America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm sure I saw an interview with someone high up in Trump's team (National Security Advisor?) on TV this morning in which he denied outright Trump had shared anything in the meeting?

Now Trump is openly admitting he did.

How does anyone take these buffoons seriously?

Hilarious :lol:
A White House press conference broadcast was just concluded. I saw it on FBN. General McMaster stated (implied), amongst other things, that confidence had been lost across certain agencies and departments in their ability to keep secrets. And that an investigation is taking place by an appropriate authority. He refused any further questions on this subject.

IMO, the CIA, FBI, State and Justice are among these agencies and departments under investigation.
I'd give almost anything to see him fight Kanye bare-knuckle.
I don't think the presidency should be decided by a fistfight, or any other standard of violence. Perhaps it could decided by intelligence, beauty or hat size? Who would be elected in a boobocracy? Oprah Winfrey?
As sad as that statement is I think the Rock would have a good shot if he took a serious run. Can't think of anyone else that would get out the under 30 vote better.
Maybe Adam Savage or Mike Rowe, both of which I would also vote for. We just need a younger candidate. They would almost certainly attract younger voters.

I don't think the presidency should be decided by a fistfight, or any other standard of violence. Perhaps it could decided by intelligence, beauty or hat size? Who would be elected in a boobocracy? Oprah Winfrey?
G-Mod style Death Run. :D
Trump's not a "traitor" - he's what he has always been: loud-mouthed, stupid, narcissistic, ill-informed & unwilling to learn, self-important & way over-confident in his own abilities. These were characteristics that were obvious long before he ran for the GOP nomination. Trump is not given to deep thought or careful deliberation - whatever he said to the Russians was likely just him blurting out something that came into his head at the moment.

I have no idea what, if any connections Trump has with the Russians. The real problem is quite basic: Trump is completely unsuited, intellectually & temperamentally to be President. The belief, apparently held by a significant portion of the American voting public, that Trump could somehow "fix" what is wrong with established US politics, is (not surprisingly) turning out to be sadly mistaken. I fully expect that at some point the Republican party - the House & Senate & other party leaders, as well as the rest of the political establishment, will move against Trump & get rid of him - they're just biding their time until public opinion turns overwhelmingly against him.
"Why is Trump fighting ISIS in Syria?"

Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.
Ooh jeez... :ouch: Some people just never learn anything.
The last time they "encouraged" bad guys to do their work resulted in you know what in 2001. Here, the author doesn't care of what ISIS already did and what would do if they took over entire Syria. Terrorist attacks in Europe and in our homeland? Ah, who cares. This is for our geopolitics.
So Trump has basically been accused of treason.
Not exactly. As President, he has some pretty far-reaching powers that allow him to declassify documents at will, so legally speaking, he does not appear to have done anything wrong. Rather, the issue is that he has potentially compromised an extremely valuable source of intelligence on ISIS by revealing the existence of the source. Naturally, we don't know too much about this source, but the one thing all of the reports agree on is that they only wanted extremely limited contact with intelligence agencies and governments to protect themselves. It is entirely possible that if the source isn't compromised outright, they'll simply go quiet and an extremely valuable source of intelligence will be unavailable. Was it really worth risking one of the best sources on ISIS for the sake of an unclear political objective in a discussion with Lavrov?

General McMaster stated (implied), amongst other things, that confidence had been lost across certain agencies and departments in their ability to keep secrets.
Some of our commentary, quoting unnamed aides (which is usually more than we get when it comes to the identity of a source) suggest that although McMaster is highly-regarded within the administration, Trump doesn't care for him. Apparently McMaster frequently has to keep Trump focused and on-topic durung security briefings.

he's what he has always been: loud-mouthed, stupid, narcissistic, ill-informed & unwilling to learn, self-important & way over-confident in his own abilities
It's like he has this pathological need to have the final say that is so intense that it overrides logic, common sense, and every other impulse in his body. After all, we saw it with the pageant contestant that he had a Twitter war with during the election campaign. The White House issued a denial worded in such a way that the administration could move on with their dignity and pride intact, but then Trump Tweeted and undid all of that because he wanted to be able to prove that he didn't do anything wrong.

Terry Crews.
Terry loves being President. Do you think they have yoghurt in the White House?
I don't think Trump has committed treason, but he has done some substantial damage to our intelligence relations with Israel (assuming that's who gave him the classified intel). I'm surprised more Republicans aren't up in arms about this since many of them probably still consider Russia to be a bunch of Commie Red Bastards out to destroy freedom by kicking eagles, peeing on apple pies, and cancelling baseball games.

And I think there will be less public support than ever for an outsider in 2020.

You know this as well as I do, people will say "but a 3rd party can't win" and then they won't vote for them. Instead they'll vote for an equally bad Democrat and the country won't be any different. Taxes will still be too high, the military will still be too big, foreign relations will be awful, healthcare will be in shambles, and other world leaders will think we idiots.

I would love to see any 3rd party make a legit run at it in 2020, hell I'd even stomach a Green Party charge or whatever Bernie Sanders is probably going to run as. The sooner a 3rd party wins, or at least makes a legitimate attempt to win, the sooner people will stop harping about how 3rd parties don't have a chance.
You know this as well as I do, people will say "but a 3rd party can't win" and then they won't vote for them. Instead they'll vote for an equally bad Democrat and the country won't be any different. Taxes will still be too high, the military will still be too big, foreign relations will be awful, healthcare will be in shambles, and other world leaders will think we idiots.

