America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
No warrant = cops broke the law coming in. She would have been justified in shooting them.

She would also have been dead. Very likely her boyfriend would have been, too.

One really galling aspect of this case is the cop saying she shouldn't have gone to the press.

If she brings a lawsuit she deserves to win a big big settlement. Heads should roll at the Sarasota police department and whatever federal marshal's office was involved.

I know nothing whatsoever about the suspect, but I do have to wonder about the need for around 30 cops with guns drawn for a child rapist. Sounds like they've been watching too many of the takedowns at the end of a TCAP episode.
Anthony Weiner is such a freak weirdo. Thank god this communist's political career is now over. ... Let's hope it's over, anyway.

He and his wife are both morally compromised people. Absolutely pathological.
Anthony Weiner is such a freak weirdo. Thank god this communist's political career is now over. ... Let's hope it's over, anyway.

He and his wife are both morally compromised people. Absolutely pathological.

There is a vast literature of stories connecting the Muslim Huma Abedin, currently Weiner's wife, to Hillary Clinton in a lesbian love affair. Obviously, the bedroom techniques she learned form Hillary were insufficient to keep Weiner at home, much as they were insufficient to satisfy Bill.
There is a vast literature of stories connecting the Muslim Huma Abedin, currently Weiner's wife, to Hillary Clinton in a lesbian love affair. Obviously, the bedroom techniques she learned form Hillary were insufficient to keep Weiner at home, much as they were insufficient to satisfy Bill.

'Some people claim there's a woman to blame' Jimmy Buffett

But I know it's Da Weiners fault.:sly:
Anyone that could admire Hillary Clinton would probably have a personality disorder anyway.
Something broke through local TV in Detroit that is starting to make national news(at least conservative news).

Apparently two men were dressed as undercover cops robbed two men at a local Detroit gas station and assaulted them. The two men were caught on film and promptly arrested without charges after the film aired on local TV.

The two men, ironically, were actually police officers. One was Detroit PD, the other was from nearby St. Claire Shores PD. The apparent motive was that this was a revenge robbery for the latter's daughter, who was also robbed.

This comes on top of news that there were similar cases, as well as cases(as reported in the Detroit Free Press) of two cops conducting robberies and committing sexual assaults.
The TSA going a bit off the deep end. All the way down to harrassing passangers on city busses. :ill:

As hundreds of commuters emerged from Amtrak and commuter trains at Union Station on a recent morning, an armed squad of men and women dressed in bulletproof vests made their way through the crowds.

Couple this with the types of programs city police(in cali so far as I know atm) use to photo your car plate everywhere you go, even photographing your children in your yard in the process... It's not a far stretch to conclude that we are losing our freedom of travel at a rapid rate.

EDIT: here is a source before some smart ass requires one from me :P

EDIT2: I guess I could bring up a topic actually related to the OP so here we go. How about criminal charges against that Libyan dude, what a fitting end to that bungle in the jungle desert.
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EDIT2: I guess I could bring up a topic actually related to the OP so here we go. How about criminal charges against that Libyan dude, what a fitting end to that bungle in the jungle desert.

I saw CNN's interview with the guy. He lived openly and in high style in Benghazi for months after the battle. He said he was there that night at the compound where he wound up directing traffic out front during the raid. He is small fry.

Since the sealed charges were filed, he has of course slipped away.

There is plenty more discussion of Libya and Benghazi in the Arab spring thread. Depending on what the real truth and coverup are all about, it could rise above being just another Obama ****up and scandal to impeachable offense.
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In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.

The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.

I guess you really can fix everything with bigger and bigger government...:grumpy::yuck:
So what are they going to do when they find that small farm towns all over America are 95% white? Start handing out subsidies to get black people to move from the city to the middle of nowhere?
So what are they going to do when they find that small farm towns all over America are 95% white? Start handing out subsidies to get black people to move from the city to the middle of nowhere?

Or maybe subsidies to whites to move back to Detroit, Chicago, L.A. etc. :sly:
Wow the US minimum wage is quite shocking low only £4.66, how does the minimum wage work in the US? Is it done in age brackets? Or just one set minimum?

Just looked up the UK minimum wage to compare,

Year----------------------21 and over - 18 to 20 - Under 18 - Apprentice
2013 (from 1 October)-----£6.31-------£5.03-------£3.72-------£2.68
2012 (current rate)--------£6.19-------£4.98-------£3.68-------£2.65
It's a fixed rate nation wide, however I believe states can override it if they want. I know Washington state is over $9 USD an hour. And employees that receive tips (waitress, pizza deliver) receive less. Doesn't really matter how old you are, it's more experience based.
The problem with raising the minimum wage is that it ultimately hurts job creation. Take the BS that is happening in DC right now. They, the city council, basically forced Wal-Mart to pay a $12 living wage and guess what happened? Over a hundred jobs in retail and construction gone within 12 hours. Now granted, DC is one of the more unionized areas that the store has expanded to in recent memory, but to bully the store into paying a minimum wage that is nearly 65% more than the nearest competition based on your reputation, is just sheer lunacy.

