America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Well, Virginia schools will now have to stop teaching critical race theory...which wasn't being taught in Virginia schools. The GOP base are like cats tracking a laser pointer on a wall.
They really are getting so desperate to claim anything as a win for their side that they'll just swipe at anything that moves.
Let's go Brandon!
One year ago, brain dead Biden won Virginia by more than 10%. Now Terry Mcauliffe, former governor of the state, and former head of the DNC losses? Yeah, I'll call that a win. A big win.

Let's go Brandon!

Tells me that running an Anti-Trump campaign doesn't work so hot when your opponent is not ....well...Trump. I think Democrats are going to find it hard to get traction in elections over the coming years when the boogeyman is less visible. I also feel like the reflexively activist left wing has probably gone too far the other way and is now scaring moderates (as Trump did), and the GOP is going to shout about it from now until 2024.

I feel like there is a huge opening for a right of center moderate with a lot of charisma to come in and blow up the scene. The only thing stopping that from happening is the fringe-right defeating them in the primaries.
One year ago, brain dead Biden won Virginia by more than 10%.
And Clinton edged out your bronzer daddy by half that in 2016, without garnering a majority.

Biden wasn't a strong candidate in 2020. As I said in the run up to November, someone like Mitt Romney who wasn't viewed favorably by the Trump base would likely have absolutely trounced him. The Trumpers would surely have voted for him--despite him having been deemed the opposition--simply because he had an R next to his name, but crucially, moderates and swing voters would have certainly favored him.

So Biden wasn't strong, as you assert by referring to him as brain dead, but Trump was overwhelmingly weak. Trump didn't have a record from holding elected office in 2016, but he did come 2020 and it wasn't a good one. It was abundantly clear after three years that he's not suited for public office, much less the highest office, and then he bungled the pandemic response in spectacular fashion. It was Trump's race to lose and he didn't disappoint.

I'd really like for people to stop clutching their pearls over this. That isn't to say you are; it's just a general desire. It's still a thing largely because it does get a reaction, and that's precisely why people are still using it, including that piece of **** Florida Republican* who did so on the House floor during session.

*The Department of Redundancy Department approves.

I feel like there is a huge opening for a right of center moderate with a lot of charisma to come in and blow up the scene. The only thing stopping that from happening is the fringe-right defeating them in the primaries.
Moderateness is fringe on the right for the foreseeable future.
I'd really like for people to stop clutching their pearls over this.
I don't really know what there is to clutch pears over on that one. Socially, I don't think anyone finds it shocking. It's really just a referendum on character.
I find it genuinely hilarious, but probably not for the same reasons people who use it without irony do.

Honestly it's like the first time a child finds out that they can say a swear and not get told off for it if they do it with a Spoonerism or rhyming slang.
I don't really know what there is to clutch pears over on that one. Socially, I don't think anyone finds it shocking. It's really just a referendum on character.
It's such a non-issue and yet it garners a reaction. I don't get it. Maybe it's the revelation that people can be dicks, and because I'm a dick myself, it doesn't come as a surprise to me.
It's such a non-issue and yet it garners a reaction. I don't get it. Maybe it's the revelation that people can be dicks, and because I'm a dick myself, it doesn't come as a surprise to me.
I know people are dicks, and I know that at times they forget to use their big boy words and just yell expletives that make them feel powerful. A lot of what I do here is point out the obvious.
It seemed kind of an odd thing for McAuliffe to focus on more and more on Youngkin = Trump as his polling numbers continued to sag in the run up to the election, and now we know for sure that trying to pin even mild anti-Biden sentiment as fanatical pro-Trump fellating isn't a winning strategy.

The question is if the Democrats actually learn from this, and stop trying to whip voters up into an anti-Trump hysteria as their go-to card when the opposing, supposedly Trump bootlicker douchebag in waiting is... actually just some guy. Or do they double down and do the "let's keep trying to force Hilary into the White House because it's her turn now" kind of course correction (ie: Push it even harder)? Because not every Republican up for reelection in the midterms is going to be Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Greene; and I'm not sure how many Democrats in the Senate or House should consider their seats safe with how much they've already pissed away half of their two years before midterms and accomplished nothing; even for things when they actually did have Republican support over.
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It seemed kind of an odd thing for McAuliffe to focus on more and more on Youngkin = Trump as his polling numbers continued to sag in the run up to the election, and now we know for sure that trying to pin even mild anti-Biden sentiment as fanatical pro-Trump fellating isn't a winning strategy.
Somehow it's still supposed to mean that Trump is popular though.
Virginia Democrats dressed as white supremacists in a failed attempt to make Youngkin look like a racist.



