America: are we too arrogant?

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
Yeah, normal drive by politics, Silvia. You unload your Liberal crap and then you run away. When confronted with the cold hard truth, you call foul and blame it on the "Right wing conspiracy" or in your case, blame you can't have a discussion because no one agrees with you.
It wasn't anyones opinion or news story that made me think the US invaded Iraq for the oil. I just added things up on my own and every time thats where i land. There are many other ways they could have handled the situation in Iraq and many other situations just as bad as Iraq that could have been handled. The only advantage i saw in when and how the overthrow of Saddam took place was that the worlds second largest source of oil was secured within the first week of invasion.

Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea. Why weren't these countries targeted? Iran and North Korea have well known WMD programs and are both known to support terrorism.

Its been over a year now of complete chaos in Iraq. Who knows how much longer it could go on for. No one wants to live under a dictator. But, given the situation, every day that goes by makes it harder and harder for me to imagine this is any better. I can certainly imagine that more good could have been done with 120 billion dollars and counting. Lives on both sides that could have been spared and the US-Arab and Isreal-Arab relations have been worsened greatly because of this conflict.

It may have been with good intentions but the US made a huge mistake. Were they influenced by the chance to gain more control over the worlds oil production? It seems more likely than not.
Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea. Why weren't these countries targeted? Iran and North Korea have well known WMD programs and are both known to support terrorism.

I have explained this many times before, but what the hell, one more can't hurt.

These countries were not targeted because unlike these countries, Iraq is one that we defeated in armed conflict recently and set terms with to end hostilities. Those terms have been blatently defied (evidenced by a decade of UN resolutions). The result is that (especially after 9/11) we need to make it known that when the US (or a council that the US is a member of) sets terms, we expect them to be lived up to. Iraq is not just an example for the rest of the world, though (an example that we will enforce our terms). Iraq is also a starting point for democracy and freedom in the middle east, a plan that Bush thinks is the solution to terrorism. Bring them freedom and they'll no longer hate us for it. That's the idea. Iraq just happened to be the country that we had the most ligitimate reason for invading.

The result is the following:

- Free Iraqi people (possibly the most important)
- A closer target for the terrorists to strike (rather than more attacks here in the US)
- No more Saddam
- Stronger US foreign policy (especially under Bush) because the world knows we walk the walk
- A foothold for democracy and freedom in the middle east that may prevent future 9/11's

Sounds like everyone but the terrorists win. Notice oil was not mentioned.
Not to mention the simple fact that we could have just bought the damn oil for $120 billion cash, and gotten a lot more oil, without paying the political and casualty costs in the "bargain"...

Who's the one "blinded by our media propoganda"?
Some people would rather spout propaganda then do the math. If it wont fit a preconcieved notion then its wrong.
Respond wellyrn. Respond to my post (and Neon's too) or admit defeat. Respond directly to all of the points raised.

For once in your life listen to someone else's arguments and try your best to defeat them. If you cannot, then re-evaluate your position.

I'm waiting.
America arogantly removed Saddam from power then sacrificed to keep controll while a caretaker government was formed and alowed to gradually take controll, sovergnty was transfered today and this government will work towards free elections by the end of the year. the events taking place seem to nulify alot of for example ; " they did it to take thier oil " ! Of course some will just say none of this is happening that its all smoke and mirrors, that the US isw still in controll etc. etc. because it does not fit thier views of the big bad America they have grown to distrust or hate .
Nato has aggreed to train the new Iraqi army and the UN is involved heavily in helping the electorial proccess.
With all this going on you would never believe its happening if you read this thread. The best argument for the war in Iraq is happening TODAY.
Anyway, my actual point, before you slice and diced it, was that you don't really understand the issue because you aren't given the full picture. Not that you have no right to an opinion.

No one here is under that impression. What we do know is that when someone has a certain viewpoint on a topic, and someone else claims that person's viewpoint is faulty, misguided or just plain wrong because he has not exercised his own judgment but is instead accepting someone else's viewpoint without question, doesn't lead anywhere. It cannot be a valid argument in any sensible forum.

