America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

It's how the British come across, he tells us. ****ing idiot.

Milo Ynplosniosapolsnsopopopolous
My own experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humour might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, ‘advocacy’.
If I were to give him a chance, he's already blown it. He has, after all, caused chaos with the travel ban, attacked the judiciary for ruling afainst him, declared any negative press to be "fake news", declared the press "the enemy of the people", misrepresented a news report on immigrants as a recent terror attack, protected Michael Flynn and probably half a dozen other things that I am forgetting because the embarrassments come thick and fast. And that's after only a month in office.
My bad. Not a mod but a staff emeritus. But his usage was implicitly endorsed by a mod who posted later without mentioning the gratuitous insult.

Personally, I prefer an extra effort in the direction of politeness and tolerance, especially where differences of opinion are inevitable and part of the format.

If this forum degenerates into a name-calling free-for-all, I'll find a better forum with a higher class of people.
Good luck with that with said member.
It's also worth noting that some of the people who I would consider to be the most opinionated on the forum, are some of the people that I think the least of.
Some background about Trump's Sweden remark, which was pulled out of context:

And here's Milo's reaction about the interview where he supposedly condones pedophilia:

Some background about Trump's Sweden remark, which was pulled out of context:

And here's Milo's reaction about the interview where he supposedly condones pedophilia:

Regardless of Milo's intentions it seems he is now going to start understanding that his love of free speech is always balanced by others reacting to your free speech.

Guess not everyone buys the constant 'I was only joking' rationale.

Oh and the Sweden story has already been discussed at length, including the outright dishonesty by the film maker. The Swedish police officers involved are rather unhappy that the questions they answered are not to ones the film then said they were asking.

Not to mention that the 'quote' Fox said the Swedish PM made was not in regard to Trump's comments, which is blatantly missleading.
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Some background about Trump's Sweden remark, which was pulled out of context:
It's kind of hard to say that Trump's comment was taken out of context when the problem was that he provided no context to begin with. How can someone be so inarticulate that they start talking about terror attacks and segue to discussing a television show about immigration without making it clear that they changed topics completely?
If I were to give him a chance, he's already blown it. He has, after all, caused chaos with the travel ban, attacked the judiciary for ruling afainst him, declared any negative press to be "fake news", declared the press "the enemy of the people", misrepresented a news report on immigrants as a recent terror attack, protected Michael Flynn and probably half a dozen other things that I am forgetting because the embarrassments come thick and fast. And that's after only a month in office.

1) Travel ban/Challenging the judges ruling.

The Alien and Sedition act of 1798,
and the 8 US code 1182 gives him the ability to suspend visas with proper reasons explained.
His reasoning is national security.
The former only applies during war.

2) Fake News

This is far reaching and hard to defend.
I will say it's no secret our media caters to special interest groups, including the White House.
I agree the media is very biased on some reports I've read or seen involving him.
It's a two way street, Fox News was the biggest seller of the Iraq war.
Look into it, reporters even came forward and admitted they were tasked to sell the war, and did a great job doing it.

3) Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn told Pence he did not speak with Kislyak about sanctions. It turns out he lied. Trump found out and asked for his resignation.

Do I believe Trump had no idea? No I do not.
I believe Flynn was the scapegoat.
Trump asking for his resignation is probably the result of a backroom deal to try to put out the flames.

I would assume there's a much broader special interest engagement between the United States and Russia then we'll ever know about.

I voted for him as I felt the other option was even more corrupt.

If I could have an opinion here, it would be quite simple.

Trump calls a spade a spade, and I appreciate his unwavering stance in what he believes is right.
Travel ban/Challenging the judges ruling.
It's not a question of authority, but that it was a complete surprise to everyone - poorly thought out, unfairly cracking down on legal immigrants, ignoring America's obligations to international treaties, and his inability to distinguish between refugees and asylum seekers suggests that he has no understanding of the issue.

Fake News
Except it's not fake news. That's just Trump's way of dismissing anything that he doesn't want to hear - specifically, anything that doesn't suggest that he's doing an excellent job.

It's a two way street, Fox News was the biggest seller of the Iraq war.
So why not denounce it on both sides? Because Fox support him.

Michael Flynn told Pence he did not speak with Kislyak about sanctions. It turns out he lied. Trump found out and asked for his resignation.
But Trump also knew that Flynn had contact with Kislyak, even before Flynn lied to Pence. Trump wanted to keep it quiet because he didn't want to lose Flynn and thought Flynn's career could survive if it was kept out of the press.

