America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Fake mods with fake threats, sad. Believe me it'll be beautiful when we make GTP Great Again, it'll be a yuge change, beautiful change, believe me!

The unfortunate thing though is the still many Americans think climate change is either a hoax or isn't accelerated by human activity. Source

Even when there's data like this that shows a correlation between greenhouse gas emissions and an overall rise in the temperature of Earth.


Aren't Greenhouse Gases also caused by us breathing since it creates CO2? With a growing population that could be accounted for the increase.
Why? I find that surprising in a country with freedoms that are protected by its constitution and fought for by citizens of every generation.
It's freedom from the government (although Secret Service has apparently been looking into it), not from others.

Folks are free to make an ass out of themselves, and others are free to respond by wanting nothing to do with them. It's as others have said; the fact CNN didn't want her associated with them anymore says enough.
If anyone wants to watch an excellent Documentary on coal, check out Blood on the Mountain. I watched it last month and it was really well done. It was on Netflix. It's shot in West Virginia.

One of the things I learned about it now is, in West Virginia they are basically taking off the tops of Mountains now. A lot of the high yield coal seams in the ground have been mined out, so it's cheaper and easier just to take the top of these mountains off in an open mine.

It also shows the fighting between the people who live in West Virginia. On one hand you have people who want to stop this destruction of nature, and how it's poisoning the water etc, and on the other hand it's people's livelihood. It's all they know.

It has some good historical stuff too, how the coal miners were treated as trash. Back in the early 1900's, if a miner died they would force his wife and children out of their home (that the mining company owned), and move a new miner and his family in.

Pretty informative show.
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Aren't Greenhouse Gases also caused by us breathing since it creates CO2? With a growing population that could be accounted for the increase.

No, we consume carbohydrates to survive so we don't contribute on balance. If we trumped like cows then that would be different.
And yet I've provided a source for that argument. That might not be from @prisonermonkeys yet you can see data has been produced that supports such a claim. I'm not sure what makes the claim "grandiose", one of the aims of developers of renewable technology was always to drive the cost down and it's no surprise that they've succeeded. I was in a Siemens wind turbine factory a few days ago and it's very impressive how streamlined the production process is compared to when I last visited one five years ago.
No, you haven't. It doesn't even begin to address the entirety of my post. It's the wrong continent and doesn't address the infrastructure/energy storage issue or the brown coal issue. Also doesn't address why people aren't flocking to construct such low cost energy sources and make massively obscene profits in the process.
It has some good historical stuff too, how the coal miners were treated as trash. Back in the early 1900's, if a miner died they would force his wife and children out of their home (that the mining company owned), and move a new miner and his family in.

Pretty informative show.
B-b-but the free market willed it!
The Constitution says freedom of speech, not freedom to hold up a fake decapitated head of our current President. One can argue that that's going too far. It's not like there's a revolution going on.

It's freedom from the government (although Secret Service has apparently been looking into it), not from others.

Folks are free to make an ass out of themselves, and others are free to respond by wanting nothing to do with them. It's as others have said; the fact CNN didn't want her associated with them anymore says enough.
I understand both of your points but still find it really surprising that being photographed holding a model of anything would be considered a big deal in America.
It sounds as ridiculous to me as the idea some people have that mocking the prophet Muhammed is a big deal.

I don't know the details of the recent case involving a comedian, I was speaking generally. I can't add much more other than that I find it surprising as I've already said.
The Constitution says freedom of speech, not freedom to hold up a fake decapitated head of our current President. One can argue that that's going too far. It's not like there's a revolution going on.

So you'd like specific legislation on which free speech is actually allowed? The Game of Thrones head or the Trump head should be banned from being "free speech", yes?
I understand both of your points but still find it really surprising that being photographed holding a model of anything would be considered a big deal in America.
It sounds as ridiculous to me as the idea some people have that mocking the prophet Muhammed is a big deal.

I think the main cause for the uproar is the fact she was mimicking the pose terrorists tend to use when showing off a recently detached head.

