That's the beauty of the US! The president isn't the supreme dictator of our country and doesn't (can't) act without support. The rest of the beauty of our country is that we have a little thing called freedom of the press (which none of our neighboring countries seem to understand). The result is that the press in America has the ability to show us everything that our government doesn't want us to see, and since we have the ability to vote, we can act on that information."
Freedom of press and performance of the press are two different things. While the Press is not restricted in the US by official means, such as attacks or governmental censorship. Despite this the way in which the US market of ideas works means that media is severely biased towards corporate interests.
The major sources of information in the US, the mass media, are all part of buisnesses which are then owned by conglomerates. The major media sources in the US, being companies must maintain economic viability. The need to generate revenue is the key flaw of the system.
It's only natural that the product (the media report/article) should reflect the interests, views and values of the the creator (the company), the buyer (the advertisers who buy advertisement opportunities) and the audience, with a bias towards more wealthy audiences which increases advertising rates.
This is only a very simple description of how the US media works, for a much more indepth and quite frankly devestating critique of US media read Necessary Illusions by Noam Chomsky. In fact read anything by Noam Chomsky.
"So the world need not fear because the US will not end up on a murderous rampage."
Unfortunately the war in Iraq is not the first illegal action the US has taken, and is hardly what i would call the start of a murderous rampage.
"I guess that's what people are afraid is happening in Iraq, but those people are being supremely paranoid since there are lots of reasons why our conflict with Iraq is legitimate. I have floated many of those reasons around here and nobody has poked holes in them.
The conflict is far from legitimate. The UN did not sanction the conflict hence it is illegitimate.
Even if the government had a fantastic reason to go, suppose there WERE WMD's, and the US had credible evidence, it would still be illegitimate.
Besides, i find it very ironic that the US government should call on Saddam to be "brought to justice" for his crimes which are:
Gassing Kurds
Iran-Iraq war
Earlier attempts of developing nuclear weapons
Invading Kuwait
when he had whole hearted US support for the first three crimes (which where his worse by far). In fact US officials called Saddam Hussein and General Suharto of Indonesia "our kind of guy" on multiple occasions.
Gassing of the Kurds was done with US weapons and support, and Kurdish genocide is being commited right now by much loved US ally Turkey, much like Saddam was.
Iran-Iraq war was also supported if not spurred on by the US, a war in which 1 million people died. As most would know the US has no love for the Iranian government, the reason dating back to 1951 when the CIA overthrew the democraticaly elected nationalist government and replaced it with the king, who was later overthrown in a popular revolution much to the dismay of the US to whom the king was a puppet.