America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Let's talk video games.

So this video is posted on the website of Rainbow 6: Patriots. I watched the first trailer and it was dope so I watched this one next and I didn't like what I saw at all. It made me extremely uncomfortable and concerned about the premise of the game. It's great when a game is able to solicit an emotional response but this game just rubs me in all the wrong ways, to the point where I don't think I would ever play it. I don't want the message the game portrays to be any more in the public eye than it already is, and I think it's terrible to try and make money off this idea. I mean, I feel disgusted by it. I left a message on RB6's Facebook page outlining my view and I'll see if it gets a response. It seems nobody else had anything more interesting to say than "sweet game".

Let's talk video games.

So this video is posted on the website of Rainbow 6: Patriots. I watched the first trailer and it was dope so I watched this one next and I didn't like what I saw at all. It made me extremely uncomfortable and concerned about the premise of the game. It's great when a game is able to solicit an emotional response but this game just rubs me in all the wrong ways, to the point where I don't think I would ever play it. I don't want the message the game portrays to be any more in the public eye than it already is, and I think it's terrible to try and make money off this idea. I mean, I feel disgusted by it. I left a message on RB6's Facebook page outlining my view and I'll see if it gets a response. It seems nobody else had anything more interesting to say than "sweet game".


What specifically did you take away from the message of the game? What did you think of this video?

A month ago, this game was rumored cancelled. Now, we're hearing that the pre-orders were cancelled because the game developers wanted to sorry next current gen consoles(XBOX ONE/ PS4). Source:
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^That one is a little bit more extreme and has far more shocking imagery considering recent events.

But even so, I personally think its up to the consumer not to buy things they don't like, not for people to be prevented talking about or presenting such subjects in any form of media.

Poor timing really.
To be fair I don't think Keef is suggesting censorship of any kind.

I interpreted it as something even worse than censorship: wanting a game totally banned. (Because of its political viewpoint? Not gonna happen though, so I shouldn't probably worry too much. :) Not that I'm somewhat hyper excited about it, but banning a freaking game for any reason is just over the limit.)
Keef wanting this game banned is about as likely as Obama ending PRISM.

There is such a thing as disliking something without thinking the all mighty government should confiscate it at gunpoint. Kinda telling that censorship was the immediate assumption.
I interpreted it as something even worse than censorship: wanting a game totally banned. (Because of its political viewpoint? Not gonna happen though, so I shouldn't probably worry too much. :) Not that I'm somewhat hyper excited about it, but banning a freaking game for any reason is just over the limit.)

He never said anything about censorship or banning, he simply said he didn't want the message to be portrayed any more than it already is. I don't want people to do a lot of things but that doesn't mean I don't want them to have the choice to do so.
No but that's the implication.

That wasn't the implication at all.

I interpreted it as something even worse than censorship: wanting a game totally banned. (Because of its political viewpoint? Not gonna happen though, so I shouldn't probably worry too much. :) Not that I'm somewhat hyper excited about it, but banning a freaking game for any reason is just over the limit.)

Nor was this the implication. I guess this is kind of how things normally go across the pond - offensive content is to be banned, etc. It is possible to find something offensive while not wanting to ban/restrict it.

Keef was just commenting on how it is in poor taste to cash in on the US housing collapse in such a fashion. I'm with him on that, it is just tasteless. It also looks extremely dated as well, so good job developers :indiff:
Well, that and tossing a civilian victim off a bridge to save others. Trolley problem and all that.
I don't support censorship of any kind. While I'd react emotionally and hold strong opinions like anybody else, I know that freedom of expression is just something everybody should have to deal with.

That aside, my specific issue of this game is that it portrays a problem and a way to solve it. But the problem was and is a real problem, the solution is based on an ideology that is currently widespread across America (and the world), and the solution itself is something I'm sure many frustrated people have daydreamed about. There's almost no fantasy to the game and it makes real an awfully flawed solution to a problem based on misinformation.

Apparently the game takes place after the events of the housing and financial collapse here in the US (basically present time). Everybody is pissed at all the corporate bigwigs for taking bailouts and living a comfortable life while screwing everybody over. People feel betrayed and wish there were a way to get back at these rich assholes. The general consensus is that corporate greed is the root of the problem.

But people miss the fact that the environment in which these "greedy" bosses operated was established by the government. In most cases these companies were required to make stupid decisions not only because they were incentivized but also because failure to do so was penalized. Those who were not subject to these rules were effectively forced to follow suit because they had to compete to survive.