It's certainly been overblown, but these days most things are. :rolleyes:
So you'd like specific legislation on which free speech is actually allowed? The Game of Thrones head or the Trump head should be banned from being "free speech", yes?
In Game of Thrones, we have a mythical universe which is in a pre-Hammurabic state lacking written law. The head on a spike above the castle gate is a warning to those who would challenge the King. A minor comedienne holding up the bloody, decapitated simulated head of a sitting US president might be interpreted as a threat by the Secret Service or by a court of law. Or it might be interpreted as a misguided cry for help by an hysterical woman coping with mild personality disorder. Personally, I'd put it in the free speech bucket for the nonce. I recall a quip on this forum concerning the symbolism of Milton Friedman's head on a spike.
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In Game of Thrones, we have a mythical universe which is in a pre-Hammurabic state lacking written law. The head on a spike above the castle gate is a warning to those who would challenge the King. A minor comedienne holding up the bloody, decapitated simulated head of a sitting US president might be interpreted as a threat by the Secret Service or by a court of law. Or it might be interpreted as a misguided cry for help by an hysterical woman coping with mild personality disorder.

Interesting... the severed heads of Presidents are a contextual matter ;)

Personally, I'd put it in the free speech bucket for the nonce

What's the American definition of nonce? I rather suspect it's different from the British meaning :D
I understand both of your points but still find it really surprising that being photographed holding a model of anything would be considered a big deal in America.
It sounds as ridiculous to me as the idea some people have that mocking the prophet Muhammed is a big deal.

I don't know the details of the recent case involving a comedian, I was speaking generally. I can't add much more other than that I find it surprising as I've already said.
I don't know about you, but someone holding up a President's bloody, severed head isn't something we see everyday. Even TV/Movie venues seem to avoid showcasing any real political figures in that way to avoid backlash. That's why there's so much drama going on around it, and Kathy's press conference has certainly kept the story alive longer than it should.
I don't know about you, but someone holding up a President's bloody, severed head isn't something we see everyday. Even TV/Movie venues seem to avoid showcasing any real political figures in that way to avoid backlash. That's why there's so much drama going on around it, and Kathy's press conference has certainly kept the story alive longer than it should.

So it was okay using Bush's head because the blood had drained?

Aren't Greenhouse Gases also caused by us breathing since it creates CO2? With a growing population that could be accounted for the increase.

Nope, it's all a balance. Source

And while this article is a little dated, they did the math on it. Link

They claim that breathing may contribute between 5-9% of the total greenhouse gases. It's all balanced out, but even if it wasn't, that's still not a significant contribution or at least not significant enough to cause an accelerated increase in global temperatures.

Ted Nugent responds: Comparing what he said to Griffin's stunt is "like comparing apples and grenades".

Except he more than likely did the same thing at his shows with an effigy of Obama. I've been to a couple of his shows in the past (I like his music, I think he's an ass) and he constantly used props of world leaders and figures he disliked.

I mean here is ranting on stage about wanting to kill Obama and Clinton (language warning because Nugent)

So you'd like specific legislation on which free speech is actually allowed? The Game of Thrones head or the Trump head should be banned from being "free speech", yes?

No. But, free speech doesn't mean free to do whatever. Even CNN agrees, by firing her.

Did she hurt anybody? No. Did she do anything illegal per se? No. But did she do something stupid that deserved for her to lose her job? Yes. And she's been completely discredited. By private enterprise.

@samurai8juice, I'm still interested as to why you say this?

I don't know about you, but someone holding up a President's bloody, severed head isn't something we see everyday. Even TV/Movie venues seem to avoid showcasing any real political figures in that way to avoid backlash. That's why there's so much drama going on around it, and Kathy's press conference has certainly kept the story alive longer than it should.

No. But, free speech doesn't mean free to do whatever. Even CNN agrees, by firing her.

Did she hurt anybody? No. Did she do anything illegal per se? No. But did she do something stupid that deserved for her to lose her job? Yes. And she's been completely discredited. By private enterprise.

That's where you seem to be confused - CNN are exercising their own right to free speech, not censoring hers.
No. But, free speech doesn't mean free to do whatever. Even CNN agrees, by firing her.

