America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm really curious what's going to happen in these states if conservatives get their way. They'll basically be a theocracy that breeds stupid people who live in poverty. I can't see how that will end well for the state's economy either since they'll be a massive brain drain and they'll take their higher tax brackets with them too when they go elsewhere.
But Republicans will have control.


Fantastic messaging from the Colorado governor, here. Just perfect.
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Reminds me of Abbott trying to claim he'd also look to hold Twitter "accountable" by Texas law even though they're based in California. Lol, they're across the country running a company they own; what is DeDumb*** actually gonna do?
powerless 20 GIF
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On the subject of rat ****ing Republicans' attacks on corporations in which they invoke supposed "fiduciary duty"...
In response to a mid-March announcement by Citigroup Inc. that it would begin covering travel expenses for its employees living in states that limited or nearly banned abortions, a Texas lawmaker has threatened to block the bank's ability to underwrite municipal bonds in the state, The New York Times reports.

Houston-based Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain sent cease and desist letters to Citigroup and abortion funds announcing he would introduce a bill barring them from doing business with any company “that pays abortion-related expenses of its employees or that provides abortion coverage as an employee benefit.” To Jane Fraser, Citigroup’s CEO, he called the company’s policy a “grotesque abuse” of her “fiduciary duty.”

Cain wrote that “employees, volunteers, and donors of abortion funds will be criminally prosecuted if they do not immediately halt their illegal acts and stop paying for abortions performed in Texas.”

“These are criminal organizations,” he added. “It is a crime to pay for another person’s abortion in Texas, and anyone who gives money to these abortion funds will be prosecuted.”

Citigroup has 8,500 employees in Texas. Travel expenses provided by the company would provide for things such as lodging and airfare if a person must leave their home state to receive an abortion, according to Bloomberg.

In a filing written for an April 26 meeting, Citigroup wrote: “In response to changes in reproductive health-care laws in certain states in the U.S., beginning in 2022 we provide travel benefits to facilitate access to adequate resources.”

Cain is a devout Big Lie-er. Texas Monthly reports that he flew to Pennsylvania after the 2020 election to challenge the state’s results. He’s been a vocal advocate in his home state for making it more challenging to vote by mail or help senior citizens to vote.

On May 19, 2021, Texas law SB 8 went into effect, banning abortion when a heartbeat could be detected in a fetus—which is usually around six weeks of pregnancy, often before a person knows they’re pregnant. Since then, Texans have been leaving the state in droves to seek abortions elsewhere.

Citigroup is not the only company with policies designed to assist employees seeking abortions who are living in restrictive states such as Texas.

In September 2021, Salesforce told employees the company would help them and their families relocate if they had issues with reproductive health care in their states.

Salesforce’s CEO Marc Benioff tweeted: “Ohana if you want to move we’ll help you exit TX. Your choice.”

A note obtained by CNBC from Salesforce reads: “These are incredibly personal issues that directly impact many of us — especially women … We recognize and respect that we all have deeply held and different perspectives. As a company, we stand with all of our women at Salesforce and everywhere.”

They added: “With that being said, if you have concerns about access to reproductive healthcare in your state, Salesforce will help relocate you and members of your immediate family.”

Lyft CEO Logan Green announced the company would pay legal fees for any drivers sued under the Texas law for helping women get abortions.

The parent company of Tinder and OkCupid, Match Group Inc., announced it too was creating a fund for its Texas employees impacted by the abortion law.

In an internal note to employees, Shar Dubey, Match Group’s CEO, wrote that the company “doesn’t usually take political stands unless it is relevant to our business ... but this particular law is so regressive to the cause of women’s rights that I felt compelled to speak publicly about my personal views.”

She added: “I immigrated to America from India over 25 years ago and I have to say, as a Texas resident, I am shocked that I now live in a state where women’s reproductive laws are more regressive than most of the world, including India.”

According to Bloomberg, the dating app Bumble Inc. also announced a fund that would support “the reproductive rights of women and people across the gender spectrum who seek abortions in Texas.”

I've mentioned the tiny (he can't be any taller than Ben "my wife remains unaroused" Shapiro) far-right rat ****er Briscoe Cain before:

To help drive home the assertion that Republicans are unable to defend the substance of the legislation, when asked during hearings prior to the walkout what fraud the bill was designed to stop, its lead sponsor and real-life homunculus Briscoe Cain (R-128)'s response--"Okay, yeah...well, you know, we've got...w-we're trying to maybe stop the...w-were called ballot harvesting?" (sic)--didn't exactly inspire confidence. Then there's the not insubstantial matter of Republicans responding to high-profile corporate criticism and concern--legitimate criticism and concern--with queerly despotic threats of State action.
The party that doesn't want you to do maths states that US border border operations has arrested everyone in Central and South America at the US/Mexico border (twice)!

This is an aside from the fact that arrested 1m in six months is the exact opposite of lax border controls, but if they don't know the different between a million and a billion who am I to point it out!
The party that doesn't want you to do maths states that US border border operations has arrested everyone in Central and South America at the US/Mexico border (twice)!

This is an aside from the fact that arrested 1m in six months is the exact opposite of lax border controls, but if they don't know the different between a million and a billion who am I to point it out!

Wonder why they didn't go to 1 trillion, just for the dramatic effect.
The party that doesn't want you to do maths states that US border border operations has arrested everyone in Central and South America at the US/Mexico border (twice)!

