America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
She even looks like Trump. :ill:
Donald Trump GIF by CBS News
Normal people doing normal things.
A beloved store owner in Lake Arrowhead was shot and killed during a dispute over a Pride flag, officials say.

The shooting happened around 5 p.m. Friday at the Mag Pi clothing store on Hook Creek Road in Cedar Glen.

When deputies arrived, they found 66-year-old Laura Ann Carleton with a gunshot wound. She was pronounced dead on the scene.

According to the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department, the suspect, who has not been identified, "made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton."

Deputies found the suspect near Torrey and Rause Rancho Roads, armed with a handgun.

"When deputies attempted to contact the suspect, a lethal force encounter occurred and the suspect was pronounced deceased," read an update from the sheriff's department. No deputies were injured.

The Lake Arrowhead LGBTQ spoke out about the shooting, saying though Carleton didn't identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she spent her time helping and advocating for everyone in the community.

San Bernardino County Third District Supervisor also spoke out about the shooting, calling it "unthinkable."

"I stand with my mountain communities as we mourn this incredible loss," she wrote in an Instagram story. "Everyone deserves to live free of hate and discrimination and practice their constitutional right of freedom of speech. Lauri was a remarkable member of the community and I send my deepest condolences to her family in this time of grief."

Carleton is survived by her husband and nine children.

The shooting remains under investigation.
At least the murderer who perpetrated this horrific incident committed suicide by cop. One less loony bigot in the world.
This is why guns just aren't for conservatives. Someone who gets that offended over a rainbow (is light refraction part of the gay agenda?) is likely a coward and wouldn't attempt to murder someone if they thought they'd get their life cancelled in the process.
This is why guns just aren't for conservatives.
Don't get me wrong but I'm slightly staggered reading this by you. It isn't a reflection on you, you wouldn't be the first native in this thread who seems like they've swung left, but it shows just how effed things have become and in quite a dangerously quick manner.
Don't get me wrong but I'm slightly staggered reading this by you. It isn't a reflection on you, you wouldn't be the first native in this thread who seems like they've swung left, but it shows just how effed things have become and in quite a dangerously quick manner.
I was never really "conservative" in the traditional sense that conservatives in America are at the moment. I'm against government intervention and letting people do what they want as long as it doesn't violate the rights of others. I'm definitely "left" of what the needle has moved on the "right" though. I think the culture war is ridiculous, I think our elections are secure, and I think Trump belongs in prison for attempting to orchestrate a half-ass coup attempt. At one time, Republicans were the small government party, but now they're just bloated, money hungry, and don't give a damn about rights. The Democrats are the same way in my opinion, which is why at their core, I think the parties are similar to some degree. I used to be a Libertarian, had a card, and donated money but they went off the deep end and embraced Trumpism so cut up my card, no longer donate, and only vote for the occasional Libertarian. I'm effectively without a party, so I guess I'm independent? I don't know, we don't have to declare allegiance in Michigan like we did in Utah so it works.

Regarding the guns though, liberals in America are certainly at risk for violence since gun ownership used to be a primarily conservative thing. The problem is many conservatives are bat🤬 insane now, so we have a bunch of drooling armed idiots running around threatening anyone who might be left of them. I don't agree with liberal ideology on some levels, but they have a right to have the ideology and advocate for it without the fear of being straight up murdered. Debate should be done with intelligent thoughts, but that discourse has gone out the damn window, so the brainless morons just opt to shoot people.

I encourage all my friends to be armed and to take classes on how to use a weapon. This is especially true of my friends who are gay and the handful of people I know who are trans. I know one guy who's a pretty well-known drag queen in the area too and I've convinced him that he should absolutely carry. He might still be attacked, but he's a good dude who's hobby is dressing up and I want him to have a fighting chance.
I was never really "conservative" in the traditional sense that conservatives in America are at the moment. I'm against government intervention and letting people do what they want as long as it doesn't violate the rights of others. I'm definitely "left" of what the needle has moved on the "right" though. I think the culture war is ridiculous, I think our elections are secure, and I think Trump belongs in prison for attempting to orchestrate a half-ass coup attempt. At one time, Republicans were the small government party, but now they're just bloated, money hungry, and don't give a damn about rights. The Democrats are the same way in my opinion, which is why at their core, I think the parties are similar to some degree. I used to be a Libertarian, had a card, and donated money but they went off the deep end and embraced Trumpism so cut up my card, no longer donate, and only vote for the occasional Libertarian. I'm effectively without a party, so I guess I'm independent? I don't know, we don't have to declare allegiance in Michigan like we did in Utah so it works.