Trump calls a spade a spade, and I appreciate his unwavering stance in what he believes is right.
The problem is that he only believes that he is right.
So Milo's been uninvited following his 'whats all the fuss' comments about sex with young boys.
It's how the British come across, he tells us. ****ing idiot.
I wonder which context would make his comments appropriate. I'm reminded of an episode of Blackadder II where Blackadder hosts a dinner party for his puritan relatives in the hopes of securing a large inheritance at the same time as hosting a raucous party with the most notorious drunkards in London in the hopes of winning a large bet and proving that he isn't a lightweight. Halfway through the party, one of the drunks bursts in and proclaims "great booze-up, Edmund!". When pressed for an explanation, Blackadder spends a full minute thinking it over before contriving an explanation that his friend, a missionary, had recently returned from Africa in the company of a tribal chief named Great Boo who had been struggling with sleeping sickness and had only just awakened; hence, the proclamation was "Great Boo's up!".

That's Milo right now.

Source required.
I don't know ... is the White House fake news?
It's how the British come across, he tells us. ****ing idiot.
So I opened the link and heard Milo talking about aribitrary and oppressive age of consent laws. They must have cut out the controversial part. Do you have a link to that?
Milo's big scandal. Here is the entire podcast. It is a nearly three hour podcast, but I have started it at the beginning of the controversy. You can rewind and watch the whole thing if you want.

It seems to me to be no big deal. He was referring to himself, and what he thought his own age of consent was, But he thinks the legal age seems about right.

The hosts, and or other guests are very annoying, but just listen to Milo.

*Warning Strong Language*
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He was referring to himself, and what he thought his own age of consent was,

No, he was talking in the third person. That isn't oneself. Second person can be at a stretch, if you habitually use "you" instead of "one" (which some people do).

It seems to me to be no big deal,

Fortunately other English speakers with the power over his contracts don't agree with you.
It seems to me to be no big deal. He was referring to himself, and what he thought his own age of consent was, But he thinks the legal age seems about right.
No he wasn't just talking about himself, as the transcript clearly shows:

"Milo: “You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years-old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able (unclear and cut off by others)…That’s not what we are talking about. You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

Another man said, “You are advocating for cross generational relationships here, can we be honest about that?”

Milo: “Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, from desolation, from suicide (people talk over each other)… providing they’re consensual.”"

His argument was that as long as a child has reached puberty and was consensual then its not pedophilia. Now while his point around the age of consent being arbitrary is valid (all 'age' limits are), which is pretty much the same argument that NAMBLA have tried to use.

Do you agree that if a child (in legal terms) reaches puberty at 11 (which is more than possible) and gives consent then a relationship with an adult is not pedophilia, child abuse or at the very least inappropriate? As that's what he is advocating, and not just for himself.
His argument was that as long as a child has reached puberty and was consensual then its not pedophilia.

By his definition of pedophilia, which he gave, yeah. It makes sense. He says if the person is sexually mature then it's not pedophilia, which is attraction to pre-sexual people.

He doesn't say it's not statutory rape. Of course it is.

It's just not caused by attraction to children, because they're not children. Check out whatever busty 14 year old teen model is popular these days. Finding that attractive is not pedophilia, because they look like any other late teenager who has finished puberty.

He's probably also right that a relationship with an older gay man can probably sometimes be quite beneficial for young gays in an oppressive environment. Not all the time, and maybe not even most of the time. But given some of the crap that young gay people go through I imagine many of them wouldn't mind trading some sex for a partner that looks after them and makes them feel like they're not an ostracised freak. Certainly that seems to be the angle Milo is coming from, and given that experience it seems hard to slam his point as being completely invalid.

I'm not sure that it's particularly wise to advertise that opinion in the media, but there's at least a certain amount of truth in it for some people.

Do you agree that if a child (in legal terms) reaches puberty at 11 (which is more than possible) and gives consent then a relationship with an adult is not pedophilia, child abuse or at the very least inappropriate? As that's what he is advocating, and not just for himself.

I think that there's a reasonable discussion to be had around when meaningful consent can be given and when people are physically developed enough for it to be sensible. 11 is probably at the low end of plausible ages to include in the discussion, but it's probably worthwhile including if only for the sake of "prove why this is harmful".

He explicitly says that the age of consent is about right as it is, but observes the fact that there are people capable of giving meaningful consent at age 13. Of course there are.