I would love to see any 3rd party make a legit run at it in 2020, hell I'd even stomach a Green Party charge or whatever Bernie Sanders is probably going to run as. The sooner a 3rd party wins, or at least makes a legitimate attempt to win, the sooner people will stop harping about how 3rd parties don't have a chance.

I think Trump is as 3rd party as we get for a while. I'm pretty sure in 2020 people will want a "safe" vote after 4 years of frenzied panic from the news (some of it justified) under Trump. They'll go for anyone who appears to be a typical politician.
The New York Times is reporting that Trump asked James Comey to shut down the FBI's investigation into Michael Flynn:

he has done some substantial damage to our intelligence relations with Israel (assuming that's who gave him the classified intel)
It's speculated that that's where the intelligence is coming from; Israel took the rather unusual step of commenting on Trump's conversations with Lavrov. Arguably that makes it a little more serious because it sounds like the source is an Israeli source first and foremost, and the Israelis are passing intelligence on to the Americans. It's one thing to reveal the existence of - and potentially compromise - your own sources; it's another thing entirely to reveal somebody else's sources.
You know this as well as I do, people will say "but a 3rd party can't win" and then they won't vote for them. Instead they'll vote for an equally bad Democrat and the country won't be any different. Taxes will still be too high, the military will still be too big, foreign relations will be awful, healthcare will be in shambles, and other world leaders will think we idiots.

I would love to see any 3rd party make a legit run at it in 2020, hell I'd even stomach a Green Party charge or whatever Bernie Sanders is probably going to run as. The sooner a 3rd party wins, or at least makes a legitimate attempt to win, the sooner people will stop harping about how 3rd parties don't have a chance.

Do you remember when Gary Johnson spaced on the word "Aleppo" for a second (this is before US news started using that term non-stop)? Remember how that rendered him completely incompetent in matters of foreign policy all by itself? How quaint that seems these days. That was not even 1 year ago.
Do you remember when Gary Johnson spaced on the word "Aleppo" for a second (this is before US news started using that term non-stop)? Remember how that rendered him completely incompetent in matters of foreign policy all by itself? How quaint that seems these days. That was not even 1 year ago.

Gary Johnson didn't get a fair shake. The man was a successful Governor of the state of New Mexico. He entered with a large budget deficit, made cuts where he needed to and when his term was up, he left them with a budget surplus. He was more accomplished than Trump or Hillary. He is a small govt, fiscal conservative, socially liberal, Mt Everest climbing, environmentalist that would've been perfect for job.

Instead, we got Lord Cheeto Trump.
The New York Times is reporting that Trump asked James Comey to shut down the FBI's investigation into Michael Flynn:

This is a much bigger story than the "intelligence leak", IMO. If it comes out he canned Comey because of this.

As far as sharing "Top Secret Information", Trump shared information that ISIS wants to blow up planes with lap top computers, that's really top secret? Who would of thought that? I thought that was known years ago, that it's possible that terrorists would try to do this. I jest some there, but you get my point.

When it comes to Trump himself, he and his presidency are a total train wreck. I didn't vote, I leaned Trump because I thought Hillary was a poor choice as well, and I'm for Guns/Gun rights. But this guy's a total jackass, he acts like a 13yr rich brat, that pouts like a little b*tch and throws a tantrum if he doesn't get his way. This guy seriously runs/has ran companies? Can this guy get any damn dumber? I wanted and tried to give him a chance, but it's impossible at this point.

My advice for anyone who was/is a supporter of this clown, just give up now my friend/friends. It's not your fault you thought he may of been something he's not, hell I thought he may of been pretty decent., but trying to defend him at this point is just going to make you look as dumb as he is.

I have never in my life thought I would say, that I would want to Punch a President in the face, until now. What a freaking idiot he is.
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. But this guy's a total jackass, he acts like a 13yr rich brat, that pouts like a little b*tch and throws a tantrum if he doesn't get his way.

This guy seriously runs/has ran companies?

My advice for anyone who was/is a supporter of this clown, just give up now my friend/friends. It's not your fault you thought he may of been something he's not, hell I thought he may of been pretty decent., but trying to defend him at this point is just going to make you look as dumb as he is.

Yes, that's precisely what he is like: a 13 year old rich brat. He was good at putting together real estate deals - not stupid at that at all - but never particularly successful at managing companies. Really, he led a charmed life in his business ventures, bamboozling, conning & cheating his way to wealth.

What was it about Trump that convinced people to think he would make a good President? Trump's character was on unconcealed display right through the whole process. Just not being a career politician is not a qualification. His line about being a "deal-maker" has been revealed to be complete BS. His "secret plans" have been revealed to be complete BS. It's possible to imagine any number of prominent American public figures who would make more capable political leaders than Trump & it's hard to come up with many who would be worse. :yuck:
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It seems like a matter of time until Trump does something that loses himself the presidency. Regardless of what one might think of Trump, this is a pretty terrible time for America.

But it IS the fault of people who voted for him, particularly in the primaries, where Republican voters actually had a raft of possible choices.

I think this is probably true. Once it got down to Trump v. Clinton, it seems like the traditional rock and a hard place. But Trump should probably have never gotten that far in the first place on his wild policies and reality TV style abuse of other candidates. Trump ending up as the Republican candidate is probably the point from which everything else was an inevitability.

It's possible to imagine any number of prominent American public figures who would make more capable political leaders than Trump & it's hard to come up with many who would be worse. :yuck:

This too. Arnie should totally have been the first celebrity president.