America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Are they really "buddy-buddy"?

I've seen several sources that say that they were simply work colleagues who didn't hate each other. I'm yet to see any evidence of interactions between them that goes beyond a respectful professional relationship. The thing most media seems to cite is the Ashcroft thing, but I don't see friendship in that so much as two men with similar opinions of a specific policy acting in the best interests of themselves and their offices.

One would expect that if they had a close relationship there'd be more to go on than that one high pressure situation, where personal interest could well override any personal relationship.
In honesty, I don't know. I was going off Johnny's post that they have a relationship, which I assumed meant they were a little closer than just "that guy he worked with".

You make a good point.
Both Russia and the US have a long history of interfering in other people's elections. I guess it's just what eagles and bears do. They can't help it, it's in their nature. Anyway, I've read that in response to their interference here last year, it seems Obama ordered cyber bombs to be placed within Russia's infrastructure, to bring down Russia from within if need be for retaliation. If these bombs ever were successfully placed, the keys have been turned over to Trump for their use. But it seems whatever their intervention was, it wasn't successful. Are they accused of doing anything more than breaking into the DNC server?
Are they accused of doing anything more than breaking into the DNC server?
It's believed that a lot of the fake news (real fake news not "I don't like this news story so it's fake news" news) - like the Pizzagate fiasco - originated from Russia to try and turn public opinion against certain candidates.
It's believed that a lot of the fake news (real fake news not "I don't like this news story so it's fake news" news) - like the Pizzagate fiasco - originated from Russia to try and turn public opinion against certain candidates.

Fortunately, John Podesta will testify behind closed doors this week. At least the House Intelligence committee may learn something, if not us.
CNN)The House intelligence committee next week plans to interview John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign chairman whose hacked email account became central to Russian meddling in the US election last year, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

Podesta will be one of the committee's first major witnesses to meet with the panel behind closed doors as it tries to determine the extent of the Russian involvement in last year's campaign and whether any of President Donald Trump's associates coordinated with the Russians.
CNN Producer, John Bonifield, admits on hidden camera, that he hasn't seen any good evidence that Trump has committed a crime & towards the end, is asked if he thinks the Russian investigation is BS.

Could be bull****. I mean, it's mostly bull**** right now. Like, we don't have any giant proof. Then they say, well there's still an investigation going on. I don't know, if they were finding something we would know about it. The way these leaks happen, they would leak it. They'd leak. If it was something really good, it'd leak.

I just feel like they don't really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no proof.
He notes that even if Russia was trying to swing an election, he claims we try to do the same thing to them. At one point, he says the CEO told them to stop covering the Paris accord and go back to the Russian investigation. He also makes a comparison that if they covered Obama like they do Trump, they would lose their viewership.

The beef of the video comes down to being ratings & "Trump is good for business". "
CNN Producer, John Bonifield, admits on hidden camera, that he hasn't seen any good evidence that Trump has committed a crime & towards the end, is asked if he thinks the Russian investigation is BS.

He notes that even if Russia was trying to swing an election, he claims we try to do the same thing to them. At one point, he says the CEO told them to stop covering the Paris accord and go back to the Russian investigation. He also makes a comparison that if they covered Obama like they do Trump, they would lose their viewership.

The beef of the video comes down to being ratings & "Trump is good for business". "

The link is broken. No surprise in what Bonifield says though. Good to see it verified.

Tree'd, the video in your post above didn't load up at all and now it has.
Language warning

Here you go @Johnnypenso

Hate to say we were right about this aspect of media and being in it for a subjective reason, but they are and we were.
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A teen with ties to ISIS, accused of planning an attack to slaughter thousands during a concert in Charlotte will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Sullivan's father, a retired Marine, was the one that tipped investigators off about his son's suspicious behavior.

When asked if he could forgive his son, Rich Sullivan told FOX 46 Charlotte, "I can't forgive him."
Is this a bad time to bring up that one betting company over here offered odds on which Trump official would get fired first...and that Spicer was their favourite? :lol:
I read an article not too long ago about why there are still Blockbusters in Alaska. Apparently it's more of a social thing. Because winters are very cold, people tend to stay inside a lot and watch movies. Going to a Blockbuster allows people the opportunity to get out of the house and socialize with friends and neighbors that they might see when they go inside one. Since people are frequently isolated due to weather, social in-person interaction is more important than in other places. Maybe the Library is hopping too?
This has become a regular feature: what did the President Tweet this time?

He has attacked two journalists, calling on "psycho" and claiming that the other has a low IQ and was "bleeding from a facelift" when he saw her in January.

I can't speak for the majority of Americans but I would be willing to bet tweets like this are growing thin.

From the Article:

"I don't think that the President has ever been someone that gets attacked and doesn't push back," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told Fox News Channel.

True, Sarah, but that doesn't make it acceptable.

"People on that show have personally attacked him many times," Sanders added.

Of this I have no doubt, and I'm sure some very unflattering things have been said about Trump on that show, at least I can imagine it. Still though, Graham is right, tweets like this are beneath the office of the POTUS, as truthful as they might be or not and make me think he has no intention of running again in 2020.
Even if he does, I doubt he would get elected again. And I feel sorry for the person who has to come in and clean up his mess.

I'm still amazed that he got elected in the first place, count me as one of the millions that was pretty sure, almost positive Hillary would win. Looking back on it, I don't think Trump got elected because he is Trump, or has an enduring personality that resonates with all Americans (maybe I'm wrong, I dunno), I think Trump was elected because people just hated Hillary that much. Without a figurehead like Hillary to vilify (and it wasn't hard to do, let's be honest, Hillary sucks) in 2020 then I say he loses. But the Dems can't be stupid and run someone like Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden. They need someone else that doesn't have baggage. Hopefully Trump will announce he is not seeking reelection in early 2020.
Do you really think Trump's ego will let him recognise that he isn't up to it?

No but I'm hoping his age/health will let him recognize that he isn't up to it. He is 71 now (I knew he was old but I had to look it up) and he will be 74 in 2020. He is already the oldest President ever to enter office. Reagan was the oldest President to leave office, he was 77, but Reagan was 69 when he became president, so if Trump decides to run again and get's elected to a 2nd term then he would be 78 in 2024 which is 1 year older than Reagan was when he left.
Meanwhile, Melania Trump has been running an anti-cyberbullying campaign. Her response to the controversy? When her husband gets attacked, he will hit back ten times harder.