America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Been a while since I last spouted about America.

I don't like your government. I disagree with they way they react with other countries. I'm of the opinion that they act rashly, induce overkill, and maybe just maybe greed plays a part.
I do, however like you. The American people. From the people I have met, I must say that the majority are well mannered, well spoken and genuinely polite. I think it would be nice for an "Average Joe" to get into power somewhere along the line.
Polititians remain thorougly unconvincing to me.

👍 this.

Absolutely Ultra, i see a complete separation between thw walking talking citizens of an intellegent planet & the aliens hellbent on destruction called 'politicians' who demand that we treat them w/ total respect & acknowledge they're endeavours as meaningful, just & wise.

This is five billion times too much to ask of something as trivial as a tick in a polling booth.

What exactly do we mean by democracy anyways, do'nt they realize we have electronic communications nowadays? Seats of centralized power holding are the constipations we are unable to flush because we automatically accept 'authority'.

Therefore EMPOWERMENT is always brushed as aside as nonsensical and/or dangerous hedonism when in reality this is just a standard proceedure to keep decisions in the hands of a very few that have passed inspection for 'Status Quo Maintenance Engineer'.

The Internet is the only true gold standard by which to measure Democracy or how far it has come.
Just a side note... I find that anytime someone mentions Michael Moore the answer is always "he's been exposed for the liar he is" or something to that effect. Outside the US, or at least here in Spain, he's still seen as someone who is right and brave for acting against the so-called imperialist system.

Would anyone be so kind as to point me or link me to websites/articles which uncover his "lies"? And please don't include Michael-Moore-bashing websites, just fact-based ones if you're able.

Thanks :)
Try this one:

Iraq Vet Sues Michael Moore for Misleading Interview in 'Fahrenheit 9/11',2933,197637,00.html

I looked for other sources but this is the only national source Google shows reporting on this. Everything else is online sources and some local TV station.
FoxNews Article
Damon is asking for up to $75 million because of "loss of reputation, emotional distress, embarrassment, and personal humiliation."

In addition, his wife is suing for another $10 million because of the "mental distress and anguish suffered by her spouse."
I hate our litigious society! $85 million??!! Thank you for serving our country, Mr. Damon, but you're a greedy, greedy man.
I hate our litigious society! $85 million??!! Thank you for serving our country, Mr. Damon, but you're a greedy, greedy man.
You are supposed to shoot high because either the initial reward or an appeals court will give you less.

It's like selling a car, you always ask for more than you are willing to sell for because you figure you will have to negotiate down some.

Then considering how much Moore made off that film I think that you would have to aim high in order to actually punish him in any way.
You are supposed to shoot high because either the initial reward or an appeals court will give you less.

Then considering how much Moore made off that film I think that you would have to aim high in order to actually punish him in any way.
True, but the fact that he actually pretends that there is a $75 million price tag on his dignity, and $10 million on his spouses'...that pretty much strips both of them of their dignity.
True, but the fact that he actually pretends that there is a $75 million price tag on his dignity, and $10 million on his spouses'...that pretty much strips both of them of their dignity.
I can't argue with that, because I agree.

The only way he could save his dignity is if he turned around and donated it (or most of it) to one of the charities that has helped him.
Gotta disagree with both of you. There are rules about using footage of other people in movies. It all depends on who the footage belongs to and whether it was given freely. I don't know the law or the situation well enough to say whether he has a case, but I'm sure the court will decide.

As for the damages, I think it should be up to the judge (though it will be up to a jury). Putting the damages to his wife, who was not used in the movie, at less than his own doesn't degrade her in any way.

All civil suits that award monetary damages attempt to put a price on something that is priceless. It's the only thing that can be done. No it isn't a perfect situation, but I don't blame the guy for playing within the system.
Gotta disagree with both of you. There are rules about using footage of other people in movies. It all depends on who the footage belongs to and whether it was given freely. I don't know the law or the situation well enough to say whether he has a case, but I'm sure the court will decide.
I honestly feel that if the guy had been truthfully represented none of this would be going on. That will be the meat of his case is that he was misrepresented when he wasn't even asked to participate. Had he been asked and signed forms giving permission it would be an open and shut case of sorry about your luck.

Now the deciding factor here will be that since he did a national news interview will he be considered as living in the public view, as celebrities are, and thus subject to misinterpretations? If a single interview doesn't make him open to public scrutiny he will probably win the case, but politicians who also claim Moore did this to their interviews still won't have a legal standing as they are public figures.

As for the damages, I think it should be up to the judge (though it will be up to a jury). Putting the damages to his wife, who was not used in the movie, at less than his own doesn't degrade her in any way.

All civil suits that award monetary damages attempt to put a price on something that is priceless. It's the only thing that can be done. No it isn't a perfect situation, but I don't blame the guy for playing within the system.
I heard a good quote on a sports show yesterday discussing Roger Clements new contract, "You are worth whatever someone is willing to pay you." I think this can apply to a civil suit. Your lawyer acts as your manager and your pain and suffering is worth whatever the judge/jury awards you.

