America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I don't know what you are talking about but I do know what I am talking about and this wasting government time money and resources trying to convince people that global warming is the devil.
There's no need to convince anyone. Either you take the facts for what they are or you block them out and live in your own fantasy world where everything is perfect. Their JOB is to research this stuff and part of that JOB is to release their findings. Social media is just how they do that these days. My guess is that you are one of those older folks that hasn't quite warmed up to how info gets around these days.
I'm all for the research mind you, I have a specific bone to pick and you know what it is.
Yeah, you keep repeating it. And I keep telling you things you obviously can't get through your head and keep dismissing them. Not explaining it again, you can just go back and read my previous post.

You have seriously spent all day in here. Did you even go outside?
Oooh analogies:crazy:. I've got one too. Let's say you took your car to a government employed mechanic. He took a close look at it, and, even though there was nothing wrong with it in the slightest, he makes the rules, so he forced you by law to spend $37 Billion dollars to repair it, mainly because he wanted street cred with all the other government mechanics, even though nothing was wrong with it. Then you find out that you have no choice but to keep the car because it's against the law to sell it and it's going to cost you a further $133 Billion in the next 15 years to maintain it. They also told you that you had to replace what you though was a perfectly good catalytic converter with a brand new one that was going to fix the pollution problem and after spending billions on a new catalytic converter you come to find out it's had no effect on pollution levels at all.

Or: how about you're not sure you have 100% confidence in the "government employed mechanic", so you take the car to an independent mechanic who also tells you there's a problem ... & another mechanic who says the same thing ... and another one ... and another one ... and another one. But being a "stripped lug nut skeptic", you keep looking until you eventually find a washing machine repairman who tells you - "hey - no problem, you can go on driving with loose lug nuts for years!" :dopey:
You have seriously spent all day in here. Did you even go outside?

Of course I went outside, as a matter of fact I took one of my kids out to dinner for a birthday celebration 👍 thanks for the concern though.

My thick head has decided that NASA should be more interested in sending a man to mars than telling me how wrong I am for having pooping cows. Seriously.

On a more serious note, I truly hope for the abolishment of the EPA, and once again I will state I don't want to see government money spent on web pages explaining manmade global warming because we do not pay them for that. Now any sort of educational format I'm all for and encourage the information being brought out. It's not hard to understand really.
It appears that it is. And not for me.
Cool story, all of this comes from the fact that the POTUS seems to be as tired of the nonsense as I am, imagine that, so many of us in fact that he was elected and I didn't even vote for him :lol:

NASA is not paid to teach people about global warming btw, just in case you did not realize that.
NASA is not paid to teach people about global warming btw, just in case you did not realize that.
AGAIN. They are paid to do the research, and it's their choice to share their findings. How hard is that to understand?

Think it over for a while, I have better things to do right now than argue with you all night. I'm out.
AGAIN. They are paid to do the research, and it's their choice to share their findings. How hard is that to understand?

Think it over for a while, I have better things to do right now than argue with you all night. I'm out.

Of course they study it, I'm glad they study it. I don't know why you seem so angry about it, it's still not there job to educate and as a matter of fact it's counter productive to me.

I want to ask you without any sort of snort or snide, don't you build cars for a living? Fossil fuel burning cars? Do you bite the hand that feeds.

Either way, Trump is in his right to snuff out the EPA which is what all of this is about. There is no denying where all the fuss started, **** the epa.
NASA is not paid to teach people about global warming btw, just in case you did not realize that.

Well... they kinda are.

Of course they study it, I'm glad they study it.

Well Trump isn't. But I'm trying to figure out why you think NASA would study it if they can't communicate the results of those studies to anyone (ie: teaching people). NASA studies stars, planets, asteroids, moons, etc. One of the many planets they study is Earth - it helps them understand and put into context all of the data they gather on everything else they study.
Well... they kinda are.

Well Trump isn't. But I'm trying to figure out why you think NASA would study it if they can't communicate the results of those studies to anyone (ie: teaching people). NASA studies stars, planets, asteroids, moons, etc. One of the many planets they study is Earth - it helps them understand and put into context all of the data they gather on everything else they study.

