America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
The truth is funny? Your hatered for Trump has you deranged. Y'all circle jerk each other any time Trump does something y'all dislike. Y'all continue to nit pick over NK instead of looking at the positive side that something is FINALLY actually getting done.
Who needs to watch CNN? Y'all regurgitate them to the T.
And just like Husker, who made you the god of the O&CE section? I'll answer who I want when I want.

What Trump said on Fox & Friends this morning is pretty concerning. Giving admiration to how Kim's people respect him and wishing your own people would do the same, isn't really something to be taken lightly. Even if it was a joke, it's not a good look for the President and it's something that really should be questioned and talked about.

And I don't really think accomplishing nothing at the summit with North Korea and our displeasure of that is nitpicking. It's a legitimate observation of a real issue in the world.

Also, I don't watch CNN nor read its website so I can't really regurgitate any of the information seen on there.
The truth is funny?
What's presented as truth and the propensity for some to swallow it can be--and often is--hilarious. However, what I found funny about your remark was the queer outburst itself and the jargon therein.

Y'all continue to nit pick over NK instead of looking at the positive side that something is FINALLY actually getting done.
What assurances do we have that anything is actually going to happen? Meanwhile, what have "we" put on the table in exchange?

I suppose Trump can be seen as a deal maker, because bad deals are deals nonetheless.

I'll answer who I want when I want.
But I can't comment on the hilarity of statements...

Who needs to watch CNN? Y'all regurgitate them to the T.
Also, I don't watch CNN nor read its website so I can't really regurgitate any of the information seen on there.
Nor do I, and Tapper is an asshat. CNN and Fox News are just two sides of the same awful coin.
I suppose Trump can be seen as a deal maker, because bad deals are deals nonetheless.
I'll say what's been said, he's done more than any other President. Also when we got Berlin to tear down the wall, it took a few years after the speech. Nothing happens over night. We got them to officially close the test site they destroyed already...
Maybe the next meeting we can get him to close the other if there are any.
As far as his comments about Un I think he's blowing smoke up his... I don't get why y'all throw your arms in the air every time he says something, stupid or not. He's not gonna change. And the repetitiveness from the left is getting old to us in the news/social media. I heard about a report/survey on The Von Hassler Doctrine the other day and I have to agree, one would think they'd get tired of trying to find ANYTHING to complain about.
But I can't comment on the hilarity of statements...
You could have at least quoted me if you are gonna mock me. Be a man.
Nor do I, and Tapper is an asshat. CNN and Fox News are just two sides of the same awful coin.
Odd how as much as we disagree, we sometimes agree...
I don't get why y'all throw your arms in the air every time he says something, stupid or not. He's not gonna change. And the repetitiveness from the left is getting old to us in the news/social media.

Perhaps we-all should start praising Trump when he does or says something stupid, just to change things around a little. I get the feeling that he has enough uncritical supporters though.
Or he's saying that his people respect Kim and he wants Americans to do the same. How it looks all depends on the glasses you are wearing.
Buddy, you know I usually share and support the same views as you.

But what Trump said was still an awfully concerning remark. I still don't think he's anywhere near some of Hitler-comparisons a few nutjobs like to tout in the rest of the social media world, but at the end of the day, Kim's people sit up and pay attention because their lives may literally depend on it. We live in a country however, where our flag is practically bound by law to be given more respect when it's flown than any President.

Yeah, there's a bit of repetitive criticisms, but meh personally.... They're far more tame & mature than what could be posted.
Y'all continue to nit pick over NK instead of looking at the positive side that something is FINALLY actually getting done.

It would be baffling that this is coming from the same person who had such strong objections to the Iran agreement, except you’ve already demonstrated your capacity for cognitive dissonance on several other occasions.

And just like Husker, who made you the god of the O&CE section?

I am?? Nice.

Anybody who likes this comment will immediatley be promoted to co-god.

Oh, and, um:

You could have at least quoted me if you are gonna mock me. Be a man.

- - -

I'll say what's been said, he's done more than any other President.

