I already explained how M-spec used an Ad Hominem as well as making 2 false assumptions.
Of course I did.
Argumentum ad hominem is your only tool. If you are free to use it, why shouldn't I?
Look at this quote:
87 chevy and viper zero: you are not responding to me, you are responding to what your media tells you i think.
This is the cheapest, most cowardly way to refute someone's argument there is. Not only do you commit a fallacy of distraction by attacking 87Chevy and ViperZero directly, you make a claim their opinions are without merit because they are simply repeating what popular media is telling them instead of arriving at their viewpoints on their own. It'd be like if I dismissed you as a "mindless drone of liberal propaganda."
Shall we go on?
grow up america, you cant just kill everyone who disagrees with you.
America is immature and belligerent. Hasty generalization, an inductive fallacy and just plain silly. Gimme a break. Why not just reduce an entire nation of 290 million people to a cartoon? HINT: Because straw men are easier to attack.
Immature and belligerent American One: Whuada look it that Tex! Dem raghead moozlims done attacks us. Lets kill everyone one of dem!
Immature and belligerent American Two: Day ain't got no reason for that Elroy, let's get em! Yeehaw!
Yep. I'm sure Americans are just like that. I could go on, but there's no point dragging it out.
Informal fallacies are not accepted as intelligent debate. Repeating a fallacy does not make it any more legitimate.
Then maybe you should just stop now. You've 7 or 8 posts into it already.
If i wasn't interested in a debate i wouldn't still be here waiting for you guys to provide one.
It is my opinion you are just here to vent your frustrations. You are not interested in intelligently arguing your viewpoints, just letting everyone know they you have them. That's fine and nothing usual around here. Just don't bother thinking you're convincing anyone that you're right and when someone points out what you're doing, don't get all huffy about it.
If you want to debate whether or not America oversteps legal and moral bounderies with its foreign policy, go back and pickup
ViperZero's post responding to the first one you made. And don't just ignore everyone he wrote, which is what you did the first time.
So feel free... but please stop repeating the same mistakes, my patience is limited.
Chortle. Whatever man. Anytime you get bored, just leave. Don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out.
Just to clarify this quote: What i mean is that the way you argue only supports my opinion of American society.
Another gem. You don't like America, so you critisize it. Americans who have the audacity to refute your character indictment about their society only reinforce what you already believe. LOL.
You: America sucks.
Americans: No we don't.
You: HA! You don't believe me? That only goes to prove you suck.
This is classic.
You don't even realize your own mistakes because they are reinforced by politicians and media.
Snore. Yeah, yeah. Americans who don't hate their own country are deluded by the media, uh huh. God this line is getting old.
Your assertion that i am not a neutral 3rd party is further evidence of this.
You clearly aren't. You have an opinion. You have decided America's actions are wrong. Do you know what neutral means? Do you know what impartial means? Clearly not.
The "If you are not with us you are against us" fallacy came from your president and is supported by your society which wants to simplify everything to good and bad, black and white terms.
No one used this term in this discuss. No one even implied it. Try again.
The way you attempt to refute my statement, using informal fallacy, only supports it.
And the way you attempt to refute my statement, using informal fallacy after informal fallacy, only supports my opinion of you. Are we done now?