America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Highly recommend a film called "Praying for Armageddon" to see how Evangelicals have infested politics and the military (they target them even in Basic Training) with the view of sparking a war between "good and evil" to bring about Christ's return. It was made before Oct 7 which makes it seem almost prophetic (and terrifying considering Trump is back).
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I hope you folks have something we can rely on. Increasingly, Europe is what we're going to rely on for scientific information about all subjects Trump doesn't like - including climate change and public health. I don't know what country is ready to hire our climate scientists as they resign, but someone should be gearing up for that effort. I wonder if they can wrestle control our climate research satellites away from Trump, probably not.
The Met Office is great, but works with NAOO for the US, so that's out.
Apropos of the descent of America, we have a new village being built in our village (yeah) right now, so if you want to move here there'll be room :D New-builds will be roomier but flimsier and boringer, but there'll be people moving out of the proper houses in the existing village too. We could get the kids together after many, many years :lol:
I checked in to UK immigration policies a while back, and it's quite challenging. I'd need to get someone to sponsor me for work, and my work skills at the moment are specific to the US (law). Also the UK doesn't have much in the way of orbital trajectory work.

Don't think I haven't thought about it. I was all over the UK government rules for immigration. I know more people who live in the UK than I do Canada.

Canada is just significantly easier, at least right now. I already have my foot in the door in Canada, and there are viable options which enable me to commute back to keep my current US job for a while. Do Canadian citizens get access to the UK since it's all part of the monarchy or something? Bleh, just checked. Not really. Looks like Canadian citizens are treated about the same as US for moving to the UK.


I've never actually thought about it before, but the math background I have would make me a really good climate science fit. I had never considered a career in climate science before. That would be kinda hilarious for me.
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I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
Yea, that's way too hopeful.
I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
Nah, they just claim its gods punishment for gay people existing or some such ****.
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I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
It will still be Biden's fault.
I checked in to UK immigration policies a while back, and it's quite challenging. I'd need to get someone to sponsor me for work, and my work skills at the moment are specific to the US (law). Also the UK doesn't have much in the way of orbital trajectory work.

Don't think I haven't thought about it. I was all over the UK government rules for immigration. I know more people who live in the UK than I do Canada.

Canada is just significantly easier, at least right now. I already have my foot in the door in Canada, and there are viable options which enable me to commute back to keep my current US job for a while. Do Canadian citizens get access to the UK since it's all part of the monarchy or something? Bleh, just checked. Not really. Looks like Canadian citizens are treated about the same as US for moving to the UK.


I've never actually thought about it before, but the math background I have would make me a really good climate science fit. I had never considered a career in climate science before. That would be kinda hilarious for me.
I think I'm stuck here. My age (59) is a problem. I have 17 years of experience in the company I work for and there is a location in a country I have looked into but I don't know if they would be willing to hire someone trying to immigrate into their country.

I do need to get my passport renewed ASAP but it expired in 2011 so I don't know if I need to go to the post office for that.
I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
Y'all Qaeda's ignorance survived COVID knocking the wind out of them, it'll survive the next hurricane season.

On the one hand, anyone surprised? On the other, this is a Senator who has so little power to stop someone who is breaking a law she wrote that she's not actually doing anything about it, just posting about it on state-sponsored social media.
@Danoff What are your back-up plans for when Canada gets annexed by Trump/Musk? :lol:

Our military would probably fall in a day, but I foresee a violent resistance making life for the American occupiers a living hell. Many Canadians would likely rather die than call themselves American.

There was once a time when annexing Canada would have been seen as a silly idea. It was never a question of whether the US could do it, but whether they should. The preventable bloodshed, the souring of relations with NATO/Europe (with the possibility of war), the economic backlash, what to do with the Quebecois, the resistance against the occupiers, the resistance against integration (possibly for decades), violent protests against the act within the US itself... These are just some reasons I can think of off the top of my head for why annexing Canada would be a very stupid idea. However, this is the reality we may have to prepare for now.

Should this be a new thread?
I love and play hockey. Bobby Orr is a god.

Can I please come in?🤣

Obviously this is sarcasm. I don’t mean to demean anyone’s opinion.
Comedy and sarcasm are how I deal with my own insecurities and/or my daily frustrations.

I really, really feel like @Danoff right now. America, as I know it, is on the very edge of collapse. I’m not afraid to admit that i’m a bit scared for my wife, daughter and how I protect them in this future.
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I love and play hockey. Bobby Orr is a god.

Can I please come in?🤣

Obviously this is sarcasm. I don’t mean to demean anyone’s opinion.
Comedy and sarcasm are how I deal with my own insecurities and/or my daily frustrations.

I really, really feel like @Danoff right now. America, as I know it, is on the very edge of collapse. I’m not afraid to admit that i’m a bit scared for my wife, daughter and how I protect them in this future.
I would say that you might be overqualified. :lol:

I understand the need to get away from the orange dictator, but there's a chance you might be coming out of the frying pan and into the fire by moving here. Not sure where else you could go if that happens. Australia and New Zealand perhaps.
I honestly think that if there is one destructive storm to the red state base that was made worse due to the kneecapping of NOAA that we might see an about face, but I am being way too hopeful.
Not a chance. They would blame it on homosexuality and push for legislation to ban in, in hopes that it will make god less angry with America.

And that’s not even a joke, I’m fairly confident that’s how they would react to it.
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@Danoff What are your back-up plans for when Canada gets annexed by Trump/Musk? :lol:

Our military would probably fall in a day, but I foresee a violent resistance making life for the American occupiers a living hell. Many Canadians would likely rather die than call themselves American.
This sounds similar to the plot of the South Park movie. Sounds like you should consider building a wall and getting Washington to pay for it. Not that that'd keep the world's largest and best equipped military force from storming your border.
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I hope the MAGA crowd is happy. They've appear to have achieved their goal of defeating Plutocracy ...
Elon Musk is the definition of a plutocrat though.
and have replaced it with Idiocracy.
The idiots who voted for this shower aren't in charge, not that the people who are seem to be much (if any) smarter.
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This sounds similar to the plot of the South Park movie. Sounds like you should consider building a wall and getting Washington to pay for it. Not that that'd keep the world's largest and best equipped military force from storming your border.
"Fixed fortifications are monuments to man’s stupidity." - George S. Patton

You should also watch Michael Moore's Canadian Bacon if you haven't seen it. It's about the USA's need for a new enemy after the fall of the Soviet Union, so they aimed the propaganda machine at Canada.

I hope the MAGA crowd is happy. They've appear to have achieved their goal of defeating Plutocracy ...

and have replaced it with Idiocracy.
This essentially describes most Americans nowadays:


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I really, really feel like @Danoff right now. America, as I know it, is on the very edge of collapse. I’m not afraid to admit that i’m a bit scared for my wife, daughter and how I protect them in this future.
What is the mood like in daily interactions with other Americans? Is there a palpable feeling of dread/unease?
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I wonder if there will be a surge in divorce proceedings starting now. I can easily imagine that these fascist women-haters would love to regulate divorce and make the conditions for such near impossible.

Because a woman is her husband's property. /s
I wonder if there will be a surge in divorce proceedings starting now. I can easily imagine that these fascist women-haters would love to regulate divorce and make the conditions for such near impossible.

Because a woman is her husband's property. /s
It does indeed seem so.
