America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I think the whole "gag" the agencies thing started with a gag on the epa so I'll stick to that for now, nowhere in their description of function does it say, open a webpage and teach the general public about global warming. That is a very liberal approach and quite a stretch to claim otherwise. Sure what better way to bring awareness? How about education.

As for the whopper of 4 senior officials walking out all I can say is big whoop. I know who they served under and I know how poorly that outfit has performed over the years as well, good riddance. The reason it's being made a big deal of is simple, our foreign relations are about to change in a major way and it has people reeling. Maybe they didn't want their names associated with that. Keep in mind those positions are never meant to be career jobs.

It's not a strawman to say there is no need to post every single news story about Trump as if they sky is falling.

Yes I didn't quote anyone as I was responding to two people at once.
I'm anxious to see equal media and public coverage when this administration does some positive for this country. From what I've seen so far, I'm not holding my breath.

These are already positive things being cast in a dark light, I don't think he's going to be adding tofu to the school menus anytime soon :P

"We're gonna build a wall, a tremendous wall. And MEXICO American businesses and consumers are going to pay for it!"
Top US imports from Mexico from here, it's not just tomatoes and tequila.
The top import categories (2-digit HS) in 2015 were: vehicles ($74 billion), electrical machinery ($63 billion), machinery ($49 billion), mineral fuels ($14 billion), and optical and medical instruments ($12 billion).

U.S. imports of agricultural products from Mexico totaled $21 billion in 2015, our 2nd largest supplier of agricultural imports. Leading categories include: fresh vegetables ($4.8 billion), other fresh fruit ($4.3 billion), wine and beer ($2.7 billion), snack foods ($1.7 billion), and processed fruit & vegetables ($1.4 billion).

Get ready for all the ghouls who fight tooth and nail to prevent minimum wage increases because of consumer price increases to fall in line and support Daddy's Wall.

EDIT: Lmao they walked it back pretty quick.

Just a prank bro! Just a prank! It's not a trade war it's only a prank!
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It's not a strawman to say there is no need to post every single news story about Trump as if they sky is falling.

Yes I didn't quote anyone as I was responding to two people at once.
It didnt just affect the EPA, and if a department set up to protect the environment shouldn't explore climate change I'd consider it a bit odd.

Now onto the part I've quoted. You may not see the need, but you don't get to make that choice, and as long as it's within the AUP members can post what they like.

"We're gonna build a wall, a tremendous wall. And MEXICO American businesses and consumers are going to pay for it!"
From here:

Get ready for all the ghouls who fight tooth and nail to prevent minimum wage increases because of consumer price increases to fall in line with Daddy's Wall.

His initial plan was to tax funds transfer of US dollars going back to Mexico. Along with border crossing fee increases. What happened there?
It didnt just affect the EPA, and if a department set up to protect the environment shouldn't explore climate change I'd consider it a bit odd.
We've already been all around that topic together haven't we? No need to do it again but I will give you something very much in your favor. This is from the original Nixon EO(Executive Order 11514), so without further ado...

(a) Monitor, evaluate, and control on a continuing basis their agencies' activities so as to protect and enhance the quality of the environment. Such activities shall include those directed to controlling pollution and enhancing the environment and those designed to accomplish other program objectives which may affect the quality of the environment. Agencies shall develop programs and measures to protect and enhance environmental quality and shall assess progress in meeting the specific objectives of such activities. Heads of agencies shall consult with appropriate Federal, State and local agencies in carrying out their activities as they affect the quality of the environment.
(b) Develop procedures to ensure the fullest practicable provision of timely public information and understanding of Federal plans and programs with environmental impact in order to obtain the views of interested parties. These procedures shall include, whenever appropriate, provision for public hearings, and shall provide the public with relevant information, including information on alternative courses of action. Federal agencies shall also encourage State and local agencies to adopt similar procedures for informing the public concerning their activities affecting the quality of the environment.
(c) Insure that information regarding existing or potential environmental problems and control methods developed as part of research, development, demonstration, test, or evaluation activities is made available to Federal agencies, States, counties, municipalities, institutions, and other entities, as appropriate.
(d) Review their agencies' statutory authority, administrative regulations, policies, and procedures, including those relating to loans, grants, contracts, leases, licenses, or permits, in order to identify any deficiencies or inconsistencies therein which prohibit or limit full compliance with the purposes and provisions of the Act. A report on this review and the corrective actions taken or planned, including such measures to be proposed to the President as may be necessary to bring their authority and policies into conformance with the intent, purposes, and procedures of the Act, shall be provided to the Council on Environmental Quality not later than September 1, 1970.
(e) Engage in exchange of data and research results, and cooperate with agencies of other governments to foster the purposes of the Act.
(f) Proceed, in coordination with other agencies, with actions required by section 102 of the Act.
(g) In carrying out their responsibilities under the Act and this Order, comply with the regulations issued by the Council except where such compliance would be inconsistent with statutory requirements.

Now onto the part I've quoted. You may not see the need, but you don't get to make that choice, and as long as it's within the AUP members can post what they like.

True, but that doesn't mean I can't point out how trivial some of these stories are. I'll try to simply ignore them but it is bothersome when they are posted as such a drastic terrible thing when they are not. One thing good coming out of all of it, Trump is waking people up from their slumber and getting them interested in politics, next thing you know they might actually start participating in the system 👍
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His initial plan was to tax funds transfer of US dollars going back to Mexico. Along with border crossing fee increases. What happened there?
I dunno. Best guess would be it's because he's fixated on the trade deficit with Mexico as if it means the US is somehow "losing".

