always valued higher than beating yourself on the chest.

For the benefit of the Canadian kids, let's take a look at the record:

•The foreign and defense policies of Ronald Reagan (search) resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the freeing of approximately 122 million people in Eastern Europe.

Sure, and how this world domination game was played, who benefitted and at which cost is ultimately not important, because, after all, the Evil Empire fell down and anything that got us there was good.

• The state of Israel would cease to exist if not for American protection, and about 5.5 million Jews would be in grave danger.

And we all know what a thing of beauty and justice the State of Israel currently is. I'm sure that letting Israel build that wall is only just so that when the great road to peace is completed they have something to take down in celebration, and isn't at all like the wall built by the so called 'Evil Empire' in Berlin half a century ago.

• Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection. More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection. USA action led to the removal of the Serbian dictator Milosevic (search), who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans.

Sure and I'm sure they're all really thankful, also those South Koreans that want to have peace now with North-Korea and is getting full cooperation from the US to achieve that goal. Or are they? Are the US perhaps a little afraid to lose one of their most important bases near China? Taiwan idem ditto? And did we discuss how many dictators were kept in power or even installed just because they would be loyal to the U.S. rather than the U.S.S.R.? Listen, I'm not all skeptic here and do believe that some actions were taken in good faith and with an honest intention to help, but the cases in which the U.S. did something like this out of pure selflessness are very rare indeed. I would like to point out that we are still grateful for everything the U.S. (and Canada!) did for our part of Europe in the second world war. But something like that does not mean we have to like everything else the U.S. does. Take France's opression of Vietnam, which the U.S. gladly took over because it just so happened to be a good spot to fight the Evil Empire. Take Afghanistan, where many monsters were created, not in the least by the U.S. I will not go on.

• The USA and Britain removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Very brave to quote this as a good thing, at this time where the official reason for removing Hussein, killing thousands and spending billions, was found to be ungrounded.

• America is sending $15 billion to Africa to help victims of AIDS. We were unable to find out how much France contributes, if anything. To be fair, Canada sends $270 million, which is substantial.

But the money can only be spent by buying goods from national drug companies. This is a policy that many countries follow, and rather taints this kind of help as it now becomes a clever way of government support for national industries. The U.S. isn't the only one guilty of this, of course. And yes it does still help these people, but getting the prices of drugs down was much more important for them. Rest assured, France knows this trick as well as the next country. Each country should spend its energy exposing it's own mistakes rather than those of others, that I'm sure would be a lot more productive.

• American action in Central America, Grenada (search), and Haiti (search) has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes. Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big. And thousands of American servicepeople have lost their lives protecting people overseas.

See point on Totalitarian but U.S. friendly regimes, above.

It is insulting and dishonest for Americans and Canadians and Europeans to condemn this country because they don't like certain policies. Dissent is good. Slander is unacceptable.

Slander and Propaganda go together like oppression and terrorism. A lesson that should have been learned by now.

The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada.

What an insult to Canada, who gave so much during WW2. When it comes down to it, it's all a matter of who has power and what one does with it. Yes, the U.S. has stood on the side of liberty and did a lot of good, but that doesn't give you a free out of jail card for anything else you do.

I don't hate the U.S., but I object to lack of balance.
According to 'a new poll'. I would suggest a journalist should at least be able to find out who did the poll, how many people were polled, how, etc. I can call three people in Canada and draw conclusions, but are they meaningful?

So you're saying you don't think the poll is accurate? You don't think that many Canadian youths think America is evil? Or are you just saying that he should have included more poll information?

As you may know, the FOX News Channel is not allowed in Canada, but CNN is. Fair and balanced? You decide.

Censorship is bad for presenting a balanced picture. Here in America, lots of news programs exist with lots of different points of view. So how can Canada be getting a full picture when they can't even see FOX News?

Not getting the full picture. They get to watch CNN, aren't they? I'm somehow not assuming they would have gotten a fuller picture if they were allowed to watch Fox instead.

Why not? Are you saying that CNN is balanced and FOX news is worthless? I think many people here would disagree. You have to admit that even if you think FOX news is slanted, it's important to see that part of the picture. CNN is pretty seriously slanted, so it's definitely not a full picture on its own.

Yes indeed, in some countries self criticism is always valued higher than beating yourself on the chest.

But you're not talking about self criticism here, you're talking about criticizing another country. We're talking about Canada criticizing America - which is a subtle way of Canada beating its chest. So this comment doesn't really make sense or a point.

