America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
The Right isn't the one given the stigma of being "tolerant" & "accepting", however.
The social left is tolerant and accepting of identity, not, nor should they be, tolerant of discrimination and hate.

Also, what twisted part of the world do you live in where tolerance and acceptance are stigmatized?
The social left is tolerant and accepting of identity, not, nor should they be, tolerant of discrimination and hate.
Why not?
Also, what twisted part of the world do you live in where tolerance and acceptance are stigmatized?
That is a one sided question because you are not willing to accept or tolerate those you disagree with.
To be honest I find it ridiculous that college students needed their finals cancelled because they couldn't cope with the election.
While I agree with you, I still can't stand it.
Liberals are always hurt and need safe spaces, that is why they are liberals, the very definition is a desire for change.
Just as I quoted this post of yours, two people above me said what needed to be said. So I won't bother replying.
No need to resort to broad-stroke comments, your intentions in this thread have been pretty obvious for a very, very long time.

I didn't mean it that way, I was simply taking the definition of the word to heart as anyone should. No digs or any of that.
The social left is tolerant and accepting of identity, not, nor should they be, tolerant of discrimination and hate.
Right. They're not tolerant of it, they just choose to exercise discrimination and hate against people who may have a completely different view.

You're watching the media outlets & social left do this right in front of everyone by continuing to label this as "#MuslimBan" & labeling anyone who may support the ban as Islamophobic or whatever, when it has nothing to do with Islam in the first place.
You're really asking this question? Tolerance of discrimination and hate is at odds with a philosophy of peaceful co-existence.
That is a one sided question because you are not willing to accept or tolerate those you disagree with.
That's awfully presumptive. And ultimately untrue.
Liberals are always hurt and need safe spaces, that is why they are liberals, the very definition is a desire for change.
You're generalizing. Yes, some liberals are sensitive. Does it hurt you that they are sensitive?
You're really asking this question? Tolerance of discrimination and hate is at odds with a philosophy of peaceful co-existence.
That's awfully presumptive. And ultimately untrue.
You're generalizing. Yes, some liberals are sensitive. Does it hurt you that they are sensitive?

Yes I am really asking that question, who is not tolerant now?

I'm not against anyone's sensitivities, I'm much more about anyone's right to life. My statement on that is fact btw, liberals do wish to go against the grain for their own gain and they dislike others for liking the status quo so to speak.
This whole war of different ideas and even people really should've never been a thing ESPECIALLY in college, where you're supposed to learn. You shouldn't be demanding safe spaces, trigger warning or...
To be honest I find it ridiculous that college students needed their finals cancelled because they couldn't cope with the election.
...that. Especially if you're fighting for "tolerance" and "acceptance", you don't seem to be tolerant or accepting on other peoples ideas.

HOWEVER, there is a right counterpart where even if you make a good, decent and/or well establish "liveral argument", you're still going to be hit with SJW, Feminist slurs at you even though you weren't whinging.

I think nowadays it's smarter to actually NOT go to college and just stay home since it seems differing opinions and ideas aren't welcome as they're either too "hateful" or too "SJW".
Right. They're not tolerant of it, they just choose to exercise discrimination and hate against people who may have a completely different view.
You're trying to equate discrimination and hate of people with different genders, ethnicity, religions, sexuality, etc with pushback against actions and policies that discriminate or enable that same discrimination. Liberalism isn't tolerance for the sake of tolerance, there has to be a line somewhere and the line exists where words and actions start to run counter to the goal of a peaceful and happy society. Universal tolerance is untenable and undesirable, as universal tolerance is anarchy and the universally tolerant would have no protections from those who seek to hurt them. Liberals tolerate social identity, as it is not harmful to others, but denounce and fight bigotry, discrimination and social inequality, which is harmful to others.
Yes I am really asking that question, who is not tolerant now?

I'm not against anyone's sensitivities, I'm much more about anyone's right to life. My statement on that is fact btw, liberals do wish to go against the grain for their own gain and they dislike others for liking the status quo so to speak.
You seem to have a strange perception of liberalism. Liberalism is the ideology of social freedoms and civil rights, and liberals advocate and advance these ideals. The reason that liberalism has often been subversive is that for most of human history, the ruling class have used the restrictions of rights of others to maintain their hegemony. If society was just, held equal opportunity for all and was free of prejudice, liberals would have nothing to fight for, but no society on this planet is anywhere near that point yet.
You seem to have a strange perception of liberalism. Liberalism is the ideology of social freedoms and civil rights,

Only as long as I agree with you, that is the problem.

Liberals in general or at least the one's I know want a million laws and like to shame those who disagree, a conservative such as myself does not much care for laws and is more accepting of the people around them. To me there is only one law and that is not to trespass. I don't need your mind policing but thanks for the consideration lol. I must be too dumb to realize the truth or something.

