America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Sure it is.
Dummy Feeling Dumb GIF

Since we've cemented this discussion is a few rungs above yourself to actually engage in, you can run along back to the GT section now.

In the above post, a premium forum member makes the supposition that another user isn’t intelligent enough to participate in this section of the forum. This is in clear violation of the AUP, and the post was reported to site staff.
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You posted an image of someone doing a deeply offensive caricature of a disabled person, as a personal attack on another member of the forum. That breaks at least a couple of this site’s rules.
I mean, if that's what you see when you look at it, it does say something about you. I did mention that you were playing yourself.

Making a funny face out of confusion is a staple in comedy, as is "going cross-eyed" when confused. It's not automatically a reference to any mental handicap. People (of all types) scrunch and contort their faces and eyes as a natural reaction to confusion, and it gets exaggerated by comedians. It doesn't really even matter what the original comedian intended either.

Does this person look mentally handicapped to you?


How about this?


I could go on and on.
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YES! That is exactly who I want to see as the next president, precisely because of stuff like this.
Precisely because he openly mocks the disabled, having just determined that something you thought was mocking the disabled (but wasn't) was so offensive you felt the need to report it?

You're just contradicting yourself over and over again, and there's no way you can reconcile even successive posts.
Precisely because he openly mocks the disabled, having just determined that something you thought was mocking the disabled (but wasn't) was so offensive you felt the need to report it?

You're just contradicting yourself over and over again, and there's no way you can reconcile even successive posts.

I reported it for breaking the rules.
Rule #1 - You WILL NOT violate the AUP. No swearing, no personal attacks, no broad sweeping generalizations about Americans, Arabs, Muslims, Christians or any group. It will not be tolerated and offenders will be warned. Repeat offenders will be subject to administrative discipline up to and including banning.

EDIT: My guy :lol:
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I reported it for breaking the site’s rules.
Deflection - and that quoted paragraph is both irrelevant and isn't even part of our site rules.

Are you going to stop trolling and fabricating things any time soon?
Deflection - and that quoted paragraph is both irrelevant and isn't even part of our site rules.

Are you going to stop trolling and fabricating things any time soon?

Even though forum members openly mocking other forum members is against the AUP, it seems the act of reporting such behaviour in this instance was somehow grounds for a ban, as seen below.

Be careful out there folks, navigating this site’s “on the fly” hidden rules can be a minefield. If you have views that don’t align with this section’s liberal circlejerk, expect to be digpiled, which the site staff will happily join in on, and blatant rule breaking will be encouraged, as long as the face fits.
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The Britain thread has a "how will you vote in the upcoming election?" poll. Should this one, too?

Edit: or in the 2024 Election thread, probably.
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The Britain thread has a "how will you vote in the upcoming election?" poll. Should this one, too?

Edit: or in the 2024 Election thread, probably.
I think just on a matter of technicality, not while the main candidates are presumptive.
Jon Stewart crushing it (again). Some bad language but he is great here - the court system is the MAGA republican's worst enemy because it requires actual evidence.

Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel are pretty funny too...
Stewart really earnt his fee today. He almost came across like an angry Legal Eagle but without the technical arguments. He just put his case across in plain and vulgar English, subtly demonstrating to the audience and viewers at home that being on a TV jury can be a lot more fun than the real thing. "It's not the multiverse..." :lol:

Colbert's Trump impressions and jubilant crowd were also very funny.
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Sorry to be the killjoy here

This issue is not isolated to the US, I believe Western Europe is also impacted by this issue: how to deal with migrants:

Sorry for showing my colors:
Remember when getting on your knees was considered by the Republicans as the most blasphemous thing and heinous action against this country, yet here we are they have decided that flying the flag upside down as patriotic ??!! What the?

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