America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Only a leftie could could find a way to assault a woman and feel smug and righteous about it. No wonder these clowns lost the election. They're swiftly reducing themselves from a national party down to a regional one, and seriously need to find a way out of their descent into madness and depravity if they're ever again to play a role at the national level. What a pack of morons and thugs. Their ideology has lead them by the nose into the cul-de-sac of self destruction.

Ah, more broad-stroke comments. No right-leaning person could ever do the same: surely you know this, since you've met everybody from both sides.

That's not even taking into account the cat-grabbing guy sitting in the White House.
In examining the riot footage it would appear the perps are dressed, masked and have battle tactics exactly like those of the Eugene, Oregon anarchists. These folks are familiar to me from the 5 books I have read authored by their philosophical leaders John Zerzan and Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber. I have studied them up close at the Seattle WTO riots, in Eugene and at other times and places. They are closely aligned with the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.

Who/where are the leaders of the Democratic party? Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Obama? Have they condemned these riots?
While I'm certainly of the thought that the US should be isolationist when it comes to global conflicts, I do think we need allies. The way Trump has been treating some of our closest allies is a bit concerning to say the least. Calling out Germany and Japan for currancy manipulation seems puzzling and I'm not even sure what Trump is attempting to do with Australia. Considering all three of of those countries are important to US military strategy it seems a bit stupid to try and damage relations with them.

I also think it's about time someone takes away Trump's Twitter access. It was nice to see him commicating directly with the American people through it but now he's getting to brazen with it. If you want to talk forgein policy with a country I think a phone call is probably a better route than Tweeting them.

With regard to protests, in the US I think the left protesting is more likely but the right isn't exempt. Remember some believers of the right dressed up in silly clothes to protest taxes in Washington. While I agreed with some of the aspects of the TEA party, many of their believes were whack jobs.
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I'm pretty good at math but there are still some concepts that befuddle me. So could you please explain how 48% constitutes a majority?
Well, going by all the news reports about Hillary getting the "majority" of the vote, perhaps 48% is now the new demarcation point instead of 50% plus one like it used to be.

Actually, I'm presuming he meant to say "plurality" but I could be mistaken.
I'm pretty good at math but there are still some concepts that befuddle me. So could you please explain how 48% constitutes a majority?

48% agree 41% disagree, 89% of "votes". 100% - 89% would leave 11% neutral. Imho that would mean 48% is a majority over 41%
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In examining the riot footage it would appear the perps are dressed, masked and have battle tactics exactly like those of the Eugene, Oregon anarchists. These folks are familiar to me from the 5 books I have read authored by their philosophical leaders John Zerzan and Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber. I have studied them up close at the Seattle WTO riots, in Eugene and at other times and places. They are closely aligned with the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.

Who/where are the leaders of the Democratic party? Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Obama? Have they condemned these riots?

I found out that there's a big anarchist group around Berkeley & Oakland, and that they use any excuse to riot, not just when an upjumped troll is invited to talk about "cultural appropriation". The campus's Wells Fargo outlet gets its windows smashed every few months.

Meanwhile, fellow fake university tycoon Jerry Falwell Jr will lead Trump's taskforce on "higher education reform". :rolleyes:
I feel suitably uncomfortable quoting any of those 'biased' mainstream media outlets directly but there seem to be a lot of stories hinting at a possible rift with Australia over a previously agreed exchange of refugees.
I found out that there's a big anarchist group around Berkeley & Oakland, and that they use any excuse to riot, not just when an upjumped troll is invited to talk about "cultural appropriation". The campus's Wells Fargo outlet gets its windows smashed every few months.

There was also riot at the University of Washington while Milo had an event there, even shots were fired when a guy had to defend himself against vicious Milo protesters.

All these Trump (/Milo) protesters looks like a revolutionaries without a cause (I still don't know why Women's March happen) or maybe communist ideas appeal to them (some banners they hold may suggest that).
Good. At least he can now focus on real threats towards the US/world, and who knows maybe work together with Vladimir to tackle it together.