Sure, and how this world domination game was played, who benefitted and at which cost is ultimately not important, because, after all, the Evil Empire fell down and anything that got us there was good.

The evil empire was oppressing people. It was good that they fell. I don't see how you can argue with that.

And we all know what a thing of beauty and justice the State of Israel currently is. I'm sure that letting Israel build that wall is only just so that when the great road to peace is completed they have something to take down in celebration, and isn't at all like the wall built by the so called 'Evil Empire' in Berlin half a century ago.

I suppose its easy to throw rocks. Can you tell me that America should leave Israel on its own? Is it a bad thing that Israel exists?

Sure and I'm sure they're all really thankful, also those South Koreans that want to have peace now with North-Korea and is getting full cooperation from the US to achieve that goal. Or are they? Are the US perhaps a little afraid to lose one of their most important bases near China? Taiwan idem ditto? And did we discuss how many dictators were kept in power or even installed just because they would be loyal to the U.S. rather than the U.S.S.R.? Listen, I'm not all skeptic here and do believe that some actions were taken in good faith and with an honest intention to help, but the cases in which the U.S. did something like this out of pure selflessness are very rare indeed. I would like to point out that we are still grateful for everything the U.S. (and Canada!) did for our part of Europe in the second world war. But something like that does not mean we have to like everything else the U.S. does. Take France's opression of Vietnam, which the U.S. gladly took over because it just so happened to be a good spot to fight the Evil Empire. Take Afghanistan, where many monsters were created, not in the least by the U.S. I will not go on.

As unusual as it is I think the Taiwanese are thankful. The easiest way for South Korea to have peace with North Korea is to be oppressed - I suppose the lack of freedom would be better for them. Better to live on your knees than die on your feet. Not that things are bad in South Korea - not that they're dying on thier feet. But a few of them might die on their feet at any moment at the hands of agressive North Korea, so they should just live on their knees.

...and what the hell is wrong with the US doing things out of selfishness. It's not like we're murdering hundreds of thousands of people like the dictators you seem to refuse to attack - I guess it's more fun to attack the US.

Your response here was to a quote about the US preventing Taiwan from being invaded by China. Are you saying that is not a good thing? Would it be better if we told Taiwan to go it alone? Sure they would be invaded in no time - what little resistance they'd put up would be obliterated, but hey murder is ok compared to US protection.

Very brave to quote this as a good thing, at this time where the official reason for removing Hussein, killing thousands and spending billions, was found to be ungrounded.

The official reason for removing Hussein was that he defied a decade of UN resolutions which he agreed to abide by to survive the first gulf war. There is no way you can claim that that reason is ungrounded.

But the money can only be spent by buying goods from national drug companies. This is a policy that many countries follow, and rather taints this kind of help as it now becomes a clever way of government support for national industries. The U.S. isn't the only one guilty of this, of course. And yes it does still help these people, but getting the prices of drugs down was much more important for them. Rest assured, France knows this trick as well as the next country. Each country should spend its energy exposing it's own mistakes rather than those of others, that I'm sure would be a lot more productive.

You're right, we shouldn't be proud of helping anyone because we couldn't have done it in the most efficient way possible.

What an insult to Canada, who gave so much during WW2. When it comes down to it, it's all a matter of who has power and what one does with it. Yes, the U.S. has stood on the side of liberty and did a lot of good, but that doesn't give you a free out of jail card for anything else you do.

The quote you're responding to is not an insult to Canada. It says we freed more people in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. Are you claiming that Canada has done that? Why is this an insult to Canada?


What the hell do we need a get out of jail card for?
So you're saying you don't think the poll is accurate? You don't think that many Canadian youths think America is evil? Or are you just saying that he should have included more poll information?
I live here and I don't think so. And I'd like to see what questions were asked to came to that conclusion, where it was done, and how much people answered the poll.

Censorship is bad for presenting a balanced picture. Here in America, lots of news programs exist with lots of different points of view. So how can Canada be getting a full picture when they can't even see FOX News?
We have FOX channel, so we can watch FOX news. Just not the 24 hours news channel. Big deal. I highly doubt this has anything to do with censorship from the CRTC. I'd like him to back his claims of censhorship by facts. (reminds me of someone you toroughly hate)

But you're not talking about self criticism here, you're talking about criticizing another country. We're talking about Canada criticizing America - which is a subtle way of Canada beating its chest. So this comment doesn't really make sense or a point.
When did I beat my chest over my country?? If you want to talk about what's wrong in Canada (besides having a different opinion than yours - or should I say "biased" - ), as I already stated I'll be glad to feed you with a few points and discuss it with you. But our actions do not really have the kind of impact as the US actions have on the international scene, therefore the few critics we get from outside usually are that we should just shut the **** up when we don't agree with our neighbor, then get the "anti-American" labelling crap.

