America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Black Lives Matter is about as silent on it as the media is. Meanwhile, half the racist idiots in Twittersphere that support BLM justify it because "whitey used to do it" & the ever popular "racism against whites isn't a thing". Then there's Don Lemon's dumb ass who is upset, but understanding because they're "teenagers". Disgusting to keep seeing them being referred to as such b/c it attempts to imply some sort of "innocent, misunderstood kids" view point. Then you have the Chicago PD's initial reaction about whether or not it's a hate crime and this gem from a detective at the bottom about "stupid mistakes".

That's incredible. I can't believe anyone is trying to write off what they did, especially when the evidence is right there on video.

18 is not a kid. Making stupid decisions is not an excuse. I hope the judge throws the book at them all. Stuff like this is messed up and they have earned everything that they have coming to them.
This really upsets me, an innocent person got kidnapped and tortured because of what happening in politics, and the media isn't calling it what it is...

...I usually don't posts these type of messages myself but I really do hope the victim and his family are going to be alright.
And of course, the White House won't comment on it because it's an on-going investigation, which is ironic because on-going investigations never stopped Obama from throwing in his 2 cents on Trayvon & Ferguson.
As much as I would love to see Trump do something dumb like claim, "That boy is like a son I would have", he's probably better off staying out of this. His presence will just make real racists rant about white privilege/supremacy.
I wonder if Obama will come out and say about the girls, "they could be my daughters". Probably not.

That's incredible. I can't believe anyone is trying to write off what they did, especially when the evidence is right there on video.

18 is not a kid. Making stupid decisions is not an excuse. I hope the judge throws the book at them all. Stuff like this is messed up and they have earned everything that they have coming to them.
Saw a panel discussion on CNN where one of the participants bascially blamed it on slavery and oppression and said there was no evidence that it was a hate crime. Don Lemon said, "I don't think it's evil, I think they're young people and they have bad home training".
Saw a panel discussion on CNN where one of the participants bascially blamed it on slavery and oppression and said there was no evidence that it was a hate crime. Don Lemon said, "I don't think it's evil, I think they're young people and they have bad home training".

I mean, I sort of think the whole hate crime thing is a bit weird anyway. A crime is a crime, and if you did it for reasons which make it highly likely that you'll reoffend then you should be judged accordingly. I don't really think that there's any need for specific hate crime laws.

But hate crime laws exist, and I don't see how any sensible person could think that they don't apply. Don Lemon is either clickbaiting or is a colossal moron. Probably both, he knows that he'll get attention by saying it and somehow can justify it to himself.

Still, it's not like he hasn't done this stuff before, he's practically made a career out of being an insensitive arse.
Saw a panel discussion on CNN where one of the participants bascially blamed it on slavery and oppression and said there was no evidence that it was a hate crime. Don Lemon said, "I don't think it's evil, I think they're young people and they have bad home training".

There's a weird sentiment in America among a group of more outspoken individuals that say only whites can be racist, so when a non-white person does something racial charged towards a white person, you get some people blaming everything except what it is...a hate crime. I'm guessing this is how Don Lemon thinks (I don't know for sure though but given his comments I'm willing to say it's closer to the truth than not) and it's something I will never understand about America. Anyone can be racist, prejudice, a bigot, or whatever you want to label it as regardless of what color their skin happens to be.
My personal favourite is that whites have never had to be enslaved. Read up on the Barbary Slave Trade...which was abolished after the Atlantic Slave Trade I might add...
CNN reporter claims Alt-right/Trump supporters tarnished BLM by blaming the kidnapping on them.

This did actually happen, people linking without evidence the attack to BLM, through the hashtag #BLMkidnapping.

Of course in my view it's poor form to attribute significance solely to a minority (I think) of awful tweets by people I've never heard of - why should I care who these idiots are and why they've said idiot things - right?
:lol: CNN at it again?

I don't know enough about the story to come to any conclusion regarding BLM, it's an odd thing for me to say BLM in that light however because it's always stood for the bureau of land management.

Blame is usually a childish thing anyway so I won't blame the other BLM but there is no way in the world so called Trump supporters are to blame for giving an organization a bad name when they do that quite well all by their big boy selves, seriously is that movement considered legit?

It seems to me that all lives matter.
This did actually happen, people linking without evidence the attack to BLM, through the hashtag #BLMkidnapping.
That's not the part they got wrong. Black Lives Matter was already tarnished by the pointless riots set off without having all the facts or BLM leaders failing to take control of their movement before all the bad apples completely destroyed any original movement they were after.
This did actually happen, people linking without evidence the attack to BLM, through the hashtag #BLMkidnapping.

Of course in my view it's poor form to attribute significance solely to a minority (I think) of awful tweets by people I've never heard of - why should I care who these idiots are and why they've said idiot things - right?
The overall issue with the story is that BLM didn't get out ahead of the story, thus the assumption caught fire. Do I think that BLM ordered the hate crime? No, but they didn't discourage it either.
It seems to me that all lives matter.

