America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
As a Trump supporter from the very beginning, and still a Trump supporter, I am not worried.

Everyday the media seems to come up with a new "Crisis in the White House" just before the evening news. I will admit it is a little tiring, but Trump is still da man.

I am happy to see a new special counsel named to finally end this whole stupid Russian investigation.

Maybe they will finally figure out who really leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks, and what happened to Seth Rich. Assange has said it wasn't the Russians and has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to solving the Seth Rich murder.

At this point, Assange seems much more believable than the Democrat media.
I'm not clear how my comments would violate the AUP? I don't mention any GTPlanet members by name &, in fact, have no way of knowing which ones might have voted for Trump. As such, it's a general rhetorical point, a bit like the post in the "Britain" thread:
Apparently you cannot tell the difference between an all-encompassing group statement (anyone who X IS Y) and a generalisation (generally, people who X are Y), which in any case was someone else's and being agreed with, which is why you lopped the first word off.

That aside, this isn't a discussion and even if it were this isn't the place to have it. Your statement violates the acceptable use policy and seems to have not been amended so that it does not, despite chance being given to do so...
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As a Trump supporter from the very beginning, and still a Trump supporter, I am not worried.

Everyday the media seems to come up with a new "Crisis in the White House" just before the evening news. I will admit it is a little tiring, but Trump is still da man.

I am happy to see a new special counsel named to finally end this whole stupid Russian investigation.

Maybe they will finally figure out who really leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks, and what happened to Seth Rich. Assange has said it wasn't the Russians and has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to solving the Seth Rich murder.

At this point, Assange seems much more believable than the Democrat media.

Yes, the special counsel has the hunting license to go after leakers, as well as colluders. That means the DNC and Clinton campaign may not be sleeping well, right along with guys like Manafort and Flynn.
While the international media are giving this stuff a lot of attention, it's getting very little attention in the local media around the heartland of Trump supporters. Not because the media are keeping it quiet, but because the voting public don't seem to rate it as being newsworthy. Trump is their champion, and there seems to be nothing that can dent their faith in him. There's an old adage that in politics, you can survive anything except for being caught in bed with a live animal or a dead woman. Given the absolute adoration that his supporters have - I've seen images of people treating him like all four of The Beatles in one man - you have to wonder if they'd overlook even that.
Which local media around the heartland of Trump supporters are not giving it attention? And how do you know the voting public don't see it as newsworthy? There are multiple headline stories today on both FoxNews and Breitbart concerning Comey and Meuller and have been since the story broke.
They keep going to his not-campaign rallies where he directly addresses the issue, and they're not turning away in droves.

In fact, they're behaving just like you are right now.
I don't even know what this means. Turning away in droves is the way you measure someone's interest in an issue? And again, who are these local media that aren't paying attention to this? And how is me asking you questions on GTP behaving just like them?
Trump isn't guilty of anything.

As a Trump supporter from the very beginning, and still a Trump supporter, I am not worried.


I am happy to see a new special counsel named to finally end this whole stupid Russian investigation.

Are you really entirely sure that this man, who is not a career politician and has so far made clear his lack of knowledge of the legalities under which he should be operating, has not made any errors during his presidency or campaign?

I'm not sure that even the most die-hard Trump supporter could be sure of that. Saying that you are sounds more like wishful thinking than actual fact. Maybe if you say it enough times it'll turn out to be true.

I'm in complete agreement with Imari here. I still don't care that trump fired comey (in part because, as we see, all it does is draw attention to the issue and make people dig further). I care more that Trump is trying to wield presidential influence to squash investigation into his friends (which is not the same thing). It's always the cover-up that causes problems.

Nixon's presidency was ended because he tried to cover for the misdeeds of his associates. I don't like Nixon comparisons, I think usually they come from a place of ignorance about Nixon and ignorance about the thing being compared to it, but news reports about Trump trying to cherry pick an investigation to squash internally are starting to feel a little... Nixonian. The cover-up can be a big problem.

As Imari warns above, I'd be careful about rushing to conclusions about who is innocent or guilty, and who should be worried or not. You don't have to defend Trump. Repeat that to yourself until it sinks in, his deeds are not your deeds, his character is not your character. You do not have to rush to his aid just because you favor team R and he's on team R. Exercise critical thinking and skepticism, you don't have to jump in as a believer with both feet.

I gave much grief to @huskeR32 for jumping to conclusions about how awful Trumps firing of Comey was even though Hillary should have been able to do the same thing without criticism (and I stand by that). But the more information that gets revealed about this situation, the more it looks like his statements will turn out to have been made from solid ground.
Part of me has to wonder if this is all a bit House of Cards like and its Paul Ryan pulling all the strings to essentially end up president when it comes out that Trump covered up investigations and Pence knew about it all along. I honestly wouldn't be shocked about that.
Part of me has to wonder if this is all a bit House of Cards like and its Paul Ryan pulling all the strings to essentially end up president when it comes out that Trump covered up investigations and Pence knew about it all along. I honestly wouldn't be shocked about that.