Leave people alone, something a liberal will never understand.
You're trying to equate discrimination and hate of people with different genders, ethnicity, religions, sexuality, etc with pushback against actions and policies that discriminate or enable that same discrimination. Liberalism isn't tolerance for the sake of tolerance, there has to be a line somewhere and the line exists where words and actions start to run counter to the goal of a peaceful and happy society. Universal tolerance is untenable and undesirable, as universal tolerance is anarchy and the universally tolerant would have no protections from those who seek to hurt them. Liberals tolerate social identity, as it is not harmful to others, but denounce and fight bigotry, discrimination and social inequality, which is harmful to others.
You seem to have a strange perception of liberalism. Liberalism is the ideology of social freedoms and civil rights, and liberals advocate and advance these ideals. The reason that liberalism has often been subversive is that for most of human history, the ruling class have used the restrictions of rights of others to maintain their hegemony. If society was just, held equal opportunity for all and was free of prejudice, liberals would have nothing to fight for, but no society on this planet is anywhere near that point yet. trying censor and constant complaining about any idea or opinion that goes against their views.

Honestly, I don't believe "hate speech" is a real thing. Especially since you need Free Speech in the first place to say those sorts of things. It's fine if a liberal doesn't agree with someone who think there's only 2 genders or is a Trump Supporter. However there's hardly ever liberals who argue back using there own ideas and peaceful arguments to the point where during conservative speeches and platforms, if a liberal is cheered when they argue with logic and reason which shouldn't happen but most just needlessly yell which does nothing so seeing a "peaceful liberal" in colleges is surprising.
seeing a "peaceful liberal" in colleges is surprising.

To be fair I have one very liberal child and that kid is always peaceful, strong in belief but correct in it, I have a godson who is very liberal to the point of lying to appease those around him, he is peaceful as well but perhaps passive aggressive. I can tell you his father is fit to be tied over the fact he paid huge money to educate the kid at CU.

His words not mine "damn I spent all that money so the system could teach him jack all and turn him against reality"

I'm biased sure, very biased but there is a serious problem with all this liberal crap.
I think nowadays it's smarter to actually NOT go to college and just stay home since it seems differing opinions and ideas aren't welcome as they're either too "hateful" or too "SJW".
I only took 1 year of college and didn't really learn anything from it as it was a new program for the school and we went through multiple teachers and lesson plans. Most of my experience is self taught and I am proud that I am where I am at the moment because of it. Point is, college isn't really needed these days to make a decent amount of money as long as you have the drive to teach yourself things.
The problem lies in indoctrination, in some higher education schools that seems to be more important than the education itself.
Religion? Sure.
Leave people alone, something a liberal will never understand.

Now that's funny.
Now that's funny.

Why is that funny? Because I don't care if a person is racist or whatever else, a religious person is funny, so is an atheist, so what? Liberals do not leave people alone, if they decided it a better idea to look in the mirror than outside their window I might agree with you but it is not the case.

:lol: Let's just laugh at one another but in the meantime I will not take away your liberty while you try so hard to take mine.
You're trying to equate discrimination and hate of people with different genders, ethnicity, religions, sexuality, etc with pushback against actions and policies that discriminate or enable that same discrimination. Liberalism isn't tolerance for the sake of tolerance, there has to be a line somewhere and the line exists where words and actions start to run counter to the goal of a peaceful and happy society. Universal tolerance is untenable and undesirable, as universal tolerance is anarchy and the universally tolerant would have no protections from those who seek to hurt them. Liberals tolerate social identity, as it is not harmful to others, but denounce and fight bigotry, discrimination and social inequality, which is harmful to others.

You seem to have a strange perception of liberalism. Liberalism is the ideology of social freedoms and civil rights, and liberals advocate and advance these ideals. The reason that liberalism has often been subversive is that for most of human history, the ruling class have used the restrictions of rights of others to maintain their hegemony. If society was just, held equal opportunity for all and was free of prejudice, liberals would have nothing to fight for, but no society on this planet is anywhere near that point yet.

Very nicely put. 👍 xyloscissor a few pages ago you expressed the view that things were "much better" in 1776. I'm still waiting for you to explain how it was "better"?

In the US, if you were in the small minority of white, rich, landowning male, maybe things were better. If you were were a woman, you had no right to vote & few legal rights, if you were poor your life was insecure, hard & likely short, if you were a "native American" you were about to lose your land, language & culture, & if you were black ... well you were enslaved. How was that better?

And things in the rest of the world were, for the most part, worse.