Be careful saying such a thing because it'll get you called a racist. I been told by my more liberal friends that saying such a thing is taking away from the plight that blacks are experiencing with police officers running around needlessly killing them. This is to completely ignore more whites are killed by police than blacks.
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To say that all lives matter is logically a lie, or joke, isn't it really? Some people are born and die without anyone caring about them. Governments care even less. Billions of people live in poverty, millions in violence, and what does it matter? How does it matter? Sometimes we catch a lucky break when we have family or friends that care about us. That's about all that matters.
All lives matter in the simple fact that yours is you own. Unfortunately sometimes one's life matters to another only in how they can take advantage of it.
The overall issue with the story is that BLM didn't get out ahead of the story, thus the assumption caught fire.

I disagree, I don't see how any person/group can be given blame for the making of a conspiracy theory about them, no matter how well/ill you think of them. I wouldn't blame Trump for some of the conspiracies that have stuck against him, because he didn't "do enough" to discourage them, for example.
I disagree, I don't see how any person/group can be given blame for the making of a conspiracy theory about them, no matter how well/ill you think of them. I wouldn't blame Trump for some of the conspiracies that have stuck against him, because he didn't "do enough" to discourage them, for example.

I think the difference is that there have been people doing despicable things while claiming to represent BLM and they haven't really done anything to stop those actions. For instance I can't recall any of the key people in BLM calling for an end to the "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" chants that were going on at BLM protests/riots (the latter being another example).

Obviously the assault being linked to BLM is ridiculous, but at the same time it's not hard to see how they've been brought into the mess.
I think the difference is that there have been people doing despicable things while claiming to represent BLM and they haven't really done anything to stop those actions. For instance I can't recall any of the key people in BLM calling for an end to the "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" chants that were going on at BLM protests/riots (the latter being another example).

Obviously the assault being linked to BLM is ridiculous, but at the same time it's not hard to see how they've been brought into the mess.

Yeah, I can understand that, although from what little I've read I'd be conflicted about what side of the fence to lean on. One the one hand it sadly does not surprise me that horrible actions by horrible people are sought to be played down for the sake of protecting the group; on the other I note that some here said in the wake of this attack they were silent - not that their response was weak, or wrong, but non-existent - when 2 minutes of googling showed that was clearly false......... if people have pre-determined opinions about them then it doesn't seem to matter what you do. It seems like one of those battles where nobody will come out of it a 'winner', which is a shame because I bet there's a lot of things that unite the people on either side, maybe even more than what divides them.
Yeah, I can understand that, although from what little I've read I'd be conflicted about what side of the fence to lean on. One the one hand it sadly does not surprise me that horrible actions by horrible people are sought to be played down for the sake of protecting the group; on the other I note that some here said in the wake of this attack they were silent - not that their response was weak, or wrong, but non-existent - when 2 minutes of googling showed that was clearly false......... if people have pre-determined opinions about them then it doesn't seem to matter what you do. It seems like one of those battles where nobody will come out of it a 'winner', which is a shame because I bet there's a lot of things that unite the people on either side, maybe even more than what divides them.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson's Tweet seemed to be sincere, but the BLM Chicago post seemed more like a "woe is us, blacks will continue to be a victim of the 'man'". I also think it's BS in them thinking that these teens can be "rehabilitated". If your mind is so clouded that you think torturing a man because you don't like a certain race or the President, then your issues are probably not correctable and you deserve to be punished severely for those actions. Same thing goes for a white man that wants to lynch a black man solely due to the color of his skin, those ideas can't be undone. Also it concerns me that young people have become so used to getting their way with things when their candidate they supported didn't win they feel the need to express themselves in this way. It little surprise Trump won, I think the older generation (and thus those who actually vote) were sick of being branded a racist, a sexist, etc. because they didn't support Clinton (even if they were life long Democrats) and ended up voting for the opposite of her.

With the BLM movement though, a rather large group of them preach killing whites for the "injustices" they caused so I can see how making the connection between them and what happened an easy one to make. I know not everyone that's part of that movement feels that way and many do attempt to push forward the idea that all hate is wrong, but their more outspoken members don't really make their movement seem that way to the average person looking at it from afar. The media obviously doesn't help with this either since sensational stories sell air time while the truth often doesn't.
Assuming Donald J Trump is inaugurated president and still alive in October, 2017, he will have his hands gripped tightly around the gonads of the CIA and FBI. That is when he decides on the scheduled release of thousands of secret JFK assassination records which could prove highly embarrassing to those agencies as well as major icons of the Democratic party.


The CIA lied to the Warren Commission.