Imagine trying to use this argument in a court of law. "Your honor, I request counsel’s entire argument be struck from the proceedings on the grounds that he is simply repeating the viewpoints of the media." It’s pointless. Both sides can just go back and forth all day like that without any real facts or issues being addressed.

The point that im dismissing you? No, i WAS getting tired of them refuting arguements that i didn't make.

Sure you did. You just choose to ignore the true nature of your arguments.

I was getting the impression that they weren't even reading what i was writing because they have such an ingrained symbol-response mechanism.

Clearly I am reading your repsonses. Otherwise, I wouldn't quote them.

Again, 87 chevy has piped up with assertion that i can't be neutral. I am against the conflict and the damage it causes. If Iraq were the invading force and there were Iraqis here trying to tell me America has no right to fight back within it's own borders I would be calling them tools of Jihadist propoganda. No im not anti-american.

You are not neutral. Why not just admit it? If you were neutral you wouldn't be here. That's why this is the opinions forum.

It wasn't anyones opinion or news story that made me think the US invaded Iraq for the oil. I just added things up on my own and every time thats where i land.

What, did you think the coalition forces were just going to TAKE the oil away? That's absurd. The Iraqis have been controlling their own country's oil for months now, in case you haven't noticed. The proceeds from oil revenues have in fact, always been returned directly into the reconstruction efforts and NOT into the pockets of Halliburton execs, as much as some people would like to think so.

And the oil fields were secured to prevent Baathist loyalists from destroying them during the fighting. If we actually wanted the oil, it'd be gone by now and there'd be a bunch of pissed off Iraqis wondering where it all is. Given how that hasn't happened, I doubt this is so.

Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea. Why weren't these countries targeted? Iran and North Korea have well known WMD programs and are both known to support terrorism.

How do you know they haven't been?

Its been over a year now of complete chaos in Iraq. Who knows how much longer it could go on for. No one wants to live under a dictator. But, given the situation, every day that goes by makes it harder and harder for me to imagine this is any better. I can certainly imagine that more good could have been done with 120 billion dollars and counting. Lives on both sides that could have been spared and the US-Arab and Isreal-Arab relations have been worsened greatly because of this conflict.

Ah, finally. Substance.

The Iraqi people have their sovereignty back today. The governing council can ask coalition forces to leave anytime they want. I doubt they would want to, since the internal police force is not ready to take on the insurgents on their own yet. I'd say things are looking better there, though. At least they have January elections to look forward to, and this is a big step for them.

Last I checked, state relations between governments haven't changed. It is the average Arab's opinion of the US that is on a deep decline. There are a few (and I stress few) good reasons for this, and there are some I consider crappy ones. These have already been hashed out in this topic. I suggest you go back and read them.

It may have been with good intentions but the US made a huge mistake.

I wouldn't not discount that as a possibility. But there is never a way of knowing for sure unless you can see into alternate futures. If we left Saddam alone, I know for certain he would have done whatever was in his power to take revenge on the US in particular, Kuwait and his other neighbors when he had a chance.

I am certain America traded away one possible threat for another. Which was the greater threat, I doubt anyone can here tell us for sure. Last I checked, George Tenet was not a member of this forum.

Were they influenced by the chance to gain more control over the worlds oil production? It seems more likely than not

It is always easy to be cynical when trying to determine the deepest motivations of others. Rich people only give to charities so they can write it off their taxes. A young man only treats a woman well only because he wants to sleep with her.

The problem is that people and events are rarely one dimensional. Since the US has not already made off with a bunch of Iraqi oil after more than a year of being in Iraq, I don't think this is a true statement.

1.No one wants to live under a dictator. But, given the situation, every day that goes by makes it harder and harder for me to imagine this is any better.

2.It may have been with good intentions but the US made a huge mistake. Were they influenced by the chance to gain more control over the worlds oil production? It seems more likely than not.

1. This statement is absolute filth. Have you been there? Tell me, have you seen how those people have been living? Oh, you saw on the TV did you? Do you think that sitting on your a$$ and watching a war on TV gives you a better idea of whats really going on than say, a person who spent 9 months in Baghdad walking the streets. Your right, those people dont' have it any better. :rolleyes:

2. We made a huge mistake? Maybe the US admin used the wrong reasons for going over there, but how did we make a huge mistake by removing a vile dictator and liberating a country? Run that by me again. Oh and they are officialy their own nation as of today by the way, so who has control over the oil?

