America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Interesting how mixed people can be. Well im from Australia but my parents are from Turkey.

Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia its no surpising that the country is so mixed country while at the same time their language comes from Central Asia mixed in with Arabic and Persian words.

Iran comes as no surprise to be honest because the Persians conquered and settled in Anatolia. Many people dont know that Turks are Muslim today due to Islamic missionary activity due to Iranians because of this Iranians also spread their culture among the Turks leading to the Turco-Persian tradition where the Seljuks took this to Anatolia.

Usa's Dna basically is from every nation from European, African, Native to Central and South American. Quite a mix to be honest.

I guess everyone is african at some point. It does put racism in perspective.
I guess you missed some posts. She never claimed being an indian. She only claimed being of indian heritage. Like you have iranian and italian heritage. It was Trump who said she thinks that she is Indian, calling her Pocahontas. read this article for the facts:
Bull. The Boston Globe themselves reported that it is how she got the job at Harvard. Source She then used that to get her current job in the Senate, outing a brilliant man in the process. If Trump is the one pushing the issue, then that means that there is some kind of fake going on, and he is trying to push it as a political weapon.
Bull. The Boston Globe themselves reported that it is how she got the job at Harvard. Source She then used that to get her current job in the Senate, outing a brilliant man in the process. If Trump is the one pushing the issue, then that means that there is some kind of fake going on, and he is trying to push it as a political weapon.

Did you read the article yourself at all???

Quote from the very article you linked:

"Two key people who recruited her to Harvard have said they did not know of her purported heritage or take it into account when hiring her. The school did not promote her as a Native American when she was hired, despite the fact that it was under intense pressure to diversify its faculty with more minorities."

Like I said. The whole narrative of her using a fake heritage to advance herself had already been debunked. And even if she did, there is proof that she is of indian heritage.

Trump is a bully. Why do you think he gives people derogatory nicknames. Only bullies do that.

There's the outrage...


Except he debunked his own post by posting a link that says the opposite what he was saying.
Bull. The Boston Globe themselves reported that it is how she got the job at Harvard. Source She then used that to get her current job in the Senate, outing a brilliant man in the process. If Trump is the one pushing the issue, then that means that there is some kind of fake going on, and he is trying to push it as a political weapon.
I think there is zero doubt that she used that one tenth of 1% DNA to her advantage.
Did you read the article yourself at all???

Quote from the very article you linked:

"Two key people who recruited her to Harvard have said they did not know of her purported heritage or take it into account when hiring her. The school did not promote her as a Native American when she was hired, despite the fact that it was under intense pressure to diversify its faculty with more minorities."

Like I said. The whole narrative of her using a fake heritage to advance herself had already been debunked. And even if she did, there is proof that she is of indian heritage.

Trump is a bully. Why do you think he gives people derogatory nicknames. Only bullies do that.

Except he debunked his own post by posting a link that says the opposite what he was saying.
Harvard is currently embroiled in a discrimination lawsuit that could easily run into the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. I wouldn't trust anything any Harvard employee says at this point when it comes to favorable treatment for one particular group or the other.
I think there is zero doubt that she used that one tenth of 1% DNA to her advantage.

Harvard is currently embroiled in a discrimination lawsuit that could easily run into the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. I wouldn't trust anything any Harvard employee says at this point when it comes to favorable treatment for one particular group or the other.

Zero doubt? Where is your proof?

@Sanji Himura himself referenced this article as proof as her misusing her heritage. And to be clear this article is from 2012.
Except he debunked his own post by posting a link that says the opposite what he was saying.
My apologies for any confusion I may have caused, but it wasn't my intention to state that the post above my own indicated outrage--something I previously requested from the user who submitted from the post, and that they have been unable to provide despite repeatedly stating there's outrage. My intention was to suggest that the post above my own appeared to be indicative of outrage, which is to say that the user who submitted the post appeared to be outraged by the matter.

Zero doubt? Where is your proof?
In fairness, the user you quoted stated "I think" and may not be compelled to offer anything to support the assertion.

@Sanji Himura himself referenced this article as proof as her misusing her heritage. And to be clear this article is from 2012.
In fairness, the aforementioned lawsuit was filed in 2014 and may very well allege activities were carried out well prior to the date of filing.

That said, I can't imagine the user you quoted would have brought up the aforementioned lawsuit had the article stated Harvard employees confirmed preferential treatment for Warren due to claiming Native American heritage, as doing so would not support the user's chosen narrative.
My apologies for any confusion I may have caused, but it wasn't my intention to state that the post above my own indicated outrage--something I previously requested from the user who submitted from the post, and that they have been unable to provide despite repeatedly stating there's outrage. My intention was to suggest that the post above my own appeared to be indicative of outrage, which is to say that the user who submitted the post appeared to be outraged by the matter.

In fairness, the user you quoted stated "I think" and may not be compelled to offer anything to support the assertion.

In fairness, the aforementioned lawsuit was filed in 2014 and may very well allege activities were carried out well prior to the date of filing.

That said, I can't imagine the user you quoted would have brought up the aforementioned lawsuit had the article stated Harvard employees confirmed preferential treatment for Warren due to claiming Native American heritage, as doing so would not support the user's chosen narrative.

That made it somewhat clearer. You referenced a lawsuit? I didnt see any mention in my research?

The user posted the link himself that contradicted the narrative he chose:

Bull. The Boston Globe themselves reported that it is how she got the job at Harvard. Source She then used that to get her current job in the Senate, outing a brilliant man in the process. If Trump is the one pushing the issue, then that means that there is some kind of fake going on, and he is trying to push it as a political weapon.
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I may not know economics, but I do know a lying hypocrite when I see one... it blows my mind that people still support him and think hes a great president. I think I am going to invest in Brawno...
It doesn't take an economist to know that a fund overseen by the World Bank isn't the same as a fund overseen by a candidate for President. I also fail to see how the President's daughter coming up with an idea for a charitable fund that takes off and is apparently up to $1Billion, would reflect poorly on Trump.


