America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It's nice to see that Trump has been having lessons on giving a speech, and that he's actually decided to stick to the script that he was given.

As he says in the speech, we are not here to preach or impose our will, but to build partnerships.

I'll believe it when I see it. The US has decades of doing the exact opposite. One could argue that their current stance against North Korea is an example of such, they're simply imposing their will because they don't trust Kim with major military hardware.
Ok, the Saudi's are going to buy weapons regardless, not sure why it has to be the US though other than we want their oil.

In the 70's and 80's, I would have rathered the US just not get involved. The Cold War with the Soviets was asinine and even after taking several classes on the matter, I still don't get why the US thought it was so important to destroy Communism other than they were "godless" and not a "democracy".

And honestly, I don't care what happens to Israel's population, it's up to them to defend their country and their citizens as they see fit. I'd rather the US not supply them weapons though since I really do think one of the biggest reasons terrorism against the US exists is due to our continued support of Israel. Stop supporting them and you've just axed one of the main reasons terrorist groups have against the US. This is not to say terrorism would stop though, the US is still pretty ingrained in Middle Eastern affairs because oil I'd imagine.
I take it you'd have left the Brits and Francs to deal with that pesky little dictator too.
I take it you'd have left the Brits and Francs to deal with that pesky little dictator too.

You mean the war we were staying out of until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and 4 days later Germany declared war on the US?

I fully support the US taking military action in retaliation to a direct attack on the country by a foreign power.
As usual, one of our liberals zeroes in like a laserbeam on what's really important here.
You don't think it's significant that he holds himself to a different standard than others? Chrunch Houston hailed the visit because Ivanka and Melania were free to walk around without headscarves, but all of that is undermined by Trump's previous comments. Why are Ivanka and Melania praised for enabling a progressive attitude while Michelle Obama is condemned for doing the same thing?

You don't think it's significant that Trump's obvious hatred of Obama is dictating his political agenda? Or do you really believe that repealing somebody else's policy because it was their policy (and not because it was bad, ineffective or unpopular) is the best way to run a country?
Trump posts letter to God, internet rife with speculation about its contents. God opens sinkhole at Mar-a-Lago, possibly. LMSM blame "water main", typical.

You don't think it's significant that he holds himself to a different standard than others? Chrunch Houston hailed the visit because Ivanka and Melania were free to walk around without headscarves, but all of that is undermined by Trump's previous comments. Why are Ivanka and Melania praised for enabling a progressive attitude while Michelle Obama is condemned for doing the same thing?

You don't think it's significant that Trump's obvious hatred of Obama is dictating his political agenda? Or do you really believe that repealing somebody else's policy because it was their policy (and not because it was bad, ineffective or unpopular) is the best way to run a country?

You know, it would really be great if, just once, you would read what's actually written and not read all kinds of (sometimes bizarre) things into it.

For the life of me I can't figure out how you got those questions out of what I'd posted, or what it was in response to. Protip: I highlighted it. Highlighting generally is used to bring special emphasis to particular words in a passage.
You know, it would really be great if, just once, you would read what's actually written and not read all kinds of (sometimes bizarre) things into it
I did read what was written - the suggestion that my priorities were out of order because I chose to focus on what Trump said previously instead of what he is doing currently. My questions to you were a direct response to that, and particularly pertinent given Trump's attitude towards Iran and Obama's nuclear disarmament deal.
Former CIA Director John Brennan has told Congress that Russia "brazenly" interfered with the 2016 election, and that he held serious concerns that the Kremlin had won the co-operation of American citizens.