The evil empire was oppressing people. It was good that they fell. I don't see how you can argue with that.
Yes, but having opressors as friends on our side and using them when it could be useful doesn't make us any better than them.

I suppose its easy to throw rocks. Can you tell me that America should leave Israel on its own? Is it a bad thing that Israel exists?
I don't know, some people decided it was a good thing a few decades ago, set a part of the world on fire while creating it, and it's not looking it will end up soon. And for Palestinians living there, it looks pretty much like a bad thing. Could you explain me exactly why Israel deserved unconditionnal support in the first place?

....not enough time for everything else in your post, I'll have to come back.

What the hell do we need a get out of jail card for?
Yon don't need one. There's no police force above you. Events such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or supporting some totalitarian regimes won't ever bear any consequences for America because of that.
I live here and I don't think so. And I'd like to see what questions were asked to came to that conclusion, where it was done, and how much people answered the poll.

Canada's own news press conducted the poll.

It is therefore not surprising that a high percentage of Canadian youth think that the United States is evil. Nor is it surprising that this feeling is more pronounced in Quebec where Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe said that he would rather live under the United Nations than the Stars and Stripes. The left wing Canadian political parties, aided by their supporters in the elite media don’t seem to be able to say anything positive about Canada without denigrating the United States in the process.

The poll results reflect that anti-Americanism will be solidly entrenched in future generations of Canadians. As well as listening to the propaganda espoused by their political leaders and the media, these kids have no experience with what constitutes real evil. They live in a country that much like pre-9/11 America, thinks that terrorist attacks are something that happens in other countries. And as the World War II veterans slowly die off, they have no conviction of the evil that the allies risked their lives to defeat.

With anti-Americanism playing such a prominent role in this past election campaign, it is no wonder that the United States was viewed in such a negative light

Yon don't need one. There's no police force above you. Events such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or supporting some totalitarian regimes won't ever bear any consequences for America because of that.
As being part Japanese, I take high offense to that. The US single handily brought WWII to an end and defeated the evil Imperial Japan. The world saw how powerful nuclear weapons can be and never such a weapon has been used again. If the US hadn't used those two nuclear bombs, thousands, if not hundreds of thousand American and Japanese soldiers and civilians would have been killed.
As Misty Harris pointed out in her column in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, evil is usually associated with serial killers and "kids who tear the legs off baby spiders." These teens appear to equate George W. Bush and Americans with Osama bin Laden and Hitler, although it is unknown if the teens polled would describe the latter two as being evil. Whether someone who orders planes to be flown into heavily populated buildings would fit that description would make a good subject for a future poll.
Wow. if this isn't stretching, I don't know what it is. And I've not seen any numbers on on the polls, or anything regarding which questions were asked to the teenagers. Usually, in our biased media, we see that kind of information with serious polls. And I've never heard a teenager labeling America as Evil, so I suppose I must not be asking the right questions.

Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. His work as appeared on, Men's News Daily, the Drudge Report, and The Rant.
No kidding.

As being part Japanese, I take high offense to that. The US single handily brought WWII to an end and defeated the evil Imperial Japan. The world saw how powerful nuclear weapons can be and never such a weapon has been used again. If the US hadn't used those two nuclear bombs, thousands, if not hundreds of thousand American and Japanese soldiers and civilians would have been killed.
I'm sorry if I offended you, but I don't understant how it does. There was Over 200000 civilian deaths, plus thousands (if not hundreds of thousand) more affected by radiations for decades. And the Japanese were coming close to surrender. Perhaps the Russian were coming from the north and we didn't want to take the risk Japan surrender to them instead of the US? Either way that wasn't justified.
All we owe Stalin is 20 million dead Russians at his hands alone and most of if not all of Eastern europe under despotic rule. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler he was his partner in the invasion of Poland he did more to see that WW2 started and that the Germans were successful than any German can you make such an ill concieved and uniformed comment and expect the rest of your post to be taken seriously ? stalin won WW2 ? OMG what fairy tales are you reading ?
@ Arwin ..I guess its hard to believe that a country can actually go to war and fight for a good cause , like in Korea. And that a country's core values could cause them to defend a country like Taiwan when all thats in it for them is conflict with China. If you look back at the history the US has had with china from the 1800's maybe you would understand more.
No one has mentioned the Marshall Plan or the Berlin air lift amongst other things like the intervention of the US against France Britain and Isreal in the Suez crisis..the fact that the communist block is no longer with us ..its not easy being red white and blue.
Michael Moore has appeared on Fox News. Does that make him a conservative?

