America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
We need a new law. Any one who shows up at a "protest" wearing a ski mask when the temperature is above 30 degrees (-1c), should be arrested.
Nah, just arrest everyone with a face.
Those who premeditate crimes, and cover their faces, and then go to a rally, allowed by the first amendment of the US constitution, they should be allowed to do what ever, and get away with it?

You don't see Republicans or Trump supporters covering their faces, unless they are trying defend themselves from the physical attacks by the radical left loons.
Those who premeditate crimes, and cover their faces, and then go to a rally, allowed by the first amendment of the US constitution, they should be allowed to do what ever, and get away with it?

You don't see Republicans or Trump supporters covering their faces, unless they are trying defend themselves from the physical attacks by the radical left loons.
If you're commiting a crime, would you not cover your face? It's the same with the sheer amount of right youtubers who just use cartoon avators. They don't want to be revealed to the public especially if they feel what they're doing can bite them personally.

I'm not defending the rioters horrible actions but covering your face should never be against the law, it;s should always be what you do.
Those who premeditate crimes, and cover their faces, and then go to a rally, allowed by the first amendment of the US constitution, they should be allowed to do what ever, and get away with it?

Of course they shouldn't be allowed to do whatever, but they should be allowed to cover their faces - that's not a crime and nor should it ever be.

You don't see Republicans or Trump supporters covering their faces, unless they are trying defend themselves from the physical attacks by the radical left loons.

Oh, I see now.
There has been an increase in the reported number of hate crimes against minority groups - including bomb threats against houses of worship and attacks on cemetery - since Trump's ascendency:

Britain went through a similar phenomenon after the Brexit vote.
Can you point to the part of the article with the statistics? All I see is, "minority groups in the United States say the number of race hate crimes are spiking in President Donald Trump's America.". That's not a statistic it's a feeling. Odd that the example most used is Jewish cemeteries when the President's daughter, son-in-law, and some grandchildren are all Jewish.

Also, an alternative view of the hate crime "increase" after Brexit that strips away the obvious media narrative and takes a deeper look at what's behind some of the stats and some of the individual reported incidents:
Of course they shouldn't be allowed to do whatever, but they should be allowed to cover their faces - that's not a crime and nor should it ever be.
Oh, I see now.
Incorrect. Anyone can wear a mask if they are behaving lawfully, but it is a crime to cover your face during the commission of a crime in many states and the District of Columbia. Anti-masking laws ftw. Good old liberal Canada even has federal laws that criminalize wearing a mask during a riot or other unlawful assembly.

Out of fairness and equal blame for all the bad people that wear masks and before someone brings up the Klan, the anti-masking laws in the U.S. were brought about to help combat the Klan in the mid-20th century. Yes kids, the Klan is bad too and I'm not inferring or implying in any way that the Klan is good by bringing up anti-mask laws when talking about the violent left-wing protestors in the U.S. I am not now and never have been a member of the Klan.

There, that should be enough disclaimers.
Incorrect. Anyone can wear a mask if they are behaving lawfully, but it is a crime to cover your face during the commission of a crime in many states and the District of Columbia.

I think you misread.

Those who premeditate crimes, and cover their faces, and then go to a rally, allowed by the first amendment of the US constitution, they should be allowed to do what ever, and get away with it?

As you can see the quote I replied to was about lawful assembly and placed a burden of proof onto thought-policing - after all there's no crime in pre-meditation, there has to be a crime. Once a crime is being/has been committed then you're absolutely right. I pointed out that nobody should be allowed to do whatever but I think you missed most of the point.
We need a new law. Any one who shows up at a "protest" wearing a ski mask when the temperature is above 30 degrees (-1c), should be arrested.




You're not really a fan of the constitution or free speech... or America are you?

I know one of those photos is in France, doesn't matter.
To be fair, demanding 7th century values for a Western nation is something that could do with a bit of a legal crackdown, masks or not...
The only real test of support for freedom of speech comes when you don't agree with it.
Do values that cause a direct security risk to non-supporters deserve the same kind of legal protection as anything else?

What's even worse is that the masks are keeping the whole frightening movement anonymous. I think there are a lot of people who would like to know their identities just to be able to cut off all contact from the scum protesting in favor of something like that as soon as possible.
Do values that cause a direct security risk to non-supporters deserve the same kind of legal protection as anything else?

What's even worse is that the masks are keeping the whole frightening movement anonymous. I think there are a lot of people who would like to know their identities just to be able to cut off all contact from the scum protesting in favor of something like that as soon as possible.

I'm not saying they wouldn't be dangerous at all, just less dangerous.

I doubt we would see very many Antifa loonies (if any) beating alleged Trump supporters on the streets for instance, if their right to cover their faces was taken away.
I think there are a lot of people who would like to know their identities just to be able to cut off all contact from the scum protesting in favor of something like that as soon as possible.

