America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

You should probably not assume that because I agree that Trump is doing it (at least to a certain extent) that I'm automatically making the statement that Obama didn't. I made no such statement.

Trump is the president. There's only one at a time. If we're going to play the "yeah, but such and such did it" game then we'll be going around in circles for weeks. If past presidents have done dodgy things then that's bad too, but it seems less relevant to people living in the present. Which is most of us, I'd have thought.
You should probably not assume that because I agree that Trump is doing it (at least to a certain extent) that I'm automatically making the statement that Obama didn't. I made no such statement.

Trump is the president. There's only one at a time. If we're going to play the "yeah, but such and such did it" game then we'll be going around in circles for weeks. If past presidents have done dodgy things then that's bad too, but it seems less relevant to people living in the present. Which is most of us, I'd have thought.

Some have. Others haven't. We could all understand hiring people who have supported you but are also highly qualified, which certainly does describe some of the hirings. However some seem to have limited qualification for a national level role, or have other connections that would seem to make them unsuitable for what is in many ways positions in mediation. Their sole obvious qualification seems to be large contributions, which is uncomfortable.

As far as success, most of the above were born into significant success so it's sort of hard to judge. When you start with tens of millions you have a lot of room to screw up and learn that normal people don't have, not to mention that the capital allows you into all sorts of ventures that simply aren't an option for Joe Normal. I think that it's relevant to consider the starting point when you want to measure which people are qualified through their life successes.

So according to this statement,your living in the past about wealth and and being born into success.It's hard to judge, but you are!
Their sole obvious qualification seems to be large contributions, which is uncomfortable. (proof please)

He (Donald Trump) donated $66 million of his own money, flew across the country in his private jet, and used his resorts to stage campaign events. At the same time, the billionaire was able to draw about $280 million from small donors giving $200 or less.

As far as success, most of the above were born into significant success so it's sort of hard to judge. When you start with tens of millions you have a lot of room to screw up and learn that normal people don't have, not to mention that the capital allows you into all sorts of ventures that simply aren't an option for Joe Normal. I think that it's relevant to consider the starting point when you want to measure which people are qualified through their life successes.

You don't have to have tens of millions or be born into success be a screw up,ask Hillary and the Democratic party. Ironic don't you think?

Clinton and her super-PACs raised a total of $1.2 billion, less than President Barack Obama raised in 2012. Her sophisticated fundraising operation included a small army of wealthy donors who wrote seven-figure checks, hundreds of bundlers who raised $100,000 or more from their own networks, and a small-dollar donor operation modeled on the one used by Obama in 2012. She spent heavily on television advertising and her get-out-the-vote operation, but in the end, her fundraising edge wasn't enough to overcome Trump's ability to dominate headlines and the airwaves.

Yes we could chase our tails like a dog all day,the future is now and Trump won! It only bothers people that actually voted for Clinton or backed their agenda and lost. Move on,you got 3 years and 9 months of the future ahead of you and probably 4 more after that!
So according to this statement,your living in the past about wealth and and being born into success.It's hard to judge, but you are!

Of course I am. I said it's hard to judge, not impossible. I just have no illusions about the accuracy of an analysis of someones skill based on their current success without taking into account their starting position.

Their sole obvious qualification seems to be large contributions, which is uncomfortable. (proof please)

You want proof that it makes me feel uncomfortable? Don't be silly.

You don't have to have tens of millions or be born into success be a screw up,ask Hillary and the Democratic party. Ironic don't you think?

Not really. You're putting words in my mouth that I never said.

Yes we could chase our tails like a dog all day,the future is now and Trump won! It only bothers people that actually voted for Clinton or backed their agenda and lost. Move on,you got 3 years and 9 months of the future ahead of you and probably 4 more after that!

What on earth are you talking about? I think that both Trump and Clinton are horrible crooks that are at best woefully underqualified to be POTUS, and I hate that the political system is rigged that there's no real choice if the two candidates that have managed to weasel their way to the top turn out to be awfully incompetent.

