America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

I'm going to come right out and say that I'm PROFOUNDLY dubious of poll results--and by extension the polling body--that allude to the likelihood of civil war in the United States. This is somehow both entirely separate from, and on top of, my existing reluctance to put faith into polling.
I don't understand - why would they? Interestingly the numbers don't seem so different from the Obama-era poll they conducted. I consider myself quite liberal (ie well to the right of a Leftist) and I couldn't give two hoots what 300-ish people think about the chance of Britain's strongest ally being torn apart by civil war. The USA has been in worse places than this and come through, after all.
We are already seeing increasing incidents of intolerance and violence perpetrated by liberals upon conservatives. I guess it's due to Trump anxiety syndrome or Trump derangement syndrome. If another "right wing" conservative is appointed to the high court, the bottom falls out of the hopes for the future of the liberal/progressive project over probably the next few decades. The poll merely reinforces the point that more polarization and violence is on the way. You don't need Nostradamus to see that much.
We are already seeing increasing incidents of intolerance and violence perpetrated by liberals upon conservatives.
Of course it's a one way street....

I guess it's due to Trump anxiety syndrome or Trump derangement syndrome. If another "right wing" conservative is appointed to the high court, the bottom falls out of the hopes for the future of the liberal/progressive project over probably the next few decades.
.....and has nothing at all to do with it being normalised by 45 and his followers.

The poll merely reinforces the point that more polarization and violence is on the way. You don't need Nostradamus to see that much.
The poll is from a company with a track record of right leaning results, with a methodology that targets those who are traditionally of that bent (excluding mobile/cellular phones from telephone surveys for example) and in question phrasing.

Personally I see democracy in the US dying with a whimper more likely than a bang.
We are already seeing increasing incidents of intolerance and violence perpetrated by liberals upon conservatives.

And I don't mean that there are incidents of intolerance and violence perpetrated by liberals upon conservatives, but that such incidents are increasing.
Yes, exactly. Many SCOTUS votes end up right down party lines. The only thing that is clear cut is you can usually rely on each judge to vote in a certain way regardless of the issue.
Not really

Liberals are going to go stark raving bonkers over this. Even without this Supremo disaster, 31% say civil war is likely within 5 years according to this:

Good luck winning that one

The Left in 2018: Unhinged

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Try to tell me something I don't know
Is there somewhere in the AUP that says we have to balance out every post with equal material from all sides of the political spectrum?
Nope, which is why I didn't mention the AUP at all (no idea why you assumed I was making a reference to it).

I was asking questions, the use of question marks to end the sentences was the clue you should have picked up on.
Nope, which is why I didn't mention the AUP at all (no idea why you assumed I was making a reference to it).

I was asking questions, the use of question marks to end the sentences was the clue you should have picked up on.
The inference is contained in the question that somehow there's an expectation that we must provide balance in our posting so I wondered if it was in the a part of the AUP I wasn't familiar with. I was asking a question, the use of a question mark to end the sentence was the clue you should have picked up on as well.
The inference is contained in the question that somehow there's an expectation that we must provide balance in our posting so I wondered if it was in the a part of the AUP I wasn't familiar with. I was asking a question, the use of a question mark to end the sentence was the clue you should have picked up on as well.
A question I answered, in detail, explaining why the question makes no sense in the context of what I had posted.

I do find it odd you needed to ask given that you recently said you didn't need a reminder of what's in the AUP (and you can easily check the AUP anytime you like).

Oh and allow me to explain from my viewpoint, no balance exists here, it certainly seems that the use of violence and threats is greater on the right and this current situation is to a great degree a result of it's normalisation by the right and 45 himself.
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That's your job,not mine
Good job I did then.

And you think your video is a valid comparison to the hate spewing from leftists about Trump. You will have to do better than that.
What about the murder of one and the injury of 18 in a single incident?

What about the far-right, neo-nazi festival of hate spewing that was at its core enabled by 45 (very good people) that resulted in the above?
Good job I did then.

What about the murder of one and the injury of 18 in a single incident?

