America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm wondering how the Clock Boy can claim he was harmed when he got invited to the White House and got the stamp of approval for his project from the President of the United States.
I'm wondering how the Clock Boy can claim he was harmed when he got invited to the White House and got the stamp of approval for his project from the President of the United States.

I'm not one for "conspiracy theories" but something about that whole incident doesn't completely add up. It seems staged so people can shout "racism" and then collect a paycheck and anyone who dares to say the kid or his family is wrong is labeled as a racist. I really wish I understood where lawyers or families come up with these crazy numbers though, $15 million dollars, honestly?

I also just watched the dashcam video of the Laquan McDonald shooting and it definitely looks bad for the Officer. Keep in mind the Officers involved know much more about the situation than the dashcam shows, they know he had been scaring civilians with a knife, slashing tires and behaving very erratically, something that doesn't come across to the viewer when they are watching something that happens in a matter of seconds.

Anyway, I can see how the initial shots of the Officer could be justified, without having any sound on the video it seems the McDonald makes a sudden movement right before he is shot, and at the range he was to the Officers he could've easily done a lot of damage. However when he was on the ground I saw nothing from the angle of that dashcam (which is very important to note, cameras are always helpful but they do not always tell the whole story) that made McDonald seem like a threat. I don't know what the Officer saw or thought that made him shoot 16 times, it could be a case of getting tunnel vision and not even recognizing that he shot that many times, or it could be something completely different, that one video isn't enough to go by, in my opinion. I will say that I don't see 1st degree Murder sticking based on that video, but I'll wait for more facts to be released before I speculate further.
I agree with Peo, but there is one instance that looked really bad for the officer. When the kid was on the ground still moving a little, it looks like he was shot again in the chest? There was what appeared to be a small puff of smoke that rose off him for a brief second, I assume from a gun shot.
I also just watched the dashcam video of the Laquan McDonald shooting and it definitely looks bad for the Officer.

Yeah, I agree

Anyway, I can see how the initial shots of the Officer could be justified, without having any sound on the video it seems the McDonald makes a sudden movement right before he is shot, and at the range he was to the Officers he could've easily done a lot of damage. However when he was on the ground I saw nothing from the angle of that dashcam (which is very important to note, cameras are always helpful but they do not always tell the whole story) that made McDonald seem like a threat.

I've seen the video as well, and I don't really see any "lunge" towards the police officers, if anything Laquan is continuing to walk very slightly away from the police cars at an angle to them.

Its my understanding from the timeline presented so far, that the police officer discharged his weapon 14 times while Laquan was lying on the ground over a period of 10-12 seconds. At no time during this period did it seem that Laquan was lunging towards anyone.
The kid is clearly walking away. It looks bad for the entire department because they attemped a cover up.

It's S.O.P for the gang in blue.
I'm wondering how the Clock Boy can claim he was harmed when he got invited to the White House and got the stamp of approval for his project from the President of the United States.

It's in the full submission as linked, certainly the behaviour of the mayor (if as described) was either unprofessional or badly advised.
Not true. The Mayor is legally obliged to keep the interview with school administration and clock boy secret. With the lawsuit, it's evidence.

Hardly, the interview I'm referring to was on television.

There are some points in the submission worth considering; the authorities continued to allow the case to be called "a briefcase" which at 8 inches was a little optimistic, they apparently forgot his legal rights during the arrests and interview, they led him cuffed from the school and failed to release him at an appropriate time. Those are all points that should be considered for accuracy and legality before a judge.

What should also be considered are the after effects; the Clock Boy Hallowe'en costume, the Glenn Beck TV show mentioned above, the tweeting of the families home address, comments made about him in 'explanation' on the school intercom system. All those effects and others stem directly from the full-on public handling of the case.

I think $15 million is a lot to ask but I do think there should be some recompense and a review of the events in law. The letter makes interesting reading, at least for me :)
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Hardly, the interview I'm referring to was on television.

Federal law doesn't require the parents to be present in a School Resource Officer interview. (source) All that TX law requires is that a student is asked if they want their parents present at the interview, which, according to the mayor, the SRO did ask repeatedly.

There are some points in the submission worth considering; the authorities continued to allow the case to be called "a briefcase" which at 8 inches was a little optimistic, they apparently forgot his legal rights during the arrests and interview, they led him cuffed from the school and failed to release him at an appropriate time. Those are all points that should be considered for accuracy and legality before a judge.
The briefcase usage is just simply the media sensationalized what it actually is. Then again, if the actual footage of the SRO interview was released, then obviously we can judge the interview on its own merit.

What should also be considered are the after effects; the Clock Boy Hallowe'en costume, the Glenn Beck TV show mentioned above, the tweeting of the families home address, comments made about him in 'explanation' on the school intercom system. All those effects and others stem directly from the full-on public handling of the case.
source required. Outside the Glenn Beck TV show, no local outlet made time to put half the information that you are just throwing out there.

I think $15 million is a lot to ask but I do think there should be some recompense and a review of the events in law. The letter makes interesting reading, at least for me :)
I did read that letter before first posting it. Half of that, in my opinion, is fueling the same nonsense that the father is spewing out.