For now the silly anti Russian rhetoric has dumbed down a bit, but I bet when populists win elections in Europe this year our loons in the EU commission will get it out of the fridge again...
Good. At least he can now focus on real threats towards the US/world, and who knows maybe work together with Vladimir to tackle it together.

For now the silly anti Russian rhetoric has dumbed down a bit, but I bet when populists win elections in Europe this year our loons in the EU commission will get it out of the fridge again...

IMO this is a small step which could ultimately blossom into the peace and prosperity we need and desire, and which Trump has promised. I sincerely hope so.
Because Russia has all our best interests at heart.
Because Russia has all our best interests at heart.
At the end of day, we are all human. We have supported and worked with them since their revolution in many ways.

Yet they have their unique national interest and so do we. That's nationalism, and it's back, like it or not, which is realism.
At the end of day, we are all human. We have supported and worked with them since their revolution in many ways.

Yet they have their unique national interest and so do we. That's nationalism, and it's back, like it or not, which is realism.
I honestly didn't think the US would be this easy, it's like watching a car crash, in slow motion, on a loop.

I know I shouldn't find it fascinating, but I can't help but watch.
They could help a great deal with ISIS and Syria.

This is all nuts. Why is ISIS & Syria a bigger threat to the US than an expansionist Russia in Europe?

What Putin is doing in Syria is oddly similar to what the USSR attempted to do in Afghanistan in the 1980's. The US under Reagan opposed this by arming & training Islamic fighters ... which led on to the next phase of this ongoing mess. It's like a game of international whack-a-mole in which there is no obvious objective in sight.
I find it a bit strange you're not at all upset that these people who are suppose to be learning and acting with civil disobedience, instead quickly digress to outright anarchy
Both the extreme left and the extreme right seem intent on obliterating the other side. You don't think it's outside the realms of possibility that one would hijack the other's protest and see it turn violent to try and turn the tide of public opinion against the other?
This is all nuts. Why is ISIS & Syria a bigger threat to the US than an expansionist Russia in Europe?

What Putin is doing in Syria is oddly similar to what the USSR attempted to do in Afghanistan in the 1980's. The US under Reagan opposed this by arming & training Islamic fighters ... which led on to the next phase of this ongoing mess. It's like a game of international whack-a-mole in which there is no obvious objective in sight.

You don't have to agree with Trump to understand what he is suggesting, it seems no one is reading what he says. It's not nuts to say what we tried in the past is not working and a new approach should be tried. Here I will get it and post it here.

  • Peace through strength will be at the center of our foreign policy. We will achieve a stable, peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground.
  • Advance America’s core national interests, promote regional stability, and produce an easing of tensions in the world. Work with Congress to fully repeal the defense sequester and submit a new budget to rebuild our depleted military.
  • Rebuild our military, enhance and improve intelligence and cyber capabilities.
  • End the current strategy of nation-building and regime change.
  • Ensure our security procedures and refugee policy takes into account the security of the American people.
Read Donald J. Trump’s Plan to Make America Safe and Respected Again, here.

  • Work with our Arab allies and friends in the Middle East in the fight against ISIS.
  • Pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cutoff their funding, expand intelligence sharing, and cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable their propaganda and recruiting.
  • Defeat the ideology of radical Islamic terrorism just as we won the Cold War.
  • Establish new screening procedures and enforce our immigration laws to keep terrorists out of the United States.
  • Suspend, on a temporary basis, immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.
  • Establish a Commission on Radical Islam to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of Radical Islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization.
They could help a great deal with ISIS and Syria.
ISIS has worked out to be one of Russia's most effective allies in their campaign to destabilize the Western world.

The atrocities that Syria/Russia and ISIS have perpetrated have caused one of the greatest human migrations of refugees in history. This migration is fueling the populist revolt in Europe, whose common thread is "break up the EU." Russia is hardly disguising their support for such populist movements, with the notable example being Trump.