This is the crux of the problem: if you don't have a realistic view of the past & you don't have a realistic view of the present, how can you have a realistic view of how to move forward?
Why is that funny?
Liberals are not trying to shove religion into everything, take away rights from LGBT people, trying to silence the scientific community with "alternative facts" or asking people if they need a safe space. Need I go on?
Let's just laugh at one another but in the meantime I will not take away your liberty while you try so hard to take mine.
There you go again with those assumptions. I am doing nothing of the sort. I'm just calling out BS when I see it.
There you go again with those assumptions.

I'll take that to mean you don't mind that I am a Christian then, that you don't mind whatever other thoughts that go on in my head are my own and not yours, I will take that as you giving me the right to life which includes how I raise my kids and how I interact with the community.

See? It is not that hard now is it, unless you continue to believe that I don't give the same consideration back. Go on with your saying I'm assuming things that don't fit you, it's a lame form of communication. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth or disrespect you in any way. I'm arguing a point and I wish to stick to the ball not the person. I'm sorry if I come off in a way you don't like, just read my stance and know it is not personal.
I think nowadays it's smarter to actually NOT go to college and just stay home since it seems differing opinions and ideas aren't welcome as they're either too "hateful" or too "SJW".

Unfortunately, most jobs that actually pay a decent wage require a college degree, at least in the US. It's ridiculous since most people end up not even getting a job in the field their degree is in, I mean I have a degree in archaeology but I work as a computer analyst at a major healthcare provider.

Liberals are not trying to shove religion into everything, take away rights from LGBT people, trying to silence the scientific community with "alternative facts" or asking people if they need a safe space. Need I go on?

Most liberal do want increased welfare though at the expense of people like me. When people say "taxation is theft" it's not just some libertarian rantings, it's the government taking money from me and giving some of it to those who didn't earn it. Granted I'm not extreme like some are since I do believe in some taxes to pay for basic infrastructure, police, fire, military, etc. but I don't believe in government handouts, whether it's to a person or a corporation.

I fully accept freedom of religion though, I think LGBT folks should have standard rights as everyone else, and science does belong in policy making. Some Liberals do ask for safe spaces though, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

Liberals in general or at least the one's I know want a million laws and like to shame those who disagree, a conservative such as myself does not much care for laws and is more accepting of the people around them.

Conservatives typically want laws to govern your morality. No abortions, no same-sex marriage, no stem cell research, no teaching of evolution, etc. Utah's government is famous for this. We are probably one of the most conservatives states in the union, but the state government loves to make laws to make sure I don't accidentally do something that could be deemed remotely "immoral". Bars and restaurants here have to make drinks behind the "Zion Curtain" because someone might see alcohol and god-forbid that happens. We are also trying to pass a law that makes DUI a BAC of .05 meaning I would legally be driving under the influence after one beer...although at 4% I probably don't need to worry.
Conservatives typically want laws to govern your morality

Would that not be neo-con? See these labels become silly after a while and I'm guilty of it as well, all I can say is I am a true conservative and I don't want to see any laws governing morality, I realize we do need laws and those laws should simply be in place to preserve one's freedom.
I'll take that to mean you don't mind that I am a Christian then, that you don't mind whatever other thoughts that go on in my head are my own and not yours, I will take that as you giving me the right to life which includes how I raise my kids and how I interact with the community.
Why would I tell you how to live your life? As long as it doesn't impact mine, I could care less. Those thoughts that you call your own are certainly finding a way into your posts, and insulting Liberals is a great way to start a conflict. I don't really consider myself anything, but I do believe that everyone deserves to have the same rights and that people deserve to have a say in what happens to their own person, among other things. And throwing out random insults at people you don't agree with doesn't paint you in a very good light.
Why would I tell you how to live your life? As long as it doesn't impact mine, I could care less
Well, I don't think you are paying attention to the liberal movement at this time then because that is exactly what is going on and why I spew my poo.

Random insults?
Well, I don't think you are paying attention to the liberal movement at this time then because that is exactly what is going on and why I spew my poo.
What I see is a lot of people upset with how the last couple weeks have gone. We have a new leader who is quickly upsetting millions of people, and they're not all in this country. I'll be surprised if he lasts four years.
Well, I don't think you are paying attention to the liberal movement at this time then because that is exactly what is going on and why I spew my poo.

WTH is the "liberal movement"? It appears to be whatever you choose to think it is. I'm not a "liberal", I'm an individual with a variety of points of view on different subjects. It's like saying you are part of the "religious movement" because you call yourself a Christian.

My impression of you is based on things you write here, it's not not based on speculating on a connection with what some other people, or group of people, say or think.
What I see is a lot of people upset with how the last couple weeks have gone. We have a new leader who is quickly upsetting millions of people, and they're not all in this country. I'll be surprised if he lasts four years.

All I expect from the man is to uphold the constitution, nothing more or less. It really doesn't bother me that people are upset because I believe they are upset about what america is and what it represents. To make it clear there is a reason Obama was so popular, he discounted our laws.

We've had one in recent history, he was shot.