I think I'm yet to ever defend Trump. Rather, I tend to implore that people condemn him well.

Whether this was a "joke" or not, its pretty concerning that any president would say this:
"He's the head of the country. And I mean, he is the strong head," Trump said in the interview. "Don't let anyone think any different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.

Essentially Trump "joked" that he wants to be a dictator on live TV. Gaff or not, you have to be a special kind of stupid to say something like that.
I don't believe that you've condemned him well.

He didn't say that he wants to be a dictator at all. What he actually said is in essence that he admires the situation of being able to have the ear of the people.

Many people are strong heads of companies, groups, countries, and have people "sit up at attention" when they speak, but have wonderful actions and goals. "Strong head" as a descriptor says nothing of motivation or practises. It more or less points out the individual's forthrightness, and ability to impart their will. It can mean truly glorious or truly diabolical results, or anything in between.

Note that being a dictator does not dissolve the possibility that a person could also be a strong leader in their own right.

To be honest, if I read the words on a screen I can be fairly pragmatic, but if I watch and hear him say those same words I get more of a punch him in the face type of feeling. In both situations though, my challenge is to condemn him well, or shut up. If I was to condemn him poorly, that would count as a win for him, and I've seen plenty of wins for Trump at the hands of people that hate Trump, on this forum.
Hands up iPhone using Trump fans in the US.

The new tariff on China may make them 25% more expensive, you might want to start getting used to android.

Actually that's not the bit that could be most concerning, it's the inclusion of the type of components (pipes, electrical componenrs, etc) that a lot of US manufacturers will be using to produce finished goods.

That has the potential to impact Jobs in the manufacturing sector as well as the finished goods price. It gets potentially doubled down on when you look at the tariffs on metals that some will also need bring hit by tariffs.
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I think I'm yet to ever defend Trump
There's a first time for everything.
He didn't say that he wants to be a dictator at all. What he actually said is in essence that he admires the situation of being able to have the ear of the people.
If this is the case, perhaps he should have shown a little humility and emphasized in follow up interviews that he considered the situation to be his fault for not being a stronger head rather than doubling down on the "fake news" agenda and blaming others for not getting his "joke".

I get the feeling that as things stand it sounds like he's berating the American public (or as he called them, "his people") for not standing to attention and pricking their ears up when he speaks rather than perhaps acknowledging his own shortcomings as a leader for not getting his message across more effectively. I'm not sure that could be seen as a win for Trump under any circumstances.
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Buddy, you know I usually share and support the same views as you.

But what Trump said was still an awfully concerning remark. I still don't think he's anywhere near some of Hitler-comparisons a few nutjobs like to tout in the rest of the social media world, but at the end of the day, Kim's people sit up and pay attention because their lives may literally depend on it. We live in a country however, where our flag is practically bound by law to be given more respect when it's flown than any President.

Yeah, there's a bit of repetitive criticisms, but meh personally.... They're far more tame & mature than what could be posted.
My issue with Trumps comment and then attempts to pass it off as a joke is that I could take it as that if it were a single incident.

It's however not, but rather it's a pattern of behaviour that has also included (but is not limited to) praise for the concept of a President for life, attacks on the leaders of democracies as being weak and praise of authoritarian or dictatorial leaders as strong, a willingness to pardon those who break the law on what is seen as supporting him (which Rudi has just repeated would be a way to clean up after the FBI) and his constant attacks on the press and by extension the first amendment.

In isolation any of these should raise eyebrows, as a package they point to a very worrying trend of an individual who seems to have deeply authoritarian leanings that are at odds with what have long been core US values.
My issue with Trumps comment and then attempts to pass it off as a joke is that I could take it as that if it were a single incident.

It's however not, but rather it's a pattern of behaviour that has also included (but is not limited to) praise for the concept of a President for life, attacks on the leaders of democracies as being weak and praise of authoritarian or dictatorial leaders as strong, a willingness to pardon those who break the law on what is seen as supporting him (which Rudi has just repeated would be a way to clean up after the FBI) and his constant attacks on the press and by extension the first amendment.

