America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

Fight this my American friends. We have the power of hindsight and history.

Liberals are not trying to shove religion into everything, take away rights from LGBT people, trying to silence the scientific community with "alternative facts" or asking people if they need a safe space. Need I go on?

There you go again with those assumptions. I am doing nothing of the sort. I'm just calling out BS when I see it.
This EO would be symbolic. It would give his supporters carte blanche to discriminate.
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Fight this my American friends. We have the power of hindsight and history.
More tweets? :lol:

That sounds like a load of bull to me but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with it. Trump cannot do that and if he tries it will be overturned. I find it amusing how easily people dismiss our checks and balances, or maybe more disturbing, they don't even realize they exist.
Which he's already crushed by trying to silence the scientific community. There's your first amendment down the drain.

I don't think so, what he has done is extend the power but only in the case to overturn Obama's abuse of power. Speaking of the scientific community I also disagree. We've been around that idea already, do you really think it is the job of anyone in the EPA or nasa or whatever to dedicate our tax dollars to educating the public on global warming? Because that is not what I hired them to do.

It's a sticky thing and I know that, I posted the duty of the EPA already and that includes informing the public of what they do and why and more importantly how we can complain to them. Let the science be science and let the scientists science to there hearts content, let education and information be available as well. No one is disliking that I hope, but to say a mechanic should teach me about my dripping sink is silly.
I don't think so, what he has done is extend the power but only in the case to overturn Obama's abuse of power. Speaking of the scientific community I also disagree. We've been around that idea already, do you really think it is the job of anyone in the EPA or nasa or whatever to dedicate our tax dollars to educating the public on global warming? Because that is not what I hired them to do.

It's a sticky thing and I know that, I posted the duty of the EPA already and that includes informing the public of what they do and why and more importantly how we can complain to them. Let the science be science and let the scientists science to there hearts content, let education and information be available as well. No one is disliking that I hope, but to say a mechanic should teach me about my dripping sink is silly.

Wait what?

You think that environmental pollution and earth science is not within the duties of the government ("EPA or NASA or whatever")? I mean, I see an argument, but I don't think I'm going to hear that argument from you.
It very much does, you are afraid of a slippery slope? What slope is that exactly, a disregard for our laws by chance?
We're on a slippery slope to being sent to ruin here, that's what I'm bloody scared of. The maniac trying to turn us into a dictatorship.
do you really think it is the job of anyone in the EPA or nasa or whatever to dedicate our tax dollars to educating the public on global warming? Because that is not what I hired them to do.
Yes. We pay them to do the research, they use multiple platforms to share that research with us. I see no problem there.
let education and information be available as well.
Umm, that's what they were doing.
Wait what?

You think that environmental pollution and earth science is not within the duties of the government ("EPA or NASA or whatever")? I mean, I see an argument, but I don't think I'm going to hear that argument from you.

I'm talking about duty is all, sure they need to check it out for their job, I don't even mind them speaking of it. It is not their sole purpose though and I feel it's a silly deal the whole out of work tweets and so forth. Trump might have overreacted but I don't really think so.

I'm all for information but I'm also for people doing their job and that does not include sjw type stuff, at least to me.
I'm all for information but I'm also for people doing their job and that does not include sjw type stuff, at least to me.
They were doing no harm to anyone. Stating facts about global warming is not "SJW stuff". The whole Rogue NASA stuff is after the fact and you can blame that on Trump. People are fighting back and I support them 100%.
We've been around that idea already, do you really think it is the job of anyone in the EPA or nasa or whatever to dedicate our tax dollars to educating the public on global warming? Because that is not what I hired them to do.

Let the science be science and let the scientists science to there hearts content, let education and information be available as well.

The same post, somehow.
I don't think so, what he has done is extend the power but only in the case to overturn Obama's abuse of power. Speaking of the scientific community I also disagree. We've been around that idea already, do you really think it is the job of anyone in the EPA or nasa or whatever to dedicate our tax dollars to educating the public on global warming? Because that is not what I hired them to do.

