For all the talk of groomers some people do you would think they might start by examining the existing laws that are just asinine.
An Ohio father who learned that his 11-year-old daughter had been manipulated into sending explicit photos to an adult turned to the police for help.
I would also think a female officer might be a bit more sensitive in this type of situation but apparently not.
The article doesn't really consider his situation well enough. Consider what he and his daughter are facing at this point. Of course he didn't respond to police reaching out to him afterward, he now has to lawyer up, bigtime. The article explains that it's up to prosecutors to decide when to bring charges against a child, and if it was my child, I'd not be taking any chances with that. So instead of investigating the perp, and trying to prevent him (let's face it, it's probably a him) from doing this again to more children, or worse, the family now essentially has to sit on their evidence and gather their own defense to prevent their daughter from being prosecuted just in case the state decides to do so. If the letter of the law allows it, I wouldn't be taking chances with my family.
This creates a shield for the abuser, and enables the abuse to continue. It also creates a major headache for the family and a lot of stress. Here's what should be happing:
- Family with complete support from local government cooperating with police, giving over all evidence they have in the hopes that they can find the person who is doing this. Also cooperating with therapists, again turning over all information, so that their daughter can receive the help she may need.
Here's what's actually happening.
- Family buries evidence and lawyers up, refusing to cooperate with law enforcement, therapists, etc. The victim now feels that she has harmed her family and her abuse is being systematically buried. She is now developing a fear of the event and cannot even go to therapists for fear that they may turn the information over to police. This event is only deepening its damage.
This is why dumb laws written by morons absolutely need to get sorted out. They cause unnecessary pain and suffering. This is also why it's so important not to elect morons to office.