Regarding the guns though, liberals in America are certainly at risk for violence since gun ownership used to be a primarily conservative thing. The problem is many conservatives are bat🤬 insane now, so we have a bunch of drooling armed idiots running around threatening anyone who might be left of them. I don't agree with liberal ideology on some levels, but they have a right to have the ideology and advocate for it without the fear of being straight up murdered. Debate should be done with intelligent thoughts, but that discourse has gone out the damn window, so the brainless morons just opt to shoot people.

I encourage all my friends to be armed and to take classes on how to use a weapon. This is especially true of my friends who are gay and the handful of people I know who are trans. I know one guy who's a pretty well-known drag queen in the area too and I've convinced him that he should absolutely carry. He might still be attacked, but he's a good dude who's hobby is dressing up and I want him to have a fighting chance.
I really don't want to have to own a gun because I couldn't stand the thought of potentially causing injury and/or death to another person.
I know one guy who's a pretty well-known drag queen in the area too and I've convinced him that he should absolutely carry. He might still be attacked, but he's a good dude who's hobby is dressing up and I want him to have a fighting chance.
Already practicing concealment.

I'm not sorry.
I really don't want to have to own a gun because I couldn't stand the thought of potentially causing injury and/or death to another person.
I get that, I have no desire to cause injury or death to someone either, but the way I see it is if they're hellbent on killing me, I want a fighting chance. And I'll be goddamn if they're trying to hurt my family. I won't enjoy pulling the trigger and I'm sure I will have a ton of mental fallout from it, but it's got to be less terrible than having my wife or son get killed.
Non-USian advocate:

Why would they want to?
Most of my fear comes from someone breaking into the house, which happened 7-8 years ago. I was working out of town and my wife was home alone, someone tried to break-in in the middle of the day while she was on the couch. Also, having either of them taken for trafficking reasons. I thought we'd be away from that here in Northern Michigan, but surprise, they busted a trafficking ring less than 15 miles from here by a group of people that had overstayed their work visas.
I really don't want to have to own a gun because I couldn't stand the thought of potentially causing injury and/or death to another person.
Yeah I will never have anything to do with owning a gun. A few years ago (pre pandemic) there were three of us that had to drive to a training class in a neighboring state and as we were getting ready to leave the driver reaches in to his little travel bag and takes out a gun to check it. I immediately hop out of the car and tell them I will drive myself over there and back as I'm not going to be around much less in the same car as a gun.

When we got back I went straight to our GM's office and told him what happened and that I will be driving myself to future training classes unless I can be assured there is no gun in the vehicle. He can't make me go with them with a gun in the vehicle because as much as it's their supposed right to have one it's also my right to not be around one. The conservatives I work with, which is the majority of them, don't like me for my stance but I don't care. I'm so proud to feel their dislike. I did ride to another class last year with three other employees but with the assurance there was no gun in the vehicle. However half of the vehicle including the driver didn't wear their seatbelts and the driver was texting on their phone while driving so that's the complete end of me riding with anyone else. I drive to classes on my own now.
Yeah I will never have anything to do with owning a gun. A few years ago (pre pandemic) there were three of us that had to drive to a training class in a neighboring state and as we were getting ready to leave the driver reaches in to his little travel bag and takes out a gun to check it. I immediately hop out of the car and tell them I will drive myself over there and back as I'm not going to be around much less in the same car as a gun.
I'm completely OK being around guns, but even I probably wouldn't associate with someone who just casually pulled out their gun to look at it in the car. It's unnecessary in that instance to produce the weapon and a vehicle certainly isn't the place to do it either. If I saw that, I would assume they were not a responsible gun owner. In the few instances where I've had my gun in my vehicle, it's either been attached to me, or locked in a case in the rear. Even if I go to the range, I don't just put it in a bag

Also, it since it sounds like a work thing, I'm guessing that was against all kinds of company policies. Even in super pro-gun Utah, we can't carry on the campus of work or at any work functions.
I really don't want to have to own a gun because I couldn't stand the thought of potentially causing injury and/or death to another person.
You're more likely to do that with your car than a gun. Assuming you get proper training anyway.


Holy **** it's 74 times more likely lol. WTF is up with Americans having a seriously high death rate from just about anything? Even car deaths?
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