You continue to assume that being anti-Trump means that someone is pro-Clinton, or pro-Obama, or anti-Republican or pro-Democrat. Ignoring the obvious that one can be both anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, and anti-Obama all at the same time. It's not a zero sum game where if you dislike one you must like the other.

Please stop making assumptions about me. I'm more than capable of making statements about my opinions on one person without implying anything about my opinions on another. You seem to be incapable of taking something at face value without projecting your own views into it.

Their sole obvious qualification seems to be large contributions,
which is uncomfortable. (proof please)
You want proof that it makes me feel uncomfortable? Don't be silly.
No, I actually want proof it was contributions,nice try on spinning in uncomfortable,but if you insist.

Tillerson is a longtime volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America, and from 2010 to 2012 was their national president, its highest non-executive position. He is a longtime contributor to Republican campaigns, although he did not donate to Donald Trump's presidential campaign. In 2014, Tillerson, who had made business deals on behalf of Exxon with Russian President Vladimir Putin, opposed the sanctions against Russia.[6] He has previously been the director of the joint US-Russian oil company Exxon Neftegas.[7][8]

Yep, his contributions were huge!

During the Republican Party presidential primaries for the 2016 election, DeVos initially donated to Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina before eventually supporting Marco Rubio. In March 2016, DeVos described Donald Trump as an "interloper" and said that he "does not represent the Republican Party".[12]

Yep, sounds like she backed him and contributed to his campaign.

Before joining the presidential campaign of Donald Trump in 2016, Mnuchin had been involved in politics only by donating money to campaigns.[36] Between the years 1995 and 2014, he donated over $120,000 to political organizations, PACs, politicians, and political parties according to the Center for Responsive Politics. From his donations to individual politicians, 11 donations went to Republicans, while he contributed to Democrats 36 times. The election campaigns of Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney were among those to which he donated money.[37] Mnuchin said most of those donations were favors for friends.[21]

During June to September 2016, Mnuchin made several contributions to the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and Paul Ryan. He donated over $400,000 to the Republican Party, over $5,000 to each of Paul Ryan's and Donald Trump's campaigns. Earlier in 2016, Mnuchin had donated $4,000 to Democrats Kamala Harris and Michael Wildes according to the Center for Responsive Politics.[37]

A whole $5000,whew.I guess he was playing both sides.

Ross, like some of Trump's other key advisors, put money behind Trump's election effort. He gave $200,000 to Trump's joint fundraising committee with the Republican Party and donated the maximum $2,700 donation to Trump's campaign, according to the Federal Election Commission.

This guy isn't qualified and used to be a Democrat,look at all that money he donated.

You continue to assume that being anti-Trump means that someone is pro-Clinton, or pro-Obama, or anti-Republican or pro-Democrat. Ignoring the obvious that one can be both anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, and anti-Obama all at the same time. It's not a zero sum game where if you dislike one you must like the other.

No I'm not assuming your anti Trump,it's terribly obvious you are!

Ignoring the obvious one can be both anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, and anti-Obama all at the same time.
Uhm bad choice of word,no you can't,you only get to use 2,which 2 are you anti!

Whom do you support? Bernie,well he lost the Democratic Nomination,Communists,not a chance in hell,the Green Party or whatever the hell their called, or another person/party that didn't get Democratically elected in the biggest Democracy in the world?

How is it rigged,would you like to explain that in terms we can all understand?

So is it qualifications,or donations, or both,you were talking about?
I'm not making assumptions,give an honest answer,point to some facts and away we go.
Every Politician is a crook and a liar,I get that. They are all over the world. We have Trudeau up in Canada.

I'd be more worried about these 10 countries than Trump.
Wonder why some of them are on the list?
This is how rigged looks my friend.
You can look at the map too.

And the most corrupt countries as ranked on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2016 are:

  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • North Korea
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Afghanistan
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Venezuela
Following WWII, the US made top Nazis US people in Operation Paperclip. This included Dr Werner von Braun,, Herman Oberth who were top rocket scientists.

They didn't make them citizens, and the function of use to bring them over here is still in place, is still used quite often, but doesn't make you a citizen nor guarantee you'll get to say.