As far as cross-generational relationships, I don't see the problem. We're still talking about people who have given meaningful consent, as in understanding to the extent of a reasonable adult what they're getting into and what the effects are. If that consent exists, I don't see that it particularly matters what the actual ages are, arbitrary laws notwithstanding.
I think that there's a reasonable discussion to be had around when meaningful consent can be given and when people are physically developed enough for it to be sensible.
I don't think it's a question of physical development. The law exists because while a person might be physically mature to the point where they are capable of reproduction, psychologically it's an entirely different question. The brain is still maturing well into the late teens and early twenties, and victims of child sexual abuse have been demonstrated to have recurring psychological problems stemming from it.
I don't think it's a question of physical development. The law exists because while a person might be physically mature to the point where they are capable of reproduction, psychologically it's an entirely different question. The brain is still maturing well into the late teens and early twenties, and victims of child sexual abuse have been demonstrated to have recurring psychological problems stemming from it.

Certainly. But just because a brain is not fully mature, does not mean that well informed and clearly understood decisions cannot be made. Likewise, victims of child sexual abuse have all sorts of damage from it, but it does not mean than anyone under an arbitrary age of consent who has sex is by definition abused or damaged.

And there's absolutely a matter of physical development. It's just that the matter is usually resolved at such a low age that most people don't even consider it, but because puberty and most of the attendant physical changes (most of which are largely necessary for avoiding major physical damage from other post-pubescents) come at varying ages it's a matter for consideration.

It should be noted that a lot of Europe has consent ages somewhere between 14 and 16, including France at 15 and Germany at 14. I find it hard to accept that sexual relations at such ages are innately harmful, and as such I have no problem entertaining the idea that some 13 year olds may be capable of having sexual relations that are not harmful to them either.

However, it should be noted that like Milo I also think that the age of consent we have here (16, 17 in South Australia) is about right. I think that people younger than that are capable of making informed and rational decisions about sex depending on the specific individual, but I would prefer not to legalise it to ensure that people who would take advantage are punished appropriately.
By his definition of pedophilia, which he gave, yeah. It makes sense. He says if the person is sexually mature then it's not pedophilia, which is attraction to pre-sexual people.

He doesn't say it's not statutory rape. Of course it is.

It's just not caused by attraction to children, because they're not children. Check out whatever busty 14 year old teen model is popular these days. Finding that attractive is not pedophilia, because they look like any other late teenager who has finished puberty.

He's probably also right that a relationship with an older gay man can probably sometimes be quite beneficial for young gays in an oppressive environment. Not all the time, and maybe not even most of the time. But given some of the crap that young gay people go through I imagine many of them wouldn't mind trading some sex for a partner that looks after them and makes them feel like they're not an ostracised freak. Certainly that seems to be the angle Milo is coming from, and given that experience it seems hard to slam his point as being completely invalid.

I'm not sure that it's particularly wise to advertise that opinion in the media, but there's at least a certain amount of truth in it for some people.

I think that there's a reasonable discussion to be had around when meaningful consent can be given and when people are physically developed enough for it to be sensible. 11 is probably at the low end of plausible ages to include in the discussion, but it's probably worthwhile including if only for the sake of "prove why this is harmful".

He explicitly says that the age of consent is about right as it is, but observes the fact that there are people capable of giving meaningful consent at age 13. Of course there are.

As far as cross-generational relationships, I don't see the problem. We're still talking about people who have given meaningful consent, as in understanding to the extent of a reasonable adult what they're getting into and what the effects are. If that consent exists, I don't see that it particularly matters what the actual ages are, arbitrary laws notwithstanding.
The issue for me is that puberty is not a binary event, but a gradual process that affects physical, mental and emotional changes to the individual. having hit puberty is not the same as being sexually mature

Even with the onset of puberty growth has not finished (which means sexual activity can result in long term health issues) and it also presumes that emotional maturity lines up exactly with this for that consent to be informed.

Which is why age of consent laws (while having an arbitrary element to them) do also have some basis in the physical and mental well being of those involved.

Milo is of course perfectly free to discuss these elements at length, in that he is doing nothing wrong, however as I mentioned earlier the consequence of free speech is that others are also free to react to that speech. Hence the cancellation of his address and termination of his book deal.

Ironic in someways given that its a topic in which conservatives are almost certain to back away from, so his 'edge' has bitten back and in this case 'daddy' (as he refers to Trump) has not stepped in to defend him. Ironic also given that the US has a number of states with no minimum legal age to marry with judicial approval, despite having a legal age of consent.
however as I mentioned earlier the consequence of free speech is that others are also free to react to that speech
Milo's problem is that he takes any negative reaction as an attempt to suppress free speech, because to his mind, he's not doing anything wrong so long as he's exercising his right to free speech. The irony is that he goes around calling himself the "Dangerous Faggott", but as soon as he says something dangerous and provocative enough to get a negative response, he backs away from it and claims to be the victim of deliberate misrepresentation by people who want to silence him on principle.