So is demanding to know peoples' identities justified if you don't like what they say?

It would be an interesting idea to come from an anonymous forum member who sometimes posts things others don't like............
So is demanding to know peoples' identities justified if you don't like what they say?

It would be an interesting idea to come from an anonymous forum member who sometimes posts things others don't like............
Is it that hard to address the real point?

Never mind the part where I said something about them being a threat to public safety that could be dwindled by their identities becoming public, I guess...

But no, I just "don't like what they say". How enlightening.
Actually I don't know what you mean. I don't recall making an argument that this post would be responsive to.
Y'all are talking about hiding your face at protests/riots/rallies.
You post a picture of the KKK.
You say nothing but posting the picture seems to put him on the spot like he supports them.
Y'all are talking about hiding your face at protests/riots/rallies.
You post a picture of the KKK.
You say nothing but posting the picture seems to put him on the spot like he supports them.

I thought it was clear that this was an example of a protest with faces hidden where the protesters "cause a direct security risk to non-supporters". I'm not saying he supports them, I'm saying that in the US we stand behind freedom of speech to the extent that even people who openly advocate violence or suppression of rights, or who advocate trashing portions of the constitution (such as equal protection for black people), are free to demonstrate with faces hidden.

I thought you were actually talking about @Chrunch Houston.
Oh, nevermind then. I'm sure there's some real science behind it then if you doubt something would happen if we just managed to get rid of those pesky rights protestors have. It could be a solution after all.

Hell, I can do one step better for you: I can go so far as to guarantee a couple of Tienanmen Squares would virtually eliminate any violence against supporters of the Trump administration. So we should ask for that then, right? Let's crackdown on this theoretical violence once and for all.
Never mind the part where I said something about them being a threat to public safety that could be dwindled by their identities becoming public, I guess...

And since you are, as far as I'm aware, no arbiter of what is/isn't a threat to public safety, then yes, it does amount to "I don't like what they say". Appeals to security (based on the usual presumptions of guilt) don't somehow make your opinion special.
And since you are, as far as I'm aware, no arbiter of what is/isn't a threat to public safety, then yes, it does amount to "I don't like what they say". Appeals to security (based on the usual presumptions of guilt) don't somehow make your opinion special.
Repeat that all you want if it makes you happy, but it's not what I said and you know it. Call me back when you've decided to be more mature about it...
Oh, nevermind then. I'm sure there's some real science behind it then if you doubt something would happen if we just managed to get rid of those pesky rights protestors have. It could be a solution after all.

Hell, I can do one step better for you: I can go so far as to guarantee a couple of Tienanmen Squares would virtually eliminate any violence against supporters of the Trump administration. So we should ask for that then, right? Let's crackdown on this theoretical violence once and for all.
Well, that's some specific quoting there. Reminds me of the guy who only quoted the words "us" and "them" from another post of mine eons ago.

Violence from masked groups like Antifa is not "theoretical", hell, it has popped up quite often ever since Trump's inauguration. Even if said morons were protected from legal prosecution, they should at least face the social consequences. Little Billy from Safe Space University might be less inclined to pepper spray Trump supporters if his name and face became public knowledge afterwards, and Mohammad from the French suburbs wouldn't like to join up with the pro-sharia movement if it meant the loss of his friends who trusted him to be no radical.
Violence from masked groups like Antifa is not "theoretical", hell, it has popped up quite often ever since Trump's inauguration. Even if said morons were protected from legal prosecution, they should at least face the social consequences. Little Billy from Safe Space University might be less inclined to pepper spray Trump supporters if his name and face became public knowledge afterwards, and Mohammad from the French suburbs wouldn't like to join up with the pro-sharia movement if it meant the loss of his friends who trusted him to be no radical.

Someone has a controversial opinion and you want them to be publicly shamed for it? Obviously attacking someone is illegal...
Someone has a controversial opinion and you want them to be publicly shamed for it? Obviously attacking someone is illegal...
Sounds like a plan, except it's still not about controversial opinions but safety threats...

Being allowed to wear masks and retain complete anonymity validates the most radical groups, be it KKK or Antifa, far too much for my liking.
Well, that's some specific quoting there.
Because those specific parts quoted are the only things really relevant to what you said; which is, again, that people should have rights stripped away because it might lead to a reduction in something that there are already laws in place to handle.

I trust you have the figures available for us to review, then?

Violence from masked groups like Antifa is not "theoretical"
It is when you're talking about future incidents of violence that what you are advocating might curb. When you frame your statements in the wishy washy way you have so you can try to justify them it can't really be anything but theoretical.

Little Billy from Safe Space University
Mohammad from the French suburbs wouldn't like to join up with the pro-sharia movement
"But really, it's not because they disagree with me. Honest."