If the purpose of the travel ban is to protect America from terrorism, then why aren't Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or Pakistan on the list of countries? And why are Yemen and the Sudan included?

Two of those we're bombing to kingdom come with robot planes. And the other is a a friend of the U.S. that houses major military instillation of ours. So all good I guess to those in power.

As for the other two it's obvious why, not even sure why you've asked. The question would have been quite meaningful with out that second part
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They didn't make them citizens, and the function of use to bring them over here is still in place, is still used quite often, but doesn't may you a citizen nor guarantee you'll get to say.
Actually, former Nazi and SS lieutenant stormtrooper Wernher von Braun was naturalized as a US citizen in 1955.
Yeah its that Rocket thingy,you know, to make sure some other Madman/country didn't get it first! Terrible isn't it!
I've heard it said that Russia actually got the pick of the Nazi regime's rocket scientists. That is believable, since Russia had the best rockets and the best accomplishments in rocketry and space flight all the way up to the day the US landed on the moon in 1969.:drool:
I've heard it said that Russia actually got the pick of the Nazi regime's rocket scientists. That is believable, since Russia had the best rockets and the best accomplishments in rocketry and space flight all the way up to the day the US landed on the moon in 1969.:drool:

Yeah,says cruise missiles,ballistic missiles and every other form of Rocketry.
No I'm not assuming your anti Trump,it's terribly obvious you are!

Of course I am. But you continue using that to mean that I'm also pro-Clinton or pro-Obama, or whatever other hypocritical stick you feel like whacking me with.

Ignoring the obvious one can be both anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, and anti-Obama all at the same time.
Uhm bad choice of word,no you can't,you only get to use 2,which 2 are you anti!

I think we're done here. It is not a zero sum game. I do not have to be supportive of any of them. If you can't understand that then you've lost yourself in the us-vs-them game.

I'd be more worried about these 10 countries than Trump.

So would I, if they had the sort of military and political clout that the US has. However, you can't point to the most corrupt countries in the world and say "look, the US isn't so bad after all!" The fact that you're even comparing the US to a bunch of countries with civil wars, revolutions and dictators is a pretty big red flag.

Perhaps instead of comparing the US to the hundred odd countries in the world that it's better than, you'd be better served asking why it's only number 18 on the list. How are Hong Kong, Austria and Belgium considered less corrupt than the US? I'll be interested to see the 2017 results in a years time.
Actually, former Nazi and SS lieutenant stormtrooper Wernher von Braun was naturalized as a US citizen in 1955.

That's naturalization, anyone not born of the U.S. can go about getting naturalized. Hardly anything special because of a war, which is what was argued.

"I make them go up, who cares where they come down.
That's not my department", said Wernher von Braun.

He isn't wrong. Nor is any aerospace engineer since him that does the same thing, I mean that's my end goal as well. Because some politician says such and such village or city sees its end due to something I helped create, I should face a moral dilemma of some sort?
Ignoring the obvious one can be both anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, and anti-Obama all at the same time.
Uhm bad choice of word,no you can't,you only get to use 2,which 2 are you anti!

Whom do you support? Bernie,well he lost the Democratic Nomination,Communists,not a chance in hell,the Green Party or whatever the hell their called, or another person/party that didn't get Democratically elected in the biggest Democracy in the world?

I'm anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, anti-Sanders, anti-Obama, anti-anyone who doesn't understand the Constitution. I will call out misinformation when it's presented though, which I've done with Trump, but that doesn't mean I like him or think he's a good president. He's been a pretty terrible president so far and I can't see him doing anything worth while the entire time he's in office, but you know what? Clinton would have been just as bad, if not worse.

I don't know how much you know about American politics, but I'm guessing it's just what you get from the news. We have more of a choice than just Republicans and Democrats, and this may be a shocker to you, but you don't have to support either party or either candidate. I voted for a third party that never really had a chance, but I felt they were the most qualified for the job.