There is a difference between sharing information and teaching it as fact. My concern is first off waste of time and money and second off using a platform for something it was never intended for. I know I am in the minority here but my leader appears to agree so there is that.

I believe that the protesting on twitter and such is a disgrace to our country and it imbarrases me. Make no mistake, I'm not at all against the free flow of information.
Or: how about you're not sure you have 100% confidence in the "government employed mechanic", so you take the car to an independent mechanic who also tells you there's a problem ... & another mechanic who says the same thing ... and another one ... and another one ... and another one. But being a "stripped lug nut skeptic", you keep looking until you eventually find a washing machine repairman who tells you - "hey - no problem, you can go on driving with loose lug nuts for years!" :dopey:
Your analogy doesn't work in this case. We've overspent by $40Billion in the province of Ontario alone according to the government's own auditors, overpaying for green energy boondoggles that were completely unnecessary because our energy production was almost emission free to begin with, the vast majority of it coming from Niagara Falls and emission free nuclear power. The closing of the coal plant had zero effect on pollution levels, which was the reason given for closing it and replacing it with natural gas plants.

Wasting $10's of Billions on green energy projects that provide zero benefit is typical, big government, leftist thinking. Throw money at it, forget doing any actual investigation as to whether it's a worthwhile investment and let the next government pay for it. $40 Billion to generate 3% of our energy from wind and eliminate the less than 3% from coal.
I can't wait to see this in the headlines of all the major news networks. She did say she was going to try to radicalize our children (or something to that effect) didn't she?
I thought I heard something along those lines as well. I think that worries me more than her desire for reparations & what not.
Global warming is part of their research, and that is what they are paid for. Like it or not, that's a fact.
While that is true, their overreach in the name of protecting the Earth became insanely powerful under Obama. Just take a look at what is going on in the California wine country and you will find proof.

And I agree, they have polluted enough water in the last few years and were not held accountable for it. But the EPA are not the only ones that do global warming research, so if this is punishment for the EPA, there is no reason to include the others.
I personally don't think that the government should fund Global Warming research. It has resulted in numberous treaties that China and other countries are still in violation of today because they still use coal in an unsafe manner.

I'm not strictly talking about the EPA. In fact, I wasn't really talking about them at all. I'm talking about the scientific community as a whole. If Trump wants to punish the EPA, so be it. But NASA, NWS, NOAA and many others that do research on the matter should be able to continue to do so and post about their research.
I noticed that you cited government agencies. What, you don't think that private firms can't do a better job in producing the same research, or do you think that said firms would not be able to carry the same weight in discussions involving international treaties? Trump isn't stopping the privately funded firms from doing the research necessary to combat global warming and going public with their findings.
I personally don't think that the government should fund Global Warming research. It has resulted in numberous treaties that China and other countries are still in violation of today because they still use coal in an unsafe manner.
Well at least China is aware of the issue.
I noticed that you cited government agencies.
I noted the well known ones (the ones I mostly follow) and then mentioned "many others".
@R1600Turbo I thought you said you were done with this thread.

On the LGBT issue on allowing the decline based on their LGBT beliefs, I do find it absolutely absurd. I mean if they're shoving they're Political beliefs down everyone's throat than I would agree but just because someone is LGBT doesn't mean they're massive on the Political side. With the exception of non-binary Trans, LGBT people can be anywhere on the Political Spectrum or Compass.

I believe that the protesting on twitter and such is a disgrace to our country and it imbarrases me. Make no mistake, I'm not at all against the free flow of information.
I don't think it's a disgrace, more that it gets out of control with misinformation.

Our "leader" is a disgrace and an embarrassment to this country. We'll just leave it at that.
To be fair, your 2 candidates before the voting were already revealed to be a disgrace to your country.
I thought you said you were done with this thread.
Done with "Trump's my leader" guy. Though I really should stay out of here. I'm half gray and balding enough as it is and I'm only 32. I do need to go to bed though, I have to get up in 6 hours.
To be fair, your 2 candidates before the voting were already revealed to be a disgrace to your country.
No argument there.
Do you really think they are doing that to save the planet? Don't you think they are doing that so they don't have to wear masks just to go outside in the choking smog they are currently burdened with?