Thus his hypocrisy shows itself: he's allowed to exercise his right to free speech, but anyone who disagrees with him is trying to suppress that right. And by launching a pre-emptive attack on those who disagree with him, he's essentially saying "accept my right to free speech or be branded an enemy of a democratic principle", which is in itself a form of suppression. He wants his soapbox, but he doesn't want to hear a dissenting opinion.

Free speech isn't a shield to hide behind. If Milo wants to express his opinion, that's fine - so long as he accepts that people will disagree with him and are just as entitled to express that counter-opinion as he is to express his opinion in the first place. Because right now, it sounds suspiciously like "if you don't agree with me, shut up", in which case he has no right to call himself a defender of free speech.

I have no doubt that he loves free speech - just so long as he is the only one with a voice.
Ladies and gentlemen, the face of modern America and the voice of the averafe Trump supporter.

You complain about others generalizing and then resort to this? How stupendously hypocritical.

Your attitude in this thread — although certainly not limited to just this one — has been consistently deplorable. There's no excuse for it, which makes it all the more unfortunate you carry the Staff Emeritus badge. You really should know better.
I did two tours in Iraq, one in Afghanistan.

Can I have an emeritus badge as well Slip?

I'll provide my DD 214, and all applicable deployment proof.
His argument was that as long as a child has reached puberty and was consensual then its not pedophilia. Now while his point around the age of consent being arbitrary is valid (all 'age' limits are), which is pretty much the same argument that NAMBLA have tried to use.

Do you agree that if a child (in legal terms) reaches puberty at 11 (which is more than possible) and gives consent then a relationship with an adult is not pedophilia, child abuse or at the very least inappropriate? As that's what he is advocating, and not just for himself.
I find it ironic, well not really, that when you have an argument to make you are very quick to quote a literal definition, but when you don't agree with the argument, you ignore definitions completely. Pedophilia has a definition, and it involves pubescence, so a relationship between an "adult" and a child that has cross the puberty threshold is, by definition, not pedophilia. Whether that relationship you refer to is child abuse or inappropriate is probably where Milo's discussion about consent laws being arbitrary comes in.

For 140ish years in Canada it was ok for a 20 year old to have a relationship with a 14 year old but overnight it made him/her a child molestor. Ironically, the case that prompted the change involved an older adult man convincing a 14 year old boy over the interwebs, into sneaking away from the parental home to have sex with him. When caught, the boy insisted the act was consensual. Also ironic is the fact that, while now 14 and 15 year olds can have consensual relations, anyone that has anal sex before they are 18 is a sodomist by definition.
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Well about Trump, I agree that statements like these open the door for people abusing them (like Tucker Carlson says in the video, a president should be clear at all times), but we already know how Trump talks to people, it's like the guy next to you in the bar would do it sometimes. That's the way he is and it isn't anything like the presidents before that who just read politically correct statements of the autocue.

But! It is not appropriate for the media to make it look like he was referring to an attack in Sweden, without him literally saying so. Same with Milo they look over anything which is said just so they can pull things out of context and make a whole media frenzy about it. Downside of being a public figure yes but the media shouldn't misrepresent the truth neither.

It's a shame it cost Milo his speech and his book deal, hope this did not silence him and he goes out, keeps going and is louder than ever (whilst watching out with his statements as the vultures are looking). We need figures like him who kick in open doors others are afraid to touch. And that goes for Trump too IMO.
I find it ironic, well not really, that when you have an argument to make you are very quick to quote a literal definition, but when you don't agree with the argument, you ignore definitions completely. Pedophilia has a definition, and it involves pubescence, so a relationship between an "adult" and a child that has cross the puberty threshold is, by definition, not pedophilia. Whether that relationship you refer to is child abuse or inappropriate is probably where Milo's discussion about consent laws being arbitrary comes in.

For 140ish years in Canada it was ok for a 20 year old to have a relationship with a 14 year old but overnight it made him/her a child molestor. Ironically, the case that prompted the change involved an older adult man convincing a 14 year old boy over the interwebs, into sneaking away from the parental home to have sex with him. When caught, the boy insisted the act was consensual. Also ironic is the fact that, while now 14 and 15 year olds can have consensual relations, anyone that has anal sex before they are 18 is a sodomist by definition.
Which would be why I asked:

"Do you agree that if a child (in legal terms) reaches puberty at 11 (which is more than possible) and gives consent then a relationship with an adult is not pedophilia, child abuse or at the very least inappropriate? As that's what he is advocating, and not just for himself."

