I wouldn't quite put it all down to themselves, politicians and media in the last 3-4 decades have really turned the two party system into an 'us v. them' situation and it's beginning to get very close to the boiling point. Yes all the righteous 'I deserve blah blah blah...' doesn't do any favours but consider the things the sitting president had done previous to his campaign.
He sat on TV and fired people, he started a fraudulent university that played on people's feelings to pay more money, started and failed a line of steaks, purchased an airline and subsequently ran it into the ground, attempted a vodka brand in his own name, tried his hand at mortgages and that died in a year and a half among many other failures. For a man who trumpets about his successes so much there is a giant unplayed tuba of failures that takes virtually no time to find on the internet. Yes the apprentice was reasonably successful but I could never stand more than 5 seconds of it because it just plays to his enormous ego.
Combine this man with 30-40 years of adversarial media and politics that people have begun to really believe and this is exactly what you get. If the democratic candidate had been Bernie Sanders x2 and been elected I'm sure the republican followers would be showing similar signs of unrest.