This is an aside from the fact that arrested 1m in six months is the exact opposite of lax border controls, but if they don't know the different between a million and a billion who am I to point it out!

I'm even a bit suspect of the million number. That's 5,500 arrests per day and considering a 4,500 arrest day was considered big news just a month ago, it doesn't really make sense. The same article cites 2,400 arrests per day in January. Even if it was 4,500 a day, that would still only be 810,000. The actual number is likely closer to 500,000. It's still an issue for sure, but I'd rather see the actual numbers instead of just some wild estimate with zero data to back it up.
This is an aside from the fact that arrested 1m in six months is the exact opposite of lax border controls, but if they don't know the different between a million and a billion who am I to point it out!
The rat ****ers don't just want arrests. Arrests are a failure. The rat ****ers want strong, bigoted rhetoric that deters immigration.
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As much as I hate emotionally charged headlines, I find it hard to disagree with this one.

Even if the intention isn't to split up black voters in the panhandle, it's still a pretty obvious, and gross, power play to give the GOP even greater power in this state, a state which tends to lean towards them already.
As much as I hate emotionally charged headlines, I find it hard to disagree with this one.

Even if the intention isn't to split up black voters in the panhandle, it's still a pretty obvious, and gross, power play to give the GOP even greater power in this state, a state which tends to lean towards them already.
If DeSantis could figure out how to make being not-Republican illegal in Florida he would do it, and his voters would love it. We're in for a wild ride if this man makes it to the White House - I think I would honestly rather have Trump.

The retaliation on Disney is pretty shocking, even by current standards.
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The party that doesn't want you to do maths states that US border border operations has arrested everyone in Central and South America at the US/Mexico border (twice)!

This is an aside from the fact that arrested 1m in six months is the exact opposite of lax border controls, but if they don't know the different between a million and a billion who am I to point it out!

Hey! Let's talk about something other than stupid politics and stupid Americans for a second. Let's talk about something happy! Let's talk about making America a better place for everybody. Let's talk about roads.

A road design like this really makes you think, doesn't it? And the science is solid - data on coaxing drivers to be cautious through clever road design is widespread and well understood in Europe, especially in places like the Netherlands which has a large bicycling population. While America is the land of suburbs and very few people actually commute anywhere on bike, it is very common to ride bikes through those suburbs, so sharing the roads - roads which are already unmarked - and creating order - just enough order to establish a hierarchy when a complex situation arises - can actually benefit everyone. Even the small amount of data collected in America on this already leans toward these types of roads being better in a neighborhood environment.

Unfortunately the biggest roadblock to these roads seems to be stupid politics and stupid Americans who are notorious for hating science and data. We hate stupid changes, we hate stupid smart people, we're suspicious of artificial constructs like stupid college degrees, we don't know how to drive, and we refuse to pay to be trained how to drive, because we're all fat and stupid.

Ah hell, I guess even the topic of roads isn't immune from the fact that Americans are at the core of all their own problems. But hey, at least we have the freedom to be stupid! Hell right!

But as suggested at the end of the video, maybe stupid Americans aren't stupid because they are the ones actually experiencing the environment, while the government and engineers are misinterpreting or misapplying the data they've collected. Maybe these experts are not actually considering human factors in their studies. They create the rules and design to the rules, but are they considering the fact that these stupid Americans are in fact smart enough to operate as lawless renegades, completely disregarding rules, asserting their freedom to be stupid smart, and turning nicely engineered neighborhood streets into main thoroughfares at double the speed limit? Perhaps Americans aren't so bad after all. Perhaps its time to tear down these "educated" fools who are out of touch with the real America!
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We have plenty of bike lanes here at the Wisconsin capital, as well as roads dedicated for bikes/pedestrians. And it’s not just confined to the UW campus either, the lanes can take you just about anywhere in the city. I think that college towns like Madison are definitely more bike-minded than other cities though, simply for the fact that students can’t easily get a car and drive to class.
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Last Sunday night the main segment on Last Week Tonight dealt with police interrogations. What are some of the tactics used by police to coerce confessions out of possible suspects and how that often crosses the line and gets innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't do. It surprised me just what police can get away with. There is a guy in the video that is on a training video instructing interrogators on extracting confessions and he says something at 8:42 that really shocked me.


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Last Sunday night the main segment on Last Week Tonight dealt with police interrogations. What are some of the tactics used by police to coerce confessions out of possible suspects and how that often crosses the line and gets innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't do. It surprised me just what police can get away with. There is a guy in the video that is on a training video instructing interrogators on extracting confessions and he says something at 8:42 that really shocked me.


This video isn't available in my country. What did he say?
This video isn't available in my country. What did he say?
He said that when interrogating suspects they will often try to say things such as "can I say one thing" or "will you just listen to me" or "but sir if I could only explain". When the interrogator hears those phrases it's important to interject yourself and stop the person from continuing because if you let them talk, they will say the words "I didn't do it" and the more often the person says they didn't do it, the more difficult it becomes for us to get a confession.

Here is the transcript to the episode:

And Trump will be back on twitter in 3... 2...
I's been a while since he's been able to show the world that he's a whiny little bitch. Obviously he hasn't ceased being a whiny little bitch since getting the boot from Twitter, but I think fewer people have been able to see it.