America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Can someone brief me on these apparent cages undocumented immigrant children are being put in after being forcibly taken away from their parents?

Today I heard that Ann Coulter has called them crisis actors, which would seem to be a disgusting thing to say but par for the course for a witch like her. But I can't profess to know exactly what the true story is without being influenced by the more emotional outbursts about it from elsewhere.

Are they really being put in caged pens and wailing uncontrollably? What's it all about?
Can someone brief me on these apparent cages undocumented immigrant children are being put in after being forcibly taken away from their parents?

Today I heard that Ann Coulter has called them crisis actors, which would seem to be a disgusting thing to say but par for the course for a witch like her. But I can't profess to know exactly what the true story is without being influenced by the more emotional outbursts about it from elsewhere.

Are they really being put in caged pens and wailing uncontrollably? What's it all about?

I can't answer your question but have an extra one. To me it seems only america has these talks of crisisactors.

Where does this idea come from? Have there been known cases?

Also has anyone suggesting things like sandy hook were staged with crisis actors ever stopped to think about how an elaborate plan it must have been to be staged? It's almost on the level of flat earthers imo.
I can't answer your question but have an extra one. To me it seems only america has these talks of crisisactors.

Where does this idea come from? Have there been known cases?

Also has anyone suggesting things like sandy hook were staged with crisis actors ever stopped to think about how an elaborate plan it must have been to be staged? It's almost on the level of flat earthers imo.

My understand is that crisis actors are actually used in training exercises and are a real thing.
The problem comes in that they became included in conspiracy theories around mass shootings. The NRA and associates where able to tie these theories into 'fake news' to help propagate the idea in order to dismiss criticism and muddy the waters (so to speak).
It now seems to be used for anything the American Right want to dismiss, without any evidence to back up these claims.

I imagine if 9/11 had happened under Obama, then the conspiracies around that would be far more widely accepted among certain demographics.
Can someone brief me on these apparent cages undocumented immigrant children are being put in after being forcibly taken away from their parents?

Today I heard that Ann Coulter has called them crisis actors, which would seem to be a disgusting thing to say but par for the course for a witch like her. But I can't profess to know exactly what the true story is without being influenced by the more emotional outbursts about it from elsewhere.

Are they really being put in caged pens and wailing uncontrollably? What's it all about?


Audio here:

There's a good explainer of the situation here:
Bloody immigrants, coming here, reducing our crime!
Not quite.
As in the previous year, about 30% of all suspects were not German nationals; the absolute number fell from 616,230 in 2016 to 599,357 in 2017. Of this number, 27.9% were asylum applicants, beneficiaries of national or international protection, persons granted asylum status, persons whose deportation has been temporarily suspended, refugees admitted under humanitarian relief programmes or foreigners residing in Germany illegally. This group accounts for 8.5% of all suspects (2016: 8.6%).
Not quite.

As in the previous year, about 30% of all suspects were not German nationals; the absolute number fell from 616,230 in 2016 to 599,357 in 2017. Of this number, 27.9% were asylum applicants, beneficiaries of national or international protection, persons granted asylum status, persons whose deportation has been temporarily suspended, refugees admitted under humanitarian relief programmes or foreigners residing in Germany illegally. This group accounts for 8.5% of all suspects (2016: 8.6%).

Do you have a link for this quote? I can't see it in the link @Scaff posted and I'm confused by the wording.
The idea isn't lost on me, and I'm not inherently opposed to it. I'm not convinced "Space Force" (or even the same separate agency but with a much less ridiculous name--I can't help but picture Nicolas Cage in a space suit when I read that) is the way to go, though. Why not the Air Force?

Totally different technology, different support, different training, different mission. You might as well have said why not the post office?

Having worked in the space industry for a long time, and having an aerospace engineering degree (in which you must choose whether you're specializing in air or space, because they diverge in a big way), I think it makes sense. It makes more sense than the coast guard, which should probably be navy. If we're worried about spending, let's roll the coast guard into the navy so that we have a conservation of branches of armed forces.

My real issue with the space force is that it's not the new branch of the military I'd have created first. The new branch I'd have created first is the cyber force, for dealing with international hacking. Especially in light of foreign governments trying to hack our elections, I'd think this would make a huge amount of sense, and was more pressing. Since we're conserving branches of armed forces, I'd say let's roll the marines into the army or navy to compensate. I'll say navy because it's in the name marines, but I just rolled Coast Guard into Navy so let's roll Marines into the army.

So here's my proposal:

Navy/Coast Guard -> Navy Force
Army / Marines -> Army Force
Air Force
Space Force
Cyber Force

In the video (can't see the video on my work pc)? Also, I said it was a quote, and included the quote, in quote tags...?

Oh right, sorry I guess I need to source your quotes, I keep forgetting how this 'discussion' works...