EDIT: Aaaand Yup. From the Press Secretary:

"When you look at the plan that’s taking shape now, using comprehensive tax reform as a means to tax imports from countries that we have a trade deficit from, like Mexico, if you tax that $50 billion at 20 percent of imports,"
From Bloomberg. So that's basically it. Trump views trade deficits as "losing".

Explains why he's bent out of shape about China and Mexico but not imports from Canada. US imports from Canada and Mexico are pretty similar as a dollar figure. Lots of American cars are built here and imported back to the US. Lots of foreign oil from here goes to the US as well. Difference is the US has a modest trade surplus with Canada so the US is "winning" or whatever.
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Explains why he's bent out of shape about China and Mexico but not imports from Canada. US imports from Canada and Mexico are pretty similar as a dollar figure. Lots of American cars are built here and imported back to the US. Lots of foreign oil from here goes to the US as well. Difference is the US has a modest trade surplus with Canada so you're "winning" or whatever.

That might be part of it, but the larger issue is the border, you guys cooperate and protect your side while Mexico does not nearly as much. If he honestly thinks he can eliminate all trade deficit overnight we'll have a very hard time but I don't think that is the case, besides he's not that powerful and there is no way The Congress will allow it. Some of it must be postering but Mexico is still foolish to cancel talks.

Perhaps he considers Them a hostile nation, I wouldn't go that far but yeah, all the drug trade and lack of mutual effort is not good.
That might be part of it, but the larger issue is the border, you guys cooperate and protect your side while Mexico does not nearly as much. If he honestly thinks he can eliminate all trade deficit overnight we'll have a very hard time but I don't think that is the case, besides he's not that powerful and there is no way The Congress will allow it. Some of it must be postering but Mexico is still foolish to cancel talks.
You're right, there's definitely a border/drug enforcement difference, but I don't get this fixation on trade deficits. Making consumer goods more expensive to eliminate a trade deficit and "win" doesn't really help anybody besides the contractors who'll be paid to build a wall.
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A second official echoed that the move appeared to be an effort by the new administration to "clean house" among the State Department's top leadership. "The department will not collapse," the second official said. "Everyone has good deputies. It's a huge institutional loss, but the department has excellent subordinates and the career people will step up. They will take up the responsibility."

From top to bottom left to right on the map it goes like this.

Turkey, key ally against ISIS.
Azerbaijan, ally against ISIS? Aha, against Russia, oil to Europe.
Egypt, a long term regional ally we cannot afford to lose.
Saudi Arabia, do I really have to say?
U.A.E, they own all the cool cars, na I actually don't know but prolly has to do with S.A.

I seriously doubt if he had a building in Libya it would be enough for him to want immigration from there. Same for the rest, tbh he most likely doesn't want any of them but we have our thumb stuck in that pie over there.
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From top to bottom left to right on the map it goes like this.

Turkey, key ally against ISIS.
Azerbaijan, ally against ISIS? Aha, against Russia, oil to Europe.
Egypt, a long term regional ally we cannot afford to lose.
Saudi Arabia, do I really have to say?
U.A.E, the own all the cool cars, na I actually don't know but prolly has to do with S.A.

I seriously doubt if he had a building in Libya it would be enough for him to want immigration from there. Same for the rest, tbh he most likely doesn't want any of them but we have our thumb stuck in that pie over there.
So the fact that he has MAJOR! business deals in those countries has nothing to do with it huh? I'm sure it is just a amazing coincidence.:rolleyes:
So the fact that he has MAJOR! business deals in those countries has nothing to do with it huh? I'm sure it is just a amazing coincidence.:rolleyes:

You can't dispute what I am telling you, even if what you are saying is true which I seriously doubt, it wouldn't matter. He's running our Country and it would be very stupid not to cooperate with those countries. If he had no business in Saudi Arabia I'm sure he would tell them to jump in the river right?

We don't need no stinkin oil :lol:
I'm sure it is just a amazing coincidence.:rolleyes:

Yes, how odd that an organization would have interests in countries that happen to friendly with the U.S. :rolleyes:

I really do find myself getting confused beyond belief at points lately.

Trump announces ban - Clearly it's discriminatory towards muslims!

List of excluded countries doesn't include every majority-musim country kind of nullifying the above - clearly it's only because he has business interests there!

I'm starting to think Trump could save a baby from a burning building while curing all the worlds diseases and people would take issue with it.

(The last part wasn't aimed at you, just a general thing)

Apart from Iran, they have other internal issues, the countries in red are currently bigger ****holes than the yellow ones.


Why doesn't the swearfilter filter out the ****? Now it does. Herpiederp.
Little known fact that we were thinking about building a wall before the election to keep out the flood of celebrities who promised to leave the U.S. and come to Canada if Trump won. And then we realized we were talking about celebrities who are generally full of 🤬 anyway and we spent the money on maple syrup instead. :sly:

Not really a fact for the AUP hawks
Making Americans pay for the wall is a hilarious M. Night Shyamalan twist.

A broken border system is indeed hilarious, I hope it stays broken, that way we can keep getting all our drugs. Who knows we might even get lucky and land us a few terrorists along the way.
You can't dispute what I am telling you, even if what you are saying is true which I seriously doubt, it wouldn't matter. He's running our Country and it would be very stupid not to cooperate with those countries. If he had no business in Saudi Arabia I'm sure he would tell them to jump in the river right?

We don't need no stinkin oil :lol:
And you cant ignore that all of the countries that were left of the list also include a Trump business deal that is in direct conflict with his role as President. I have yet to see any evidence that the Donald does anything for anybody that does not benefit his bank account.

I'm starting to think Trump could save a baby from a burning building while curing all the worlds diseases and people would take issue with it.
You can be 100% sure that would never happen, saving babies and curing diseases that is.