America - The Official Thread

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Comey agrees to testify before a senate committee on 29 May:

Meanwhile, the White House still can't get their story straight on why Comey was fired - the White House say that a memo critucal of Comey and drafted by Rosenstein was the impetus for firing him, but Rosenstein refutes that, saying that he only drafted the memo after Trump told him of his plans to fire Comey.
That is because Trump is a good man, an honest man.

Come on, man. That's not really true of any serious politician, and it's demonstrably not true of Trump. His business practices are shady at best. Not that it makes him special, there are thousands of other CEOs just like him. But he's not an example of a shining moral compass.

Now he has a crappy job that pays nothing.

That's technically not true either. The president earns $400k a year, plus some other stuff. I'm sure that's peanuts compared to what Trump is used to making, but for most of us that's a significant amount of money. It's not "nothing".

As far as it being a crappy job, it is what you make it. One could suggest that at that level you're not forced into taking jobs that you don't like. If you want to be president, it should be because you have a passion for the work. If you think it's a crappy job, then it's probably better for everyone involved that you don't take it.

When you're on minimum wage you get to complain about having to take crappy jobs to make ends meet. You do what you have to do in order to survive. When you're the president of the United States I think not so much. And if you didn't know what you were getting into then you're not qualified to be president.
Question for you and any of the others here who increasingly cannot post without yelling about the "liberal mainstream media:"

Which outlets, at this point, do not fall under that label? Who will you accept news from?
I watch ABC's World News Tonight, it is pretty biased. There is NO benefit of the doubt given towards Trump. Their head political reporter, Stephanopoulos worked on Bill Clinton's presidential campaign and in his White House, and now he is supposed to be a neutral reporter?

I don't watch much Fox, but it is the most fair. It was fair towards Obama also. The News on the Fox News Channel. People like to confuse Fox news with the opinion shows the channel airs. The opinion shows on Fox are about as unbiased as Rachel Maddow.

For the most part though I get my news from articles posted here on this site, or from the Drudge Report.
Firing Comey and then appointing someone more amenable to dropping the investigation seems like a pretty good way to quash it.
This is exactly what the news does. He has not even named a replacement, but you assume the worst.

And yet everyone who worked with him [Comey] spoke highly of him. Andrew McCabe, the acting director, testified that his conduct was nothing short if professional.
Do you think it was professional to announce the Clinton investigation was reopened right before the election? He should have just done it and kept his mouth shut. It was more about Huma and Weiner anyway. Trump thought the guy was a nut job, so why not fire him.

The president earns $400k a year, plus some other stuff. I'm sure that's peanuts compared to what Trump is used to making, but for most of us that's a significant amount of money. It's not "nothing".
Yeah, ok, but he donates that money anyway. He is certainly not in it for the money.
He has not even named a replacement, but you assume the worst.
Given his track record, a little cynicism seems healthy.

Do you think it was professional to announce the Clinton investigation was reopened right before the election?
What if he kept quiet until after Clinton won? Would you consider that to be professional?

Trump thought the guy was a nut job, so why not fire him.
I'm less interested in what Trump thinks and more interested in why he thinks it. Everyone who has commented on Comey has spoken highly of him. Trump, however, thinks he's mad. Why the discrepancy?
What if he kept quiet until after Clinton won? Would you consider that to be professional?
Yes. Nothing more came out of that investigation then came out before. It didn't need to be public, not that soon before an election.

But yes, personally I am glad he did it, it probably pushed my guy over the top. :lol:

I'm less interested in what Trump thinks and more interested in why he thinks it. Everyone who has commented on Comey has spoken highly of him. Trump, however, thinks he's mad. Why the discrepancy?
Come on, Comey comes out and rattles off a huge list of crimes that Hillary has committed. And then says "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges on this. Rudy Giuliani, the prosecutor that nearly crushed the mafia in New York, said he would prosecute her if he was still a prosecutor.

It was not up to Comey to say. His job was to ONLY offer evidence to the Attorney General. What the hell was that whole July news conference anyway. Trump called him a show boater? I think he was.
Yeah, ok, but he donates that money anyway. He is certainly not in it for the money.

He's not in it for the salary, but then again pretty much no one is at that level. There are way easier ways to earn $400k than be president. The money is irrelevant, and with Trump's supposed wealth the money should be irrelevant.

Then again, we all know that there are significant financial advantages to having been president that pretty much set you up for life. Not to mention the potential advantages to one's own business empire of being president, if one were to not be particularly familiar or interested with how conflicts of interest work. Let me be clear that as president he is not breaking any laws, it's merely an odd precedent that he seems to be setting in that there are things he's not willing to let go of in order to lead the US without potential secondary interests.
It was not up to Comey to say.
Comey represented the entire FBI. How do you know that he was expressing his personal opinion and not the conclusion established by the Bureau as a whole?