Did she hurt anybody? No. Did she do anything illegal per se? No. But did she do something stupid that deserved for her to lose her job? Yes. And she's been completely discredited. By private enterprise.
This is a point of confusion for a lot of people around free speech. She does have a right to do whatever, if whatever means free speech. But free speech doesn't mean you are both free to say what you want and immune to the consequences of that speech. She's experiencing her employers exercising their rights now, their right to not pay her to perform because her image is tarnished and they fear being painted by the same brush. It's hard for me to understand what kind of world KG lives in day to day that she thought this was funny in any way or that there wouldn't be backlash. Co-opting ISIS imagery isn't really funny to most people. Realistic looking severed heads aren't usually funny. Putting the two together doesn't make them funny either.

Kathy're fired!!
You're saying that when you hold up a fake severed head of the US President, you can only expect to lose your job and more because it isn't something you see every day & because TV/movies venues seem to avoid showcasing any real political figures in that way to avoid backlash?

I'm still not referring to a specific case, just a general principle.
Except he more than likely did the same thing at his shows with an effigy of Obama. I've been to a couple of his shows in the past (I like his music, I think he's an ass) and he constantly used props of world leaders and figures he disliked.
I haven't been to his shows but something about that interview smelt worse than Nugent would have when he once claimed to have turned up at the army recruitment office having pooped in his pants for a week.
This is a point of confusion for a lot of people around free speech. She does have a right to do whatever, if whatever means free speech. But free speech doesn't mean you are both free to say what you want and immune to the consequences of that speech. She's experiencing her employers exercising their rights now, their right to not pay her to perform because her image is tarnished and they fear being painted by the same brush. It's hard for me to understand what kind of world KG lives in day to day that she thought this was funny in any way or that there wouldn't be backlash. Co-opting ISIS imagery isn't really funny to most people. Realistic looking severed heads aren't usually funny. Putting the two together doesn't make them funny either.

Kathy're fired!!

Spoiler tags for language.

I'll just say I agree with him.
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First Leaker has been arrested by the FBI, her name is Reality Leigh Winner, leaked classified documents to the Inquisitor.

Winner, of Augusta, Ga., is facing charges that she removed classified material from a government facility and mailed it to a news outlet. She was arrested on Saturday and appeared on the charge Monday.

Doesn't sound like Winner is doing much winning today.

Anderson Cooper gave her a autographed photo saying "thank you for your service" Hmmmmm

First Leaker has been arrested by the FBI, her name is Reality Leigh Winner, leaked classified documents to the Inquisitor.

Doesn't sound like Winner is doing much winning today.

Anderson Cooper gave her a autographed photo saying "thank you for your service" Hmmmmm

She obviously hasn't watched enough Law and Order:
"Winner further acknowledged that she was aware of the contents of the intelligence reporting and that she knew the contents of the reporting could be used to the injury of the United States and to the advantage of a foreign nation," the affidavit stated.

"During that conversation, Winner admitted intentionally identifying and printing the classified intelligence reporting at issue despite not having a ‘need to know,' and with knowledge that the intelligence reporting was classified."

Another source has her confessing at home during an interview and her lawyer is unaware of this alleged confession. Any bets on whether she was read her rights?
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She obviously hasn't watched enough Law and Order:

Another source has her confessing at home during an interview and her lawyer is unaware of this alleged confession. Any bets on whether she was read her rights?

My guess is they had absolute proof when they arrested her, probably had her on closed security footage the whole time, maybe they even showed some of the footage during the interview. Why else would she come clean easily?
My guess is they had absolute proof when they arrested her, probably had her on closed security footage the whole time, maybe they even showed some of the footage during the interview. Why else would she come clean easily?
It is a little bizarre. I'm sure the investigative journalists are pouring over her social media footprint as we speak and I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out she was a left leaning Hillary or Bernie supporter and was taking one for the team. She might even believe her actions are completely justified.
My guess is they had absolute proof when they arrested her, probably had her on closed security footage the whole time, maybe they even showed some of the footage during the interview. Why else would she come clean easily?

Because you posted it, she was 1 of 6 to view it, had an email with contact directly to the news outlet reporters and held a clearance that was in line with the material that was "lost". If you were presented with that info, do you really think you would be denying your involvement?

Also if she really thought what she was doing was for the better of the American populous, she could have easily admitted to it because of the convictions she held. Why would she deny doing what she may think is right and just, even if it's wrong? Other whistle blowers have done it after being caught out.
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