It's why I also mentioned repeatedly that it was a discussion around an arbitrary subject, and also have pointed out in two separate posts that Milo's has every right to say what he said.

I'm not disputing the absolute definition here at all, I pointed out that he was not talking only about himself, as was claimed. I agreed that its a subject based around a partially arbitrary age (and explained why), agreed that he has the right to say it and under the ideals of free speech has done nothing wrong in doing so.

I then went on to point out that just as he is free to do so, other organisations are free to cancel his appearances at events, his book deal, and as may happen, look at his employment being terminated!

As such I have no idea why you seem to be arguing a point I've not questioned?

Well about Trump, I agree that statements like these open the door for people abusing them (like Tucker Carlson says in the video, a president should be clear at all times), but we already know how Trump talks to people, it's like the guy next to you in the bar would do it sometimes. That's the way he is and it isn't anything like the presidents before that who just read politically correct statements of the autocue.

But! It is not appropriate for the media to make it look like he was referring to an attack in Sweden, without him literally saying so. Same with Milo they look over anything which is said just so they can pull things out of context and make a whole media frenzy about it. Downside of being a public figure yes but the media shouldn't misrepresent the truth neither.
The media isn't misrepresenting anything. He included Sweden in a list of locations of terror attacks, as such the context was set by Trump, not by the media.

Now I would have agreed it was an unfortunate slip, were it not for the case that this is now the third time the administration has done this.

It's a shame it cost Milo his speech and his book deal, hope this did not silence him and he goes out, keeps going and is louder than ever (whilst watching out with his statements as the vultures are looking). We need figures like him who kick in open doors others are afraid to touch. And that goes for Trump too IMO.
Odd because in this case the vultures seem to be those you normally admire.

Its not a liberal, left-wing bunch of snowflakes who cancelled his appearance, its conservatives. I also note that Trump is not decrying it, as he did when Berkeley cancelled his speech.

We will see what happens at 3pm New York time, which is when Breitbart are, I believe, scheduled to comment on the situation. With rumours (and that is all they are now) that he will lose his job.
Which would be why I asked:

"Do you agree that if a child (in legal terms) reaches puberty at 11 (which is more than possible) and gives consent then a relationship with an adult is not pedophilia, child abuse or at the very least inappropriate? As that's what he is advocating, and not just for himself."

It's why I also mentioned repeatedly that it was a discussion around an arbitrary subject, and also have pointed out in two separate posts that Milo's has every right to say what he said.

I'm not disputing the absolute definition here at all, I pointed out that he was not talking only about himself, as was claimed. I agreed that its a subject based around a partially arbitrary age (and explained why), agreed that he has the right to say it and under the ideals of free speech has done nothing wrong in doing so.

I then went on to point out that just as he is free to do so, other organisations are free to cancel his appearances at events, his book deal, and as may happen, look at his employment being terminated!

As such I have no idea why you seem to be arguing a point I've not questioned?

The media isn't misrepresenting anything. He included Sweden in a list of locations of terror attacks, as such the context was set by Trump, not by the media.

Now I would have agreed it was an unfortunate slip, were it not for the case that this is now the third time the administration has done this.

Odd because in this case the vultures seem to be those you normally admire.

Its not a liberal, left-wing bunch of snowflakes who cancelled his appearance, its conservatives. I also note that Trump is not decrying it, as he did when Berkeley cancelled his speech.

We will see what happens at 3pm New York time, which is when Breitbart are, I believe, scheduled to comment on the situation. With rumours (and that is all they are now) that he will lose his job.
Why ask a question about whether it's pedophilia or not when the example you present is clearly not, by definition? If the roles were reversed I'm fully confident you'd be quoting me asking me the same thing.
Why ask a question about whether it's pedophilia or not when the example you present is clearly not, by definition? If the roles were reversed I'm fully confident you'd be quoting me asking me the same thing.
Because I'm interested to know, in the terms of the discussion, which of the three options (if any) the member in question thought it might fall into.

You can also be as fully confident in anything you like, doesn't mean you correct.

The simple fact is that I did not say that Milo's comments endorsed or supported pedophilia, the closest I came was that they sound a lot like the argument NAMBLA used to spout in the '90s, and given they are - according to Wikipedia - both a pedophile and pederast advocacy group, that's not an inaccurate statement.

You seem to have however missed out the main crux of my numerous posts on the topic, which is Milo's has the right under free speech to say this, and others have the right to be critical of it, pull speeches and cancel book deals because of it. Oh and that he wasn't speaking just about himself, as was claimed.