Also consider this, if the father really wanted the truth to come out, then why did he refuse to have the SRO tape released?
Federal law doesn't require the parents to be present in a School Resource Officer interview. (source) All that TX law requires is that a student is asked if they want their parents present at the interview, which, according to the mayor, the SRO did ask repeatedly.

He was arrested in law and placed in juvenile detention before release. You're correct about the SRO interview but its relevance is somewhat diminished by later events.

The briefcase usage is just simply the media sensationalized what it actually is. Then again, if the actual footage of the SRO interview was released, then obviously we can judge the interview on its own merit.

See previous comment. Unless his comments in that interview were "I wanted to make something that looked like a bomb for teh lulz" then I think the relevance remains in low proportion.

source required. Outside the Glenn Beck TV show, no local outlet made time to put half the information that you are just throwing out there.

Did you read the letter? That's a source for the points being made, no?

I did read that letter which of the points do you disagree with? If you think there are untruths in there then isn't it better that the chance to prove/disprove the "facts" is given in a court of law?

Also consider this, if the father really wanted the truth to come out, then why did he refuse to have the SRO tape released?

Did he? Source required.

The things you say about SRO and loco parentis are correct with the caveat that in a custodial situation where questions are asked there has been found to be a need for rights to be read and observed. At that point the question of loco parentis is a difficult one.

I'm sure there's flam from either side here, let's see how it pans out in court.
Wal-Mart hired Lockheed Martin to spy on employees and contacted an FBI terrorism task force...just because they wanted better working conditions and the right to join a union. (Bloomberg)
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Wal-Mart hired Lockheed Martin to spy on employees and contacted an FBI terrorism task force...just because they wanted better working conditions and the right to join a union. (Bloomberg)
Is there anything illegal here? Everyone has a right to join a union in North America.
It's going to be very interesting to see how this case turns out. With the limited information available at this point, it seems they could be guilty of conspiracy while at the same time not guilty of the actual shootings because they were beaten and then chased by a mob.

The shooters also filmed a video prior to the attack (NSFW LANGUAGE WARNING):
The shooters also filmed a video prior to the attack (NSFW LANGUAGE WARNING):

Exactly. That's why I said they might be guilty of conspiracy because they are obviously going there with intent. But once there, according to eye witnesses, they were assaulted and then chased by a mob, at which point they are acting in self defense and have a right to defend themselves. I'm sure more details will come out soon enough so it should be interesting to see how it turns out.
The US should close its borders, to prevent more potential Christian terrorists entering the country.
Also, Christians should finally need to wear a visible marking, so normal people can avoid direct contact.
Let's be real here, Christians, more so Caucasian Christians won't be labeled terrorists, they have mental issues........:rolleyes:

Humans and their pushy belief systems, smh!

Someone has been chaining spiked baseball bats to poles throughout San Francisco, and continue to confuse police officers as to their intended purpose.

Officers first received reports of wooden or metal baseball bats appearing on poles and parking meters in the city on Thanksgiving morning, San Francisco Police Sgt. Michael Andraychak said.

The bats have “spikes” that run through them, and nearly 30 of them have popped up around the city, most recently Friday morning around Fisherman’s Wharf.

While the reason for the bats’ appearance is unknown, Andraychak said the spikes on the objects allow them to be considered a prohibited or deadly weapon, which is a felony.
These weapons are akin to the medieval mace and spiked warhammer. They are well-suited to go through helmets and body armor.
Exactly. That's why I said they might be guilty of conspiracy because they are obviously going there with intent. But once there, according to eye witnesses, they were assaulted and then chased by a mob, at which point they are acting in self defense and have a right to defend themselves. I'm sure more details will come out soon enough so it should be interesting to see how it turns out.

Minnesota's self-defense law contains a "duty to retreat" provision. A person facing a threat has a duty to retreat where practical, before responding with "reasonable force."

If this happened in Florida, they wouldn't not be charged for unlawful use of force because of differences in their self-defense laws.
Is there any evidence at this point to suggest that the shooting is connected to the activities at the clinic?

Not so far. It seems likely, but that's only my opinion.

EDIT: Witnesses say that as Robert Lewis Dear was arrested he said "no more baby parts". Not a definitive clue to his reasoning but a strong one nonetheless. BBC.
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I don't understand people who attack family planning clinics. Whether this one is yet to be proven or not, it's certainly something which happens in North America for.. some reason.

"I value life so much that I'm going to take lives."

Minnesota's self-defense law contains a "duty to retreat" provision. A person facing a threat has a duty to retreat where practical, before responding with "reasonable force."

If this happened in Florida, they wouldn't not be charged for unlawful use of force because of differences in their self-defense laws.
I guess it will likely come down to whether they could have safely gotten away or if they were cornered and had to shoot to defend themselves.
Minnesota's self-defense law contains a "duty to retreat" provision. A person facing a threat has a duty to retreat where practical, before responding with "reasonable force."

If this happened in Florida, they wouldn't not be charged for unlawful use of force because of differences in their self-defense laws.
I didn't find anything that looked like a "duty to retreat" anywhere in the cited statute. Could you point it out for us?

I did make note of this, though, with regard to where use of force is permissible:
Minnesota 609.06
(6) when used by a parent, guardian, teacher, or other lawful custodian of a child or pupil, in the exercise of lawful authority, to restrain or correct such child or pupil