I may not know economics, but I do know a lying hypocrite when I see one... it blows my mind that people still support him and think hes a great president.
I can just imagine the meeting that resulted in that plan.

Crown Prince: "We owe Donald Trump money for tip-toeing around the recent unpleasantness, but we must do our best to avoid suspicion. Any ideas?"

Minion: "We could donate to a fund inspired by that daughter of his whom he creeps around and says inappropriate things about, and channel it all through World Bank."

Crown Prince: "Promote that man--"

Minion: "We should also combine efforts with the UAE for added deniability."

Crown Prince: "--and give him a raise!"

Minion: "Thank you, sir. The best part is his base will jump at the opportunity to deny any impropriety."

Crown Prince: "Don't push it." *presses button on intercom* "Tracy, get in touch with that Trump daughter that had the clothing line made in China and arrange a visit for her and her pasty wife."

Tracy: "Yes Mr. Palmer."

Crown Prince: "Tracy, how many times do I have to tell you that my name isn't Mr. Palmer?" *click*

I think I am going to invest in Brawno...
What's that?

What's that?

If you want to now where Trump's USA is headed, watch Idiocracy.
I think I'm going to pass. I like Terry Crews, and I'm given to understand Thomas Haden Church, Stephen Root and Sara Rue (all of whom I like) have small parts, but if I want to see what appears to be a stupid movie starring Owen Wilson's less famous brother, I'll watch Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. It's exactly the sort of movie I tend to avoid (Office Space surprised me, I admit), and judging by the trailer, it has the potential to oust Bio-Dome as the worst movie I have ever seen.

Beyond that, I don't believe the current situation to be the new normal, but an aberration and a cosmic joke. Then again I'm an optimist, even if I often bear a cynic's view of the world.
I think I'm going to pass. I like Terry Crews, and I'm given to understand Thomas Haden Church, Stephen Root and Sara Rue (all of whom I like) have small parts, but if I want to see what appears to be a stupid movie starring Owen Wilson's less famous brother, I'll watch Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. It's exactly the sort of movie I tend to avoid (Office Space surprised me, I admit), and judging by the trailer, it has the potential to oust Bio-Dome as the worst movie I have ever seen.

Beyond that, I don't believe the current situation to be the new normal, but an aberration and a cosmic joke. Then again I'm an optimist, even if I often bear a cynic's view of the world.

Actually the movie is a deceptively smart satire in the spirit of officespace. Idiocracy has 76% on rotten tomatoes, bio-dome only has 5%.
So I take offense to the comparison!
Four women in Texas arrested in organized voter fraud ring in favour of the Democrats

Members of an organized voter fraud ring have been arrested and indicted on charges they targeted and, in one case stole, the votes of elderly voters on Fort Worth’s north side.

Four people were arrested — Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis and Laura Parra — after being indicted on 30 felony counts of voter fraud, according to a statement from the Texas Attorney General’s Office.

These people allegedly were paid to target older voters on the north side “in a scheme to generate a large number of mail ballots and then harvest those ballots for specific candidates in 2016,” the statement read.
People breaking the law? Who has ever heard of such a thing? :lol:

Is this supposed to be an attempt at mocking me? If so you really need to try harder since this just comes off as you being a condescending jackass. :rolleyes:

The myth is there is widespread voterfraud. This has been debunked multiple times by both the democratic and the republican party.

But, the Russians! :lol: ;)
I think that @Johnnypenso's point is dispelling the myth of there is no voter fraud in our elections...
As this is a discussion forum, I don't see anything wrong with one user responding on behalf of another, but it might be pertinent to note that the user for whom you've chosen to respond has opted to denigrate others for doing such a thing. prepared for that.

I'm not sure anyone truly thinks the convention of voter fraud is a myth--that there are laws against it suggests it's been shown to exist--but I've no doubt that efforts have been made to dispel the notion that it's as rampant or as one-sided as indicated in some narratives. Hell, I seem to recall reading about a conservative political commentator who was known to discuss the matter and a presumed one-sidedness being charged for and convicted of voter fraud.

It's a crime for which there are laws and penalties, and there are those who have been found to perpetrate it. Some of the penalties for perpetrating it are laughable, as it usurps the electoral process, but they're still on the books.
As this is a discussion forum, I don't see anything wrong with one user responding on behalf of another, but it might be pertinent to note that the user for whom you've chosen to respond has opted to denigrate others for doing such a thing. prepared for that.

I'm not sure anyone truly thinks the convention of voter fraud is a myth--that there are laws against it suggests it's been shown to exist--but I've no doubt that efforts have been made to dispel the notion that it's as rampant or as one-sided as indicated in some narratives. Hell, I seem to recall reading about a conservative political commentator who was known to discuss the matter and a presumed one-sidedness being charged for and convicted of voter fraud.

It's a crime for which there are laws and penalties, and there are those who have been found to perpetrate it. Some of the penalties for perpetrating it are laughable, as it usurps the electoral process, but they're still on the books.
Context, it matters to some:
Twas a joke my friend, hence the winking emoji. And please don't go down the road Rex has gone down, despite our differences I do still enjoy talking to you. 👍

No problem:tup:

I do think the decision of the mueller investigation to reveal the report after the midterm election is a good thing. It reminds me how the Comey letter influenced the election. Funny how Trump used that as one of the reasons it cost comey his job.