It's a sticky thing and I know that, I posted the duty of the EPA already and that includes informing the public of what they do and why and more importantly how we can complain to them. Let the science be science and let the scientists science to there hearts content, let education and information be available as well. No one is disliking that I hope, but to say a mechanic should teach me about my dripping sink is silly.

How about a more pertinent analogy. Lets suppose you took your car in to a mechanic to have the tires rotated & he noticed that the lug nuts were stripped & there was a chance that a tire would come off while you're driving the car. Would you expect the mechanic to point that out to you?
How about a more pertinent analogy. Lets suppose you took your car in to a mechanic to have the tires rotated & he noticed that the lug nuts were stripped & there was a chance that a tire would come off while you're driving the car. Would you expect the mechanic to point that out to you?
Oooh analogies:crazy:. I've got one too. Let's say you took your car to a government employed mechanic. He took a close look at it, and, even though there was nothing wrong with it in the slightest, he makes the rules, so he forced you by law to spend $37 Billion dollars to repair it, mainly because he wanted street cred with all the other government mechanics, even though nothing was wrong with it. Then you find out that you have no choice but to keep the car because it's against the law to sell it and it's going to cost you a further $133 Billion in the next 15 years to maintain it. They also told you that you had to replace what you though was a perfectly good catalytic converter with a brand new one that was going to fix the pollution problem and after spending billions on a new catalytic converter you come to find out it's had no effect on pollution levels at all.
They were doing no harm to anyone. Stating facts about global warming is not "SJW stuff". The whole Rogue NASA stuff is after the fact and you can blame that on Trump. People are fighting back and I support them 100%.

Is it in their job description, or are you talking about on their own time. I don't want to go to a forest service website looking to see what the fire report is only to find a page dedicated to manmade global warming. I'm sorry but I don't need that and I think it is a waste of taxpayers money. I'm funny that way I guess.
Black Lives Matter activist at it again. This is a pre-school teacher preaching this stuff.


Cliffs: Screw white people, devote your life & money to us.

I can't wait to see this in the headlines of all the major news networks. She did say she was going to try to radicalize our children (or something to that effect) didn't she?
Is it in their job description, or are you talking about on their own time. I don't want to go to a forest service website looking to see what the fire report is only to find a page dedicated to manmade global warming. I'm sorry but I don't need that and I think it is a waste of taxpayers money. I'm funny that way I guess.
You wouldn't. The only reason you are seeing it now is because people are joining together and rebelling. Most global warming info would have been found on NASA and NWS/NOAA pages, which is right where it belongs. Then Trump comes along and practically bans it, so other sites that are environment related showed their support by posting facts as well. Doing something that we really should be doing more of, sticking up for one another.
You wouldn't. The only reason you are seeing it now is because people are joining together and rebelling. Most global warming info would have been found on NASA and NWS/NOAA pages, which is right where it belongs. Then Trump comes along and practically bans it, so other sites that are environment related showed their support by posting facts as well. Doing something that we really should be doing more of, sticking up for one another.

It all started with the EPA right? First off I don't think we should have an organization that gets to make laws dictating to business without representation. Second off I don't want to pay them to lecture me about global warming. It's simple to me and I know you will not agree.

I'm not trying to persuade you in anyway but I am saying I don't mind what Trump did. I don't want to see the science behind global warming suppressed in anyway, I disagree with a particular way it was being introduced. Big difference. The EPA is in for hard times and it's not because of what we are discussing, they've gone unchecked for way too long. It's not just my opinion either, many others are tired of them and that is why Trump did what he did. It's just the start.
Second off I don't want to pay them to lecture me about global warming. It's simple to me and I know you will not agree.
Global warming is part of their research, and that is what they are paid for. Like it or not, that's a fact.
The EPA is in for hard times and it's not because of what we are discussing, they've gone unchecked for way too long.
And I agree, they have polluted enough water in the last few years and were not held accountable for it. But the EPA are not the only ones that do global warming research, so if this is punishment for the EPA, there is no reason to include the others.
It's just the start.
And the social media rebellion stuff is just the start. The harder he pushes, the harder they'll push back.
Global warming is part of their research, and that is what they are paid for. Like it or not, that's a fact.