In isolation any of these should raise eyebrows, as a package they point to a very worrying trend of an individual who seems to have deeply authoritarian leanings that are at odds with what have long been core US values.

Maybe Trump can see that his presidency is coming to an end in the near future and he’s making a career move into stand up comedy?

I mean, him joking with the prime minster of Japan that he could send over 25m Mexicans and have him loose his leadership is HILARIOUS
I'll say what's been said, he's done more than any other President.
He may or may not have ventured more than any other, though a number of active leaders and involved parties have been a part of the effort, so we only have what he's told us he's done and he's clearly prone to exaggeration.

Still, venture ≠ accomplishment.

Nothing happens over night.
See above.

We got them to officially close the test site they destroyed already...
What does that even mean? Did they put up a sign?


I don't get why y'all throw your arms in the air every time he says something, stupid or not. He's not gonna change.
Pattern of behavior inappropriate for an individual of his station. Does the justice system cease to attempt to punish repeat offenders on the basis of them not being likely to change?

And the repetitiveness from the left is getting old to us in the news/social media.
Yeah, because conservatives lavished praise on Obama.

You could have at least quoted me if you are gonna mock me.
I didn't deem it necessary as I wasn't addressing you directly.
I'm not sure why we need a space force, but I'd be lying if the sci-fi nerd inside me isn't jumping for joy. All I can picture is Starship Troopers.

Seriously though, if anything it'll at least give a budget to the space program and potentially push technology forward a bit. I mean we did get GPS as a result of the military so maybe we can get something useful like that again.

I'm not sure why we need a space force, but I'd be lying if the sci-fi nerd inside me isn't jumping for joy. All I can picture is Starship Troopers.

Seriously though, if anything it'll at least give a budget to the space program and potentially push technology forward a bit. I mean we did get GPS as a result of the military so maybe we can get something useful like that again.

It's not as dumb as it sounds. You want military spacecraft (such as GPS or surveillance), and maybe military space capabilities (such as ICBMS, and anti-ICBMs), and yet, who handles that? Air force? NASA? Navy? I kinda like it.

This is not a new direction for the military, it's more of a reorganization.
I don't know, but I suspect there is a subtext involved in this plan to set up this new "space control" branch of the armed forces. Firstly, I suspect many Republicans are unhappy with NASA and would like to cut down its budget and mission. Secondly, I suspect the administration would like to put weapons into space, and do it as covertly as possible. I believe this is a potential violation of a commitment we have not to weaponize space. Finally, I foresee a major relaxation of safety and pollution risks coming about. I'd like to be wrong.
It's not as dumb as it sounds.

You want military spacecraft (such as GPS or surveillance), and maybe military space capabilities (such as ICBMS, and anti-ICBMs), and yet, who handles that? Air force?
The idea isn't lost on me, and I'm not inherently opposed to it. I'm not convinced "Space Force" (or even the same separate agency but with a much less ridiculous name--I can't help but picture Nicolas Cage in a space suit when I read that) is the way to go, though. Why not the Air Force?

This is not a new direction for the military, it's more of a reorganization.
Government/military reorganization strikes me as just another way of saying "money pit."

Is it really that bad?
Well...single, double and triple facepalms seemed insufficient. Is a duodecuple facepalm appropriate? It'll have to do...

I mean we might actually venture in to space and learn something.
Because that hasn't happened in the absence of "Space Force"...

Oh look, there's Nick again. "Yes, I see your dinosaur skull. Yes, it's very nice. No...I don't want to put my hand in its mouth."
More like stepping foot on something other than the moon.
NASA's Mariner 4 spacecraft, launched November 28, 1964, performed a flyby of Mars on July 15, 1965 at a distance of 6,118 miles.

To put things into perspective, that launch was mere months after Trump enrolled at Fordham University (yep, good ol' "Eff You").

Just what makes you think "Space Force" is going to play a more pivotal role than NASA (operating as though it hadn't been kneecapped as seems likely during this joke of an administration) in putting man on the red planet?