America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Now picture that but Mormon and replace craft beer with craft pop and you have Utah.

Forgot to mention that Seattle has had it's own Craft pop company since at least the 90's, it's called Jones Soda co.

I don't drink pop at all (unless I am using as a mixer in a mixed drink, but I hardly drink at all anymore), but I do remember seeing Jones Soda at a gourmet sub sandwich shop I used to frequent called Tub's Gourmet subs (awesome subs), it's near the university of Washington. I never did try one but I remember looking at the nutrition label and the amount of carbs and sugars was insane, way more than a Coke, so any thought of drinking one was ended right there, I put it back in the drink refrigerator.
Forgot to mention that Seattle has had it's own Craft pop company since at least the 90's, it's called Jones Soda co.

I don't drink pop at all (unless I am using as a mixer in a mixed drink, but I hardly drink at all anymore), but I do remember seeing Jones Soda at a gourmet sub sandwich shop I used to frequent called Tub's Gourmet subs (awesome subs), it's near the university of Washington. I never did try one but I remember looking at the nutrition label and the amount of carbs and sugars was insane, way more than a Coke, so any thought of drinking one was ended right there, I put it back in the drink refrigerator.
Shoreditch, London.

One of the many areas of London Hipster, we have an office in Shoreditch and I can attest to it's oddity.
There certainly are regional differences but compared to Europe, for example, the United States is remarkably homogenous. It's not really a "rich tapestry of culture" - the way people live, think & speak has been very much molded by mass media so that everybody is watching the same movies & TV shows, listening to the same music, staying in the same motels, going to the same chain restaurants & eating the same food.
With the people I've associated with and seeing a good chunk of diversity all through schooling, I don't agree with that, fully. That, however, can just probably boil down to my location, though.

Me specifically though(not really using it as an example), I'll definitely watch the some of the same blockbuster movies that come around, but I also do very much dabble in a lot of foreign movies, especially of Asian decent. My music taste is kind of all over the place, only one I don't care for is modern country - My grandma raised me though so I've liked what she used to play when I was younger, I just can't recall exactly what it was. While I own a television, I don't have any sort of TV subscription, so I'm out on that one. As for hotels, I tend to stay away from the most popular because they also tend to be the most expensive, I prefer the smaller, a bit run-down, hotels. They really aren't as bad as they seem sometimes(sometimes!) For food, I typically cook my own meals, but if I'm going out to eat, I try to find a place that has a good selection of craft beer, and good food, and that's harder to find together as one than it sounds. I'm picky with my beer, and that's probably my inner hipster showing, but hey, that's me :lol:

My group of friends have a hard time deciding on one thing together, even down to the beer we drink. That's only a group of at least, 5 people :lol:

Though, I do agree that there is some truth to what you say. I think I'm part of the exception to that rule.

The Outback Steak House in Worcester, Mass is identical to the one in Phoenix, Arizona. Go to a country like Italy & there are extremely varied regional dialects & completely distinct local cuisines, architecture/building materials, music traditions etc. ... although the influence of homogenized American corporate culture is gradually spreading across the globe.
Most major chain restaurants are like that, but I feel that doesn't accurately represent the smaller, local chains at all. Not only that, but the existence of Major Chains in my area have done absolutely little to change the diversity and culture at least in the towns local to me. The cities outside of the immediate Downtown Los Angeles tend to have some deep roots as most of them are almost segregated to a certain race, with the borders of the towns mixing in a bit.

If I travel to area's like Pasadena, it's a mix of what you say but also what I'm saying. I don't know the correct word for it, but that area is a bit... "gentrified"(?) compared to what I was talking about in the previous quote.

I think all this boils down to the Southern California culture though, it's just a smorgasbord of different cultures. Like I said before, I feel that's probably just the exception to the rule.
Jones was intermittently available in my old town during my high school years. I can attest to its sheer sugariness — I bought a lot of Blue Bubblegum Soda throughout those years. My sister, being a thoughtful and nostalgic person, bought me some for my birthday last year but I struggled to get through a single bottle.

It's cool to see them still doing their own thing, though. 👍
I can't do Jones straight like my wife can (the aforementioned Fufu Berry being her preference), but it isn't as aggressively sugary when diluted with vodka.
That only Jones Soda I remember was that holiday gift set that had mashed potato flavor or something in it. I'm pretty sure it caused me to get violently sick.
That only Jones Soda I remember was that holiday gift set that had mashed potato flavor or something in it. I'm pretty sure it caused me to get violently sick.
Yeah they have a gimmicky Thanksgiving sixer with turkey flavor, stuffing, pumpkin pie, roasted brussels sprouts...etc. Presumably mashed potatoes is one as well. Pumpkin pie is probably the least offensive of the bunch, but I don't like pumpkin pie anyway so I won't touch it or any of the others.

