America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Why are the parents ****ed then?

It seems to me the immediate fame is partially to blame, with pressures and all, but the money, does it not corrupt? Perhaps not but we see it time and time again in pop culture.

It well could be the very thing that makes them great in the public's eye their worse enemy.

A shame either way you slice it and I sincerely wish the kid drama queen all the best.
I think it has more to do with whether a child is built into a success, or they build themselves into a success. You know, Bill Gates never had the same problems as Michael Jackson.

Maybe my first question didn't have the right accent(lost on the web). It seems to me the parents where not prepared, or inadequate, something. So I was asking, how do we fix that?

It's very hard being social animals and rising to personal success if that makes sense. Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, just a blip in the road.
Only in America folks, you can make millions of dollars acting and dislike your parents and have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result:

It should be noted that celebrities are often reported as being treated for minor things when it is really something far worse. Exhaustion is used a lot, but that tends to mean detox. In this case, based on her known actions alone, I would guess PTSD is actually bipolar or borderline schizophrenic. Or there is something more to the PTSD than reported, which is believable based on things you hear about being thrown at young teen stars. Young male stars have talked a out women and drugs at as young as 12. God only knows how a female that young gets treated.
If you named your son, "President of the United States, "Chief Justice", "Lieutenant General", "Police Chief", or "Lord God", it's likely the establishment would have an issue with it.
Those are official, earned or elected titles. The word messiah isn't. It's not even a proper noun depending on its usage, unlike actual biblical names which are given to tens of thousands of children of varying religious status every day.

The judge is an idiot and I hope the order is officially thrown out. The article states that Messiah is a fast-growing baby name - if this instance of the name must be changed, they all must be changed.
We live in a country where you can name your daughter Moxie CrimeFighter. Anything goes.

Further, the judge, as part of the ruling, stated their is only one Messiah. That will be overturned in appeals on 1st Amendment grounds. The ruling is based on making a legal preference to one religion. I am almost positive Jewish and Muslim citizens, among others, would strongly disagree.

If it were up to me, the judge would be getting censured for making a faith-based ruling from the bench. I'd actually love to see her get all kinds of letters from local Jewish, Muslim, and non-messiah believing groups.

The name change issue is bad, but it has far bigger implications on a church/state level. It's enough to make me think her other rulings should be reviewed for religious bias.
wow some long winded posts. ffs name your baby whatever you want to, what a joke.(thank god my ex didn't get crazy with the names, in fact I even have a junior of sorts, yay me!)

Such a silly issue, the only problem I have is that we are actually paying for that sort of crap.
It's silly on the face of it but as FK explained it actually has much deeper connotations.
There are some funny things going on in the bond, treasury and stock markets this morning.
I ask why?
There are some funny things going on in the bond, treasury and stock markets this morning.
I ask why?
Because someone heard that someone overheard someone saying to someone that someone heard a rumour that someone has good reason to believe that the Federal Reserve was planning to do something?
Because someone heard that someone overheard someone saying to someone that someone heard a rumour that someone has good reason to believe that the Federal Reserve was planning to do something?

Yeah, I think they call it "tapering", meaning reducing quantitative easing, which in turn boils down to cutting back on printing money to artificially stimulate the economy. This would lay bare any weakness of the common consumer to support and grow the economy.

And the rate on the 10 year note going over 2.75% gives some of them a thrill (of fear).
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Do we have a new chairman? That would explain the now flexing of muscles lol.

Everyone thinks Bernanke is on the way out. Wall Street wants Janet Yellin and Obama wants the perv Summers. Congress might not confirm either.
Everyone used to think Greenspan was some sort of voodoo magician but in reality any puppet can have strings.

I hope they figure it out, in my favor of conservative values would be a bonus.

p.s. thanks for the clarification, I've been a bit lazy with the news 👍
I want Ron Paul to be the chairman of the Fed. I think his first order of business would be to expose all the ways the Fed has ruined our economy, assisted in ruining the world's, and begin effort to shutter it and return the money to the market.
Hey, why not go the whole hog and give Milton Friedman the job? :sly:

Milton Friedman 👎. There is probably no one figure more responsible for all the harm that has been done to our economy and people in the last 30 years. In another world, I'd dig up his corpse and set his head upon a spike at the gate of the Federal Reserve building.

People might think academics have no power to do harm. But their intellectual novelties and institutional authority give the aura of legitimacy for businessmen, bankers, politicians, legislators, regulators and media who would enact and spread their harmful ideas.
That is some harsh lol(I have no opinion about it tbh)

We do want some educated though no? I mean how would you like it if I was the fed :lol:
Dotini, are you serious? Milton Friedman is not at that level. Go whack Zombie Keynes first.
We could do a true rewind and just bring back Adam Smith. I'm sure if we all get together we can build a time machine for the job :sly:

We already have better economists than Adam Smith. The only proto-economist I'd fetch from the past is Fred Bastiat.

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