Defeat, not surrender. The Japanese were no where near surrender. They would kill themselves rather than surrender to the Americans, hence, Kamikaze took place.

If Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan would had used nuclear weapons, would that be justified or is it just because the US used them that you get all fussy about? The Axis powers were extremely close to using nuclear weapons themselves. What would the world be like if the US hadn't ended WWII on August 6, 1945?
All we owe Stalin is 20 million dead Russians at his hands alone and most of if not all of Eastern europe under despotic rule. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler he was his partner in the invasion of Poland he did more to see that WW2 started and that the Germans were successful than any German can you make such an ill concieved and uniformed comment and expect the rest of your post to be taken seriously ? stalin won WW2 ? OMG what fairy tales are you reading ?
In all of its evilness, The russian army has caused more casualties to Hitler's Army, and spilled more blood doing it than everybody else from the coalition combined. They made it possible for D-day to become a day to remember. Otherwise, the war would never have ended in 1945. (perhaps with a few H-Bombs). But what I said earlier does apply to them equally, that doesn't exonerate them from anything they did after the war, still the fact remains that the war did end in 1945 mainly because of them. If not, there would have been millions more (1500000 just for campaign on Leningrad) German soldiers on the front to deal with.
It was estimated at the time that an invasion of Japan would cause 1 million US casualties anyone who even takes a cursory examination of the war in the Pacific will see that it was some of the worst no quarter/ no holds barred fighting with many died to the last man battles by the Japanese island garrisons. Add to this the airfleets of suicide pilots including purpose built planes and water craft, the plans the civilians with explosives at the end of poles to fight tanks and you can imagine the slaughter of the Japanese, it would have been a horror far beyond what any atomic bomb of the time could cause and it would have been up front and personal. The Japanes lost more people in the bombing of Tokyo with conventional weapons than both bombs combined.
The Russian army fought bravely but remember before the war Stalin in his wisdom purged the officer corps by killing all his top commanders and as if that wasn't good enough told his new commanders not to act when Germany did attack thus losing any chance he had to stop the total defeat of the forces he had facing the Germans. Hitler lost the war on the Eastern front far more than the Russians won it. also do not forget that the Russians where on the brink of surrender before the US and Britain provided the military material and other aid to enable them to survive the begining of the war . Just looking at the numbers accomplishes little without realizing the fact that Stalin did more to enable the war than to end it.
Viper Zero
Michael Moore has appeared on Fox News. Does that make him a conservative??
Does he writes for them?

Defeat, not surrender. The Japanese were no where near surrender. They would kill themselves rather than surrender to the Americans, hence, Kamikaze took place.
There were negotiations with the Japanese Emperor, but his conditions to surrender were deemed unacceptable by the US. I'm fine with that. But that doesn't justify 200000 gratuitous civilian casualties, in a matter of minutes. It's unacceptable, from any Country.

If Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan would had used nuclear weapons, would that be justified or is it just because the US used them that you get all fussy about?
Geez... when I'm not anti-American, I'm a pro-Hitler Nazi. I'm so busy with all these extremist group memberships that I don't know if I'll have enough free time for the BBQ with my buddy Osama scheduled next weekend. :grumpy:
Does he writes for them?
No and nor does the editor of the Canadian Free Press article, Arthur Weinreb. He only appeared on Fox News, he does not write for them.

Get your facts straight.

There were negotiations with the Japanese Emperor, but his conditions to surrender were deemed unacceptable by the US. I'm fine with that. But that doesn't justify 200000 gratuitous civilian casualties, in a matter of minutes. It's unacceptable, by any Country.
200,000 deaths? Try 2,000,000 if the US invaded Japan. The use of nuclear weapons to end the war is acceptable to save many more lives.

Geez... when I'm not anti-American, I'm a pro-Hitler Nazi. I'm so busy with all these extremist group memberships that I don't know if I'll have enough free time for the BBQ with my buddy Osama scheduled next weekend. :grumpy:
Answer the question. If Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan used nuclear weapons on the US or any allied country, would their actions be justified, in your opinion?
Viper Zero
Michael Moore has appeared on Fox News. Does that make him a conservative?

