America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
You presume too much. There's no gripe.

Alright man, fair enough. Just seemed to me that you were definitely suggesting there are more important things to be concerned about than a couple FBI agents smashing and texting each other.


CNN reporter tweeting Mueller returned another indictment today, and on a presumably related note, Rosenstein is about to hold a presser.
It wouldn't be great for the credibility of anyone dismissing this as a fruitless witch hunt.
In this case, as I understand it, the "witch hunt" is entirely about Putin and no Americans are implicated in this indictment. According to NPR radio anyway. So who, other than Putin, should be worried about Russians accused of spying, when only Russians are being indicted and implicated?
Ok, I've been trying to find evidence that we(the US) would fail from Democratic Socialism. While there is no evidence of failure like SOME Socialist/Communist countries.
I still believe we'd fail.
While the new generation wants the government to control and provide everything for them, there is still a very large part of America that wants to stay as we are, Capitalist.
We've seen the roits over our President, I really believe the same people who voted for Trump will not be happy with changing to a system that fail when our founding fathers tried it.
So as usual I have no evidence except my gut instinct.
I honestly can't wrap my head around the idea people want the government running EVERYTHING when they can't even run themselves...

I do not accept defeat in this debate, I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens.
We have? Where/when?
How have you missed some of the violent protests?
Who is calling for the government to run all-caps everything?
Anyone who wants a Socialist Nation IMO.
We aren't Socialist, but guess what? Our government practically controls everything anyways.We don't need more government control. As I said, they can't even manage our current budget.
I'll be damned if I'm going to pay 60ish% tax like Denmark.
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Care to provide specifics?

And who wants that?
Seriously? Regardless of side, crap hit the fan a number of times at his rallies during the pre-election*.

Oddly a good number of people as I was told here by someone.
At some point I said no one wants a Socialist America or something along the lines. And they said, well obviously some do.
It was a mod or emeritus I think, anyway...
Seriously? Regardless of side, crap hit the fan a number of times at his rallies during the pre-election*.

Yes, seriously. Who "roited" and why?

Oddly a good number of people as I was told here by someone.
At some point I said no one wants a Socialist America or something along the lines. And they said, well obviously some do.
It was a mod or emeritus I think, anyway...

Seems to me like you're still utterly ignorant of the differences between socialism and Democratic Socialism, and I've not seen anybody promoting the former. So, which form are you claiming that "a good number of people" here want?
Yes, seriously. Who "roited" and why?

Seems to me like you're still utterly ignorant of the differences between socialism and Democratic Socialism, and I've not seen anybody promoting the former. So, which form are you claiming that "a good number of people" here want?
Not here but SM in general.
I know right, I can't figure out why it's so hard for people accept the fact a good portion of America don't want to be Socialist.
As much as y'all are y'all must want it to. If so we're done...:rolleyes:
Chinese Stock Exchange in freefall, bear market underway, on track for worst year since 2011. How are those tariffs working for you China?

How have you missed some of the violent protests?
Anyone who wants a Socialist Nation IMO.
We aren't Socialist, but guess what? Our government practically controls everything anyways.We don't need more government control. As I said, they can't even manage our current budget.
I'll be damned if I'm going to pay 60ish% tax like Denmark.

The US is already socialist to an extent. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, bailouts, wealth redistribution, etc. are all socialist ideals that the US already does.

And the biggest reason we can't manage our budget is our out of control spending. We spend way too much on a healthcare system that doesn't work and a military that is needlessly to large. Cut both of those back and our spending wouldn't be so nuts. Also, our taxes would go down meaning I would no longer be paying more than my fair share.

Chinese Stock Exchange in freefall, bear market underway, on track for worst year since 2011. How are those tariffs working for you China?

Unfortunately, the same thing will probably happen here in the US as well as the trade war escalates. Michigan and the automotive industry is already particularly screwed with the tariffs.

Free trade is still the best policy and the government should not get involved with trying to artificially control the economy. Not to mention it's also unconstitutional.