That said, I could care less about the monetary damages as I was just giving Diego440 a case of Michael Moore being shown to be a liar since no one else ever gave him anything solid. This is a clear case of a chop job performed by Moore in order to show a non-existant position. If I had intended it to be a debate about monetary damages I wouldn't have posted it in here.
The guy was on the news and explained that the damages are based on what the Movie made and the decision is made by his lawyers. He also said that the majority of any money damages if any are awarded will be paid to other veterans through veterans groups. As it is he claims to have been well taken care of by his fellow veterans ....a veterans group built him a house.. and the care and support he,s the depiction of him as being one of those " left " behind was even worse to him because it was so opposed to what he feels and his actual experiance experiance .

Moore deserves whatever he gets ....its a shame it wont exactly leave him broke..
The guy was on the news and explained that the damages are based on what the Movie made and the decision is made by his lawyers. He also said that the majority of any money damages if any are awarded will be paid to other veterans through veterans groups. As it is he claims to have been well taken care of by his fellow veterans ....a veterans group built him a house.. and the care and support he,s the depiction of him as being one of those " left " behind was even worse to him because it was so opposed to what he feels and his actual experiance experiance .
I'm seeing this more today, it was even on the local radio.

Moore deserves whatever he gets ....its a shame it wont exactly leave him broke..
With any luck it will tarnish his shiney reputation and at least make people quit believing everything that comes out of his mouth. I guess we won't see him sitting in the presidential box at the Democratic Convention again.

It should be a lesson to everyone that you can't believe agenda-based documentaries. Anyone can create "evidence" with a video camera and a PC. Moore just had financial backing to polish it up a bit.

Thsi is why I never watch political-themed documentaries. I love educational ones, though, like Deep Sea 3D. Those are cool and I actually learn something based on fact.
I'm seeing this more today, it was even on the local radio.

With any luck it will tarnish his shiney reputation and at least make people quit believing everything that comes out of his mouth. I guess we won't see him sitting in the presidential box at the Democratic Convention again.

It should be a lesson to everyone that you can't believe agenda-based documentaries. Anyone can create "evidence" with a video camera and a PC. Moore just had financial backing to polish it up a bit.

Thsi is why I never watch political-themed documentaries. I love educational ones, though, like Deep Sea 3D. Those are cool and I actually learn something based on fact.

A actually used to love watchinJaque Coustuea and national geographic...then if you remember...Nova ?

You want to really laugh...go back and look at threads that quote Moore ,s movies and base arguments on it !!!:) :) :)

It was in farenheight 9 / 11 !! did you see it !!! Well I saw Farenheight 9 /11 and let me tell you..It changed my mind about things ...:) :) :)

How many threads full of Moores defenders...Bush is evil so Moore must be right type of crap...

Where are they now ???:)
A actually used to love watchinJaque Coustuea and national geographic...then if you remember...Nova ?
Isn't Nova still on? And if you loved Coustuea I recommend seeing if you have an IMAX 3D screen nearby that is showing Deep Sea. Being attacked by a squid in 3D is awesome.

You want to really laugh...go back and look at threads that quote Moore ,s movies and base arguments on it !!!:) :) :)

It was in farenheight 9 / 11 !! did you see it !!! Well I saw Farenheight 9 /11 and let me tell you..It changed my mind about things ...:) :) :)

How many threads full of Moores defenders...Bush is evil so Moore must be right type of crap...

Where are they now ???:)
I remember seeing him on Bill Maher and someone was telling him how great he was and that he was exposing the Bush administration by telling the pure truth, or something along those lines, and Bill Maher interrupted them and said, "Well, I wouldn't call it pure truth," and Moore said, "Yeah, I won't even say that." I was sitting there screaming "He just F'ing admitted it!"

I don't knwo how his fans can talk about him the way they do when even he won't claim to tell the truth. My brother-in-law used to talk about him all the time until I said, "With a little fancy editting I can prove you are the antichrist." He doesn't talk about him around me anymore.
What's your favorite song about America?

Personaly, I think this deserves it's own thread. But since the America thread is here, why not use it. :)

My favorite song about America is "America the Beautiful" particularly the rendition by Ray Charles. I really think that it embodies all the various aspects of America moreso then the national anthem.

The national anthem is a great poem, weak song, but a great poem. :D
"America, 🤬 yeah! Here we come again to save the 🤬 day, yeah!"

Man, I should have said, "Americans, what you're favorite song..." Oh well. It's all good :)
"Freedom isn't free. It cost folks like you and me. And if we don't all chip in, we'll never pay that bill. Freedom isn't free, no there's a hefty ****ing fee. And if you don't chip in your buck-o-five who will?"
As a sole Superpower in the world, I think the U.S. is doing fine. The government generally makes good decisions in its' foreign policy, IMO, with the exception of the invasion of Iraq(but let's not go there.... again).

As long as the resources from around the world gets sucked up by the U.S., I think some people will continue to whine. But as long as the U.S. doesn't repeat the situation like the Iraq invasion, I think the majority of the world would be fine with the U.S.

I used to wonder if some of these critics of "American Imperialism" rather have Soviet Union as the sole Superpower, but they probably do.

Soviet, China, those types of governments, I have problems with.