What an odd statement.....

The views are skewed, not necessarily the guests/subjects.... Why would you make such a comparison?....

Does he writes for them?

There were negotiations with the Japanese Emperor, but his conditions to surrender were deemed unacceptable by the US. I'm fine with that. But that doesn't justify 200000 gratuitous civilian casualties, in a matter of minutes. It's unacceptable, by any Country.

Geez... when I'm not anti-American, I'm a pro-Hitler Nazi. I'm so busy with all these extremist group memberships that I don't know if I'll have enough free time for the BBQ with my buddy Osama scheduled next weekend. :grumpy:
He never said, or implied, you were a Nazi. You don't have to act out just because you have nothing to say to what he said. Be an adult, and respond appropriately.

What he said was correct. If they had nuclear weapons, they would have used them. Using them ended the war a lot more humanely, believe it or not.
The Russian army fought bravely but remember before the war Stalin in his wisdom purged the officer corps by killing all his top commanders and as if that wasn't good enough told his new commanders not to act when Germany did attack thus losing any chance he had to stop the total defeat of the forces he had facing the Germans. Hitler lost the war on the Eastern front far more than the Russians won it. also do not forget that the Russians where on the brink of surrender before the US and Britain provided the military material and other aid to enable them to survive the begining of the war . Just looking at the numbers accomplishes little without realizing the fact that Stalin did more to enable the war than to end it.
Yes, we helped them with supplies. And they returned the favor with 27000000 soldiers lives.
Once again, jpmontoya refuses to answer the question and runs away.

What an odd statement.....

The views are skewed, not necessarily the guests/subjects.... Why would you make such a comparison?....

jpmontoya referred to the Canadian Free Press reporter as being conservative (or in his view, the reporter being wrong) just because he appeared on Fox News.

I took Moore as an example, as he appeared on Fox News many times before. Does that make Moore conservative? Obviously not!

So why does jpmontoya think this way? Maybe he just hates Fox News because they are willing to report the truth, show both sides of the story, and not be swayed by political agendas.
Viper Zero
Once again, jpmontoya refuses to answer the question and runs away.

jpmontoya referred to the Canadian Free Press reporter as being conservative (or in his view, the reporter being wrong) just because he appeared on Fox News.

I took Moore as an example, as he appeared on Fox News many times before. Does that make Moore conservative? Obviously not!

So why does jpmontoya think this way? Maybe he just hates Fox News because they are willing to report the truth, show both sides of the story, and not be swayed by political agendas.

I agree with everything, except the last statement....

C'mon, Fox News is biased, like most all news sources... To say it isn't is quite naive....

The Soviets had 13 to 14 million casualties according to most counts ..the Soviets are less than forthcomming with numbers. They had with few exceptions a poorly led poorly comprised and armed group of rabble at the start of the war, that was undermined due to Stalins interference. thats when they took most of there losses . Even after 1943 they still had mostly inferior troops and used when ever possible more troops than the opposition had bullets to overcome the Germans.just a look at the casualty disparity between the germans on the eastern front vs. the russians will show you that . granted the Eastern front ground up German divisions and equipment but the Soviets lose without the allies in the west . Britain and the US win without the Soviets, it just takes longer with more fighting, but the area covered is still the same the difference in air power and production is still as great and the end result is still the same. Only we can dispence with the cold war because the Germans have defeated the communist and with the defeat of Germany so to the victor go the spoils and we have a free eastern europe . Instead of the soviets gobling up everything they can only to rule as harsh as the Nazis.
Sources for no.
Viper Zero
No and nor does the editor of the Canadian Free Press article, Arthur Weinreb. He only appeared on Fox News, he does not write for them.

Get your facts straight.
Ok. Did they talked about him or interviewed him, or did Michael Moore wrote editorials or reports published on Fox News? If it's the latter, I agree with you, there is no difference between the way they were on Fox News. But please. Don't present THIS SITE ** as Canada's Press (like some Canada's official site). Please read the heading of this site, and now tell me this site isn't "biased" - damn, I love that word suddenly - in any way. And my point still stands about the poll methodology. Yes there is some blatant anti-americanism shown from some Canadians, as in many other countries, but it's nowhere near 40% or 60% of the population, even for teenagers. Criticism of the war in Iraq and Bush's administration is from more than 60% of the population though. This poll looks as credible as Paul's letter. (that funny paranoid guy from Kingston)

200,000 deaths? Try 2,000,000 if the US invaded Japan. The use of nuclear weapons to end the war is acceptable to save many more lives.
Okay... as Danoff said once, I really opened a can of worms here, and the thread could go on for a while on this topic. Estimates casualties are going anywhere from 20000 to your astronomous 2000000, depending on the sources. What is certain is that Japan was in such shape that US bombers could fly across the country without being attacked once. And as ledhed said, Tokyo was in ruins. If this is an acceptable and efficient way to end a war, why is it forbidden for other countries to have it? Why was it never used again?