I won't say they engineered all of this, but they're being awfully opportunistic.
The atrocities that Syria/Russia and ISIS have perpetrated have caused one of the greatest human migrations of refugees in history.
Wasn't it the Obama administration that thought it would be a good idea to have an Arab spring in Syria, and pull out of Iraq leaving a power vacuum?

If it weren't for Russia, Syria would have been totally overrun by Islamic extremists by now.
You don't have to agree with Trump to understand what he is suggesting, it seems no one is reading what he says. It's not nuts to say what we tried in the past is not working and a new approach should be tried. Here I will get it and post it here.

  • Peace through strength will be at the center of our foreign policy. We will achieve a stable, peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground.
  • Advance America’s core national interests, promote regional stability, and produce an easing of tensions in the world. Work with Congress to fully repeal the defense sequester and submit a new budget to rebuild our depleted military.
  • Rebuild our military, enhance and improve intelligence and cyber capabilities.
  • End the current strategy of nation-building and regime change.
  • Ensure our security procedures and refugee policy takes into account the security of the American people.
Read Donald J. Trump’s Plan to Make America Safe and Respected Again, here.

  • Work with our Arab allies and friends in the Middle East in the fight against ISIS.
  • Pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cutoff their funding, expand intelligence sharing, and cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable their propaganda and recruiting.
  • Defeat the ideology of radical Islamic terrorism just as we won the Cold War.
  • Establish new screening procedures and enforce our immigration laws to keep terrorists out of the United States.
  • Suspend, on a temporary basis, immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.
  • Establish a Commission on Radical Islam to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of Radical Islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization.
Not a plan in any way, it's a list of aims and objectives with no plan behind it.

At least one of which is already in jeopardy, given that Trump has already pissed one of your Middle East allies off.
At the end of day, we are all human. We have supported and worked with them since their revolution in many ways.

Yet they have their unique national interest and so do we. That's nationalism, and it's back, like it or not, which is realism.

If you can explain to me clearly what the United States "national interest" is in all this, I'd be fascinated to learn.

"Supported and worked" with the Russians since the Revolution? You've got to be kidding! One of the reasons the Russian distrust the US (& Britain) is that there is a strong belief in Russia that the Allies deliberately allowed the Germans to bleed Russia during WWII in order to weaken the position of the USSR after the war. And that was followed by the Cold War.

What exactly is "realistic" about constantly undermining Shia Iran, while propping up Sunni Saudi Arabia? It's hard to know where to actually begin explaining where "nationalism" & "realism" fits into this whole *********. It seems like it's gone beyond rational explanation. However, one thing I'm sure of, is that Trump's bullying approach is not going to work. The world has moved beyond that - the US isn't economically or politically as dominant as it used to be. The Chinese will not roll over ... & nor even will Iran. Trump's tough-talking bluff will be called & then we will see exactly how "isolationist" Trump is when his giant, fragile ego is challenged.
ISIS has worked out to be one of Russia's most effective allies in their campaign to destabilize the Western world.

The atrocities that Syria/Russia and ISIS have perpetrated have caused one of the greatest human migrations of refugees in history. This migration is fueling the populist revolt in Europe, whose common thread is "break up the EU." Russia is hardly disguising their support for such populist movements, with the notable example being Trump.

I won't say they engineered all of this, but they're being awfully opportunistic.

Part of this argument as I see it is a Europe, just in a general sense that while there is unhappiness with U.S.'s recent meddling(At least I hope so, Libya, Egypt, and Syria come to mind), there is a fear that we will not offer protection and co-operation to our allies. Some countries are going to have to step it up though because Trump is not interested in footing the bill with money and american lives.

Spilt milk, Trump is interested in solutions not complaints or continuing down a road that leads to no where good.
Both the extreme left and the extreme right seem intent on obliterating the other side. You don't think it's outside the realms of possibility that one would hijack the other's protest and see it turn violent to try and turn the tide of public opinion against the other?
Puh-lease. The Left has been protesting like crazy with destructive demonstrations and suddenly, Milo's protest is a conspiracy against the Left. Never mind the fact he already had his last event protested as well.