So, if a democrat is saying that they are for job creation...

...I give you this.
The problem with raising the minimum wage is that it ultimately hurts job creation. Take the BS that is happening in DC right now. They, the city council, basically forced Wal-Mart to pay a $12 living wage and guess what happened? Over a hundred jobs in retail and construction gone within 12 hours. Now granted, DC is one of the more unionized areas that the store has expanded to in recent memory, but to bully the store into paying a minimum wage that is nearly 65% more than the nearest competition based on your reputation, is just sheer lunacy.

So, if a democrat is saying that they are for job creation...

...I give you this.

I think it depends on the area. Santa Fe raised there minimum wage to $10.29 and as far as I can tell it hasnt hurt them too bad. Granted I havent seen any hard numbers to back that up nor do I live there.
The problem with raising the minimum wage is that it ultimately hurts job creation. Take the BS that is happening in DC right now. They, the city council, basically forced Wal-Mart to pay a $12 living wage and guess what happened? Over a hundred jobs in retail and construction gone within 12 hours. Now granted, DC is one of the more unionized areas that the store has expanded to in recent memory, but to bully the store into paying a minimum wage that is nearly 65% more than the nearest competition based on your reputation, is just sheer lunacy.

So, if a democrat is saying that they are for job creation...

...I give you this.

Only a liberal could dream up legislation like that. It's just plain stupidity. Paying a higher wage to everyone might make some sense, forcing one company to do it is a surefire way to say to them, "We don't want your business"...and that's what they got and deservedly so.
Raising the minimum wage is a great idea. As long as you think making everything down the production line from the mines to Walmart more expensive is a great idea. And that resulting lower sales is a great idea. And that an eventual stagnated economy is a great idea.

And now it's time for this week's offensive but true blanket statement, brought to you by Keef as nobody else could: Anybody in favor of raising the minimum wage has no grasp of basic supply-and-demand economics.
So what are they going to do when they find that small farm towns all over America are 95% white? Start handing out subsidies to get black people to move from the city to the middle of nowhere?

I refuse to move to the Midwest.
More money = more spending = better economy, no?
Every item they spend money on, assuming we do that bat guano insane $11, will cost an extra $3.75 per hour/per employee of production, then an extra $3.75 an hour for shipping, and an extra $3.75 for sales. Ever hour it is actively going from mined raw materials to you buying it is an extra $3.75. Lets assume 100 widgets are made an hour. That's $0.04 per item, rounded. Sounds minimal, but everything that is made at a minimum wage goes up that much. Add in that not only the minimum wage stuff goes up. The $9 an hour goes up too. And do you think the guy making $11 an hour now is suddenly happy being demoted to entry-level unskilled pay? No. You have to raise their pay. Then the guys making $12 complain. And it ripples all the way up the line, because where do you draw the line at the point where you tell the newly disgruntled employee too bad? So then nearly all wages rise and is noted in the price of everything. This is all overly simplified too. It would take pages to explain the exact cost effect.

And shouldn't we all want this universal pay raise to end poverty? Sure, except poverty is a relative term. It is impossible to eliminate the lower class, middle class, etc. Those are all terms based on what everyone else makes. Poverty will become over $11 an hour.

But there is one way to avoid the cost of living increase. Less workers. A 50% pay increase means 50% less people doing the same total amount of work to avoid needing to raise prices.

Just a couple of weeks back fast food employees went on strike, demanding $15/hr. I make that. I do budgets and program contracts for the Department for Public Health. If I make a mistake some sick, poor person won't get their medicine. Is the fry cook at McDonald's worth the pay I make? When I worked in minimum wage jobs I was in school and looking for the least responsibility possible. I could just turn my brain off. $7.25 an hour seems about right for brainless work.

And here is the real kicker: The ACA goes into effect next year. There are already employers reducing full-time employees to part-time to avoid the new expenses. If they have to do that now, what would they do if pay jumped $3.75 an hour?
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Ever hour it is actively going from mined raw materials to you buying it is an extra $3.75. Lets assume 100 widgets are made an hour. That's $0.38 per item.

Not to put to fine a point on it but that's actually $0.038 per item.

Prices will rise for lower waged employees obviously with an increase in minimum wage and it will result in slightly higher prices for everyone as cost increases are passed on to consumers. If all else were to remain the same, lower waged people would be far better off because prices would not rise generally anywhere close to what their wage increase was in terms of percentages.

The real question is, what happens to those businesses that pay minimum wage now and are labour intensive? If the cost of your burger combo goes up even a dollar, will they still sell as many? If it costs you $30 to get someone to cut your grass instead of $20 will you do it yourself? As a manufacturer if it costs you $450 per week to hire someone instead of $300 or $600 instead of $450, and you aren't selling as much stuff as you used to because the price went up, will you make a trip to Mexico to see if they can make your product there and just ship it up to you so you can distribute it?