I still don't accept why the American felt they needed to fly their planes over Iraq to get fired at.
The whole reason for the no fly zones is to protect the Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the north along with Iraq's nieghbors.
America was attacked by a world wide terror orginization . When the twin towers went down, not only was it the first attack on US soil since the Brits burnt down Washington DC . But it also brought about a new type of war. A war with the enemy not being represented by a country or group of country's and thier leaders.
Our leaders after this devastating attack rightly felt that the US needed to go on the OFFENSIVE, against this new enemy. We put the world on notice that no terrorist or SUPPORTER OF TERRORIST would be safe , anytime, anywhere.
We first removed the Taliban and went looking in Afghanistan for Osama. We then removed the next threat Saddam. Screw the rest of the world they either help us or they dont, if you wont help get out of the way. This is a war.
So why Saddam ? In this context ? When Saddam ruled Iraq you had a dictator with the will and the means to cause massive damange in the US , an avowed ememy with deep pockets , with his own suicidal fanatics along with conections to WORLDWIDE terrorist, including traing camps an financial assistance. Someone said in the above post that Saddam would not give his weapons to anyone...well whose life's are you betting on that ?
Bottom line is if your a terrorist we will kill you or capture you. If you support terrorist or give them succor we will remove you and your country is open to destruction or invasion.
Now I read in here is that we are creating more terrorist blah blah blah.
I say we are killing more of the asswipes and scaring the turds out of any country that would give them aid. And that two potential sources of trouble have been delt with with extreme predudice.
Vive la United States !