Hillary is still secretly pulling them strings...
On May 3rd, 2017, Then director of the FBI, James Comey, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. During this hearing Comey was asked specifically about being told to stop an investigation. He made it clear that "in his experience" he'd never been told to end an investigation because "It would have been a big deal". He made a clear distinction between voicing an opinion that an investigation is a waste of time versus told to end one. This was under oath with the penalty of perjury if he was lying.

I agree with Trump that this whole Russian thing is a Democrat/MSM load of crap.

I was a little concerned about the allegations of obstruction of justice, that is a real thing.

But since Comey said under oath, it never happened, that puts that away.

When I was a kid, Reagan was the president. They called him the Teflon president at the time, because nothing ever stuck to him. For him to have that nickname, I guess there must have been lots of media allegations about him that I was not aware of. I doubt he was going through as much crap as Trump is, but I am sure it was tough. I was a kid at the time.

Now I am much older. I see the democrat media flinging crap at Trump on a daily basis, so many lies and so much fake news, and nothing is sticking because it is crap.

That is because Trump is a good man, an honest man. He only wants to improve this country. He left the cushiest job in New York to run for president. Now he has a crappy job that pays nothing. I don't think he has done anything wrong.

If only the media would stick with the truth. But I guess the truth wouldn't fit within their narrative.
I care more that Trump is trying to wield presidential influence to squash investigation into his friends (which is not the same thing).
He could have fired Comey as a means of quashing an investigation.

I see the democrat media flinging crap at Trump on a daily basis, so many lies and so much fake news, and nothing is sticking because it is crap.
Change "Democrat" to "Republican" and "Trump" to "Obama" and you just described the last eight years. Why are the likes of FOX News allowed to do it but the "liberal media" (the favourite bugbear of conservatives when their man is under fire) is not?

That is because Trump is a good man, an honest man.
I suggest you watch the documentary You've Been Trumped - which was produced before he announced his candidacy. He is neither good nor honest. He wages war (that's the only thing it could be called) against the residents of a small town in Scotland. He bullies, intimidates and manipulates people to try and force them off their land because he thinks their homes will be an eyesore to the guests of his golf resort. There's nothing honourable about him - it's aggressive, dog-eat-dog capitalism of the highest order where the attitude towards people crushed under the wheels of "progress" is that they only have themselves to blame.
I agree with Trump that this whole Russian thing is a Democrat/MSM load of crap.

I was a little concerned about the allegations of obstruction of justice, that is a real thing.

But since Comey said under oath, it never happened, that puts that away.

When I was a kid, Reagan was the president. They called him the Teflon president at the time, because nothing ever stuck to him. For him to have that nickname, I guess there must have been lots of media allegations about him that I was not aware of. I doubt he was going through as much crap as Trump is, but I am sure it was tough. I was a kid at the time.

Now I am much older. I see the democrat media flinging crap at Trump on a daily basis, so many lies and so much fake news, and nothing is sticking because it is crap.

That is because Trump is a good man, an honest man. He only wants to improve this country. He left the cushiest job in New York to run for president. Now he has a crappy job that pays nothing. I don't think he has done anything wrong.

If only the media would stick with the truth. But I guess the truth wouldn't fit within their narrative.
The media and the left are so bummed their candidate lost, they would prefer to burn the country to the ground than have peace and prosperity under a Trump administration.

And really, most Republicans don't want peace. Only prosperity. It's only the foolish people who want both peace and prosperity. And that is the reason - the only reason - Trump is president.

I predict those who want war and destruction will get their way.
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I'm going to need popcorn for the next time I browse Trump's cult on Reddit, the appointment of a special prosecutor really pissed in their Mountain Dew. :lol:
What was it about Trump that convinced people to think he would make a good President?

I don't believe a whole lot of people thought Trump would make a good President. I know I had my doubts about it.

It's possible to imagine any number of prominent American public figures who would make more capable political leaders than Trump

No argument there.

it's hard to come up with many who would be worse.

Perhaps, but one in particular comes quickly to mind: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

He could have fired Comey as a means of quashing an investigation.
Comey is not the FBI. Investigations don't end because the Director is fired. This isn't 1935, you can't just replace one guy with another and make it go away.

Change "Democrat" to "Republican" and "Trump" to "Obama" and you just described the last eight years. Why are the likes of FOX News allowed to do it but the "liberal media" (the favourite bugbear of conservatives when their man is under fire) is not?
As bad as the conservative media was around Obama, the vitriol was nowhere near this intense IMO. A lot of that has to do with Trump fanning the flames on purpose, but the left wing media is so much bigger than the right as well.