Try around 110,000.
Second can of worms. If you do quick search on this, and you can pick estimates ranging anywere from 100000 to 350000. Does that makes it morally better in any way?

Maybe he just hates Fox News because they are willing to report the truth, show both sides of the story, and not be swayed by political agendas.
Oooh. I've finally seen the light. Hallelujah!! * falling on my knees *

Once again, jpmontoya refuses to answer the question and runs away.
Sorry for not respond in acceptagble delays according to your standards. And you found my comments on Hiroshima insulting.

** Surprinsingly, they changed the title of the site. Before It was something like "Your daily conservative news source". Now it's and "Canada's fastest growing independant news source"


We have to forgive them, they're still catching up on how to look like unbiased free press. Watch Fox News, guys, and take notes, for god's sake.
He never said, or implied, you were a Nazi. You don't have to act out just because you have nothing to say to what he said. Be an adult, and respond appropriately.
I was being irritated after someone trying to imply I don't care about (or don't condemn) the worst atrocities that happened to mankind in the 20th century. Sorry if that looked childish to you.

I will respond now.


NO? Then could you please stop making comments like "you wouldn't complain about it if *insert evil dictator/nation here* did the same. Yes I would, I'm not insane. Be an adult and I'll response like an adult. If your neighbor is a murderer, does that make you a better person?

What he said was correct. If they had nuclear weapons, they would have used them. Using them ended the war a lot more humanely, believe it or not.
Sorry, I don't. The only use of such amount of indiscriminate destructive force I'd see as acceptable is as a last resort in self defense. Saddam could say he slaughtered all those civils and rebels for its national integrity, to avoid a long and painful conflict, or acts of terrorism. And that wouldn't make him right.

Ledhed, for your point about Russia, I'll look it up, I'm interested to see different point of views on what happened. Like the other estimates and analysis on WWII found online, I'd say it's hard find information that isn't biased on one side or another depending on the sources. You could be right about us winning the war without Russia in a longer fight. As for the numbers of casualties in an invasion of Japan, we'll never know.
So you're saying you don't think the poll is accurate? You don't think that many Canadian youths think America is evil? Or are you just saying that he should have included more poll information?

Yes, the latter. And the reason why has been explained now.

Censorship is bad for presenting a balanced picture. Here in America, lots of news programs exist with lots of different points of view. So how can Canada be getting a full picture when they can't even see FOX News?

Believe it or not, we can't see Fox News here either.

Why not? Are you saying that CNN is balanced and FOX news is worthless? I think many people here would disagree. You have to admit that even if you think FOX news is slanted, it's important to see that part of the picture. CNN is pretty seriously slanted, so it's definitely not a full picture on its own.

Are you saying that CNN is slanted and that FOX News is exactly the channel you need to compensate? As I said, we don't get FOX News, but reading the Fox site I find that hard to believe.

But you're not talking about self criticism here, you're talking about criticizing another country. We're talking about Canada criticizing America - which is a subtle way of Canada beating its chest. So this comment doesn't really make sense or a point.

You're criticizing another country for criticizing another country. I was talking about a guy who felt the need of beating his own (country's) chest because of that. I responded to that, and I still mean it. If some American guy comes over to the Netherlands and blatently lies about our drug policy and presents us as complete fools and idiots just to suit his own political agenda in the U.S., that doesn't mean I'm going "ha ha, look at the U.S. making a fool of themselves", but I'm going to respond more like "yes, I'm sure our policy has it's faults" and continue to state all the arguments for and against the policy, consider again wether our policy is the right one, and present the conclusion including all the pros and cons.

I suppose its easy to throw rocks. Can you tell me that America should leave Israel on its own? Is it a bad thing that Israel exists?

In some respects, yes it's a very bad thing. In other respects, no it isn't. But we should always remember Israel wasn't ours to give, but for a large part, the Palestinians. I wonder what you'd have said if we came over and decided that the state of New York should become the next Israel, because apparently people are more Jew friendly there and it would solve a long standing threat to the jews in Israel and oppression of the Palestinians.