What about the far-right, neo-nazi festival of hate spewing that was at its core enabled by 45 (very good people) that resulted in the above?
The events you mention have nothing to do with mainstream Republicans . Not unlike the attempts by the left to compare Trump to Hitler who murdered millions of people or the KKK which was associated with the Democratic Party for over 30 years
to compare Trump to Hitler who murdered millions of people or the KKK which was associated with the Democratic Party for over 30 years

Yes, that's the worst thing the KKK ever did. Especially galling considering it's in the same sentence as the clause before it.

Anyone with even a modicum of sense will appreciate and understand the differences and shifts in the Democrat and Republican parties "then" and "now"
The events you mention have nothing to do with mainstream Republicans . Not unlike the attempts by the left to compare Trump to Hitler who murdered millions of people or the KKK which was associated with the Democratic Party for over 30 years
You may want to take a look at how you phrased your initial post, if you can use the generic term 'left' then I'm going to respond and rebute in the same manner, you don't to move the goalposts without being called out for doing so.

Nice attempt at ignoring the polar shift the two parties underwent quite a few decades ago as well - you seem to forget a former grand wizard citing Trump as an enabling force for the cause - ditto for various at-right, far-right, neo-nazi, ethno-nationalist, etc groups - very fine people is a phrase you don't get to pretend wasn't used by 45 in reference to them.
The events you mention have nothing to do with mainstream Republicans . Not unlike the attempts by the left to compare Trump to Hitler who murdered millions of people or the KKK which was associated with the Democratic Party for over 30 years
The KKK has been in existence for 150 years. Which party are they most associated with today?

Republicans have been members of the Klan since the 1920s.
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The KKK has been in existence for 150 years. Which party are they most associated with today?

Republicans have been members of the Klan since the 1920s.
The guy on the top of your list was a prominent Democrat for more than half a century. One of the two Presidents in your link, alleged to be associated with the Klan, is also a Democrat. The Klan was founded to counter the Reconstruction aims of the Republican party after the Civil War. Their goals aligned perfectly with the southern Democrats, the so-called plantation class of the day.
The guy on the top of your list was a prominent Democrat for more than half a century. One of the two Presidents in your link, alleged to be associated with the Klan, is also a Democrat. The Klan was founded to counter the Reconstruction aims of the Republican party after the Civil War. Their goals aligned perfectly with the southern Democrats, the so-called plantation class of the day.
But its not "of the day" its today, and today white supremacy groups tend to align with the conservative right, not the liberal left.
But looking back at that history, it is pretty strange how the two parties seem to have flip flopped a bit.
But its not "of the day" its today, and today white supremacy groups tend to align with the conservative right, not the liberal left.
But looking back at that history, it is pretty strange how the two parties seem to have flip flopped a bit.
Fringe groups of all kinds are free to claim association with anyone they like. Is there any evidence that the Republican party encourages and accepts the support of the KKK?
It is important to note not one critic of my video post about the left being unhinged has referenced any of it's content but has engaged in a lot of but but but but this and that statements. Typical tactic I have encountered many times before
Democrats and Republicans are both terrible. Both want to limit your rights, control the country to benefit whoever gives them the most money, and ignore the Constitution. Trying to figure out which side is worse is like trying to figure out which STD is the best to have.

It's funny to see the sides fight one another, especially since only a handful of things actually separate them.
It is important to note not one critic of my video post about the left being unhinged has referenced any of it's content but has engaged in a lot of but but but but this and that statements. Typical tactic I have encountered many times before
The content isn't as relevant as the point @Scaff made.
Nope, as my point was (and remains) that you will find extremists on both sides, and that its not limited to one.
Democrats and Republicans are both terrible. Both want to limit your rights, control the country to benefit whoever gives them the most money, and ignore the Constitution. Trying to figure out which side is worse is like trying to figure out which STD is the best to have.

It's funny to see the sides fight one another, especially since only a handful of things actually separate them.'ll ruin all the fun:lol:

Disclaimer. This post is entirely in jest and in no way, shape or form am I telling Joey D or any other member what they can or cannot post, what they should or should not post.