As far as the gag orders go, draining the swamp is not going to be a painless process. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Trump knows the media would make a headline out of every complaint posted by disgruntled government employees.
NASA is not paid to teach people about global warming btw, just in case you did not realize that.

That's funny, because it seems like they've got about 2 billion dollars reserved for Earth science.

"The purpose of NASA's Earth science program is to develop a scientific understanding of Earth's system and its response to natural or human-induced changes, and to improve prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards."

But maybe they got all that money by mistake?
I noted the well known ones (the ones I mostly follow) and then mentioned "many others".
Yes, but you missed my point in the process. Trump isn't saying that Global Warming research shouldn't be done, he is just saying that the US Government should not be funding it. If the scientists that are researching Global Warming for NASA and all of those other agencies believe that strongly in it, then they should be seeking jobs in those private firms.
Law enforcement does not get to pick and choose which laws to enforce.
Except that's not what she did at all. She simply directed attorneys not to defend the executive order. This is what she said:

"I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right. At present, I am not convinced that the defence of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful."
On a more serious note, I truly hope for the abolishment of the EPA, and once again I will state I don't want to see government money spent on web pages explaining manmade global warming because we do not pay them for that.

So what is the EPA for, out of interest?

There is a difference between sharing information and teaching it as fact.

I get the feeling you don't understand how science works. If you think that a scientific paper is teaching things as fact, you're wrong.

I personally don't think that the government should fund Global Warming research.

But surely it should fund climate research? The climate seems like a pretty important thing to understand and has a major impact on citizens. Understanding it better is to the benefit of pretty much all tax payers.

If that research happens to conclude that global warming is happening, is that a reason to stop funding the research? I really dislike the idea of cutting funding to research just because you don't like the results. That's not good practice and doesn't lead to good science.

Yay, draining the swamp. Law enforcement does not get to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

Last I heard the executive order was potentially unlawful. There's a lot of pretty big legal minds that seem to agree with her. It feels like a big call to fire someone for potentially doing their job. I'd think some sort of investigation would be in order first, and THEN firing if it was determined that she was acting against the presidency. At most stand her down while carrying out the investigation.

I mean, firing her three hours after she issued that instruction smacks an awful lot of retaliation rather than a considered response. That's a signal that anyone who disobeys the president will face severe consequences, no matter whether their actions may be legitimate or not.

An executive order is not a blank cheque to enact anything you feel like. Even if you're the president.
That's a signal that anyone who disobeys the president will face severe consequences, no matter whether their actions may be legitimate or not.
I think we're long past mere signals:

A large group of American diplomats circulated a memo voicing their opposition to the order, which temporarily halted the entire US refugee program and banned all entries from seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days.

In a combative response, Mr Spicer challenged those opposed to the measure to resign.

"They should either get with the program or they can go," Mr Spicer said.
Except that's not what she did at all. She simply directed attorneys not to defend the executive order. This is what she said:
Until a court strikes it down, it IS the law.

Last I heard the executive order was potentially unlawful.
Yeah, well it's not.

And as far as Ms. Yates is concerned, she serves at the pleasure of the President. Didn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out what was going to happen with her.

*blup* swamp sound
Until a court strikes it down, it IS the law.
You've completely missed the point. Yates didn't say "don't enforce the law". She said "don't defend the law". She's clearly issuing a direction to anyone working in the Attorney-General's office that, if asked about the Executive Order, they are not to defend its introduction pending the resolution of the legal challenges; rather, those employees are free to criticise it or to adopt a neutral "no comment" position.

Didn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out what was going to happen with her.
She was an Obama appointment. She was always doomed.

*blup* swamp sound
The highest-ranking legal officer in the country gives her employees an instruction not to comment on the Executive Order pending the outcome of a legal challenge that would give the Attorney-General's office a clearly-defined position on which to comment on the status of said Executive Order. That doesn't sound like corruption, it sounds like a person doing their job properly.

You're not draining the swamp. You're pumping it full of Kool-Aid.