[edit]P.S. I wrote this reply without reading past wellyrn's post. Once again i applaud ///M and ledhed. okay, danoff too.
it would be nice if mr chevy could pay for this (the iraq war/occupation/visit) instead of my (and others who dont want to) tax dollars (of which ive contributed about 100K [you have to love that salary tax..sales tax..import tariffs..damn) You are welcome (for my taxes) America. (use it to kill some people please)

(I really want to get a job at the United Nations and live tax-free (they dont have to pay taxes), wouldnt that be nice? (yes it would), its funny how its the people that never have to float the bill (people that dont pay serious amounts of cash every year) that try and justify things [like paying for bombs to blow up some dude in the desert])

EDIT (Iraq looks great this time of year [doesn't it?, forget the oil.....TOURISM!])
Pardon me? I realize that English is your second or third language, but I couldn't follow your post at all. Please clarify if you can.
it would be nice if mr chevy could pay for this (the iraq war/occupation/visit) instead of my (and others who dont want to) tax dollars (of which ive contributed about 100K [you have to love that salary tax..sales tax..import tariffs..damn) You are welcome (for my taxes) America. (use it to kill some people please)

(I really want to get a job at the United Nations and live tax-free (they dont have to pay taxes), wouldnt that be nice? (yes it would), its funny how its the people that never have to float the bill (people that dont pay serious amounts of cash every year) that try and justify things [like paying for bombs to blow up some dude in the desert])

EDIT (Iraq looks great this time of year [doesn't it?, forget the oil.....TOURISM!])

I'll ask you as it has been asked of the others before you: what do you suggest? we should have left Saddam in power until he finally did something drastic (as if letting his son's kill girls' families because they wouldnt sleep with him, isn't drastic enough)? Why don't you offer a better, realistic, solution instead of making asinine comments.
Saddam was a simple dude, who honestly didnt have the means or the will to do something drastic, he would have done it if he did.

Buy him off like what was done when the u.s. left iran, (it would have taken 1 billion to make him a lapdog..)
or you do what was done in the Balkans, talk the the neighboring countries, figure out whos going to lead the country and settle all of the problems they are trying to figure out now,
and you include all of these religous groups and clerics. The U.S needed to settle the power struggle that is inevitable in Iraq before it invaded. You don't go in guns'a'blazing, it doesn't work and its been tried before in that same very country.
It is much more viable, and much more inexpensive to use the power of money to make people cooperate.

Look, its great that Saddam isnt around to kill people anymore, but it isnt any better if its some provisional authority, dictator or some insurgent with a car bomb whos killing people, people are still killing and getting killed. On what scale? Well its hard to know the amount of Iraqi casualties because its very easy for those not to be reported but the numbers are at 9000-11000 Civilian Casualties 976 Coalition Deaths, 3072 Wounded U.S. Personell, and the 'occupation' costs approx 1 billion u.s. dollars a day.

That is a serious cost for something that could have been accomplished much more cleanly and cheaply through diplomatic and covert means. AND All of this is ignoring the debate of whether or not it was even worth it under any means to deal with Saddam or if he actually was a real threat with no delivery systems and a debate STILL about his stores of weapons.

Here's what Irks me the most: What could the U.S. have done with all of that money lost in Iraq? (That money isn't ever coming back)

Your solution would be weak and short-lived. I'll quote a previous post of mine, perhaps you would respond to that.

I have explained this many times before, but what the hell, one more can't hurt.

These countries were not targeted because unlike these countries, Iraq is one that we defeated in armed conflict recently and set terms with to end hostilities. Those terms have been blatently defied (evidenced by a decade of UN resolutions). The result is that (especially after 9/11) we need to make it known that when the US (or a council that the US is a member of) sets terms, we expect them to be lived up to. Iraq is not just an example for the rest of the world, though (an example that we will enforce our terms). Iraq is also a starting point for democracy and freedom in the middle east, a plan that Bush thinks is the solution to terrorism. Bring them freedom and they'll no longer hate us for it. That's the idea. Iraq just happened to be the country that we had the most ligitimate reason for invading.