Oh brother, let me find my post that shows exactly what Nixon EO'd on the matter, he is the one who created the monster that needs to be erased. Just a sec then.


The principal roles and functions of the EPA would include:
--The establishment and enforcement of environmental protection standards consistent with national environmental goals.
--The conduct of research on the adverse effects of pollution and on methods and equipment for controlling it, the gathering of information on pollution, and the use of this information in strengthening environmental protection programs and recommending policy changes.
--Assisting others, through grants, technical assistance and other means in arresting pollution of the environment.
--Assisting the Council on Environmental Quality in developing and recommending to the President new policies for the protection of the environment.

I'll find it, bare with me as it's hidden for some reason but in the meantime he did write that. And here it is, just for you.

Responsibilities of Federal agencies. Consonant with Title I of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, hereafter referred to as the "Act", the heads of Federal agencies shall:
(a) Monitor, evaluate, and control on a continuing basis their agencies' activities so as to protect and enhance the quality of the environment. Such activities shall include those directed to controlling pollution and enhancing the environment and those designed to accomplish other program objectives which may affect the quality of the environment. Agencies shall develop programs and measures to protect and enhance environmental quality and shall assess progress in meeting the specific objectives of such activities. Heads of agencies shall consult with appropriate Federal, State and local agencies in carrying out their activities as they affect the quality of the environment.
(b) Develop procedures to ensure the fullest practicable provision of timely public information and understanding of Federal plans and programs with environmental impact in order to obtain the views of interested parties. These procedures shall include, whenever appropriate, provision for public hearings, and shall provide the public with relevant information, including information on alternative courses of action. Federal agencies shall also encourage State and local agencies to adopt similar procedures for informing the public concerning their activities affecting the quality of the environment.
(c) Insure that information regarding existing or potential environmental problems and control methods developed as part of research, development, demonstration, test, or evaluation activities is made available to Federal agencies, States, counties, municipalities, institutions, and other entities, as appropriate.
(d) Review their agencies' statutory authority, administrative regulations, policies, and procedures, including those relating to loans, grants, contracts, leases, licenses, or permits, in order to identify any deficiencies or inconsistencies therein which prohibit or limit full compliance with the purposes and provisions of the Act. A report on this review and the corrective actions taken or planned, including such measures to be proposed to the President as may be necessary to bring their authority and policies into conformance with the intent, purposes, and procedures of the Act, shall be provided to the Council on Environmental Quality not later than September 1, 1970.
(e) Engage in exchange of data and research results, and cooperate with agencies of other governments to foster the purposes of the Act.
(f) Proceed, in coordination with other agencies, with actions required by section 102 of the Act.
(g) In carrying out their responsibilities under the Act and this Order, comply with the regulations issued by the Council except where such compliance would be inconsistent with statutory requirements.
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I'm not strictly talking about the EPA. In fact, I wasn't really talking about them at all. I'm talking about the scientific community as a whole. If Trump wants to punish the EPA, so be it. But NASA, NWS, NOAA and many others that do research on the matter should be able to continue to do so and post about their research.
I'm not strictly talking about the EPA. In fact, I wasn't really talking about them at all. I'm talking about the scientific community as a whole. If Trump wants to punish the EPA, so be it. But NASA, NWS, NOAA and many others that do research on the matter should be able to continue to do so and post about their research.
I don't know what you are talking about but I do know what I am talking about and this wasting government time money and resources trying to convince people that global warming is the devil.

I'm all for the research mind you, I have a specific bone to pick and you know what it is.