And then says "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges on this.
At the end of a campaign that featured a presidential candidate threatening to appoint a special prosecutor for the sole purpose of locking his rival up. Not investigating, imprisoning. A candidate who, upon winning would have the power to appoint anyone he chose to that role. Trump had already decided Clinton's guilt by then, so given his behaviour, it seems pretty sensible to question any appointment he made, considering that he promised to undermine the entire justice system for the sake of a political goal.
Remember this for when America accuses other countries for supporting terrorism, the Saudis fund more terrorists then any other country.
Iran, Sudan and Syria are the only 3 on the official U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.
Iran, Sudan and Syria are the only 3 on the official U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.
That doesn't mean that the Saudis don't do it; nor does it mean that America does not look the other way. Obama was repeatedly criticised for prioritising a positive relationship with Saudi Arabia over taking action over their supporting terrorist groups because of America's dependency on Saudi Arabia for oil.

So if America has never named Saudi Arabia as a state sponsor of terrorism, why did Obama get criticised for failing to act on it, but it's suddenly okay for Trump to ignore it?
That doesn't mean that the Saudis don't do it; nor does it mean that America does not look the other way. Obama was repeatedly criticised for prioritising a positive relationship with Saudi Arabia over taking action over their supporting terrorist groups because of America's dependency on Saudi Arabia for oil.

So if America has never named Saudi Arabia as a state sponsor of terrorism, why did Obama get criticised for failing to act on it, but it's suddenly okay for Trump to ignore it?
Honestly, the topic of the US giving money to terrorist sponsor countries feels like something that goes back even beyond Bush Jr.

Not saying it excuses Trump; if he is falling in the same "line" as previous Presidents, then he deserves the same scrutiny. Right now, from the the conservative side, we seem just happy he didn't bow like Obama did. :indiff:
That doesn't mean that the Saudis don't do it; nor does it mean that America does not look the other way. Obama was repeatedly criticised for prioritising a positive relationship with Saudi Arabia over taking action over their supporting terrorist groups because of America's dependency on Saudi Arabia for oil.

So if America has never named Saudi Arabia as a state sponsor of terrorism, why did Obama get criticised for failing to act on it, but it's suddenly okay for Trump to ignore it?
Obama got criticized because he's a Democrat and some of the American media hates everything Democrat. Trump will get criticized because he's a Republican and some of the media hates everything Republican. I'm sure even you can see the pattern there. Or are you suggesting the MSM media are fully behind Trump visiting Saudi Arabia and not critical at all of this trip?
Trump's Saudi Award Makes Me Want to Puke - CNN
Trump and U.S. Seen as Clown Show - MSNBC
Obama got criticized because he's a Democrat and some of the American media hates everything Democrat. Trump will get criticized because he's a Republican and some of the media hates everything Republican. I'm sure even you can see the pattern there. Or are you suggesting the MSM media are fully behind Trump
I'm not talking about the media. You'll notice that I didn't once use the word "media" in my post; nor did I use any synonyms. I was referring to the public, including yourself (yes, I know you're not American).

So let me rephrase: why do you think it's acceptable for Trump to see the deal through, given Saudi Arabia's history of funding terror groups?
Trump has signed a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia plus $350 billion over the next 10 years.

Because nothing bad has ever happened when we give weapons to Middle Eastern countries.

I mean if the issue is more weapons going to Saudi Arabia, that even the last couple of President's have been on board with, then I agree status quo is the issue. If your issue is this single case, then why was the torch not picked up several terms ago by people who didn't want to see this.

As much as it's easy to disagree with the bias @Johnnypenso is right, the criticism never falls because of actual disdain for the act but partisan politics at play instead.

So outside of this I took a trip to see family yesterday, and haven't watched the news for a couple weeks (don't watch it anyways cause I don't have cable or plan to). I decided to listen to satellite radio networks on the long drive back, and "catch up".

I have to say first and foremost, that Trump (and this is been something I've said in the election thread) is a ego maniac and moron. Simply because he seems to or implies that he knows better than the collective that he's surrounded himself with. When crap hits the fan, rather than localizing it and trying to control the situation, he instead picks up some of the residual crap and flings over and over again making the situation worse. It's quite confusing.

For example, if Trump and just did the political thing (most of the time) and left Flynn out to dry, he'd probably be more in the clear rather than where he is now. But instead he rather play locker room talk with Russian diplomats, and supposedly ask sternly of Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. Now I bring this up because early reports show that it was all Flynn and no one supposedly knew of his actions within the Trump camp. Hence the supposed influence he could induce. So if that's true then the only reason I could see Trump wanting charges dropped is because he thought his power allowed it (stupidly) and because Flynn was his friend.

The other side of this would be far more stark if the above isn't true.

What's more important is that this is all Trump's fault, some will claim fake news, but the guy is using his own Twitter account to damage his own image and admin further, every time somehting he doesn't like takes hold. Not realizing that those acts may have gained much favor during the election, the actual running of the gov't isn't going to see it the same. Those working for and against him will find it far more alarming as they did during his campaign, but now have the power to do more damage due to it.

My other issue is that I see many here okay with the leaks coming out of the WH but when it was against Hillary that wasn't right. I myself actually am fine with the leaks and the proper exposure, so long as it isn't done for political gain and actually to bring justice. If it's in an effort to whistle blow on a matter great, and some of what I'm seeing is just that and I hope it continues. At this point I don't see impeachment but if it did happen I'd have to wonder if those wanting Trump gone are going to feel that way with Pence in power?