The result is the following:

- Free Iraqi people (possibly the most important)
- A closer target for the terrorists to strike (rather than more attacks here in the US)
- No more Saddam
- Stronger US foreign policy (especially under Bush) because the world knows we walk the walk
- A foothold for democracy and freedom in the middle east that may prevent future 9/11's

Sounds like everyone but the terrorists win. Notice oil was not mentioned.

Please explain how your solution accomplishes each these 5 points.
My only problem with this war is that we moved in too fast without thinking it over. What we should have done is left Iraq alone for a while and stayed in Afghanistan looking for Osama. Now we just went barging in with our guns blazing and all we got was more problems than we can handle. We have our troops spread out all over the place and now we dont have enough to go around. And the thing about the oil is all a big joke. America needs to learn to become a little more independant. We have plenty of oil over here but instead we're selling it to countries for less than what we're paying Iraq for it.
But Osama is in Pakistan, and we can't do **** about it but pressure the Pakistanies to find him and capture him.

Bush invaded Iraq so quickly because he wanted certain objectives completed. Since he might only be a one term President, he sent troops in when he had the chance. The troops were already in the area looking for Osama, and since that came to a standstill, Bush sent the troops into Iraq. Bush knew it could take a few years to reach his objectives, mostly to catch Saddam, so he sent in the troops knowing they had a good chance of completing his objectives before the new President could recall them.
The result is the following:

- Free Iraqi people (possibly the most important)
Bulls*it The Iraqis are getting murdered more than ever. The country is in total turmoil.

- A closer target for the terrorists to strike (rather than more attacks here in the US)
So you obvioulsy don't care about your own soldiers dying?

- No more Saddam.
By capturing Saddam, you have simply made more enemies. There are no clear links between Saddam and Al'Quaida, they are two different types of Muslims, Sunni and She'ite.

- Stronger US foreign policy (especially under Bush) because the world knows we walk the walk
Reminds me of something that a certain German did late '30s/ early '40s. He 'walked the walk'. Is Bush going to try and do what he did?

- A foothold for democracy and freedom in the middle east that may prevent future 9/11's
What a load of crap! You've separated countries more than ever. Attacks are occuring more often, just they aren't shown on the propaganda fed to you.

Bush chose to attack Iraq because his old man couldn't do it.

The price of oil has rocketed for us since you attacked Iraq. Our damn PM is you slave to Bush. You can't keep on throwing away oil like you are. Bush figured he could invade Iraq, take control of oil, and then control the Middle East because he wouldn't have to rely on them for oil.

You see, Bush failed to understand that you can't liberate a country which is not united. For the 1st time since Vietnam, you are going to have to site their for years and take the casualties. The UN said 'Don't go in' because you have destroyed their economy, failed to improve their lives, and failed to gain any advantage yourself.
Wow. Did you just compare Bush W to Hitler? There is something seriously wrong with you.

Do you have any proof to the claims you just made up?
Yep. I'm just waiting for a knock on the door by the FBI. But I'm in the UK, so at least I'd have rights. Unless they take me to Guantanemo Bay, where I can be tortured as much as Mr Bush wants.

Did you know that in the first month of war, the UK lost more troops because of American friendly-fire than because of enemy attacks?

Basically, Bush's foreign policy is you do what I want or I'll find a reason to blow the hell out of you.

Bush is the one that never gave proof. No REAL WMD (they all went about 8 years ago), no link between Saddam and Al Qaeida, nothing.

Some of the Saudi Royal Family support AlQaeida, but since America needs their oil, they aren't going to attack them, are they?

Haven't you seen the reports of civilians in Saudi Arabia getting blow up or killed, simply because they work for companies linked with America? Or the American soldiers and contractors rolling in pain on the floor after being shot in Iraq? Or is it all censored in the US?
You're just rehashing stuff that has already been proven or explained before. Go back and read all the previous posts and comprehend some of it.
Bulls*it The Iraqis are getting murdered more than ever. The country is in total turmoil.