I also think you'll find that a large portion of those who frequent this section of the site are libertarians in some way, which typically support neither Republicans or Democrats.
I'm anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, anti-Sanders, anti-Obama, anti-anyone who doesn't understand the Constitution. I will call out misinformation when it's presented though, which I've done with Trump, but that doesn't mean I like him or think he's a good president. He's been a pretty terrible president so far and I can't see him doing anything worth while the entire time he's in office, but you know what? Clinton would have been just as bad, if not worse.

I don't know how much you know about American politics, but I'm guessing it's just what you get from the news. We have more of a choice than just Republicans and Democrats, and this may be a shocker to you, but you don't have to support either party or either candidate. I voted for a third party that never really had a chance, but I felt they were the most qualified for the job.

I also think you'll find that a large portion of those who frequent this section of the site are libertarians in some way, which typically support neither Republicans or Democrats.

I'm Canadian and have followed US, Canadian, politics for 38 voting years.
Please don't think for a minute that I don't have the exact channels on my TV that you have. I have more Canadian ones,that maybe perhaps you should watch,but the same US channels you do.I have access to every Newspaper,print article you do.We may be Canadian,but we are informed more than Americans think! I have American cousins too!
My Grandfather and Uncles died protecting Democratic values for this country and its European allies.I get and understand what wars and conflicts do. They make the rich,richer, the poor and suffering suffer and Families loose loved ones..
Here is a run down of Canadian US politics
Democrats are the same as Liberals in Canada
Republicans are the same as Progressive Conservatives.
New Democrats which are Social Democrats I would think lean more towards Bernie Sanders
Green Party I'm not sure what affiliate falls under the same branch in the US,but I'm sure you can figure it out
The constitution can be interpreted and manipulated to suit whomever is in power.Regardless of political affiliation.
The Second Amendment I'm pretty sure didn't mean AR 15's.
Is Trump bad,I'm sure some of his policies and and choices are up to debate. Was Obama perfect? Was the Bush family honest? Carter,Clinton,Reagan. NO! There hasn't been an honest politician that I can remember, in my 38 years of voting in either country. Their all full of 🤬 and will lie through their teeth. Trumps been in power for for not even 60 days. The sun comes up tomorrow,the sun goes down tomorrow,if you don't see it and a big red ball lights up the sky at night,we're all dead. So give him his due process and in 3 years and 10 months vote his ass out if he doesnt do his job. Pretty simple. You think you got it bad,we have Trudeau,who's dad was the PM who ruined this country,He's nothing more than a selfie king,spoiled little rich kid,snow board instructor,who now runs our Country.
Is Trump bad,I'm sure some of his policies and and choices are up to debate. Was Obama perfect? Was the Bush family honest? Carter,Clinton,Reagan. NO! There hasn't been an honest politician that I can remember, in my 38 years of voting in either country. Their all full of 🤬 and will lie through their teeth. Trumps been in power for for not even 60 days. The sun comes up tomorrow,the sun goes down tomorrow,if you don't see it and a big red ball lights up the sky at night,we're all dead. So give him his due process and in 3 years and 10 months vote his ass out if he doesnt do his job. Pretty simple.

I can't tell whether you're advocating for debate of Trump's policies and actions, which is what I thought we were doing, or telling people to shut up and suck it until it's time to vote again.
I'm Canadian and have followed US, Canadian, politics for 38 voting years.
Please don't think for a minute that I don't have the exact channels on my TV that you have. I have more Canadian ones,that maybe perhaps you should watch,but the same US channels you do.I have access to every Newspaper,print article you do.We may be Canadian,but we are informed more than Americans think! I have American cousins too!
My Grandfather and Uncles died protecting Democratic values for this country and its European allies.I get and understand what wars and conflicts do. They make the rich,richer, the poor and suffering suffer and Families loose loved ones..
Here is a run down of Canadian US politics
Democrats are the same as Liberals in Canada
Republicans are the same as Progressive Conservatives.
New Democrats which are Social Democrats I would think lean more towards Bernie Sanders
Green Party I'm not sure what affiliate falls under the same branch in the US,but I'm sure you can figure it out
The constitution can be interpreted and manipulated to suit whomever is in power.Regardless of political affiliation.
The Second Amendment I'm pretty sure didn't mean AR 15's.
Is Trump bad,I'm sure some of his policies and and choices are up to debate. Was Obama perfect? Was the Bush family honest? Carter,Clinton,Reagan. NO! There hasn't been an honest politician that I can remember, in my 38 years of voting in either country. Their all full of 🤬 and will lie through their teeth. Trumps been in power for for not even 60 days. The sun comes up tomorrow,the sun goes down tomorrow,if you don't see it and a big red ball lights up the sky at night,we're all dead. So give him his due process and in 3 years and 10 months vote his ass out if he doesnt do his job. Pretty simple. You think you got it bad,we have Trudeau,who's dad was the PM who ruined this country,He's nothing more than a selfie king,spoiled little rich kid,snow board instructor,who now runs our Country.

