I live in the US . I did not vote for the security council. My country can declare war LEGALY against any country in the world to protect its sovergnty and security. if the rest of the world disagrees they are welcome to prevent it. every nation in the world has that right. when did you annoint the UN as ruler of the world ? the great debate society is not capable of doing anything without the US to enforce its decisions itself or with the help of the few countries that actually have a military.
Your country is bound to international law, when the UN was created your country ratified the UN Charter making it part of your countries law to follow international law. The US is bound to it. You can't escape the fact. Under international law the US is breaking the law, there is no argument here. But remember this next time you complain that another country is breaking international law, because no countries government resents internation law more than the US. Side Note: The US was convicted by the World Court of "unlawful use of force" for its invasion of Nicaragua, in response to this the US did not cease its attack and pay reperations, instead it ramped up its war.
You are right in saying that a country can protect its self. But this fails in Americas case because it has failed to prove the threat Saddam posed, and America does not allow other countries this right to self defence, one prominant example is when the US attacked Nicaragua in a ruthless terrorist war, condoning any attempt Nicaragua made to defend itself. This is also true of Iraqi civilians killing US soldiers, which is funnily enough called "terrorism" by the US. Suppose Saddam invaded the US and US citizens took up arms against Saddams troops, would you consider that terrorism?
I welcome the people reading all these fairy tales to actually look back to the period before the war and remember the debate. Also remember the debate we had in congress before OUR leaders VOTED overwhelmingly for WAR against Iraq. Our congress along with most of the world thought IRAQ was hiding weapons and was guilty of breaking almost all of the conditions for the CEASE FIRE from the first gulf war. All the anti Bush railing crying and posturing in the world will not change the fact that our leaders made up thier minds that IRAQ was a threat and that they decided to eliminate that threat. BUSH didn't decide . He lead the country and congress. They DECIDED with the support of a majority of AMERICANS that Saddam was history.
It is not up to the US to dictate what goes on in the world. These choices should be made globaly. Of course this isn't the reality of it, the reality is the US does what it wants, when it wants, and no matter what everyone else in the world thinks it will continue to do as it wishes. No matter how obviously illegal, no matter how counterproductive, no matter if everyone else sees the obvious gainst the US is making from the war, it still does as it wishes.
No wonder the Forum of Non-Aligned Nations called the US the most prominant and dangerous threat on earth.
So Mr pistachio nut and friends ..GET OVER IT .
Lay off the insults. Nice argument, lol.
War is hell and there is hell to pay when you bring it on. As long as the Saddams of the world along with the Osamas and his Ilk , the Iranian hostage takers. the palestinian bombers of women and children .ALL the friendly nieghborhood talibans and the COUNTRY"S that support them. I have news for you.
Saddam was supported whole heartedly by the US throughout his atrocities, called "our kind of guy" by US officials.
Osama was a good friend too until the US built army bases in the two holy cities of Mecca and Madina.
The Palastinians are under occupation, and have suffered through 50 years of opression and genocide, your view of the Israel-Palastine issue is incredibly one sided, the Palastinians have suffered multiple times more deaths than Israel.
After 20 years of opressive rule by the Shah, a puppet leader, after the 1953 American toppling of their democraticaly elected and much loved Prime Minister Mossadegh, all of which you fail to mention in your narrow knowledge of foreign affairs.
There will be more WAR until they cease to be a problem. Unless you guys go over and give them a nice group hug and they suddenly decide to stop blowing themselves up or something sane..or maybe they read that book by the noam chomsky dude and believe him istead of all the other dudes that are lying to him..well because his books the truth and the others are not and if you dont believe him its because you cant see the truth..
Theres no argument with his books, he never states opinions, that's why he is as good as he is. He uses close analysis of facts and comparison of cases.