Also in Virginia, Republicans voted in a new lieutenant governor.


It seems like the Republicans and the Democrats have both forgotten how to racist.
It seemed kind of an odd thing for McAuliffe to focus on more and more on Youngkin = Trump as his polling numbers continued to sag in the run up to the election, and now we know for sure that trying to pin even mild anti-Biden sentiment as fanatical pro-Trump fellating isn't a winning strategy.
In Youngkin's case, I think it would have been better to tie him to the broader GOP than specifically to Trump, because the former implicitly ties him to Trump when the mainstream GOP is Trump.

It still shouldn't be the anchor strategy. McAuliffe would have been better served by attacking the right's critical race theory bogeyman and not saying stupid things about parents' involvement in education.

There's a black dude in the lineup. How's that work?
It was presumably to invoke the white supremacists in Charlottesville at the Unite The Right rally who were similarly made up. I imagine the black guy's presence makes it clear that they aren't real white supremacists because black guys absolutely can't be white supremacists.
I mean I don't know whether they can be or not. I'm just repeating what Candace Owens and Ali Alexander say; because they're black, they can't possibly be white supremacists. I guess it should make sense because white supremacists hate black people, but I don't know.
It was presumably to invoke the white supremacists in Charlottesville at the Unite The Right rally who were similarly made up. I imagine the black guy's presence makes it clear that they aren't real white supremacists because black guys absolutely can't be white supremacists.
I was scratching my head trying to figure out how they were supposed to be clearly white supremacists, thanks for piecing that puzzle together for me.


So these people dressed up as white supremacists, presumably without expecting to be taken to literally be white supremacists (see the previously mentioned black dude), and then right-wingers thought they were trying to be taken for the real thing.

You almost can't make this stuff up.
I mean, it's possible. But it's... a clear tell.
At significant issue here is how much from those two individuals (and undoubtedly others; I think Larry Elder has applied the same sort of...reasoning, I guess) you take at face value. They allege they've been called white supremacists, but that could easily be a strawman or even an outright falsehood. Those who they say have called them white supremacists could have criticized views they hold either explicitly or implicitly as those that white supremacists are likely to hold.
I was scratching my head trying to figure out how they were supposed to be clearly white supremacists, thanks for piecing that puzzle together for me.


So these people dressed up as white supremacists, presumably without expecting to be taken to literally be white supremacists (see the previously mentioned black dude), and then right-wingers thought they were trying to be taken for the real thing.

You almost can't make this stuff up.
Strange days have found us. Strange days have tracked us down.
Is it weird that Republicans cite bodily autonomy as they push back against vaccine mandates when they've spent decades trying to deny women access to safe pregnancy termination services? Is it weird that they're not calling for an end to Selective Services and for legalization of prostitution? Should it not be a personal choice whether one fights a war their country tells them to fight, regardless of the merit, or if one wants to exchange sexual gratification for an agreed upon fee?
Is it weird that Republicans cite bodily autonomy as they push back against vaccine mandates when they've spent decades trying to deny women access to safe pregnancy termination services? Is it weird that they're not calling for an end to Selective Services and for legalization of prostitution? Should it not be a personal choice whether one fights a war their country tells them to fight, regardless of the merit, or if one wants to exchange sexual gratification for an agreed upon fee?
Not really. :indiff:

Strange days have found us. Strange days have tracked us down.

At least personally he has presence of mind to make fun of this situation.

Regardless, it doesn't hide the moral standand of the kind of people that were chanting "keep politics out of sport", even with virulence, and now are willing to vilifiy the event of his first win with profanities, only because they still don't have maturity to accept that 𝘐𝘭 𝘋𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 lost.
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Leftist kept screaming about how authoritarian Trump was. Well. I am old enough to remember rooting for Jimmy Carter because he was a born again Christian, and I have never in my life seen anything more authoritarian than this vaccine mandate.

This is so un-American, it is disgusting.

Someone famous once said something like "those who would give up liberty for safety, deserve neither". Think it was B Franklin, but too lazy to look it up.

Anyway, this whole mandate thing kind of reminds me of the mark of the beast. You can't earn or trade without it. But instead of getting you on the wrist or the forehead, they settled midway and got you in the arm

I am fully Pfizered, by the way.
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The seatbelt mandate is evil. Ban the seatbelt mandate. God bless America.

Is it all the vaccines that people are forced to take from school age onwards which are 666, or just the Covid one?

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