I'm not sure what this has to do with your initial point the someone can't be anti-Trump and anti-Clinton. The only reason I questioned your understanding of the US political system is due to suggestion that it has to be either Choice A or Choice B, when that's simply not true, there's also Choice C, D, E, F, and G.
I'm not sure what this has to do with your initial point the someone can't be anti-Trump and anti-Clinton. The only reason I questioned your understanding of the US political system is due to suggestion that it has to be either Choice A or Choice B, when that's simply not true, there's also Choice C, D, E, F, and G.
Were Choice C,D,E,F,G H,I, duly elected or nominated to run for POTUS? No,so what's your point.
Here try this in about 3 years :sly:

I can't tell whether you're advocating for debate of Trump's policies and actions, which is what I thought we were doing, or telling people to shut up and suck it until it's time to vote again.

Ok so you live in Australia,I live right next door, they are our biggest trading partner,we have to worry about NAFTA,Free Trade,Immigration,Our dollar,we have a huge Automotive industry in Ontario,bigger than any State in the USA.
So do you think we like all his policies? Probably not,but if production comes back to the Rust Belt,we will be absolutely happy,just like it used to be many years ago before a bunch of idiots decided it was better for China and Mexico to make parts and cars. Canada and the US have been partners for many,many years.I hope he taxes the 🤬 out of Mexico. Bring job's back that were shared for 50/60 years and we both flourished. So no I don't have a problem.
Well there is only so much people can burn/smash and protest before the other folks defend them self. Be careful what you wish for.
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Were Choice C,D,E,F,G H,I, duly elected or nominated to run for POTUS? No,so what's your point.

I was about to argue this point, but than I saw you were nice enough to do it for me.

According to that and every bit of common knowledge on how the U.S. works, anyone with $5,000 and some signatures can run. Meaning you're whole "there are only 2 choices" argument is null.
I was about to argue this point, but than I saw you were nice enough to do it for me.

According to that and every bit of common knowledge on how the U.S. works, anyone with $5,000 and some signatures can run. Meaning you're whole "there are only 2 choices" argument is null.
Really?Was it all smoke and mirrors? There were only 2 Candidates running for POTUS, correct? Did we all miss a Candidate? Did someone not register?Everything ran according to US election Protocols, I'm sure if the other candidate or candidates did not have that option,fake News would have been all over it already.
I can't tell whether you're advocating for debate of Trump's policies and actions, which is what I thought we were doing, or telling people to shut up and suck it until it's time to vote again.
Look do I agree with everything,no,do I feel he is right on others,yes. I'll be the first to admit,I can't stand Trudeau and ,%80 of his decisions. But I agree with his reconciliation,with the Native Population. Your last part of the paragraph is correct.
Your last part of the paragraph is correct.

I'm amused that you wrote it this way instead of simply coming out and saying "yes, you should all shut up and suck it until it's time to vote again". Did you think that no one would notice? Did you not have the testicular fortitude to own up to your own opinions?

As far as that goes, this may not be the place for you. The POTUS is an important part of the government of the USA, and the government is an important part of the USA itself. You're not going to get four days without someone talking about it, let alone four years.