More than when their cities were gassed or when they were executed for not voting for Saddam?

This is very short sighted.

So you obvioulsy don't care about your own soldiers dying?

I know that our soldiers are better equipped to handle terrorist attacks than our civilians

By capturing Saddam, you have simply made more enemies.

No more Saddam is good for the Iraqi people and make no mistake, the neighboring countries are happy he's gone. In fact, I think the only people lamenting at his removal from power are people like you.

Reminds me of something that a certain German did late '30s/ early '40s. He 'walked the walk'. Is Bush going to try and do what he did?

Hitler references aside, it is important for a country's foreign policy to be taken seriously. I guess maybe you're out of touch with that living in the UK and all, but over here we're still serious about it.

What a load of crap! You've separated countries more than ever. Attacks are occuring more often, just they aren't shown on the propaganda fed to you.

Again, shortsighted.

The price of oil has rocketed for us since you attacked Iraq.

Which should prove to you something about our motives shouldn't it?

Or the American soldiers and contractors rolling in pain on the floor after being shot in Iraq?

Serves only to strengthen resolve.
I don't agree with the point I'm about to make, but I'll make it anyway.

More than when their cities were gassed or when they were executed for not voting for Saddam?

This is very short sighted.

Their town gets destroyed that's their problem.

^ good one Famine.

Wow, Party obviously did not read any fo the previous pages. You are as bad as, if not worse, than wellyrn! You people just keep popping out of "I hate America Land!" How many more of you are there? (a bunch, i know) Your statements are so ridiculous, do you think, I as an American, am paying 25cents a gallon for gas or something? I don't know if you know this, but gas prices over here have skyrocketed also. So how does that 'war for oil' thing benefit me again? you need to read the rest of this thread, at least more than one page, before you come in here spouting off hollow arguments.
I don't agree with the point I'm about to make, but I'll make it anyway.

I'm always glad to clear up an apparent contradiction.

Our buildings got destroyed and it was our problem. The point I was making was that we solve our problem in a way that didn't sacrifice the Iraqi people in order to take care of our problem. In fact, I would argue that the Iraqi people are better off, which is good, because that's part of solving our problem too.
I don't know if you know this, but gas prices over here have skyrocketed also.

Just on this level - no other - I should point out that we pay roughly 3 times as much for petrol as the customer in the US does, on average.

danoff - I also believe that the Iraqis are better off without Saddam. Whether al-Sadr and his cohorts agree will be seen soon - especially with the agreed handover of Saddam scheduled for tomorrow...
Just on this level - no other - I should point out that we pay roughly 3 times as much for petrol as the customer in the US does, on average.

as far as i know, you guys (euros) have always payed higher gas prices. so what's your point? my point was America is not getting cheaper petrol due to the war.
Wow what a heated argument! Party's incoherent ramblings did not help either, so he just whacked the biggest interactive hornet nest in the world.
You know, if people want to debate whether the invasion and occupation of Iraq was legal under international law, I can entertain that. If people want to question whether or not it created more bad guys than it got rid of, I can entertain that too. If people want to complain that there was collateral damage and America should be sorry about that, I can dig it.

But what I can't stand is this notion that the United States invaded Iraq to "control the oil". That is just plain freaking retarded. It is also getting very very tiresome to refute.

For the last time: America. Does. Not. Control. The. Oil. In. Iraq. IRAQ. DOES.

Resolution 1483 forbids the US or UK from simply taking the oil. Even critical opponents of the occupation has acknowledges this as a fact.

Want to dispute that? Fine. Offer proof that 1) oil was taken out of Iraq without consent or knowledge or proper reimbursement to the Iraqi governing council, 2) that it was sold on the market and 3) that the US government or a company under contract with the government pocketed all the money.

Until then, shut your damn pie hole.

as far as i know, you guys (euros) have always payed higher gas prices. so what's your point? my point was America is not getting cheaper petrol due to the war.

I did say just on the level of fuel prices. Information rather than promotion. Just thought you'd be interested.