More later, have to rush off to work.
So you're saying you don't think the poll is accurate? You don't think that many Canadian youths think America is evil? Or are you just saying that he should have included more poll information?

Yes, the latter. And the reason why has been explained now.

Censorship is bad for presenting a balanced picture. Here in America, lots of news programs exist with lots of different points of view. So how can Canada be getting a full picture when they can't even see FOX News?

Believe it or not, we can't see Fox News here either.

Why not? Are you saying that CNN is balanced and FOX news is worthless? I think many people here would disagree. You have to admit that even if you think FOX news is slanted, it's important to see that part of the picture. CNN is pretty seriously slanted, so it's definitely not a full picture on its own.

Are you saying that CNN is slanted and that FOX News is exactly the channel you need to compensate? As I said, we don't get FOX News, but reading the Fox site I find that hard to believe.

But you're not talking about self criticism here, you're talking about criticizing another country. We're talking about Canada criticizing America - which is a subtle way of Canada beating its chest. So this comment doesn't really make sense or a point.

You're criticizing another country for criticizing another country. I was talking about a guy who felt the need of beating his own (country's) chest because of that. I responded to that, and I still mean it. If some American guy comes over to the Netherlands and blatently lies about our drug policy and presents us as complete fools and idiots just to suit his own political agenda in the U.S., that doesn't mean I'm going "ha ha, look at the U.S. making a fool of themselves", but I'm going to respond more like "yes, I'm sure our policy has it's faults" and continue to state all the arguments for and against the policy, consider again wether our policy is the right one, and present the conclusion including all the pros and cons.

I suppose its easy to throw rocks. Can you tell me that America should leave Israel on its own? Is it a bad thing that Israel exists?

In some respects, yes it's a very bad thing. In other respects, no it isn't. But we should always remember Israel wasn't ours to give, but for a large part, the Palestinians. I wonder what you'd have said if we came over and decided that the state of New York should become the next Israel, because apparently people are more Jew friendly there and it would solve a long standing threat to the jews in Israel and oppression of the Palestinians.

As unusual as it is I think the Taiwanese are thankful. The easiest way for South Korea to have peace with North Korea is to be oppressed - I suppose the lack of freedom would be better for them. Better to live on your knees than die on your feet. Not that things are bad in South Korea - not that they're dying on their feet. But a few of them might die on their feet at any moment at the hands of agressive North Korea, so they should just live on their knees.

Yes, strange as it may sound, I think the South Koreans are better off also. But what you're still not getting is that I'm trying to nuance a few things here. Who, for instance, is to say that Korea wouldn't have looked completely different if it hadn't been split in two because two superpowers got involved? Think that option through before you reply.

The two superpowers wanted to dominate the world not because they wanted to dominate the world, but because they didn't want to get dominated. It's a pretty common psychological process, even with little children who will tease someone weak because they fear they will otherwise be teased themselves. It's understandable, it's logical, but it's dangerous. Of the two world powers, the U.S. was the more noble for sure and I'm glad they won the cold war. But as soon as the U.S. forgets that this war was won over the backs of many, many others, it loses a lot of that nobility.

But I'm losing focus here. I think the U.S. has a lot going for it. It's just that I admire the U.S. of Bill Clinton a lot more than the U.S. of George W. Bush. Latest highlight: "solve the AIDS problem in Africa by telling the African women to stop having sex." Just brilliant. Not as if 1/3rd of the women in Africa lose their virginity by being raped.

...and what the hell is wrong with the US doing things out of selfishness. It's not like we're murdering hundreds of thousands of people like the dictators you seem to refuse to attack - I guess it's more fun to attack the US.

I have never refused to attack a dictator (well, not in writing anyway). What I've been saying is that the U.S. found it just as prudent to install a dictator if that helped them in their war against the U.S.S.R., as to remove one. I think it is probably a very good thing that Saddam was removed and I hope the Iraqis will take this opportunity to create a better country for themselves. In this case, however, the reasons for the U.S. wanting to do this had everything to do with fear of terrorrism (and I can't help but feel even a bit of a sense of family pride), and nothing to do with freeing the Iraqi people.