Ah I see, it makes a bit more sense now you've linked where the actual quote came from, thanks.

Edit: though, I guess, I should point out that my original post, was a joke... that if inaccurate, only makes the joke even more valid and hilarious...
In the video (can't see the video on my work pc)? Also, I said it was a quote, and included the quote, in quote tags...?

Oh right, sorry I guess I need to source your quotes, I keep forgetting how this 'discussion' works...

Ah I see, it makes a bit more sense now you've linked where the actual quote came from, thanks.
Yes, all of 20 minutes to get it in place. You're a little quick with the bitterness. Sorry for making you wait soooooo looooong.
Ding ding ding.

Republicans have been trying to silence NASA on the climate change front for years, now, and this silly Space Force is just another part of the effort to kill NASA for good. :rolleyes:

NASA should be about exploration. There's nothing about a military "Space Force" that takes away from that.
Base building? You mean we could really have a moon base? 2001 A Space Odyssey is coming true! I just hope they find a monolith.
I see your point but in Trump's announcement the goals were all exploration and base-building as a part of that.

I don't really take anything in that press release seriously, including the existence of the Space Force. I think that was a sales pitch more than anything.

But you're right, if Trump really wants the space force to get humans to Mars, or whatever, that's a big overlap with NASA. I don't think our military would actually act on that. I would consider it monumentally misguided if Trump actually wants a space force to do what NASA already does.
In the past 70 years, Congress has shown clear reluctance to approve any new military branches, including "space forces". Early signs are there is still resistance from at least the Senate and from probably most general officers, usually on cost and bureaucracy grounds. But if there is a credible national security case (yet to be made) for militarizing space, it could gain bipartisan support. Once Congress gets on a national security military/industrial/media bandwagon, like after 9/11/01, then cost, treaties, prudence and caution mean next to nothing. :grumpy:
Pretty sure that we couldnt build a military base on the moon as we have treaties with other nations that specifically say so, not that Trump is too key on following treaties that go against his supreme will.
Totally different technology, different support, different training, different mission. You might as well have said why not the post office?

Having worked in the space industry for a long time, and having an aerospace engineering degree (in which you must choose whether you're specializing in air or space, because they diverge in a big way), I think it makes sense. It makes more sense than the coast guard, which should probably be navy. If we're worried about spending, let's roll the coast guard into the navy so that we have a conservation of branches of armed forces.

My real issue with the space force is that it's not the new branch of the military I'd have created first. The new branch I'd have created first is the cyber force, for dealing with international hacking. Especially in light of foreign governments trying to hack our elections, I'd think this would make a huge amount of sense, and was more pressing. Since we're conserving branches of armed forces, I'd say let's roll the marines into the army or navy to compensate. I'll say navy because it's in the name marines, but I just rolled Coast Guard into Navy so let's roll Marines into the army.

So here's my proposal:

Navy/Coast Guard -> Navy Force
Army / Marines -> Army Force
Air Force
Space Force
Cyber Force
To be fair, Marines are already overseen by the Navy, and Air Force could go back to the Army, since thats the branch it was originally a part of. Also, the Coast Guard and Navy, while both being on the water, have greatly different roles. Navy, being a part of the military, cannot provide enforcement against US civilians. The coast guard on the other hand is more like a police force for US waters
Navy, being a part of the military, cannot provide enforcement against US civilians.

They can. They can do so in international waters by default and can act domestically in support of the President if he sees fit to command them to do so under the 2000-something Insurrection Act.
I got to read some of the IG report and I see what y'all want to point out.
But I call BS. There is collusion, I don't care what y'all or the IG said. Just like Hillary didn't do anything illegal... I don't need to read the IGs review to put 2+2 together myself.
I got to read some of the IG report and I see what y'all want to point out.
But I call BS. There is collusion, I don't care what y'all or the IG said. Just like Hillary didn't do anything illegal... I don't need to read the IGs review to put 2+2 together myself.
So, let me see if I've got this straight...

You've remained steadfast in the belief that there's nothing to the investigation into Trump's campaign and presumed involvement on the part of Russian actors (no, I don't mean like Evgeniy Lazarev--rather actors as in "those that take part in") despite a great many indictments, numerous guilty pleas [from individuals directly involved in the campaign and those connected to individuals directly involved in the campaign] to charges of lying to federal investigators and the recent arrest of Paul Manafort on charges of witness tampering, but as soon as information drops regarding comments and allusions made in texts between individuals in a relationship, you want somebody's head on a pike.

It's not as dumb as it sounds. You want military spacecraft (such as GPS or surveillance), and maybe military space capabilities (such as ICBMS, and anti-ICBMs), and yet, who handles that? Air force? NASA? Navy? I kinda like it.

The Air Force handles that.