America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
That's the vibe I get from Trump.

That's the vibe I get from about 90% of politicians at the federal level. We've done the career politician thing for ages and that hasn't prevented the U.S. from becoming the mess we have to deal with from even before Trump took over.

Really, the problem isn't experience. It's the fact that anyone smart enough to actually run a country is also smart enough to stay far away from that chair.
I take them as minimum standards, a smell test if you will. Why is it a bad idea to have someone be elected to another position before leader of any given country? I believe it would force people to show some dedication to the country. It would make for a longer process of coming in, changing laws so you make more money after and then leave. That's the vibe I get from Trump.
I didn't say it was a bad idea but I do think it's an irrelevant idea. I don't see how it shows dedication to your country any better than serving in the military, creating thousands of jobs for your people, saving lives as a doctor or nurse, being a good, honest, hard working citizen in your community or countless other occupations and ways of giving back.
Sure as hell, some obsessed billionaire like Musk or Bezos is going to take Trump's election as a license to run for election as president. I think the US is already screwed because of our resolute refusal to pay our debts and foolish propensity to meddle in other countries. With politics adrift from tact and diplomacy and appealing to ever more polarized (bipolar?) voters, rich, evermore disconnected from reality folks will come along to lead us on evermore doomed quests like conquering Mars. Over-engineered economics and technologies are making increasing numbers of humans unemployed and unemployable here on Earth. This is a dangerous season for humanity, ever poised to do something reckless if provoked and given the chance.
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Sure as hell, some obsessed billionaire like Musk or Bezos is going to take Trump's election as a license to run for election as president. I think the US is already screwed because of our resolute refusal to pay our debts and foolish propensity to meddle in other countries. With politics adrift from tact and diplomacy and appealing to ever more polarized (bipolar?) voters, rich, evermore disconnected from reality folks will come along to lead us on evermore doomed quests like conquering Mars. Over-engineered economics and technologies are making increasing numbers of humans unemployed and unemployable here on Earth. This is a dangerous season for humanity, ever poised to do something reckless if provoked and given the chance.

...and yet...

At no time has humanity ever lived at the worldwide level of prosperity and peace that we currently enjoy.
So far we have Kanye and the Rock for President 2020 and Kid Rock for Michigan Senate 2018, did I miss any? What other celebrities do y'all think are going to throw their hat in the ring?

Sure as hell, some obsessed billionaire like Musk or Bezos is going to take Trump's election as a license to run for election as president.


^^ Can't happen actually, wasn't born in the US.
As with Arnie the VP-ship is still a possibility.

You have to be a natural-born citizen of the US for the vice presidency as well.

There is an established order of succession but if someone on the list is in a position to succeed to the Presidency, they are skipped over if foreign-born. This could have occurred during the Nixon administration when Henry Kissinger was the Secretary of State and therefore fourth on the list. If something happened to the President (like resigning or impeachment), Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate President pro tem, Kissinger would be next on the list but would be skipped over and the Secretary of the Treasury would be next in line. Kissinger was born in Germany. I remember this being mentioned on the news at the time.
You have to be a natural-born citizen of the US for the vice presidency as well.

There is an established order of succession but if someone on the list is in a position to succeed to the Presidency, they are skipped over if foreign-born. This could have occurred during the Nixon administration when Henry Kissinger was the Secretary of State and therefore fourth on the list. If something happened to the President (like resigning or impeachment), Vice President, Speaker of the House and Senate President pro tem, Kissinger would be next on the list but would be skipped over and the Secretary of the Treasury would be next in line. Kissinger was born in Germany. I remember this being mentioned on the news at the time.
Thanks. This helps me understand the motives behind PUMA and birtherism.
I remember this being mentioned on the news at the time.

Gimme five bees for a quarter.
Have what backwards? It's not a who threw the first stone situation, it's a first President to constantly whine about media bias situation. I don't recall President Bush complaining constantly about individual commentators or networks the way Obama did. In the past Presidents were above that sort of juvenile nonsense. Obama was the first President to my recollection that constantly acknowledged the press. Once you acknowledge individual commentators and media outlets you put them on a pedestal. That wasn't his intent I'm sure, his intent was to discredit them and that worked with his base, but the other side probably said to themselves, "we're getting under his skin, keep it up". It was high school stuff and it obviously backfired tremendously because look who got elected after him. Like it or not, Obama is the forefather to Trump's actions today, Trump just took it 10 steps further than anyone thought possible.

Well, if you're saying the Trump is 10 times worse than any previous President when it comes to whining about press coverage ... then I would accept that characterization & have to say that I agree with you.
The Trump administration would be funny if it was fictional.
Three or four years ago if someone had written a script for a Hollywood movie that was similar to what has happened in the first six months of his presidency, it would have been a comedy and everyone would have laughed at it because it would be so over the top and ludicrous.:lol:
Three or four years ago if someone had written a script for a Hollywood movie that was similar to what has happened in the first six months of his presidency, it would have been a comedy and everyone would have laughed at it because it would be so over the top and ludicrous.:lol:

Are you a House of Cards person? If yes which is more intense to watch, the real Prez or the fake one?
The problem with the Trump administration is ... Trump himself. No amount of hiring, firing, tweeting, rejigging, deflection, blaming others, attacking the media, or any other distraction can change that fact. Trump is temperamentally & intellectually unsuited for high political office. This was amply demonstrated for years before the election, but by a strange confluence of political circumstances Trump unexpectedly won the Presidency. Trump being Trump, his administration will continue to be a train wreck, until Trump leaves or is removed from office.
I wouldn't care if my favourite football team was being made to look stupid you shouldn't either.

But why make crap up when the person himself gives plenty of good material? Especially when the attempt reeks of trying to hard which sort of ruins the funny.
Joe Pesci will be disappointed, as it means that his role in 'President Trump: The Movie' is going to be a short one.

Anthony Scarmucci - White House Communications Director late July 2017 - very slightly later July 2017.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Trump finds a cabinet spot for Gary Busey soon.


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