The CIA lied to the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

What they lied about is their connections to anti-Castro groups in Cuba, their connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, and their failed assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, not to mention other assassinations of world leaders sanctioned by the government.
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The overall issue with the story is that BLM didn't get out ahead of the story, thus the assumption caught fire. Do I think that BLM ordered the hate crime? No, but they didn't discourage it either.
I thought they were timely is condemning this
What happened to the young man who was held captive and tortured is terrible and we condemn the violence that was perpetrated against him. We've stated time and time again, that we're against all types of harm and violence perpetrated and we've never condoned it. So this is absolutely perplexing and twisted that people are associating this atrocity with this organization and movement.

The other thing is they were all arrested and will probably be convicted to the fullest ex...

See More

The problem from here, is going to be how quick they are convicted. I think a rapist and torturer just got off because he's a football player.
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That's just an opinion piece from a less than reputable news outlet that was talking about the Facebook post that BLM Chicago posted.

And as I mentioned in my previous post, their condemnation of the act was more of a "the man's out to get us" then actually trying to speak out again the actions. They complain their won't be any rehabilitation to these teens and seem to suggest that by punishing these teens it's going to perpetuate violence, which I don't really see how, unless of course they plan on calling for one of their violent and destructive "protests".

Black Lives Matter Chicago
There won't be a restorative justice process, they won't be able to make amends and redress the harm they caused. They won't be able to work towards recompense and repair the harm they committed. Nope the system will ensure the cycle of violence continues. We don't consider this justice for the victim.

And here they just generalized everyone speaking out against this act:
Black Lives Matter Chicago
But you all don't care. You want to sensationalize this and use it as a justification to generalize and criticize. If you really cared about the victim then you'd be advocating for their care and treatment for trauma. That's what we want. We want centers for healing and mental health care. However, some people are more concerned with attacking us and they don't see how demented that is.

I don't think the story was that sensationalized, especially if you watch an unedited version of the torture video. And since I do care about the victim, I want to see these teens experience the harshest punishment allowed. Although according to the BLM post, that's "just what the system does".

Black Lives Matter Chicago
The other thing is they were all arrested and will probably be convicted to the fullest extent of the law. These teens will be punished for what they did because that is what the system does.

It disgusts me that anyone can feel sorry for the accused, which the BLM post seems to suggest, when there's such glaring evidence against them that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt they are guilty.

As for the football player, I don't know enough about the story, but if there was solid evidence he should be punished for it in the same way these teens are being punished.
Yeah, I can understand that, although from what little I've read I'd be conflicted about what side of the fence to lean on. One the one hand it sadly does not surprise me that horrible actions by horrible people are sought to be played down for the sake of protecting the group; on the other I note that some here said in the wake of this attack they were silent - not that their response was weak, or wrong, but non-existent - when 2 minutes of googling showed that was clearly false......... if people have pre-determined opinions about them then it doesn't seem to matter what you do. It seems like one of those battles where nobody will come out of it a 'winner', which is a shame because I bet there's a lot of things that unite the people on either side, maybe even more than what divides them.
Did you read that absolute nonsense by BLM Chicago? They did more damage than harm with what they conjured up as "condemning" the acts. They might as well remained silent.

@Joey D hit great points, so I just want to point out the selective pictures they chose to highlight about people wanting to attack them. Let's see the other side of that coin:


@clsmama @PhillyD LOL my reaction too when ppl only talk about issues when they affect white america
Haley Johnson (BeautyBlogger from YT)
Haley Johnson
I'm sick of these white men crying "racist" when crimes are committed against whites. Where tf you been for 400 years, Phil??

Aisha A
Calm down my white friends... your white privilege is showing. y'all carry on.. I can't be on my phone at work...#BLMKidnapping
Chad Burnham
hmmm...lets see what white people are fake outraged over this morning
Benz Sanda
#BLMKidnapping this happened because none of you racists understand that black lives matter
@Stuart63JSA @kiyirl @LeviLiveEvil @caeruleusV @The_UndeadAngel dont @ me. black people die at the hands of white terrorists everyday. stfu.

What they should have done is included these Tweets as well & denounced them all. But see, BLM doesn't give a rat's ass about people justifying the kidnapping. They're only concerned about themselves. You can smell the irony steaming from their Facebook about how those kids won't have a chance to make amends & whatever other crap, yet they show absolutely zero mercy for any white officer who shoots a black man (black cops get a pass seemingly since black-on-black crime is a subject they rarely make any notion of changing).

No amends or "work towards recompense and repair the harm they committed" for the white man, naw sir, we need to work towards bettering the black brothers & sisters, and making the white man pay through any way bar death for what someone nobody even knew back then did to someone else nobody knew back then.

Leave this BLM stuff back in 2016.
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I love how a bunch of arguments - both here and those linked on reddit - still continue to bring up events that occurred hundreds of years ago. I guess that's what happens when their identity is based entirely on skin color.