I suggest you watch the documentary You've Been Trumped - which was produced before he announced his candidacy. He is neither good nor honest. He wages war (that's the only thing it could be called) against the residents of a small town in Scotland. He bullies, intimidates and manipulates people to try and force them off their land because he thinks their homes will be an eyesore to the guests of his golf resort. There's nothing honourable about him - it's aggressive, dog-eat-dog capitalism of the highest order where the attitude towards people crushed under the wheels of "progress" is that they only have themselves to blame.
I'm sure the documentary was produced to the highest standards and is completely impartial in it's approach. Or not. That's the problem with media that's so biased. While I'm sure there's some truth in it, I'm also sure that much of it is exaggerated and the whole truth is played with on a regular basis.
the left wing media is so much bigger than the right as well

While I'm sure there's some truth in it, I'm also sure that much of it is exaggerated and the whole truth is played with on a regular basis.
No, no exaggeration. Unless you think the film-makers fabricated a scene where the police arrest them for "trespassing" - visiting a site office that is open to public enquiries - and try to take their film by force.

The film very definitely takes the side of the residents, but all they do is resist attempts by Trump first to buy their homes and then to force them off their own land when they won't sell.
No, no exaggeration. Unless you think the film-makers fabricated a scene where the police arrest them for "trespassing" - visiting a site office that is open to public enquiries - and try to take their film by force.

The film very definitely takes the side of the residents, but all they do is resist attempts by Trump first to buy their homes and then to force them off their own land when they won't sell.
Perhaps the residents provoked the incident because they knew the cameras were rolling and wanted to make the 6 o'clock news. I believe that is one of your go to theories is it not? BTW, any "documentary" that takes sides, isn't a documentary, IMO anyway. I believe a more popular term would be propoganda.
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He could have fired Comey as a means of quashing an investigation.

Not really.

... load of crap. much crap
...flinging crap is crap.

...Trump is a good man, an honest man. ...Now he has a crappy job

Not that you can possibly know that for sure, but ok, have fun with your unfounded beliefs.

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I agree with Trump that this whole Russian thing is a Democrat/MSM load of crap.

I was a little concerned about the allegations of obstruction of justice, that is a real thing.

But since Comey said under oath, it never happened, that puts that away.

When I was a kid, Reagan was the president. They called him the Teflon president at the time, because nothing ever stuck to him. For him to have that nickname, I guess there must have been lots of media allegations about him that I was not aware of. I doubt he was going through as much crap as Trump is, but I am sure it was tough. I was a kid at the time.

Now I am much older. I see the democrat media flinging crap at Trump on a daily basis, so many lies and so much fake news, and nothing is sticking because it is crap.

That is because Trump is a good man, an honest man. He only wants to improve this country. He left the cushiest job in New York to run for president. Now he has a crappy job that pays nothing. I don't think he has done anything wrong.

If only the media would stick with the truth. But I guess the truth wouldn't fit within their narrative.

Question for you and any of the others here who increasingly cannot post without yelling about the "liberal mainstream media:"

Which outlets, at this point, do not fall under that label? Who will you accept news from?
Question for you and any of the others here who increasingly cannot post without yelling about the "liberal mainstream media:"

Which outlets, at this point, do not fall under that label? Who will you accept news from?

I'm not one to always shout liberal media, nor do I really think liberal is a dirty work like some do, but I do think that most of the mainstream media in the US has a left slant to it and tend to sensationalize stories because they're infotainment instead of pure info. Of course there are station like Fox News that are right slanted, but they are just as much as infotainment as CNN is. I tend to think the BBC is fairly balanced and trusted, along with The Economist, NPR, and the Wall Street Journal. For most breaking news though, I typically just go to Reuters or the AP since it seems like most news articles originate from there anyways.
I'm not one to always shout liberal media, nor do I really think liberal is a dirty work like some do, but I do think that most of the mainstream media in the US has a left slant to it and tend to sensationalize stories because they're infotainment instead of pure info. Of course there are station like Fox News that are right slanted, but they are just as much as infotainment as CNN is. I tend to think the BBC is fairly balanced and trusted, along with The Economist, NPR, and the Wall Street Journal. For most breaking news though, I typically just go to Reuters or the AP since it seems like most news articles originate from there anyways.
"Liberal" is probably the most misunderstood and misused word in the American media. I think if more people understood what it actually meant, in the classic sense, they'd realize they identify with liberal principles much more than they disagree with them.
Firing Comey and then appointing someone more amenable to dropping the investigation seems like a pretty good way to quash it.

Really? Because it seems to me like a pretty good way to get the press to talk about nothing BUT that and get and independent investigation started up on it, while making sure everyone thinks not only is there something to find, but that Trump himself is implicated.

Right? Let's ask Trump if he thinks that was a good move to end it.
Reportedly he says it "eased the pressure" and that Comey was "a complete nutjob".
Full quote:

"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump told the Russians in the Oval Office on May 10, according to a document read to the The New York Times. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

And the White House isn't denying he said it, which would be the obvious response if it wasn't true.