I was one of the few in my circle to defend the invasion, but looking at it now I simply don't believe it was a very wise thing to do, and least of all in the interest of the U.S. The costs were too high and if anything it has increased the threat of terrorism. Back then, I was defending it because I looked only to the interests of the Iraqis, and thought even though they'd suffer from the consequences of War, being freed from Saddam was worth it. But we'll have to wait and see if that is true ... And even if it is, at this point in time it looks very doubtful whether the benefits of that weigh up against the political and economical backlash that the U.S. may face because of it.

Your response here was to a quote about the US preventing Taiwan from being invaded by China. Are you saying that is not a good thing? Would it be better if we told Taiwan to go it alone? Sure they would be invaded in no time - what little resistance they'd put up would be obliterated, but hey murder is ok compared to US protection.

Protecting the old Chinese government from the new. No, although I understand the historical perspective of China not liking the Taiwan situation, they'll have to accept it eventually and I appreciate the U.S. preventing China to take back Taiwan. But there comes a point in time where the U.S. presence will be more bad than good for the China-Taiwan situation and will the U.S. then be so graceful as to pull back and surrender such a pleasant position close to China? Surely you can see how to China the Taiwan-U.S. connection is like the Cuba-U.S.S.R. connection was to the U.S.

The official reason for removing Hussein was that he defied a decade of UN resolutions which he agreed to abide by to survive the first gulf war. There is no way you can claim that that reason is ungrounded.

If that were the official reason then you would have waited for that final U.N. resolution, which would have come eventually if warranted. But Bush was in a hurry and allowed himself to make a big mistake because of it. With Bush Sr. also having been head of the CIA prior to his presidency (kind of a worrying thing in itself that such a career path is possible), all in all it wasn't a big surprise that the CIA allowed itself to fail so miserably. We haven't heard the last of this, I'm sure.

You're right, we shouldn't be proud of helping anyone because we couldn't have done it in the most efficient way possible.

The point was that you didn't want to do it in the most efficient way possible, unless it was to insure the Bush administration of significant financial support from the pharmaceutical companies.

The quote you're responding to is not an insult to Canada. It says we freed more people in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. Are you claiming that Canada has done that? Why is this an insult to Canada?

"America: are we too arrogant?"

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
a. 1. Making, or having the disposition to make, exorbitant claims of rank or estimation; giving one's self an undue degree of importance; assuming; haughty; - applied to persons.
Arrogant Winchester, that haughty prelate.
- Shak.
2. Containing arrogance; marked with arrogance; proceeding from undue claims or self-importance; - applied to things; as, arrogant pretensions or behavior.

What the hell do we need a get out of jail card for?

Do you realise that you're trying to use your previous quote as one? So you should ask yourself that question. I would say that yes, as soon as you say who are you to criticize us, we did such great things in the past and who do you really think you are, then you are becoming very arrogant. I would say the America of George W. Bush is far too arrogant. But I'm not foolish enough to say that means all of America is becoming too arrogant. I'd rather remind you that with power comes responsibility, and that some of you know this better than others. But that is true the whole world over, including in my own little country which has, for its size, a pretty disproportionate bit of megalomania in its past.
I was being irritated after someone trying to imply I don't care about (or don't condemn) the worst atrocities that happened to mankind in the 20th century. Sorry if that looked childish to you.

OK, so if someone is being irritating towards you, that gives you the right to act irritating back? But, if we attack someone, after they attacked us, we are no longer in the right? Your beginning to look hypercritical.

It sure does look that way!

Sorry, I don't. The only use of such amount of indiscriminate destructive force I'd see as acceptable is as a last resort in self defense. Saddam could say he slaughtered all those civils and rebels for its national integrity, to avoid a long and painful conflict, or acts of terrorism. And that wouldn't make him right.
So, we should have continued fire-bombing the Japanese people, like we were doing before the two nuclear bombs, inorder to make an invasion possible? How many lives would be taken with that campaign? Several hundred thousand, at least. Then, how many lives would have been taken if the invasion occurred? Both ours, and theirs? Again, at least several hundred thousand on each side. I don't really much care if we should have, or shouldn't have, done it. Hell, the damn Japanese should have never started this war in the first place. But, they did start it, and we were going to end it. No matter what. Bringing the Japense to surrender was the only way to end it. And that is precisely what we did, as humanely as possible. If you can't accept this truth, then that's just your problem.
So you are saying, that in extreme circumstances, you feel the use of nuclear weapons on civilians is entirely acceptable. If that's what you mean, that just seems morally wrong to me. If you were a Japanese person who lived in Hiroshima but did not want the war (and there were many) would you mind being nuked just to end the war?