Pretty much every rational person here feels similar to you; they agree with some of the things that Trump does and disagree with others. The difference is that we find it interesting and informative to discuss these things with other people.

If you want somewhere that people will not be discussing Trump and his politics, may I suggest here?
Were Choice C,D,E,F,G H,I, duly elected or nominated to run for POTUS? No,so what's your point.
Here try this in about 3 years :sly:

Really?Was it all smoke and mirrors? There were only 2 Candidates running for POTUS, correct? Did we all miss a Candidate? Did someone not register?Everything ran according to US election Protocols, I'm sure if the other candidate or candidates did not have that option,fake News would have been all over it already.

You clearly don't know as much about American politics as you think you do. Almost every party nominates someone to run, this past year the four biggest runners were Trump (R), Clinton (D), Johnson (Libertarian), and Stein (Green). I don't know about Jill Stein, but Gary Johnson was on the ballot in every state, so everyone had the opportunity to vote for him and that's at least 3 choices. Some states had a ton of choices as Northstar pointed out.

Ok so you live in Australia,I live right next door

Vancouver is probably the biggest city in western Canada, so we will use that and it's 8,200 miles from Melbourne. That's in no way next door, it's actually on the other side of the planet.
I'm amused that you wrote it this way instead of simply coming out and saying "yes, you should all shut up and suck it until it's time to vote again". Did you think that no one would notice? Did you not have the testicular fortitude to own up to your own opinions?

As far as that goes, this may not be the place for you. The POTUS is an important part of the government of the USA, and the government is an important part of the USA itself. You're not going to get four days without someone talking about it, let alone four years.

Pretty much every rational person here feels similar to you; they agree with some of the things that Trump does and disagree with others. The difference is that we find it interesting and informative to discuss these things with other people.

If you want somewhere that people will not be discussing Trump and his politics, may I suggest here?

Testicular fortitude,big words for a guy that doesn't understand the meaning of both.
Speaking of both,may I suggest here.

Can't use balls. Nor would it polite to tell some to shut up.

See here.

Trump won,correct!
Every other party/parties,(I STAND CORRECTED),duly noted lost,including the one,which of your parties lost?
Never mind, you still haven't answered whom would be better.
Does anyone agree, totally, with any politicians/parties decisions? Oops, maybe North Korea:lol: nah they have no choice.
So in general,yes,it's time for all parties involved that lost, to put on their big boy/girl (insert gender here) pants or dress or whatever turns your crank,on,crawl out of their parents basement, stop smashing,burning,looting,infringing on free speech and maybe get a job and get on with their lives. Perhaps help pay back that loan to their parents, for the education they have, that can't find them a job,that Trump is trying to create.

Perhaps it's the "Illegals" that he's deporting that bothers people. You know the ones that are here "illegally",dealing drugs,killing people, and are breaking the "law" ahead of the people trying to enter legally.
Don't worry they are probably crossing into Canada as I speak,but my Government allows it,
I don't agree with it,perhaps I should go get some friends and go smash a Starbucks and loot some stuff,yeah that sound like the democratic way to solve things!Don't worry,I'm somewhat rational and won't do it.
Is this what people are all upset about? Really? Watch what a couple of "other elected Presidents" said,wow incredible,what a bunch of racist,immigrant haters those 2 were! People should have went out and burned and looted after those speeches.

Oh perhaps it's his Flight ban,that was signed by Obama in 2015.

Or is it the countries on the list, that the last administration bombed the hell out of, that maybe upset some of the locals that got bombed and Trump perhaps doesn't want some of those pissed off people over here.

I mean if they bombed Canada,you can bet for sure,that payback is going to be a bitch.

So there ya go,in a nutshell,so to speak:idea:
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Can't use balls as it may offend non Trump supporters and I'd be deemed,a non feminist,Hitler loving Nazi,Stalin supporter,a Fascist or racist or some other form of bigotry,because I or anyone disagree.
That sort of behaviour isn't permitted on GTPlanet, so I'm afraid you're talking utter bollocks.

Let's drop this ludicrously defensive hostility you have and start conversing like a grown-up, eh?