Edit: They're supposed to be "not bad."
I love a Jarritos and tequila...particularly the tamarind.
Only soda I've tried Tequila with was Squirt, never thought of mixing it with these though. I think I'll have to try that out sooner or later!
Only soda I've tried Tequila with was Squirt, never thought of mixing it with these though. I think I'll have to try that out sooner or later!
2-4oz silver/blanco to a bottle of Jarritos for two cocktails, with a squeeze of lime each. 2oz per is a little too boozey to be refreshing so I use 1.5. You're obviously not going to shake, so tequila and juice over ice and pouring the soda does the stirring.

Edit: It's flavored soda so don't hesitate to use bottled juice if you don't have fresh limes. And it works with any of the flavors, but tamarind is what I like.
Never really mixed soda with Tequila when I mixed drinks, I did used to make a lot of Malibu Waves though, always loved the color of the drink when I served it to people. Had a few myself and they always tasted good (I was more of a Rum and Coke guy)

Malibu Wave Recipe:

In a shaker filled with ice combine the following:

1 oz of tequila
.5 oz of Triple sec (or Cointreau which I use instead)
.5 oz of Blue Curaçao
2 oz of sweet and sour
Dash of lime juice

Shake, Strain into a lowball glass filled with ice, garnish with a Lemon wheel

Never really mixed soda with Tequila when I mixed drinks, I did used to make a lot of Malibu Waves though, always loved the color of the drink when I served it to people. Had a few myself and they always tasted good (I was more of a Rum and Coke guy)

Malibu Wave Recipe:

In a shaker filled with ice combine the following:

1 oz of tequila
.5 oz of Triple sec (or Cointreau which I use instead)
.5 oz of Blue Curaçao
2 oz of sweet and sour
Dash of lime juice

Shake, Strain into a lowball glass filled with ice, garnish with a Lemon wheel

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I think I'd just make a margarita.

I think I'd just make a margarita.

I've been hard pressed to find a place that doesn't start ripping you off by the second Margarita.. It's all a bit frustrating because it's something my other half always wants, and I always hate paying full price for a second cup of syrup and mixer.
I think I'd just make a margarita.


Oh I did, plenty of them, the Malibu wave is a nice alternative to mix it up though.

Now days if I drink at all, then it's one beer and that's it. I basically just drink Water all day and one cup of Coffee in the morning.
I've been hard pressed to find a place that doesn't start ripping you off by the second Margarita.. It's all a bit frustrating because it's something my other half always wants, and I always hate paying full price for a second cup of syrup and mixer.

OTOH, I've definitely run into the all-tequila Margarita and that's not really pleasant either.
OTOH, I've definitely run into the all-tequila Margarita and that's not really pleasant either.
To be honest, with the problems I've been having over here with finding a decent place, I think I'd prefer that first and just not order another :lol:
I have no doubt they do. Fortunately I don't have that problem because Sheila likes a Tom Collins and she stops at one.

I don't recall telling this story on GTP, but I apologize if I have. My wife and I were out at a relatively new restaurant with a "fresh" wait staff. When the waitress asked if we wanted anything to drink, I asked for a bourbon sour and She asked for the aforementioned Tom Collins. Waitress comes back a few minutes later with only my drink, and was so sweet apologizing to my wife, saying, "I'm afraid we're all out of Tom Collins, but I can get you a Sam Adams."

I almost fell out of the chair laughing, but informed her that it's a cocktail--she said she didn't even pass it on to the bartender because she thought it was beer.

OTOH, I've definitely run into the all-tequila Margarita and that's not really pleasant either.
Yeah, no kidding. I'm not a snob when it comes to margaritas--I can be with other drinks--but it's very apparent when something's off with one and I tend to get pissed when it' something stupid like that.

Edit: I personally keep it simple when I'm out. I may not be impressed but I'm less likely to be disappointed.
Photo of the day.

Tbh looking at that photo he may as well have just given Merkel the finger. There is a slightly later shot somewhere and Merkel looks like she has given up any hope for the human race.
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I used to think Roger Penske was the only man in the world who could strut while sitting down. Now I have to add The Don.
Really, these G6'ers need us a whole lot more than we need them. That's why they are in the position of supplicants, and may as well be on their knees.

He looks like a petulant child being given a bollocking.