I think we've already gotten a good first look at how he'll handle foreign relations, between the Muslim ban and the broken attempt to talk to Mexico regarding the wall.
Toss in the ill-adivsed decision to speak with the president of Taiwan, and it's becoming fairly clear that, best-case scenario, he's fairly incompetent when it comes to diplomacy.
It's not a Muslim ban, I really wish the media would drop that already. It's an immigration ban, but it's not based on religion since people from Saudi Arabia (for whatever reason) can still come and go as they please.
I do agree though Trump's attitude towards Mexico has been less than stellar though and it's pretty worrying to see how he's treating out neighbors, especially ones that have some pretty gnarly cartels that could do some damage to border states if they wanted too. Also if he screws up my supply of Corona and limes to go in said Corona, I'm not going to be happy.
I also still don't see why the US shouldn't recognize Taiwan, they clearly aren't China no matter how much China thinks they are. I support an independent Taiwan and I think it's about time the US did too. Treating China with kid gloves seems strange to me anyways, especially when they launch cyber attacks against the US, manipulate currency, support North Korea, and have zero understanding of copyright laws. Plus I don't think China is stupid enough to actually start a war with the US, especially now since Trump and Putin are bros 4 lyfe and I'd bet Russia would end up helping the US.
But for how Trump is going to deal with foreign relations, the answer is probably poorly. He has no experience in that area and given the amount of bad advice he's been given by his advisers I can't see him actually having a decent record with anyone other than a handful of countries. I don't think Clinton would have been any better though, she had shown she had no idea how to deal with foreign conflicts during her time as SoS. None of this would be an issue if the US quit sticking its nose where it didn't belong, but since we still feel the need to be the world's police, we really did need someone strong with foreign relations.
The best thing Trump could do now is try to make America more isolationist, reduce trade regulations, and let corporations figure out what's best for them in terms of where and how they do business. Since that's not going to happen, it'll be a rough few years when it comes to dealing with other nations.
In other Trump news, I'm a little concerned over his call to use the nuclear option when it comes to the new Supreme Court justice. While I don't agree with filibusters, nulling out one side of the aisle isn't representative government. But Congress, the real issue in the US, wants to play political games instead of doing what their purpose is and that's to represent the people.
Oh and I do hope Betsy DeVos isn't confirmed and she had to go back to Grand Rapids and continue to preach her zealous religious beliefs to the people there...mostly because I no longer live there and don't care.