Meanwhile, Trump's first budget has been published. Titled "A New Foundation for Anerican Greatness", it features a ten percent increase in military expenditure and cuts to disability support, health care for low income earners and student loan subsidies. There's no word on whether the Undersecretary of Ironic Government Memo Titles is getting a pay raise (he really should; he's doing a great job).
I get some of the cuts since the government does an awful job with healthcare and student loans shouldn't be subsidized (it inflates the price of college), but I don't get an increase in the military budget. There's zero need for that. It'd be better just to take that 10% and give it back to the taxpayers so they can do whatever with it.
Former CIA Director John Brennan has told Congress that Russia "brazenly" interfered with the 2016 election, and that he held serious concerns that the Kremlin had won the co-operation of American citizens.
He also said, under oath:
“I don’t know whether or not such collusion, and that’s your term, such collusion existed. I don’t know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the Bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials,” Brennan replied.

On another note:
When a man straps on a bomb of nails, goes to woman's concert to kill an audience of women and girls - IT'S A SAFE BET SEXISM IS INVOLVED.

— Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) May 23, 2017
That's Gamergate Brianna Wu, and now candidate for the United States Congress. Tweet now deleted of course.
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I get some of the cuts since the government does an awful job with healthcare and student loans shouldn't be subsidized (it inflates the price of college), but I don't get an increase in the military budget.
Not knowing the specifics - I caught it in a twenty-second news grab between coverage of the concert bombing and death of Roger Moore - I can't really comment. It's one thing to eliminate excesses and reform dysfunctional departments, but it could easily be interpreted as fuelling the divide between the wealthy and the poor. I was immediately reminded of our (ridiculously unpopular) 2014 budget which slashed unemployment benefits and the pension and increased the costs of health care and education, all while offering tax breaks to the wealthy and a generous and full-funded paid parental leave system to high income earners. Fortunately most of those measures got shot down, but there was a lot of anger at the time - a lot of people thought that the government was delibetately creating a system where the only people who got any opportunities were the people who traditionally voted for the government with everyone else bearing the burden. If Trump isn't careful, his budget could be seen the same way.
On another note:

That's Gamergate Brianna Wu, and now candidate for the United States Congress. Tweet now deleted of course.
Terrorists are sexist now....

Good god, please don't let this woman get anywhere involved in our govt. American politics is already a joke to the world.

Edit* And she's a Democrat?! Last person they need right now trying to represent them if they want the Republicans & Trump out.
I don't think Wu's completely wrong - if you're dumb enough to join Da'esh, something tells me you're not a fan of equality of the sexes. There was a Take That concert at the Manchester Arena two days prior to the attack, and I don't think their fanbase would be as heavily comprised of girls and young women as Arian Grande's.
"Woman's concerts"

I assumed it was a typo, because if she's claiming sexism simply because the headliner happened to be female then that's window-licking levels of retarded.

I mean, the chances that the headliner was female were probably more or less 50:50. I'm not sure what the gender divide is amongst entertainers these days but I doubt it's massive.

I don't see any reason to call it sexism any more than if it was a male performer in front of a predominantly male crowd. Every gathering of people can't have a perfect distribution of the sexes.

I don't think Wu's completely wrong - if you're dumb enough to join Da'esh, something tells me you're not a fan of equality of the sexes. There was a Take That concert at the Manchester Arena two days prior to the attack, and I don't think their fanbase would be as heavily comprised of girls and young women as Arian Grande's.

On the other hand, their security is likely to be bigger. If I was going to pick one as easier to bomb I wouldn't go for a massive act like Take That. Why does it have to be sexism when it could simply be choosing the soft target?
Trump has apparently had a U-turn on Brexit, and expressed fears about its impact on the global economy in a discussion with Juncker and Tusk.
Trump has apparently had a U-turn on Brexit, and expressed fears about its impact on the global economy in a discussion with Juncker and Tusk.
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that Trump just says whatever the people he is talking to want to hear? At least the Pope had the courtesy not to burst out laughing when Trump said he wishes to 'pursue peace', four days after signing a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that Trump just says whatever the people he is talking to want to hear? At least the Pope had the courtesy not to burst out laughing when Trump said he wishes to 'pursue peace', four days after signing a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
Having a smaller military has historically been a harbinger of a peaceful future.