The solution in the game was to punish these corporate heads for their sins. A civilian organization bands together, breaks into homes, holds people hostage, throws a boss out a window and to prove a point not only kills him but numerous others who had nothing to do with it. Like many Americans, they refuse to believe that their government could ever do anything truly harmful, and the best solution they can come up with is flagrant rights violations of those who didn't necessarily do wrong in an attempt to solve a problem that they've been made to believe exists by a government who denied any wrongdoing and pointed fingers instead.

I wish I could explain more clearly why this is so striking to me. I've never reacted to a fantasy murder game like this before. But this game doesn't play on fantasy, it plays on a false reality which currently exists amongst our neighbors and attempts to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist in a way that many people would actually like to see happen. It's capitalizing on propaganda and perpetuating a real-life charade. I don't want to be a part of anything the spreads a false message that actually affects me and everybody else now and in the future.

Maybe this is the sort of thing that gets Jews or Muslims riled up about certain offensive things. But nobody gets mad about this because we haven't had 50 years to realize it was a farce.
I'm reminded of the torture scene in a recent Game of Thrones episode wherein the torturer explains to the tortured, "If you think this ends well, you haven't been paying attention."
Nor was this the implication. I guess this is kind of how things normally go across the pond - offensive content is to be banned, etc. It is possible to find something offensive while not wanting to ban/restrict it.

No, in fact the reason I jump to that conclusion is that I more often than not hear the call to ban video games coming from people in America (but also elsewhere in the world - in Germany and Australia they actually go and do it). I've become quite used to people wanting to ban things they don't like.

I realise its possible to find it offensive and not want to ban it - thats pretty much what I was saying earlier, that I don't agree with banning things - I didn't say you can't be only offended by it either.

This topic is quite a common one the past 20 years and usually gets brought up by those who wish to ban video games.

I wish I could explain more clearly why this is so striking to me. I've never reacted to a fantasy murder game like this before. But this game doesn't play on fantasy, it plays on a false reality which currently exists amongst our neighbors and attempts to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist in a way that many people would actually like to see happen. It's capitalizing on propaganda and perpetuating a real-life charade. I don't want to be a part of anything the spreads a false message that actually affects me and everybody else now and in the future.

Maybe this is the sort of thing that gets Jews or Muslims riled up about certain offensive things. But nobody gets mad about this because we haven't had 50 years to realize it was a farce.

Now this I can fully understand and fully agree with. 👍
Instead of full-on censorship, why not treat this like other art forms, whereby we accept creative license and liberties are used as forms of expression. This game is merely an expression of frustration, or at least plays to an audience that finds solace in fantasizing an outcome in an imaginary violent's not reality. False reality is fantasy, in my opinion. In reality, you'd serve lots of time (or face death) for avenging people in this manner.

I wouldn't buy it, nor support it, but I disagree that it needs to be censored, either. That's the wrong path altogether, if we're for harmless freedoms of expression. Awareness never hurts, so as long as the right audience is mentally capable of understanding it is a one-sided, heavily-slanted piece of fiction.
Is the game a bit out of line? Yeah, one could make that argument. However, seeing as I have no personal interest in first person shooters or the like, I don't think that it is quite fair to prejudge a game based on only rumors and speculation, Keef.

Besides, what would have happened in game, based on what you said, already did happen, Occupy Wall Street. The charade is that the people who protested represented the so called 99%ers, but if you look at where the protests were actually going strong, you would have found that they were fueled by the Democrat governments in those cities and states that facilitated the need for the camp outs in the first place.
Bradley Manning is finally getting some much deserved attention.

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During hearings today, the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, tells Congress that the FBI uses drones to conduct surveillance in the US. On a "limited basis" only.;)

MSN/NBC News Link to FBI drone use

What's that low buzzing sound I hear when I'm out for my bike rides?:D

Let's assume for a moment that Mueller is telling the absolute truth, unlikely as that may be. Now consider that it was claimed that the federal income tax would only affect a small percentage of Americans when first passed.


Here's a link to 60 different dialect survey maps made by this guy from UNC.
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"Pop" and "Car-ml" are ridiculous. I had someone tell me the thing I was looking for was by the "pop machine" the other day. I live in Colorado and for a moment I thought she said "pot machine".

Anyway if you say "pop" or "Car-ml", stop immediately.